A/N Disclaimer: I do not own harry potter or any of jk rowlings characters. I just like to play with the story line.

Harry Potter and the Soul Bonded Heir

By: danimarie2323

Chapter One: After DoM Battle

Voldemort is back, no one can deny it now. The battle of the DoM has left the wizarding community in shock. Not only has the Minister of Magic been lying to every one out of fear, but he also slammed Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter. However, that didn't matter to Harry Potter very much, he was glad that his name was cleared and every one now knows that Lord Voldemort was back and not going anywhere. Harry was more considered about his Godfather, Sirius Black.

During the battle, Sirius Black had been seriously injured by a slicing hex, cast by his deranged cousin, Bellatrix LeStrange. He was taken straight to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry under the supervision of Madam Pumpfry. The Ministry had no idea that Sirius was at the battle of the DoM, otherwise they might have suggested that he was with the Death Eater. The only ones who knew of Sirius's innocents were members of The Order of The Phoenix.

Harry Potter and his friends were back at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry fallowing the battle. While everyone else was in the Great Hall, Harry Potter was sitting in the Headmasters office. Scared, shaken, and confused, Harry sat there looking at the old Professors adamant face. There was something serious that the Headmaster was contemplating. Harry's thoughts were farther away than the office of the Headmasters. They were more focused on the prophecy that he had learned that night.

"Neither can live while the other survives." That was the only thing that Harry was thinking about. He has to be a murder or be murdered. It was at that moment that Professor Dumbledore spoke to a very wary Harry Potter.

"Harry, I want to know what your thoughts are one what you had heard tonight" Harry looked at the old Headmasters face. Lost in thought for so long, Harry really didn't have any formulated thought about the prophecy.

"I'm scared Professor. Either I have to kill him or he kills me. How do I even proses something like that? I'm only fifteen sir. How am I supposed to kill the most powerful dark wizard of all time?" Harry asked. Dumbledore looked at Harry in surprise, for someone as young as Harry was, he was older and wiser than most of his peers, excluding Hermione Granger of course.

Finally after a few thoughtful moments to himself, Professor Dumbledore looked at the young boy in front of him. "Harry, do you have any thoughts on what 'the power he knows not' would be?" Harry shook his head in response. True, he had wondered the same thing many times before and he just came up blank. Dumbledore nodded his head in response.

"Harry, there are many interpretations to this part of the prophecy. If Voldemort himself had retrieved the prophecy, he wouldn't know even where to begin to start looking. Luckily for us, meaning the light side, already know what this entails." Harry looked intently onto the old Professors face. Curiosity filled his face. Could it be that he was more powerful than Voldemort? Professor Dumbledore continued on. "Do you remember when you had defeated Voldemort in your first year? I had told you that it was love that defeated him. Your mother's sacrifice that gave you the power of love. Therefore, it is love that is the power he knows not. At least that is my theory. Now there is another theory that I have Harry that makes the previous one more likely, however before I tell you this you must promise me not to get upset at the information I am about to tell you." Harry nodded in response

"Your parents before they died discovered a secret that had been buried over the centuries. It turns out that your mother wasn't a muggle born at all. In fact, she was a direct descendent of Merlin himself. Shocking, I know. Your father, well it is well known that the Potters' are a direct bloodline of Godric Gryffindor himself. You, Harry, are the hair of two of the most powerful wizards of all time. Now I assume you have questions, which I will answer as best as I can." Dumbledore smiled at the young boys shock in hearing the news. Harry was lost in thought. All he could think about was that he was the heir of two great wizards, one of which was one of the founders of Hogwarts. But what did this all mean? Harrys mother wasn't a muggle born, what about his aunt that? Why wasn't Aunt Petunia a witch?

"Professor, if what you're saying is true, and my mother wasn't a muggleborn witch, than, why wasn't Aunt Petunia allowed to study magic?" Harry asked.

"Ah, yes I thought that question might pop up. Your aunt Harry is called a squib. A person who knows about the wizarding world and who can see things that normal muggles cannot. For example, your aunt might see the presence of a Dementor. Normally muggles cannot see them however; your aunt would be able to see them. She has no other magically abilities other than that. She does not have enough power to be a full witch like you mother had. Why this happens, we have no idea." Harry buried himself in thought for a while longer before him or his Headmaster spoke. Dumbledore continued on.

"There's one more thing Harry that I think you should know. There was another prophecy made well over a thousand years ago. Would you like to hear it?" Harry nodded slowly not knowing if he wanted to hear another prophecy about him or his life. It seemed so surreal that his life has been mapped out in front of him, and he had no control over it.

