The meadow thrived brightly under the vibrant spring weather. Thick as fur the grass sprung up lush and wild, carpeting every acre in emerald splendor. Scattered in patches, feathery fat orbs of dandy lions bobbed in the cool breeze, like fallen balls of clouds. The giant oaks reached out with their heavy leaf burdened boughs providing ample shade to the blue beds of cornflowers, pink and white petals of droopy poppies, and the pure white spokes of springing daisies. Swirling in sporadic eddies the breeze swooped down through the open field bringing with it the tantalizing scents of Grace's sizzling fried chicken, hot honey glazed buns, and the sweet lulling aroma of cooling apple pies.

The cheery excited laughter of children rose up over the casual conversations and unwanted suggests of surrounding adults, where they occupied the meadow closest the town. Hank sat perched on the rail of the gaped wooden fence which separated the wagon's pass way from the open greenery of the meadow. Now and then, he leaned close to Loren's indignant form as he shook his head with disapproval, and whispered crudely. Shaded under her dainty pink parasol Dorothy tugged snuggly into her chain stitched powder blue shawl as she chuckled behind her hand at Jake's growing agitation. His hands held cautiously tight to the rope which was attached firmly to the pony's bridle. Turning slowly with the young creature Jake's eyes never left Lucy's joyous form as she held to the miniature reigns. Lucy and her new pony completed yet another turn around Jake as she continued to ignore his warnings not to pull so tightly on the leather straps. As she neared the gathered onlookers, Lucy waved to Katie and the other curious children who had gathered under the shade of a nearby oak.

"Keep yah heels down!" Jake demanded trying to mask his amusement at her unflinching bravado.

"An' she oddent tah be ridin' like that Jake!" Loren scolded him wagging his finger. "Ladies ride sidesaddle!"

"Loren! That's so old fashioned," Dorothy chided him with a gentle nudge.

"Yeah Loren," Hank said tossing a mass of sandy waves over his shoulder. "Luc is still farin' better than you did on that stallion."

"What are yah squallin' about over there?" Jake asked without turning to face them.

They quickly quieted watching as Lucy began to urge the pony into a trot. Jake gave the rope a little slack to accommodate for the sudden rise in speed. With each bouncing prance, Lucy's fat sable ringlets danced like springs around her head. Keeping her heels down as commanded she began to grow impatient with her far too prudent instructor. "I want to run him!"

Jake's body went rigid wrapping the slack around his wrist. He shook his head slowing the animal down much to its tiny riders chagrin. She pouted ferociously at him rounding her pearly bluish-gray eyes, with deep disappointment, at him. Shaking his head once more, he fought the corners of his mouth as they endeavored to curl up into a smirk. Lucy shrugged her shoulders with a loud humph, pursing her lips to one side, maintaining her pleading stare. Pushing his suede hat back on his head, he looked about to see that she wasn't watching them as she'd warned. Deciding the coast was clear Jake smiled roguishly releasing the slack of the rope.

"A light trot Lucy," he warned deciding to play it safe.

"Sc'got yah wrapped around her little finger, Jake," Hank called snatching up a long stock of wheat like grass placing it in the side of his mouth.

Loren stepped forward hooking his thumbs in his vest pockets, "Now Jake, take it from someone that's raised a girl. Yah gotta show ah strong hand, or they run wild . . . Can't be helpin' that yah let her go 'round learnin them Indian ways."

Jake shot Loren a warning glance over his shoulder as he gave Lucy more room to bring the pony into a heady canter. Choosing not to address this last remark, Jake knew Dorothy would reprimand Loren when no one was around. He continued to maintain his focus on Lucy instructing her to lean forward to accommodate the shift in stance.

"That's good, honey," Jake beamed as she strived to push the pony into a full run. But Jake's steady arm tugged gently, slowing the pony's speed at every turn.

"Can I try tah run him Papa? Please," Lucy called to him.

Once again, Jake scanned his surroundings, before relenting to her. "Hank, can yah get my horse from the livery?"

"He most certainly will not!" Teresa appeared at Dorothy's side rocking the tan wicker carriage. "Lucy is too young Jake."

Jake laughed at his own immaturity, slowing Lucy's pony until he came to a halt. In one swift movement, he lifted her from her dwarfed saddle and planted her on the soft lawn. The pony grazed uninterested in the bipeds around him. Watching as Lucy immediately took to the carriage wiggling her finger at Izzy's reaching arms, Jake crossed to greet his lovely wife. Her black satin tresses were tamed into loose curls which she had pinned under her wide brimmed lavender sun hat. Still wavy tendrils of glossy ribbons escaped at her temples blowing fetchingly across her face. Her lightly tinted fingers hooked around these stubborn hairs pulling them back down into place. Teresa's eyes betrayed her stern countenance as her eyebrow rose and those deep soil colored orbs shone with cheer. Holding her hat with one hand, she leaned her head back as Jake stooped under the brim to kiss her longingly on the lips.

Pulling away finally, Jake stared at her as though there were no other in the world. His dove gray eyes mooned over as the corner of his mouth curled up in a charming grin. There were times when he didn't think he could ever get used to the fact that she was his.

"What do we have here?" Dorothy cooed leaning around Lucy into the carriage. Izzy had tuned over onto her stomach attempting back her way out of her wicker cradle. Jake spun the carriage towards him, reaching in, and pulling Izzy into his arms. He held her against his chest with his large hand gently rubbing circles on her tiny back. Izzy rested her head under his chin sucking sleepily on her fingers. Under the shinning golden sun her auburn crown of lazy curls glittered brilliantly with the hues of wine red roses, and web thin lights of gold. The affect off set the blush in her porcelain skin and the slight pink hue of her lips. Dorothy continued to fuss over the babe smoothing her fiery curls in her fingers. "My, she looks just like you Jake. If it weren't for those eyes."

"Poor kid," Hank jumped up off his perch patting Lucy on the head as he passed. "'Nother girl Jake. You're never gonna get any use outta them boots I gave yah."

Jake rolled his eyes and parted his lips about to rip into Hank when he saw Horace's lanky stride rushing shambolically across the wagon pass with a telegram waving in his hand. "Loren where yah been? This just come through! An answer to yah ad!"

"What ad?" Dorothy turned her attentions back as Loren smacked the telegram angrily out of Horace's hand.

"Aw I placed an ad out forah new seamstress," Loren folded the parchment in half before hiding it away in his vest pocket.

"Seamstress? For what?" Jake observed Loren suspiciously.

The man ran his finger parallel with his lips as he stared off into the distance. "For what? . . . What do you think?"

"That there says she can tailor men's suits too," Horace pointed his massively long finger at Loren's pocket.

Loren swatted comically at Horace's finger, hitting only air as he jumbled back. "Why don't yah mind yah own business?" Loren stalked off towards the town grumbling under his breath. "An oath!"

"Well that man can get mad faster'in anyone I know," Horace shook his head as he nodded to the ladies before stalking off, back to the telegraph office.

Dorothy shrugged after them in wonder, "well might be nice. . . Have some new dresses made up."

"Yes," Teresa nodded tugging on Jake's worn and fading blue duster. "It would be nice.