When you wake up on the side of a grassy hillock with mud encrusted to the side of your face, while someone pokes you with a stick, it's never good news. Especially when the last thing you remember is listening to far too much AC/DC. Far too much. I blinked my eyes open and, albeit groggily, began to stand up, only to be stopped my a gentle pair of hands on my shoulders guiding me into a sitting position and press a wooden mug to my lips.
"Easy there, young Alayna, drink and recover your strength. You've been out for a good long while." The voice was kindly and recognisable almost instantly, and my ears nor my eyes could process the information they were receiving. The man kneeling in front of me; was Gandalf the Grey. He was taller than I would have expected.
"What is this?" I asked as I took a sip from the tankard, my brain still contemplating what on earth, could have happened... my train of thought was absolutely disrupted as the liquid touched my lips. It was good, It was better than good, it tasted like a mixture of fresh honey, berrys and morning dew.
"Hobbit Mead, freshly poured at the Green Dragon." Vertigo set in then, because that meant I really could only be in one place... and that vertigo was enhanced by the scene that lay before me. It was undoubtably Hobbition. Bright, round doors poked out of the surrounding hillside to greet passersby, and, right next to road leading into town, on the top of a most Magnificat hill, was the most recognisable scene of all. There was a green door, with a window set into the brickwork either side, and a small porch outside, and, on that porch, a hobbit sat. I was in complete and utter shock, was that...
"Please close your mouth, this is a serious situation!" I quickly shut my mouth, having realised that it was open.
"Sorry Gandalf"
"Now, if you are finished gawping... I know, you must be confused-"
"-so I am going to give you the simplest versionof the tale I can to shed some light on your current predicament. Strange forces are at work in Middle-Earth -which is, as you have realised, where you are- and these forces became noticable with your arrival one month ago. You've been unconscious since then, which was quite useful, as I have had the chance to sort out an arrangement for you. I understand that the tale of Baggins is a popular story in your world. Your job is to accompany him on this tale. However, that tale has been changed upon your arrival"
"So Thorin, Fili and Kili won't die?"
"Are you quite finished interrupting?! In answer to your question, no, they will not die, as their fate is no longer set in stone, they are as free to control their fate as you are to control yours."
I just nodded slowly at that, relieved that deaths could be prevented, but also absolutely terrified as I had just lost my main advantage.
I finished the last drops of mead, and Gandalf helped me to my feet. I took the opportunity to examine my middle-earth appearance as Gandalf passed me a shard of mirror.
I was definitely a dwarf. My features were stronger and broader, and all that remained of my beautiful Joan Jett hairstyle was the fringe, the rest was one length, and much coarser than it once was, and it extended into weird sideburn type things in front of my ear. Perfect for braiding, I smiled at that thought.
The dwarfish looks extended to my clothing. My body itself was more manly and stronger, and broader in the shoulders. I was wearing a fur-lined leather coat that continued down to the back of my knees. It was made of thick hide, the same as that used on my gauntlets and steel capped boots, and weapons belt, which was currently empty. Underneath the coat was a hooded jacket and a coarse tunic, both were a steely blue in colour, an a pair of loose leather trousers. Every item was decorated with intricate dwarfish patterns.
"Well then, shall we go of and find ?" Gandalf was already traipsing of down to Bag End before I had time to answer.