Dumbledore got up from the chair he was sitting in, and slowly walking over to the cabinet, where he took out a similar orb that Harry had noticed from earlier that night. It was the same orb that held the other prophecy about defeating Voldemort. Dumbledore walked back over to Harry and placed the orb in his hand. As soon as he did a scratchy, old women's voice filled the room.

"Two bloodlines of the most powerful will merge together in a time of great need,

The son of Godric Gryffindor and Merlin, will be the most powerful wizard in the world

However he must be bonded with the fires of red, and the youngest of seven in order to

Gain all. Together, the bonded two will bring peace and harmony back from the dark

Ages that haunts the wizarding world. The son must find the fires of red and the youngest

Of seven and bond with her."

Harry was confused over what he had just heard. He looked up at the Headmaster, not really sure what to make of his expression. The Headmaster had the familiar twinkle in his eyes.

"Sir, I'm not really sure what to make of this. What does it all mean?" Harry asked. Dumbledore smiled brightly at Harry. As if he knew Harry wouldn't understand it. So Dumbledore started to explain to him what he thought the ancient prophecy meant.

"Well, Harry, let us start with the first line. The two bloodlines merging mean your father and mothers lines. Seeming as your mother was from the line of Merlin, and your father was from Gryffindor, there bloodlines merged, when you were conceived. As that is, you are referred to as the 'son of Godric Gryffindor and Merlin' meaning Harry, that you are the most powerful wizard that the world has seen since the time of Merlin and Gryffindor." Harry shook his head in understanding. Then, a thought crossed his head. "Sir, what about 'the bonded with the fires of red'? I don't understand." Dumbledore looked thoughtfully for a minute before responding.

"The bonding, which the prophecy is referring to Harry, is called a 'soul-bond'. It is very rare and very powerful magic. It means in short terms, that you have a soul mate. The bond is a source that gives you shared power between you and your bonded. As for 'the fires of red', well I have a theory as to whom this prophecy is referring to. I believe that it is referring to Miss Ginerva Weasley, for several reasons actually." Harry didn't know what to say to the Headmaster. 'Ginny?' Harry thought in disbelief. Sure Ginny Weasley was becoming a very beautiful women, but she was his best mates' sister. He never really thought about Ginny as anything else. However, Harry did start to notice her a little bit more during D.A. lessons. She was indeed a very powerful witch, especially when it comes to DADA.

"But sir, I hardly know Ginny, how can we be soul bonded?" Harry asked. Unsure about how this all was even possible; Harry's curiosity was starting to take over.

"Harry, let me ask you something first and you might find your answer." Harry nodded in agreement.

"When you found out that Ginny Weasley was taking to the Chamber of Secrets three years ago, did you feel a huge to make sure she was safe and alive?" Dumbledore asked. Harry hadn't thought about it before, and when he had he always thought that's what he would do to any of his friends in need. But now that Harry was actually thinking about it, Dumbledore had started to make more sense; Harry didn't know what he would do with his life if he didn't get to Ginny In time.

"Yes sir. Err…when I got to Ginny down in the Chamber, and I thought that she was dead, it was like something inside me died along with her. When Voldemort told me that she was barely alive I had to fight to save her. It was like I didn't even have a choice. Something took over me." Dumbledore smiled a bit, the twinkle in his eyes grew larger as Harry had finished his statement.

"That, Harry, was your soul telling you that she was your mate and that you could not have possible lived if she had perished that day. You knew three years ago but never really understood what that meant. Then again, how could you. You were, after all, only twelve." Dumbledore chuckled to himself. Harry thought all about what Dumbledore was telling him. Confused and completely dumb-founded he didn't know what else to say to the older Professor. He needed to talk to his Godfather about something like this. For some reason, Harry didn't think that his Headmaster would have any answers to the questions he was dying to ask. After a while of silence, Harry excused himself from the Headmasters office in order to check on Sirius and get something to eat.

Harry didn't understand what exactly was going on, especially when it came to the news that he would be soul-bonded with Ginny Weasley. Harry wasn't sure what his feelings for Ginny were. He knew that she had a crush on him a few years back. However, according to Hermione, Ginny got over her crush on him. She even dated Michael Corner this year. However they did break-up. Harry couldn't deny there was something that was drawing Harry to Ginny; he just didn't know what it was, or even how to explain it. This was definitely something that he needed to talk to Sirius about. Harry didn't know that first thing about talking to girls. His only relationship (if you could even call it that) was with Cho Chang. This didn't end very well. Harry continued his walk down to the hospital wing when he heard a small voice come up from behind him.

A/N: This is my first fan fic so i hope you guys like it plz review and let me know what you think :)

