Hey guys! I'm back again! And I have to tell you I'm super excited for this new story! It's the Young Justice Team in FRIENDS! :D So yes I'm super super excited! Anyways I hope you enjoy and leave a reveiw telling me what you thought! :D Enjoy!
The One With The Fireworks
The Cave
Central Park, New York
July 1st
"There's nothing to tell!" Artemis Crock insisted.
"Come on he's going out with you, there's gotta be something wrong with the guy!" Wally West pointed out. Artemis glared at him and threw a bagel at him.
"Now Wally be nice!" Dick Grayson said before turning to the blonde. "Does he have a hair piece or something?" Artemis rolled her eyes and sipped her coffee.
"Does he eat chalk?" Wally taunted. Everyone gave him a confused look while he snickered proudly to himself. "Becuase eating chalk would be so weird!"
"I worry for you sometimes. Besides it's not even a date. It's just me and a guy going out to dinner." Artemis protested.
"A guy and I." Kaldur Ahm corrected. "And that sounds like a date to me." Artemis groaned. Luckily for her, the conversation quickly changed course. Kaldur, her ex roommate and one of her best friends brought up the subject of embarrassing memories and Wally and Dick, the boys who lived across from her at their apartment building quickly divulged the most embarrassing memories they had of each other. The four of them, along with Conner Kent, Wally's roommate in college, were the best of friends and all lived around Central Park.
"So I look up to see where the screaming is coming from, and there's Wally, clinging to the top of the flag pole for dear life in nothing but his underwear!" Dick laughed. The others chuckled along with him while Wally wore a sour expression. Wally opened his mouth to retort with the bell on the door of the coffee shop they were sitting in dinged and a rain soaked and angry looking Conner walked through the door.
"Hi." He said miserably, sitting down beside Kaldur. Everyone gave him a sympathetic look.
"How did lunch with your father go?" Kaldur asked. Conner's glare made it obvious.
"He didn't even show up. Something about a business meeting." He grumbled. Artemis patted his leg.
"Let me get you a coffee." He nodded and she went up to The Cave's counter. The Cave was a great little coffee house that was right beside Artemis, Wally and Dick's apartment building and across the street from Conner's. The manager of the joint was Artemis' surly cousin Roy Harper.
"I need Conner's usual." She told him sliding the money along the counter.
"Why do you always assume I have any idea what the hell that is?" He asked with a sarcastic tone he only ever used on her and her friends. She smirked at him.
"I overestimate your intelligence I guess." He glared and made the drink. She carried it back to the couch they were sitting at.
"-I'm telling you I'm fine, I hope he'll be very happy." Conner was saying to the others.
"No you don't." Artemis said handing him the coffee.
"Nope to hell with him, he abandoned me." When Conner was younger, his mother had died and his step-father had been sent to jail, so he went to live with his biological father, who had ignored him for most of his childhood.
"Okay Conner, I know you upset and angry, but I know the answer!" Dick said cheerfully.
"Spar with someone at the gym?" Artemis suggested.
"Eat untill your stomach explodes?" Wally tried.
"Therapeutic massage?" Kaldur asked. Dick just grinned at all of them.
"Strip joint!" Everyone groaned loudly and threw some sort of food at him. "Come one! Have some hormones would ya?"
"I will hurt you." Conner menaced. Artemis and Wally chuckled. Just then the door opened again, and a red headed girl in a wedding dress came in searching the shop for someone.
"There's something you don't see everyday... or ever." Dick mumbled. Artemis' eyes widened as the girl went up to Roy. The blonde followed.
"Megan?" Artemis spluttered.
"Oh my goodness, Artemis, hi!" Megan squealed crushing the blonde in a hug. "I've been looking all over for you! And I finally found you!"
"Uh, can I get you a drink or something?" Roy asked eyeing the oddly dressed girl.
"Better make make that a hot chocolate." Artemis muttered steering Megan over to her friends. "Guys, this is Megan Morse, my best friend from high school. Megs, this is Wally, Kaldur, Conner, and you remember Dick."
"Hello Megan! You were always following Arty around like a lost puppy right? Hi!" Dick blushed deeply as Wally clapped a hand over his mouth to stifle a laugh. Artemis had transferred to Dick and Megan's highschool halfway through freshman year. Dick hadn't had the courage to speak to her right away so he followed her around for a good three months.
"So what's with the get-up gorgeous?" Wally asked, flirtatiously.
"Well, I think I just realized that Larry isn't the guy I love anymore... then again, I'm not sure I ever loved him... so I just kinda ran. I didn't know where to go and I know we lost contact, but you're the only person I know in the city." She said looking at Artemis.
"Who wasn't invited to the wedding." She pointed out. Megan grimaced.
"Sorry about that."
