June 17, 2005


The light's of the room flashed on and off the faded walls, the sounds of whimpering filled the closed up room. It was cold, but the air smelled putrid and rotten. A figure stood as a center piece in the middle of the room, she seemed to have been dangling from some sort of contraction. The sounds of sniffling increased and a slight whimper grew a bit louder.

"...M-mommy...?" whispered a soft young voice.

The woman groaned in slight pain as she heard the voice of her only son.

"Ich-... Ichigo...?" the woman mumbled.

Closing her eyes again a deep fatigue sensation hit the woman, her light wavy brown hair was a mess as it framed her face. Losing consciousness the sudden sounds of whimper awoke the woman once again.

"I-Ichigo...?" she called out again.

"Mommy!" Cried her son in sudden fear.

The woman opened her chocolate eyes to see a dreadful sight. She was above the floor of an abandoned room, in a contraption which consisted of a leather harness, hung from the ceiling by numerous chains, lining her torso with two sets of needles on either side.

On her harness, she found that the two sets of needles attached to her torso were connected to her rib cage each needle hooking into an individual rib. Each array of needles was attached to one of two metal arches resting behind her, that, for the time being, remained folded.

Hanging before her was a jar filled with acid into which a key was dropped upon her regaining consciousness. The jar was also suspended by chains, and was tightly fastened so as to be unable to tip over.

"Mommy!" a small figure screamed as it witnessed the horrific sight of his mother strapped towards some sort of device.

The woman paused in her midway of panicking to look at her son, fearful eyes widened in more fear as she saw that her son had some sort of device on himself as well, hanging almost a foot away from her.

A television went on in front of them, a pale white puppet with red swirls black sceleras and red irises stood before them. Manic black hair stuck out of it's creepy frame as it spoke in a creepy voice.

"Hello, Masaki Kurosaki. I want to play a game. Up until now, you have spent your life with a family that doesn't belong to you; people see you as the center of the universe, an Angelic Damsel... it's only fitting that you are now caught in the Angel harness of death." it said coldly causing the woman to slightly panic.

"On the outside your such a lovely person, but on the inside your a tramp and your son was the result. Now you have an opportunity to redeem your sins, you can choose to be selfish again or you could choose to save your son's sinful life... the choice is yours, can you find a way for you both to survive?" the puppet asked.

The young child known as Ichigo, just watched the puppet in fear; he didn't quite understand everything it was saying, but he sure was smart enough to know that they were in trouble.

"The device you are wearing is hooked into your ribcage, and by the time this tape was finished, you will have one minute to find the way out. At the end of that minute... well I think you can guess what will happen." It said causing Masaki to rattle the chains in anguish as she let out a solemn cry.

"M-mommy?" the young nine year old slightly whispered before looking down towards his own harness.

"There is a simple key that will unlock the harness, Masaki... Ichigo. It is right in front of you. All you have to do is reach in and take it. But do it quickly. The acid will dissolve the key in a matter of seconds... Make your choice." was the last thing it said before the doll cackled.

Masaki screamed as she shook her chains, her cried echoing throughout the room as she desperately tried to free herself. Ichigo watched his loving mother with tears as she fought against the chains.

Sniffling a bit, he caught his beloved mothers attention once again.

"Hush now deary, it will all be alright..." Masaki said in a strained voice.

"I wanna go home..." Ichigo cried as tears fell down his soft plump face.

"Shh... It will all be ok..." she said again as she struggled against the harness.

Her soft eyes slowly went from her most beloved son towards the jar, the key was quickly dissolving and time was wasting.

"Close your eyes honey..." Masaki commanded.

The little boy watched her fearfully, but obeyed as he closed his eyes. Making sure her son's eyes were closed, the woman reached for the jar and took in a deep breathe before shoving her hand in it.

A high pitch shriek filled the room as the acid quickly began to dissolve the woman's soft hand. Ichigo's eyes quickly snapped open at the sound, blood was seeping into the jar and yet the woman couldn't grab the key.

Pulling her hand out, Masaki whimpered before trying again. Screaming in anguish, she again pulled her arm right out of the jar; her hand and arm looked completely eaten up as blood dripped fresh from the wound.

Tears fell from the little boy's face as he saw his mother suffering; looking at the jar, he saw what his mother was reaching for. Building up his own courage, the ginger haired child without a thought reached in for the key.

The acid instantly startled the child into a loud cry, Masaki quickly snapped out of her own pain and looked towards her son.

"Ichigo no!" she screamed.

Shaking his hand from the acid, the young child cried not really understanding why the strange jar burned. The time was ticking and Masaki was quick into putting her clean hand into the jar.

Screaming in more anger than in pain, the woman finally swiped the key from the bottom of the jar. Acid dripped down her hands and fresh open wounds tainted blood while the woman reached for her son.

Ichigo was still crying until he realized that his mother was hurt, looking down at his mothers trembling hands he watched as she tried to free her son. The view of his mother's burned arms were devastating.

"M-mommy a-are you alright?" Ichigo asked innocently.

Masaki smiled lovingly towards her son as the sound of her sons ticks finally stopped from the turn of the key.

"Mommy, is going to be fin-!" the woman went to respond, but was caught off by the sudden buzz.

Almost instantly, the harness quickly snapped open and ripped open the woman's ribs in a flashy wing like manner; blood gushed out and covered the boy and the floor as her internal organs slowly began to fall one after another.

Chocolate brown orbs suddenly became golden as they took in the horrible image, panting his heart beat slowly began to race as the bit's and pieces of his mothers insides were slowly pouring out one after another.

Finding it hard to breathe, the boy's pants quickened as his heart pounded faster and faster; one of his mothers liver slowly dropped, blood fell like water and both sides of the ribs were wide open like a pop up picture book. A picture book which the scared child had never once dreamed he's ever see.

A squeaking sound suddenly stopped the boy's heart from beating, time froze and his panting seesed as he wasn't breathing from the sight of a puppet on a red tricycle. The puppet finally stopped in front of the pair.

"Congratulations, you are still alive because of the unselfishness of your mother... It's a pity that she had failed to see through her fears, for she would have noticed that only one key was needed to release both of the locks..." it said causing broken tears to slip down the boy's face.

Releasing the breath he was unaware that he was holding, a bellowing shriek echoed throughout the room. The light's flashed on and off once more until finally the screech faded into the sounds of bawling in the dark...

Tape: Hello viewers. I want to play a game. You see your at the end of the chapter, which means that their will be no more action until the next chapter. I want you to make a choice. There's a deep feeling in your gut to see what happens next.

In order to unlock the next chapter, one must look towards the review box and leave a message or a comment at the bottom of this message or you can choose to ignore it and forever be silent...

The choice is yours viewers...