Hello and welcome to Confessions of a Teenage Maoh! I plan on making this a collection of one-shots completely unrelated unless I state otherwise. Some will be Mature and some won't, but the main premise of all of them will be how Yuuri confesses to Wolfram or tries to. Some will be in character and some will not, it depends on what I make the story into. I find it challenging to write such scenes and try to make them heart-felt at the same time, so if you are writing a KKM fic and you need a scene for a confession, then ask me and I'll probably let you pick one if you want as long as you credit me :3
Anyway this is only my second fan-fiction, and with that being said, please don't expect professionalism. Please don't flame, but any grammar or spelling corrections would be appreciated although I'll try to catch them myself. Thanks~
CHAPTER 1 Clouds and Confusion MATURE 3,293 words
Why can't I tell him? …Oh yeah, because I worry if he actually feels the same way.
Wolfram is sitting next to Yuuri on a picnic blanket with Greta on his lap. They are laughing about something, and the pure adorableness is wrenching Yuuri's heart into two. Yuuri had figured out his feelings for his Wolf a long time ago, and had even come to terms with being "Gay" even if it was only for Wolfram.
"Greta, look! That cloud looks like a bear-bee!"
"Hahaha, you're right Papa-Wolf! …Nogisu~"
They both broke out into laughter again and Yuuri began to die inside.
I wish that Wolfram would smile that smile for me specifically. Although I'm glad he smiles for Greta…
It was a little selfish, and Yuuri knew that; he just wanted to make Wolfram happy.
I don't even know if he wants to marry me… Would he want to be tied down and taken from his life as a soldier? He seemed adamant enough to reject me when I first proposed, even if it was on accident. I always have to wonder if he only stays by my side because of his pride…
While Yuuri was wallowing in his self-doubts, Greta got up and jumped on Yuuri which effectively startled him out of his thoughts.
"Papa-Yuuri, whatcha thinking 'bout?"
Yuuri blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, trying to come up with something.
"Ah… Nothing important."
That went well…
"Wimp. Too afraid to tell your own daughter what you were thinking?"
"No! And I am NOT a wimp Wolfram!"
Even though I am a wimp. I can't even tell him how I feel, and how is that courage?
"Whatever wimp."
Yuuri sighed and hoisted Greta up in his shoulders after standing up, sending her into a giggle fit. He began to walk back to the palace, Wolfram behind him. They weren't too far away since they weren't allowed to go too far without a ton of guards.
They had finished lunch and dropped Greta off for her afternoon lessons with Gunther, and Wolfram had managed to convince Yuuri to go out into the gardens with him. They sat down in a bench in the shade, away from prying eyes.
The wind suddenly blew, blowing blonde bangs to the side and revealing Wolfram's beautiful green eyes. Yuuri swore he could stare into them all day, except he hadn't realized he had actually been staring.
"What are you looking at?"
"Ah… Just… Nothing."
Yuuri felt extremely stupid, but what was he supposed to say? 'Oh I was looking into your gorgeous eyes because I secretly love you and think that you are extremely beautiful.' …yeah that would go over well.
"Yuuri you've been acting really weird lately."
"Yeah, is something the matter?"
"N-not really."
"Come on, you can tell me. I promise I won't make fun of you or anything."
Well I suppose… I could try, but how… how do I…
"What do you think of me?"
"…What kind of a question is that?"
"Fine, don't answer."
"No I'll answer, I was just wondering what brought this on… I think you can be a wimp and a cheater, and altogether too innocent for your own good."
Each word was like an arrow in Yuuri's heart, but he waited to see if Wolfram had anything else to say.
"However at the same time you are kind and you can be strong. You manage to make peace negotiations look easy and it's so easy for people to like you for your personality… People normally only ever liked me because of my looks, I-"
"That's not true!"
"You… You're more than a pretty face Wolfram. You are stronger than I'll ever be, not to mention I know that you are kind as well. Anyone who has ever seen you with Greta would have to agree."
They were both blushing now, although Wolfram's blush was a bit more pronounced.
"Yuuri, do you mean that?"
Wolfram's question came out as a single quiet breath, yet Yuuri heard it and it made his heart flutter inside.
"Yes Wolf, I really mean that."
Wolfram looked into Yuuri's eyes and saw sincerity, then he smiled happily.
"And I meant what I said about you."
Yuuri swallowed quietly.
This… Does this mean he really likes me? I…
Since Wolfram was sitting next to him on the bench, not to mention facing him, they were really close. Yuuri could hear Wolfram's soft and steady breaths as he looked him. Wolfram was happy, and Yuuri always wanted to see him happy, but Yuuri finally gathered up the courage to do something that might make the blonde unhappy. Although he hoped it wouldn't.