"Fear not, fair maiden, for even if this gruesome Harpy doesn't helpeth thee, the noble Sir Wallace, shall aid you with your plight." Wally boasted with a flourish and a bow. Artemis slammed her head into Conner's shoulder while Megan smiled at him gratefully, if not a bit confused.
Artemis' Apartment
Central Park, New York
July 1st
After they had finished their drinks, the group headed up to Artemis' apartment. It had light green walls and a large kitchen, two bedrooms and a reasonably sized bathroom. When the gang wasn't at the Cave, chances were they were all cooped up in here.
"I'm really sorry Uncle John, but I had to leave... I just didn't love him... Yes I know that the L'gann's are all very upset... It's my life Uncle... Well maybe I'll just stay here with Artemis!" Everyone turned their attention to Artemis. She wasn't exactly the type of person who opened her doors to anyone.
"Well it's not like I can turn her out to the streets..." She shrugged.
"What do you mean daddy's cutting off my credit cards?" Megan cried before a crack of lightning shut down the phone lines. She turned to the others, all of whom wore the same expression they had on when Conner arrived earlier that day. Artemis and Kaldur brought her over to the couch and Wally, Conner and Dick moved into the kitchen to give the girl some space.
"Breathe and think of calm thoughts." Kaldur told her placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine." Artemis hummed under her breath. Kaldur and Megan both stared at her as if to ask why the hell she was singing that. "Sorry."
"This could be a good thing. It's a chance to become independent." Kaldur said still giving Artemis a look. Wally walked up, sandwich in hand.
"And you can always come to Wally if you need anything. Dick and I live right across the hall. But he's away a lot." He said suavely.
"Um thanks, Wally?" Megan asked uncertainly.
"Stop hitting on her! It's her wedding day!" Artemis complained jabbing a finger into the red head's chest.
"Fine, but you know who to call Megalious!" The blonde opened her mouth to call him out again when the buzzer went off.
"I got it!" Dick called vaulting over the kitchen table to the buzzer panel. Megan let out a tiny gasp and the others rolled their eyes.
"Artemis' sexy friend speaking." Artemis snarled and jumped over the couch to slap Dick's cackling head.
"Um, hi? It's Kory." Said a voice on the other end.
"Is it six thirty already?" Dick asked with a raised eyebrow. "Come on up!"
"Why is your date calling my apartment?" Artemis asked giving him an annoyed look.
"This is where I spend most of my time." Dick shrugged as someone knocked on the door. Dick opened it to reveal a pretty red head in a super tight and skimpy purple dress.
"Hey, come in. Kory this is- well everybody. Everybody, this is Kory." Everyone said their hello's. "Give me a minute to grab my jacket. Have a seat!" Kory smiled and sat down while Dick ran across the hall. Artemis steered Megan toward her room to rid her of her ruined dress, Kaldur put on a pot of tea and Conner went for the fridge. Wally slipped beside Kory and smiled.
"Here's a tip. He really likes it when you hold his hand and rub the back of it with your thumb." Kory grinned and nodded at him.
"Shut up Wally!" Dick's disembodied voice yelled from outside. The pot Kaldur had put on shrilled and Conner sat down at the table with a piece of frozen pizza.
"What plans do you have for this evening?" Kaldur asked pouring himself a cup.
"Well I was supposed to set up some new furniture with Clark tonight, but I don't think that's going to happen." Conner grumbled.
"Would you care for some assistance?" Kaldur offered. "I'm sure Wally and I could come over and help you with it."
"Sure I guess." Conner nodded. Wally, who had walked back to the fridge halfway through the conversation glared at him. Artemis appeared from her room and grabbed the soda from Wally's hands.
"Hey! That was mine!"
"My house Baywatch." Artemis pointed out.
"Would you like to help us set up Conner's new furniture tonight Artemis?"
"I would, but I don't want to. But call me when you're desperate okay? I could use some entertainment!" She said with a half smile. She gave her boys a wink and went back towards her room.
Conner's Apartment
Central Park, New York
July 1st
"How many people does it take to put together a desk?" Wally complained. The boys had been struggling with the wooden thing from hell for almost an hour now, and were having zero luck in figuring out how it went. "This is from IKEA isn't it?!"
"Perhaps we simply need to try again later?" Kaldur sighed, rubbing his temples. Conner nodded and went to grab some beers from the fridge.
"I swear that this was made to be impossible!" Wally groaned, as he tried to connect a bracket to a piece of wood. There was a knock at the door and Wally dropped the evil pieces as fast as he could and went to answer it.
"What are you doing here?" He asked a familiar blonde. He stepped back to let Artemis in and she held up her phone.
