Fourth Chapter here :D

I got into all honors classes for next year yay~

Updates will be faster!

I do not own Fairy Tail, I only manipulate the characters ;D

Lucy opened her eyes, this was supposed to be relaxing. Instead she had Hibiki, Eve, and Ren flirting with her and Erza. Most girls would swoon over their hosting abilities, but to Lucy they were flat out annoying. (A/N: they remind me of the host club, anyone else?)

Lucy opened her eyes, this was supposed to be relaxing. Instead she had Hibiki, Eve, and Ren flirting with her and Erza. Most girls would swoon over their hosting abilities, but to Lucy they were flat out annoying. (A/N: they remind me of the host club, anyone else?)

"By the way Lucy?" Erza asked as Ren was showering compliments onto her.

"Yes." Lucy closed her eyes trying her best to ignore Hibiki's and Eve's fruitless advances.

"Do you find them annoying?"

"You have no idea..." Lucy mumbled.

Erza became a demon at that moment. "What happened to your MPH? You need to work harder!" Erza chasticed as Hibiki looked guilty. She turned to Ren. "Don't you have Sherry?" Ren looked at the ground. "And shouldn't you be resting?!" Eve looked away and made a muffled reply.

Erza lied back down, content with her scoldings. She closed her eyes. Lucy merely watched, amazed at Titania's succesful way to shut them up.

Ichiya emerged in nothing but a speedo (A/N: puke) and pointed to fingers at Erza.

"Please scold me as well!" Ichiya begged.

"Lets go Lucy..." Erza walked off leaving Lucy to do whatever she wanted.

Lucy left the four men from Blue Pegasus. Lucy looked down into one of the pools and saw the water rippling. Lucy throughly confused looked at the water until Mavis came blasting out splashing Lucy. Lucy walked away and ignored the weird sight.

"Blondie," a familiar shaky voice called from behind Lucy.

Lucy turned around, Flare Corona was behind her.

"I-I'm sorry," Flare looked down.

Lucy smiled. "It's fine!"

Flare left and Lucy once again was bored.

"I guess I'll go to the water slides," Lucy sighed.

"You shouldn't talk to yourself blondie, people will think you're a weirdo."

Lucy turned around only to be met by Sting.

"What are yo u doing here?" Lucy asked.

"I was bored and wanted my new toy to entertain me." he smirked devilishly.

Lucy stared at him with her mouth agape, no words able to come to her at all. Worse of all her face was red, with anger.

"Speechless I see," he nibbled on her ear.

Lucy gained strength and pushed him off of her, "I am not your toy."

"Do you want to be?" he smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"What! NO!" Lucy's face went redder, no she wasn't embarrassed rather she was furious. "Do not go suggesting things like that!"

"Yeah, yeah blondie...come with me." he grabbed her wrist and started dragging her despite her struggles.

"Let me go!"

"Not a chance," he contintued dragging her through the water park until he stopped at an attraction.

"Ride of Trauma? No way!" Lucy shrieked reading the sign.

"Too bad blondie, your riding this whether you like it or not..."

"NEVER!" Lucy planted her feet on the floor firmly, attempting resistance. "You cannot take me alive!"

Sting sweat dropped. "I wasn't going to kill you, I was only going to put you through a insane ride that could cause serious injuries!" Sting told her as if it was perfectly normal.

"I like ice cream :3." Lucy mumbled.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Sting asked running a hand through his smexy blonde hair.

"I have no idea, but the author is in a random mood because she just drank three energy drinks! I have no control!" Lucy told him. "I LOVE STICY!" Lucy blurted. (A/N:Yes Lucy you should)

"What's Sticy?"

"I have no idea..." Lucy trailed off.

"You're creeping me out," Sting backed away.

"I think it's back to normal," Lucy said.

"I hope so blondie, if you said one more weird thing I was going to call a mental ward where you'd stay for the rest of your uneventful life," Sting told her patted her head. "You're really short, you know that?"

Lucy pouted. "No I am not, I'm almost as tall as-"

"A midget." Sting finished cutting her off.

"I wasn't going to say that -.-" Lucy told him flatly.

A loud crash was heard. Lucy's head jerked up looking for the crash. Loud screams were heard

"Hold on! I'm gonna go check something out!" Lucy yelled to Sting.

"I'm coming with you," Sting told her defiantly.

"Fine, but if my guild mates see you, you're on your own."

Sting shrugged and they started running towards the sound. Sting laughed and Lucy gasped.

The park was in utter turmoil. Natsu and Ichiya were running throughout the park laughing about the parfum of youth. Natsu tripped running into Gray and Lyon who were arguing in front of the "Love Slides" a ride were lovers embrace through the entire ride. The force off Natsu caused Gray and Lyon to fall onto the ride hugging each other. Leaving a giggling Juvia who was thinking thoughts about yaoi. Gray and Lyon let out their magic in the shock and froze all the water.

"DON'T FREEZE THE WATER!" cries of protests were heard as people rushed out of the ice.

"Ice?" Natsu laughed. "I can fix that!"

"Don't do it Natsu!" Lucy yelled, but it fell onto deaf ears.

Natsu let out a large fireball onto the ice resulting in teddy bears raining from the clear sky. Just kidding, Natsu's fire and the ice resulted in causing a gigantic explosion. Bodies were whipped around, debris flew everywhere. Everyone was a victim, even the non mages that were enjoying themselves at the esteemed resort.

Erza was sitting on Jellal's face, Lyon and Gray were hugging inside ice crushing Juvia, Max officially went canon with the broom, Cana was sprawled out over the Quatro Cereberus guys, Jenny some how lost her bikini bottoms, and standing upon a block of stone like a king was Natsu who was laughing like he just heard the funniest joke in the entire world. And our beloved celestial spirit mage was stuck on top of the blonde dragon slayer. She was straddling him her face was in a red tint, the pair's lips had met somehow in the mayhem and they were kissing. In Sting's opinion it was a very nice kiss, in Lucy's it was hell.

Lucy realized her rather interesting position and reacted quickly. She jumped up, only to slip on ice that hadn't melted. Lucy let out a scream and felt soft hands grab her shoulders. Lucy opened her eyes to see her sisterly figure, Mira, glaring at Sting.

"What, are you doing here?" venom released itself in her usual sugary sweet voice. Sting was shocked, was this why people were so afraid of her? "I'll give you one chance, tell me."

"What? I cannot enjoy this water park like you guys, that's no way to talk to the mighty Sting Eucliffe from the strongest guild, especially when you're part of the weakest guild." Sting shot back with his own glare. Lucy sighed, he's an idiot.

Mira only laughed. "Us? Weak? Our guild saved the world multiple times, traveled to another world, saved all the guild masters, faced Acnologia, AND," Mira breathed. "Met the black wizard, Zeref, call our guild weak after yours did all of this."

Sting looked shocked then quickly masked it with a smirk. "Our guild doesn't need to do things like that, we don't have to help people, I'm leaving," Sting turned and threw up two fingers. "Bye, Lucy." he turned his head slightly then smirked at her.

Mira glared at the back of his head. "Why did he say bye to you like that?"

"He was hitting on me before the Natsu accident, I pushed him away though," Lucy lied.

"Good Lucy, you don't need to get mixed in with bad boy players like that!" Mira patted Lucy's head and smiled. "You're too adroable."

Lucy looked around and saw Mavis and Makarov with tears running down their faces.

"So can I bill this damage to Fairy Tail?" an officer asked writing something down.

"Yes..." Makarov said. "More debt."

"I knew this would happen." Lucy sweat dropped. "It always does."

Did you like it? I made it kind of random .-.

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