Yuuri quickly leaned over and pressed his lips against Wolfram's gently. Wolfram's eyes had opened wide and Yuuri leaned back blushing. It was a very short kiss, it probably didn't even last a second but Yuuri didn't know if Wolfram would allow him more, so he didn't push it.
"I-I like you Wolf… I like you a lot. I-I'm sorry I'm such a wimp that it took me so long t-to tell you…"
Wolfram wondered how long it had taken him, but he didn't push the matter. Instead he hugged Yuuri and pulled him in for another quick kiss, although this one lasted at least two seconds.
"I like you too Yuuri… I'm pretty sure I love you…"
Wolfram looked down at his lap, still hugging Yuuri but now slightly embarrassed. This was all he ever wanted from his Yuuri, but now he didn't know what to do.
"…I'm glad."
Wolfram looked back up at Yuuri, at his smiling face. It wasn't a sheepish smile, or an awkward grin, but a sincere love-filled smile.
"Me too."
Yuuri moved closer to Wolfram, almost pulling him into his lap. Wolfram was surprised at the sudden movement as he almost fell over Yuuri. Yuuri tucked his arms around Wolfram's back and looked him in the eyes, searching for any doubt or hesitation. When he found none he leaned in once more, desperate to taste the one he loved. Wolfram hesitantly moved his lips against Yuuri's until he melted further into the kiss.
Yuuri hesitantly slipped his tongue out from between his lips and ran it against Wolfram's lower lip. Wolfram gasped and Yuuri took that as an invitation to enter. Wolfram melted into the kiss as Yuuri ran his tongue along every part of his mouth, coaxing his tongue into a weak battle. When they pulled back for breath Wolfram moved and straddled Yuuri's waist. Yuuri blushed before leaning in for another kiss.
This kiss was slightly more feverish, more rushed, as though they couldn't get enough of each other and for all they knew, they couldn't. Wolfram moaned as Yuuri held him closer, and the moan made Yuuri's blood boil. The feeling went straight down to his gut and he began to harden.
Wolfram gasped feeling the hard bulge growing underneath him. He moaned as the fact that Yuuri was hard for him turned him on as well. As Wolfram's erection began to push into Yuuri's abdomen Yuuri gasped as well.
"I… I love you Wolfram… I really do."
"I love you too wimp."
"I'm not a-ahhnnn."
Yuuri was cut off when Wolfram sat down further onto his already hardening member, stimulating him further.
"G-God Wolf…"
They began to make out again, but this time Wolfram occasionally ground his hips into Yuuri eliciting all sorts of sounds from the both of them. Yuuri pulled back and carefully removed Wolfram from his lap, panting. Wolfram whimpered at the loss of contact.
"Wha- Yuuri?"
"S-Sorry… This… I can't…"
"Why not?"
Yuuri shivered and almost reconsidered his choice.
"I just… If we keep going… I-I probably won't be able to… stop."
Wolfram looked shocked for a moment before regaining his composure and looking pointedly at Yuuri.
"I. Don't. Care."
"I don't want to stop… And I don't think you really do either."
After his last sentence, he gently pressed his hand against the bulge in Yuuri's pants causing the double-black to bite his lip in order to prevent whatever noise he was going to make.
"N-no fair…"
Wolfram began to rub his hand slowly back and forth making Yuuri shudder before he removed Wolfram's hand.
"N-no… No! You have to stop Wolf… I can't… I'm going to…"
"Hmm~ then maybe we should go somewhere more private."
Yuuri shivered at Wolfram's tone of voice before he grabbed Wolfram's hand and walked ever so carefully to their room… It was difficult to walk with such a painfully hard erection. He had to be careful to hide it as well since he didn't want anybody to see him like this.
Yuuri sighed in relief when they safely made it into the room, and he flopped down on the bed. He temporarily forgot why he was there until he rolled over and then instinctively curled up in pain from accidently having hit his swollen member.
Wolfram sat on the bed next to him and sighed.
"That's not going to go away on its own you know…"
Both of them had faces that rivaled tomatoes in how red they were. Wolfram pushed Yuuri over gently before laying over the top of him, propping himself up with his forearms. As Wolfram began rubbing his member up and down over Yuuri's, they both realized once more how constricting their clothes were being. Yuuri was so painfully hard he didn't object when Wolfram pulled both of their pants down. He did however object when Wolfram began to rub him through his undergarments.
"Wolf! No, you can't!"
"B-Because! I-it'll… Nngh… m-make a –Ahhh… m-mess…"
Even though Yuuri had asked him to, he still unconsciously whimpered from the loss. His erection was throbbing, begging for release, and he continued to deny it.
