This is the re-written version of 'The Curse of the Robotnik Name'. I may still update the original version after I finish this one or if I put it on hold. Or maybe I if I just get bored. So some things will change in the nature of some OC's and the plot might change a bit. Here I go, guys.

The Curse of the Robotnik Name (Re-written)


(Current Year: 1990)

Doctor Ivo Robotnik was sat in a room with his wife, Debra. She had just given birth to her new baby girl, who was unusually quiet.

"Ivo… she's sick…" Debra said weakly.

"So are you," Ivo reminded. "I'm going to help you, Debra. Then I'll help our baby."

"She's going to die, Ivo…" Debra revealed. "Please… You have to help her…" After that Debra began coughing a lot.

"Debra, take it as easy as you can. You'll be alright, I promise," Ivo promised.

"Ivo…" Debra coughed, the grip she had on his hand tightening. Suddenly her grip loosened as her body fell lifeless.

"Debra?" Ivo asked, shaking her. He checked for a pulse. There was nothing. Ivo's eyes widened. "N-No…." he gasped, his voice shaky. His hand trembled as he let go of her hand, which flopped to the side of the bed. He didn't even know how to react. He couldn't scream in front of his newborn. Instead he decided to cry softly for about half an hour, until carrying her to an incinerator and incinerating her body, looking away. He headed back to the room where his daughter was, lying quiet. Now he had no choice. He had to help her, or he'd have no family left.

Ivo immediately took his daughter to his lab room and put her on life support. An idea instantly struck his mind. His daughter was suffering from "Robotto Koka", which was a disease only a robot could cure. None of his robots were built with healing abilities. So he decided to build a robot which could help her. Ivo went to work as soon as he could, building a blue hedgehog robot with some yellow on him, along with red shoes. He gave it the ability to heal and a free mind, but of course he added abilities to attack. After hours of work, he switched on his creation. It had bright red irises which gave life to its lifeless black voids.

"Success…" Ivo told himself. He admired his creation, which was now standing before him. "Come with me, my 'Greatest Creation'. You have a job to do."

Ivo lead the robot to the room where his daughter was. The robot scanned the baby girl, naturally knowing what to do. He put both hands to her chest, directly where her heart was. Suddenly his hands began to glow, as did the area around it. The glow faded after a while, and there was a quick silence. The daughter opened her eyes and began crying, signalling she was healthy and alive.

The robot picked up the young child and held her in its arms. He did not know how to stop her from this "crying" thing, but eventually she stopped and looked up at the robot. She giggled, reaching for his nose and gently grabbing it. The robot didn't react at first, but then gently took hold of her hand. The child giggled again.

"She likes you," Ivo stated.

The robot turned to him.

"I think you should name her," Ivo continued. "And then I'll name you."

The robot searched for a name. He found one which he somehow liked. "…Callie," he said in his deep voice. "Her name is Callie."

"Callie… What a wonderful name," Ivo said, nodding as he smiled. "And your name shall be… Metal."

"Metal…" the robot repeated to himself. He liked the name. And this name was going to stay as it was.