Hi people!

Sorry I disappeared for so long… I had a lot on my mind. Exams unfortunately… But, I managed to get a 7 for English! (on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the best and 1 the worst you can get) *grins* And that while most people out my class got a bad grade. So I'm pretty happy right now. :D And to celebrate that I decided to upload the beginning of a two-shot I had somewhere on my computer. I wrote it sometime when I was bored and I found it today. The next part will be up in a few days. It's just something I had to get out of my head. And for everyone who's following my story 'A Girl to Remember, A Life to Forget', I'm busy with the next chapter, but it doesn't come so easily as the last three… Anyway, enjoy this and let me know what you think! PP never happened but Dani got adopted by the Fentons. And Dani is in Freshman year. So she's 14 now. She can't use her ghostpowers because nobody knows about her or Danny being halfa's. That's all you need to know.

Disclaimer: "Danny Phantom" and all related logos, titles and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. I own nothing. Butch Hartman is the brilliant creator of this awesome show.

Dash had a bad day. First he had overslept so when he finally woke up he was too late for first period. Then of course, his bike had a flat tire. Then at lunch Kwan told him that football practice was canceled because the field needed to be fixed after a ghost fight. And on top of that he got an F for his English test.

So no, Dash wasn't in an good mood. So when he walked around the hall he didn't like it when just when he wanted to go around the corner, someone ran into him.

Dash wasn't prepared for the sudden impact and fell down. The hall was quiet for a spit-second, and then he heard snickers from every side. Of course nobody laughed openly in his face, because Dash had been the quarterback of Casper High's football team ever since freshman year -which was now two years ago- but snickers and amused looks were hard to hide.

Dash turned red. How dare they laugh at him?! He was the most popular guy from school! It was all the fault from that stupid person who ran into him!

With anger written all over his face he turned to see who had dared to run into him. And he didn't like what he saw. First of all it was a girl. A GIRL. She was probably two or three years younger than he so she had to be a freshman. A FRESHMAN. Which was the second thing he didn't like. She had baby blue eyes and messy night-black hair in a ponytail. On her head she had a red beamy. She also wore a red skirt, a blue top that matched her eyes and blue heels. She was currently sitting on the ground, looking dazed and rubbing her head. Her books and backpack lay spread all around her.

For one moment Dash could only stare at her. She reminded him off someone. Someone he didn't like. Then it hit him. Fenton. She looked exactly like Fenton.

More anger bubbled up in him and in a second he was back on his feet and grabbed the girl by her throat while slamming her into the lockers. She looked up at him with big, shocked eyes. She hadn't expect him to do that. Her hands reached up to his and tried to make him release his grip on her.

Dash growled to her. "What the hell do you think you are doing?! Can't you watch out, loser!? Don't you know who I am?! I'm Dash Baxter! And nobody humiliates me!"

The girl looked up at him. She gasped, not because she was scared, but because she tried to get some air. "I-I'm *gasp* sorry! Please let me *gasp* go." Dash smirked. He had wanted to get his aggression out since he stood up this morning, and wasn't going to let this chance pass by.

"I don't think so, ready for some payback?" His grip around her throat tightened.

She choked. "S-stop *gasp* please! *gasp* You're c-choking *gasp* me! I can't breathe!"

But Dash didn't listen. In fact he just smirked down on her and made a fist of his other hand. Bringing it back above his head he watched with satisfaction how her eyes widened and she began to struggle. He was just about to hit her when a furious shout stopped him.


Danielle was running through the halls of Casper High. She had spent the last hour in the library to finish a book report that had to be done for the next hour. Mr. Lancer wouldn't appreciated it if she didn't have her homework this time. He was already dropping to much commentar about her homework. And somewhere he was kinda right. She really had to work better. Jazz told it already a million times. But it wasn't her fault she had to help Danny sometimes. Last year he barely passed, so he had to get better grades this year. By helping him fight ghosts he had more time to study. It wasn't fair that he was always the one that ended up shoving them back into the Ghost-Zone.

But that decision had its consequences. It meant less time to do homework. Aah well, at least she finished this book report. But now she had to go to class fast. No sense for getting detention when she had actually made her homework.

She saw the corner and picked up extra speed. Almost there, just turn around the corner and then one more hall. Of course, it didn't go quite so well as she would like. When she took the corner she crashed into someone. A big and strong someone. She hit the ground and dropped her backpack. Books and papers flew up around her. Ouch. That hurt. Great, why was is that she didn't only get Danny's genetics, but also his bad luck?

Before she could think anything else or even try to get up she was snatched of the ground with force. And then she came face to face with Casper High's most popular guy and biggest football star: Dash Baxter. Too bad he was also the meanest bully around here and Danny was his favorite punishing bag. And right now he looked at her with a glare full of hate.

He growled. "What the hell do you think you are doing?! Can't you watch out, loser!? Don't you know who I am?! I'm Dash Baxter! And nobody humiliates me!" His voice shoot up and Dani knew for sure the whole school was watching now. All the normal sounds of gossiping had stopped and were replaced by a deathly silence.

Normally, she could handle things. With her ghostpowers nobody could hurt her. But she wasn't Dani Phantom now. Here she was Danielle Fenton. Jasmine's and Danny's cousin and adopted little sister. And that meant no ghostpowers. But right now, she would be glad if she could use them. Dash had lifted her into the air by her throat. And no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get much air.

"I-I'm *gasp* sorry! Please let me *gasp* go." She tried, hoping he would let her go.

Dash got a superior look into his eyes. He was in charge and he knew it. A smirk appeared on his lips.

"I don't think so, ready for some payback?" His grip around her throat tightened.

She choked. "S-stop *gasp* please! *gasp* You're c-choking *gasp* me! I can't breathe!"

Dani tried desperately to breath. All the air she had had left when he first grabbed her was gone by now. She was starting to get a little bit dizzy, her body screaming to her that she needed oxygen. But Dash didn't let go, he just looked down on her triumph and made a fist of his hand. Slowly, with as much show-off as possible he brought his hand above his head, ready to strike.

Normally, she wouldn't be afraid. But Dash was seriously choking her. Stars began to dance for her eyes. If she didn't breath quickly she would pass out. So she tried to struggle her way out of his grip, feeling her strength leaving her with every second that she didn't get air inside her longs. Desperately she decided that she would go intangible to get out of dash' firm grip. It didn't work. She didn't have the strength anymore. He only thing she wanted now was air.

Dash fist got closer.

And then, out of nowhere she heard a furious voice screaming with all his power.


For her that familiar voice meant help. Relief washed over her. And with the breath she didn't think she still had she managed to scream.


Danny just got back from fighting Skulker once again. Adrenalin was still pumping through his blood when he stopped dead in his tracks by the sight in front of him. Dash was holding Dani by her throat, ready to punch the living daylights out of her. He could know it. It was the same look Dash always had in his eyes when he gave him a serious beat-up.

Rage build up in Danny, together with the need to protect the ones he loved and the fury that Dash even had the nerve to lay a hand on Dani of all people. And without thinking about the consequences he screamed from the top of this longs.