"T-then I guess there's only one choice…"
Yuuri sighed in relief, thinking that Wolfram meant they would do it another time or something, even though he was still hard. However, Wolfram had other plans and he pulled off Yuuri's underwear gently to avoid hurting him.
Yuuri bit his lip as the cool air fell over his weeping length.
"W-what are you d-doing? I already said- GAHHH!"
Wolfram licked the tip. He licked it. Yuuri couldn't form a coherent thought as Wolfram put his mouth over the head.
"F-ffuuuck Wolf. A-Ahhh – ghhhh."
Wolfram was gently sucking Yuuri's member while swirling his tongue around in circles. He hummed in appreciation which in turn made Yuuri need to explode. He pulled on Wolfram's head lightly, trying to pull him away, but the blonde would have none of it.
He felt Yuuri twitching in his mouth, and he began to move up and down faster while sucking harder, pushing him over the edge.
His vision went white; never in his life had anything felt so good. Yuuri arched his back as he came in Wolfram's mouth, almost choking him. Wolfram sucked hard, swallowing every last bit of Yuuri's cum as it came out. Riding out the last of his orgasm, he jerked he head around and curled his toes. Yuuri fell boneless onto the bed.
Gasping for breath, he looked up and saw Wolfram licking his lips seductively. Just this picture was enough to get Yuuri hard again, reminding him of what had just happened. Suddenly Yuuri thought of something, and stared at Wolfram's lower half. He saw how hard he was and immediately felt awful.
"I… God I'm sorry Wolf, I almost f-forgot…"
"Th-that's okay… I can't imagine it was easy to think during… t-that."
Yuuri blushed as he sat up. He pushed Wolfram over, kissing him deeply. He could taste himself in Wolfram's mouth and though it probably should have grossed him out, it didn't.
He's mine… I-I never really thought… I mean I had hoped… God I love him so much!
Yuuri slid his hand under Wolfram's shirt and teased the pink nubs underneath. As Wolfram squirmed underneath him, he slid up his shirt and looked down at his skin. He reminded Yuuri of a porcelain doll, he was so perfect. The way his muscles were defined, but not so much as to make him look buff, or the way his skin reflected any light off of it…
"Wolfram… You are so beautiful."
Wolfram blushed. As much as he hated the word "beautiful" since it reminded him of how you would describe a girl, coming from the mouth of the one he loved, it was wonderful.
Yuuri rubbed his hands up and down Wolfram's chest slowly as he kissed him once more. They broke for breath after a minute, which was such a nuisance.
"Y-Yuuri… S-stop teasing me."
"Ohh? But it's so fun~"
Wolfram glared at Yuuri before thrusting his hips up against Yuuri's causing them both to moan. Yuuri pulled down Wolfram's underwear and before long Yuuri was grinding against him, rubbing their arousals together. Both of them were panting and barely paying attention to how they were reacting; instinct had all but taken over.
"Hah, unnn Y-Yuuri- Ahhh."
"Wha- Aghh… What i-is it- Mmmmm Wolf?"
"Wh-what about t-that mess you d-didn't want to make- gGGggggghh!"
"Oh? Well I t-think ahhh it's a little late t-to-oooo sto- ah- stop now…"
"I-I g-guess."
Yuuri did stop however, after feeling Wolfram nearing his end. He reached down between them and lightly held Wolfram's member causing him to writhe around in pleasure.
"MMmmmmmph- P-please…"
"Please what?"
"W-want you…"
Yuuri noticed Wolfram's hole twitching, which made his own erection harder if that was even possible at this point.
"W-want you i-inside me…"
Yuuri swallowed audibly. When he had first realized he was gay, he had turned to the internet and learned some things, although he had seen some things he wished he hadn't. He held three fingers up to Wolfram's mouth and he eagerly sucked them knowingly.
When his fingers popped out audibly Yuuri moved his hand downward and pressed his first finger gently against his hole. Wolfram twitched and moaned as Yuuri swirled his finger around the tight ring, trying his best to lubricate it.
"D-Dammit Yuuri, just go in!"
Yuuri leaned down and kissed Wolfram to try and distract him as he put his finger in. Wolfram noticed anyway however and broke the kiss, throwing his head back in pleasure. Yuuri slid his finger back and forth reveling in how tight it was, and imagining what it would be like inside… That didn't help his already hardened member any.
"Doesn't it hurt Wolfram?"
"Y-yeah, it hurts r-really good- Ahhh, more!"
