Author Notes: Sorry for my absent and not updating. It because there was a lot that occurred in my life that kept me away from fan fiction. College is one reason that has kept me busy. I appreciate all the reviews for this story.
Also, I realize I have mistakes and errors in the previous chapters of this story. I will be going back to the chapters to fix the mistake to make it readable and understandable.
Here is the next update Chapter. I hope you like it.
Chapter Eighteen
Jayden was asleep when Lauren went to check on him. She had opened the door partly and was taking a peek inside at her brother when Emily comes running toward her.
She turned around, closing the door quietly and stared at Emily.
"Nighlok," Emily mouthed.
Lauren nodded and followed Emily to the meeting room where the others were waiting for her with Ji, who already pulled up the map and pinpoint the location of the nighlok.
"Let's go," She told her team and ran out the door ahead.
The others followed behind her just as Antonio came running out. He gave Ji the "Don't tell Jayden" look before he ran after the others.
"Time to have some more fun," The nighlok looked around for victim to attack as peoples were running away to safety.
"Nighlok!" a voice shouted and the nighlok turned to see who it was.
"If isn't the power rangers," the nighlok chuckled. "What's matter red ranger? Did you come back for more fun?" She asked.
"We came to take you down," Lauren raising her sword up and stepped forward, aiming her sword at the nighlok
She and others were already transformed into their Samurai Ranger form.
"It time for some payback," Antonio walked up beside Lauren and glared at the nighlok.
"Bring it on!" The nighlok tempted as she snapped her fingers and the moogers appeared in front of her. "Attack!" She shouted.
Mia, Emily, Mike, and Kevin took on the Moogers while Antonio and Lauren took on the Nighlok.
The Nighlok blocked each attack from the red and gold samurai rangers as an idea appear in her mind.
Lauren transformed her sword into the Fire Smasher and lunged at the nighlok.
Putting her plan into action, the Nighlok aimed at the red samurai ranger and blasted an electric shock.
"Lauren, watch out!" Antonio shouted as he run toward Lauren and pushed her out of the way.
Lauren fell to the ground and looked over to see Antonio get electrocuted and fell to the ground in pain
She got up and rushed over to Antonio side. "Are you alright?" She asked as she helped him off the ground when he suddenly pushed her away.
"Antonio?" Lauren become worried and tried to approach up to Antonio, who turned around and attack her with the barracuda blade. She blocked with her sword and pushed him away from her.
"Antonio snap out of it!" She yelled.
Kevin slashes one of the Moogers and glances over at Lauren and Antonio. "Oh no, not again," He fought off the Moogers to get to them, but got block by more Moogers that appear and surrounded him and the others.
Antonio slashed Lauren multiple times in the chest with his barracuda blade, which caused to fall to the ground, clutching her chest in pain as she looked up at him.
He was holding her sword that was aiming at her neck.
Emily managed to fight off the Moogers and ran over to Lauren side, grabbing a hold of Antonio's arm. "Antonio, stop it!" She yelled, but got elbow in the stomach and then slashed in the chest by Antonio. The Moogers surrounded Emily as she slowly got up on her feet.
The nighlok laughed. "It useless, don't even bother. He's under my control and will do what I say. Destroy the samurai red ranger now!"
Antonio raised Lauren's sword getting ready to swing.
"NO!" Emily and Mia shouted.
"ANTONIO DON"T!" Kevin and Mike yelled as they fought off the Moogers to get to Lauren who was still on the ground.
"Finish the Samurai Red Ranger!"
"Good bye Red Ranger!" Antonio swings the sword down at Lauren, who immediately shielded herself with her arms.
The nighlok laughed as she watched the Gold ranger swing the sword down at the red samurai ranger but stopped when she saw him stopped his attack midway.
Emily, Kevin, and Mike were confused by Antonio's action while Lauren smirked.
"What's going on?" the nighlok was confused and angry. "I order you to kill the samurai red ranger," She approached up behind Antonio, who suddenly turned around and slashed her in the chest with Lauren's sword.
The nighlok stumbled back while Antonio helped Lauren get up on her feet. "Are you alright?" He asked her.
"I'm fine," She smiled at him and then looked over at the nighlok. "Nice work Antonio". She took her sword back from him.
"Thanks," Antonio replied as Emily, Mia, Kevin, and Mike defeated the Moogers and ran over to him and Lauren.
"What's going on?" Mike asked.
"How is it possible that you are not under my control?" the Nighlok questioned in anger.
"It simple," Antonio pulled out a while power disk with a red symbol. "Lauren and I knew you would try to take control one of us so we created two disks using our symbols powers that would block your attack. In other words, I was never under your control". He pointed his finger at the nighlok. "Your plan fails!"
"Awesome, you were pretending to be control." Mike patted Antonio on the back.
"You sure have us fool." Kevin added, while Emily and Mia smile.
The nighlok growled. "HOW DARE YOU!" she shouted and lunged at them, but got slashed by Kevin, Mike, Mia, and Emily swords.
"Let finish this," Lauren placed her red power disk on her sword and spin it, transforming her sword to fire smasher. She them uses the Beetle to activate the Fire Smasher's cannon mode.
"Right," Everyone replied and placed their power disks into Lauren's fire smasher cannon.
"It's over for you, nighlok!" Lauren fired the power blast at the nighlok
"NOOOO!" the nighlok shouted as she fell and exploded.
"Alright you did it!" Mike cheered with the others.
"No we all did it," Lauren corrected him when all sudden the nighlok grew huge.
Kevin looked up and pointed his finger up at the giant nighlok "We spoke too soon," He told everyone.
"Look out!" Mike shouted as he and the other duck out the way from the nighlok foot stomping on them.
The nighlok blasted her energy beam at them.
"Aah!" They all shouted and fell to the ground on their back.
"Goodbye rangers," the nighlok was about to stomp them again when she got blast in the chest by a red energy beam.
The giant nighlok and the rangers look over to see the Lion Folding zord flying in the sky.
"Jayden," Antonio shouted as he and others got up on their feet.
"Thought you guys might need some help," Jayen replied. He was already transformed to samurai red and was standing in the Lion Folding zord cockpit.
"Shouldn't you be in bed resting," Lauren asked, worrying for her brother.
"I'm fine, let's deal with the nighlok first" He suggested.
Emily, Kevin, Mike, Mia, and Antonio summoned their zords and joined Jayden, forming the Samurai Megazord to defeat the nighlok while Lauren watches from the sideline.
TBC: Review. I will tried to update this story often as I can.