It's been almost a year since I last updated this story, obviously I'm having trouble continuing it.
I stopped because of family tragedy, and by the time I felt good enough to come back, I'd forgotten some of my plans for it, and couldn't figure out how to reconnect what was left.
I still work on this story, but it's not easy.
And I feel less inclined to work very hard on it when people post some of the crap they've been posting. And I feel EVEN LESS inclined to do so when you go post on my other stories whining about this one.
Please, stop that. Just because you post a comment on another story doesn't mean I see it... more, or something. I see all the comments, their my stories.
Please, just stop. I will continue this story when I'm able to. You guys being rude to me, calling me names, sending me PMs like "Fuck you bitch" "OMG IT'S BEEN MONTHS WORK" "Y don't u continu this?!" is getting really old. There are literally hundreds of other stories in the Adventure Time category, go read those.
90% of you bitch at me for including Bubba Gumball anyway. If you hate him being in the story so much, go find just Marshall/Fionna stories to read. If this story sucks so much because I'm including a character you don't like, read something else, stop telling me to get rid of Gumball.
Anyway, sorry to tease those of you who haven't been annoying. I apologize. I am working on the story, it's just very slow going.