"Con texted me and told me you were having issues. Megan decided to have a bubble bath so I came over to bail your butts out." She grinned. Putting things together and fixing broken stuff was her thing. She worked in an automotive garage and was one of the best mechanics in the city. In twenty five minutes, the desk was finished and the bookcase was half done.
"What would you guys do without me?" The blonde grinned, twisting a screw into place.
"Put up with Wally as a handy man." Conner said, admiring her work. It was true. none of the boys had any type of handyman skills at all. Wally was a scientist at Star Labs, Kaldur was a therapeutic masseuse, Dick was an actor and Conner was a personal trainer, while Artemis worked at the garage. Conner handed her a drink and the four stepped back to admire their blonde friend's handiwork.
Artemis and Megan's Apartment
Central Park, New York
July 1st
"And I just want you to know that none of this is your fault Larry, and I do still care for you! I just need some time to be independent." Megan told the phone. She said goodbye and slumped into the couch. Artemis had given her a light pink blouse to wear and some sweats. Grabbing the remote, she found her favorite sitcom and let her tense muscles relax. 'Hello Megan,' the show she had been named after lulled her asleep with it's gentle comedy.
Artemis got home around eleven forty five and quietly slipped into the dark apartment. The tv was still on and there was an alien like form on the couch. Peering over, she saw her new roommate passed out. With a somewhat rare moment of tenderness, Artemis pulled a warm blanket over the sleeping form and went to bed herself.
The next morning came, and Megan awoke to the first rays of sunshine. She groaned and tightly clenched her eyes shut at the intrusive light. An hour later she gave up on falling back asleep and decided to try her hand at making coffee for the first time. Fifteen minutes later, Wally and Dick came over. Wally wore a smart lab coat and Dick was in causal clothing.
"Good morning guys! I made coffee!" She smiled pouring them each a glass. "Careful, it's hot!"
"Not as hot as you sugar!" Wally grinned taking a large gulp before nearly gagging on the retched taste. As soon as her back was turned, the boys quickly disposed of the vile drink in a potted plant. Artemis arrived dressed in her overalls that she wore for work.
"Oh great, Batman and Robin are here." She muttered making herself some tea. There was a light tapping on the door and Kory was revealed once the door was opened.
"Oh hey, you're awake!" Dick smiled, stepping just outside the room with her. The others scooted as close as they could to eaves drop.
"I had a lot of fun last night." She murmured.
"I did too. I'll call you soon okay?" Dick smiled kissing her goodbye. He waltzed back in and Wally slapped his back.
"Dog. Anyways, I got to get to work. We're getting a shipment of this new solvent I can't wait to try out!" Wally said.
"Do some people find it attractive that you get turned on by science?" Artemis asked innocently.
"So do you guys all have jobs?" Megan asked. The other three exchanged a glance.
"Uh yeah. You see that's how we get money!" Artemis said sarcastically.
"Yeah, I'm an actor!" Dick boasted.
"Would I have seen you in anything?" Megan asked enthusiastically.
"Naw, I've mostly done community stuff."
"Unless you saw the production of 'Holy Musical Batman!'" Wally smirked.
"It was a job!" Dick defended.
"Look Batman, a dog!" The other boy taunted.
"I will not stand for this mockery!" Dick scolded headed for the door.
"No, you're right, I'm sorry." Wally started. The he ran for the door screaming and waving his arms around his head. "I want to be your friend forever! I want to be a modern dancer!"
"You ladies should know, he's dead." Dick smiled. "Oh Wally!"
"So how was your sleep?" Artemis asked chuckling at her friend's antics.
"Better. But I don't want to talk about it. How's your love life?" Megan asked conspiratly.
"Well I have a date on Friday, but nothing major."
"Well you know who would make the cutest couple?"
"If you say any of the guys-"
"You and Wally!" Artemis made a disgusted face.
"No way. We fight constantly and seriously, he's like a brother to me!"
"But you're so full of passion and he's-"
"An egotistical skirt chaser who is in desperate need of a slap upside the head most times." She said. Both girls laughed and Artemis looked at the time. "Oops gotta run."
"Bye, and wish me luck!"
"Why?" Artemis said as she grabbed her purse.
"I'm going to try and find one of those jobby things today!" Artemis rolled her eyes and left.
King-Jones Automotive Garage
City Center
July 2nd
"What do you mean you have a date with Tommy on Friday?" Artemis demanded of her co-worker Cassie.
"I think we've been played." She said from underneath the sedan she was giving an oil change for. "Though I can't say I'm surprised it's you I'm sharing the guy with." She said poking her head out. Artemis, who was changing tires of a pick-up truck glared at her.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well you don't have the best taste in guys." Cassie shrugged, once again retreating below. Artemis tightened a bolt and snarled at the newly changed wheels.
The Cave
Central Park, New York
July 2nd.