Yuuri blinked a couple of times realizing that Wolfram was apparently something of a Masochist and he put in another finger, immediately scissoring somewhat roughly. Wolfram jerked his hips up, thrusting subconsciously against the intruding digits.
"G-god Yuuri j-just- MMMMMMM- just hurry up already!"
"Wolf! You don't know how much I w-want to, but I will NOT hurt you!"
"I. Want. It. PLEASE!"
Yuuri swallowed his fear and thrust the third finger in quickly, rubbing it back and forth which caused Wolfram to jerk around in pleasure. Yuuri searched for the one thing that he had learned would cause intense pleasure and he knew he had found it when Wolfram practically screamed. He was curling his toes and humping Yuuri's hand trying to get more of that feeling.
Yuuri began to roughly massage the bundle of nerves causing Wolfram to jerk up and grab Yuuri's shoulders. When he did that however Yuuri's fingers slipped out causing the blonde to whine.
"Well gosh Wolf, it's you own fault that they came out."
"S-shut-up and fuck me."
"God you have such a vulgar mouth when you're horny."
Yuuri positioned himself carefully while tilting Wolfram back slightly to allow him better access. For some reason he just loved teasing his blonde prince, and he only gently prodded his hole for a while before only pressing the head in.
Even though he wanted to thrust in repeatedly as hard as he could, he knew that doing so would hurt the one he loved. Besides watching Wolfram pant with desire was just as fun. Wolfram was pissed. He wanted the young king inside of him, and pain be damned he was going to get it. Wolfram threw his hips against Yuuri, burying him up to the hilt all at once. They both hissed in pain and pleasure.
"W-wolf- ffff… Dammit why did you do that?"
Tears were falling from Wolfram's eyes as he felt himself being torn apart. Yuuri leaned over carefully, being sure not to move inside of him. He gently kissed the tears off of Wolfram's eyelashes. Wolfram slowly began to relax as Yuuri gently kissed his nose then pecked his mouth before kissing his jaw. He moved downwards further and began to suck and kiss a certain spot on his neck, leaving a dark mark there the size of his lips.
Wolfram had begun to shake and his member had hardened again, the pain almost gone. He wanted the pain, but he didn't want to feel like he was going to die. He tested it, rolling his hips to get a reaction from Yuuri. He was successful and he still felt a small amount of pain, but he was ready.
Yuuri grabbed his hips gently pulling backward before looking into Wolfram's eyes for permission. Through his half-lidded expression Wolfram noticed the look.
"Y-yes… God Yuuri yes!"
Yuuri rightly took that as a yes and thrust back in, aiming for Wolfram's prostate. He hit it on the first try, making Wolfram forget any and all pain coming from his backside. Yuuri gave up on trying to be gentle. He just couldn't anymore, and so he began to thrust faster and faster while gripping Wolfram's hips tightly. He was abusing Wolfram's prostate each time and Wolfram was nearing his end. He couldn't take it anymore.
"I-I'm- I'm going t-to- p-please!"
Through his pleasure Yuuri registered what Wolfram was trying to say so he reached down, grabbed Wolfram's member, and began to jerk it back and forth furiously. Wolfram was jerking his head back and forth, not knowing what to do from the double pleasure he was receiving. Very quickly he reached his end and came all over their chests.
His mouth remained open as his body clenched while forcing out the remainder of his cum. When he came Yuuri had followed soon after since the walls had closed down around him. He bit his lip as he rode it out with a couple more thrusts before sliding out, completely spent. Yuuri finally got enough energy to look up at Wolfram, and he saw the most beautiful face he had ever seen, flushed with passion and the apparent after-glow of sex.
"W-wow that was… wow."
"I-I couldn't have said it b-better Yuuri."
Yuuri grabbed Wolfram's hand in his own and squeezed it gently.
"I love you so much Wolf. Forever and always."
Wolfram pulled Yuuri's hand up to his mouth and kissed it gently.
"Me too."
They lay down on the bed to take a short nap while snuggling… They woke up an hour later and went again a few times before washing up for supper. They wondered if anybody noticed anything different about them, but nobody said anything.
Hehehe, why is it so easy for me to write such things? Seriously. Give me names, personalities, and maybe a theme; I can write a smut story in under an hour… yes that's how long it took to write this.
Anonymous Friend: That's just 'cause you're a pervert
Me: Nuh-uh!
Anon: Uh, yeah it is!
Me: Well the readers don't mind!
Anon: … Whatever
Me: *addresses the readers* Please excuse me while I beat-up this idiot
Anon: …crap
*Anon is being chased by a crazy person with a slightly perverted mind and yelling apologies*
Me: Stupid Narrator, I am NOT perverted!
**sweat-drops* Yes you are…*