"I hate men!" Artemis fumed to her friends. The boys were all drinking their coffees trying to look sympathetic. Normally, Artemis would simply cuss her date's name then forget about him. It was rare she ever blew up like this.
"I do not believe it is wise to hate anyone." Kaldur soothed. Artemis shot him a sneer and groaned.
"Why would someone do that?" She demanded.
"I'm guessing you're looking for something classier then 'he wanted to get some?'" Wally asked with added air quotes. Artemis didn't even react, instead sank down next to Kaldur and Dick on the sofa. Kaldur moved behind her and gently rubbed her shoulders.
"Is it me? Do I just attract people who could easily become a federal convict?" She sighed. "I just thought he was nice."
"I don't believe you were going to fall for it!" Dick suddenly chuckled. She snarled at him and pushed him to the floor.
"Just go get me a muffin bird brain!" The dark haired boy moved away and Megan raced into the shop with a bright smile on her face.
"Guess what!" She exclaimed.
"You got a job?" Conner suggested. Megan looked at him incredulously.
"Are you kidding? I have no experience!" She said. Kaldur raised a eye brow.
"And yet you're surprising happy." He question.
"Because I got this amazing new cardigan for half off!" Megan squealed.
"Which you paid for with your charm I suppose?" Artemis bit out a tad nastier then she ment.
"No credit card." Megan responded, not taking offence to the tone.
"And who pays for that?" Dick asked handing Artemis her muffin.
"Daddy... oh."
Artemis and Megan's Apartment
Central Park, New York
July 2nd
"This really isn't necessary guys!" Megan tried.
"You cannot expect to live off your parents forever." Kaldur pointed out handing her the scissors.
"I can try!"
"Relax babe, the Wall Man will be here for you every step of the way." Wally said patting her hand.
"We all will." Conner muttered 'accidentally' kicking Wally's leg.
"No! I'm sorry I just can't do this!" Megan said pushing the sharp objects away from her precious cards.
"You have to! It's the only way!" Dick insisted. Megan just shook her head.
"Oh for the love of- Give me those!" Artemis yelled and with four quick moments, the cards were in ribbons on the floor.
"M-m-my cards!" Megan sighed.
"What did you do that for?" Wally demanded.
"Hey, when I first came to this city, my sister had just abandoned me, my mom was in jail and my father was still M.I.A and I had like twelve bucks to my name. If I could pull myself up from the ashes, so can she. Welcome to the real world." Artemis snapped at him. Immediately he cowed at being reminded of her rough past. She rarely spoke about it and the boys respected that. Megan on the other hand looked a bit shell shocked.
"Don't worry about it. She just likes to be dramatic." Dick whispered. Conner nodded in agreement and Megan looked less disturbed. Artemis shook her head, but had a smile on her face.
"Jerk. I'm going to get some food. Anyone want to come?"
"I would like to." Kaldur said rising from his chair.
"Me too!" Dick cheered, jumping on Wally's back. "Onward my loyal steed."
"I guess that means me too. Now get off me you little monkey!" Dick steered Wally into the hall and was followed by Artemis.
"Would either of you like to come?" Kaldur asked. Conner grunted and shook his head.
"No thanks Kal." He nodded and exited after the others. The remaining two turned on the television and sat in a comfortable silence for a while.
"Don't worry about your cards. You're going to be fine." Conner mumbled under his breath. Megan still heard though.
"Thank you." She said just as quietly. He nodded. The enjoyed the remainder of the program in a quiet contentment.
The Cave
Central Park, New York
July 4th
"Dude, chill out. So what if Artemis thinks Conner has a nicer body then you?" Dick asked his pouting ginger friend.
"I didn't even say you had a bad body. Just not as nice as Con's!" Artemis added.
"Because clearly your lying to get me mad!" Wally protested. The other groaned loudly as Megan approached with a tray of cookies in hand.
"Anyone want one?" She asked politely. Kaldur took one immediately but the others hesitated.
"Did you make them?" Dick asked. Megan gave them a funny look.
"No I'm just serving them! I finally got a job!" She said happily. Everyone congratulated her and took a treat.
"So I had this dream last night!" Wally began. The others leaned in to listen to him.
"Hey! Could I get a cookie over here?" A loud voice interrupted. Megan sighed and threw a cookie over. It span like a frisbee and landed miraculously on the man's plate. Everyone blinked.
"You had a dream..." Megan prompted. Wally shook his head.
"Right so I had this dream, and I had this super speed."
"This isn't the dream where you save us from a burning building is it?" Conner asked with an annoyed tone.
Well I hope you liked the first chapter! I have no clue how long this is going to be, but I think it'll follow parts of both shows! Anywho just so it's clear, Larry (L'gann) is Barry! So let me know what you think! :D