A/N: Okay, so it happened again: my muse was hijacked, this time by a couple of Valentine pieces, one of which (this one) turned out to be nearly, ahem, 14,000 words. I know, I know - wild, right?! *sigh* I was really hoping this one would speak to me in some way, though, so I really can't be too frustrated with that demanding, particular, prolific muse of mine. It is a continuation of my "Angels in Disguise" universe that I really quite adore for many reasons. There will be five chapters and the rating will go up to M in chapter 4. =) The entire story is already written except for some obsessive editing that is still going on, so hopefully the updates will be posted fairly quickly.


My apologies for being quiet on the reading, reviewing and chatting front lately; RL needs my attention, as well. I hope to do some catching up in cyber space soon.

I get very, um, attached *rolls eyes at self over the euphemistic term* to certain ideas and plans, and symmetry in various forms appeals to me. Therefore, I wanted to post the Valentines story(ies) ON Valentine's Day, of course. Alas, RL + the muse weren't cooperating with that and the more I tried to push it, the slower the writing went. Many of you out there are very dear to me and a few have a particular gift for saying what I need to hear when I need to cut myself a break. I am blessed to have you in my life. This time around it was molly2012, abstractartist and Woody2792, along with some remembered words from kesterpan and iyimgrace, that allowed me to let up on the self-imposed pressure. It is much appreciated, my friends, so this one is for you. =)

"Got it covered, Tobias."

Gibbs could almost hear his friend's suspicious disbelief in the ensuing momentary silence on the other end of the phone.

"Are you sure? Thought maybe you missed the memo that a couple's first Valentine's Day should be memorable, given the three ex-wives and all." Fornell placed just enough emphasis on the ex to make his point.

"Got it covered," Jethro just repeated, not interested in a conversation along those lines.

"I could –"

"Goodbye, Tobias." Gibbs cut him off and hung up his phone.

He shook his head. Apparently his Guardian Angel was trying on his cupid diaper after all.

Meanwhile, up in his kitchen …

Ziva checked the stir-fry once more and decided it was time to start the rice that would go along with it. She made a mental note to bring her rice cooker over here, as she preferred using that over the minute-style rice she'd picked up at the market on her way to Jethro's from work tonight.

She brought herself up short. Slow down, Ziva. Just because she'd cooked here even more often than she'd cooked for them at her place ever since her world had taken an unexpected turn for the marvelous on New Year's Eve didn't mean her lover would welcome the contents of her kitchen making its way over into his.

Well, any more than it already had. The man had remarkably few pots, pans and utensils. He'd explained that when the three exes had moved out, they'd each taken most of that stuff with them and a man who didn't cook much didn't need much.

As she reached for the box of rice, her phone rang. She smirked when she saw the display. Perhaps Agent Borin had received her package.


"Hey, Ziva."

"Hey yourself. How are you?"

"Fine. Just sitting here looking at a brown box with a DC postmark on it and wondering if I should call the bomb squad before I open it."

"Oh? Why?" Ziva kept the grin on her face out of her voice. "Have you done something sneaky and underhanded that might make someone want to hurt you?" She paused for effect. "Oh, wait – yes, you have. Perhaps you should call in the bomb squad."

Borin snorted.

"Sneaky and underhanded it might have been, but it was the best thing that ever happened to you. Admit it." Abby's voice couldn't have been more certain.

If Borin had been standing in the kitchen with her, she'd have seen Ziva's face melt into a goofy, besotted expression as she considered the man she was completely in love with – even if he didn't know that yet.

"You are certainly right about that," she admitted quietly, happily.

"So … is it safe to open the box?"

Ziva chuckled. "It is safe."

She heard sounds on the other end of the phone that told her Abby was ripping into the box. The pleased exclamation as she pulled out a large bottle of very fine, very smooth top-shelf bourbon said she was extremely happy with what she found inside.

"Awww, you shouldn't have." She was secretly glad they had, however. It was damn good bourbon, one she didn't usually allow herself to splurge on. "But, thanks."

"It was the least we could do," Ziva returned. Then her voice took on more than a hint of warning. "But do not let that go to your head. We may kick your ass first and ask questions later if you attempt something like that again."

"Message received," Borin assured her, refraining from making a promise she might not keep and moving into the real reason behind her call: reconnaissance on whether any angelic intervention was needed for the all-important First Valentine's Day. "So, what do you two love birds have planned for February 14th?"

"February 14th? That is next Thursday, is it not? Working, I suppose." Ziva bit back a grin as she played dumb. It would serve her Guardian Angel right to be left wondering on this.

"You're kidding me, right?" Abigail asked in disbelief.

"No," Ziva drawled slowly. "I am pretty sure we are working."

She was practically cackling in her mind as she strung her friend along.

"It's Valentine's Day, Ziva," her friend pointed out with some exasperation. "You should do something special with Gibbs."

"Valentine's Day is here already?" Ziva asked in mock surprise as Gibbs appeared in the doorway. Her eyes twinkled mischievously at him as she continued her conversation, her version of nonchalant worthy of an Emmy Award. "Hmmm. Well, I am sure we will come up with something. Perhaps we will treat ourselves to take-out and have a nice, relaxing evening."

Jethro could hear Borin's snort through the phone and his lips twitched.

"Take-out? Relaxing - ?!" Her friends could practically picture Borin slapping her forehead in despair. "Look, I'll find a nice restaurant for you and make a reservation. All you'll have to do is show up with Gibbs in tow. And for God's sake, buy him a card or something."

"Thank you for offering, but I am sure we will do just fine on our own. You can hang up the white robe, Abigail," Ziva informed her. "You have done your part."

"But –"

"I have to go now so I can finish fixing dinner. Enjoy your bourbon. Goodbye, Abby."

Ziva took a page out of her lover's book and hung up the phone while her friend was in mid-protest on the other end. She grinned at Jethro as he walked over and braced his hands against the counter on either side of her hips. Her own hands came up to rest on his magnificent chest as he leaned down to press a kiss to her upturned lips.

"What was that about?" he asked, tilting his head toward her phone where it now lay on the counter once more.

"Abigail was wondering if it was safe to open her package," Ziva shared with that twinkle still in her eye. "I teased her a bit, then told her to go ahead. She was very appreciative."

His characteristic smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"I think she is also worried that we will not manage to celebrate Valentine's Day in the manner she believes we should, if left to our own devices," Ziva offered dryly.

Gibbs huffed out a snort through his nose.

"Sounds like your Guardian Angel's been talking to mine."

"Oh?" she asked, one eyebrow lifted.

He nodded. "Just hung up on Tobias."

Knowing he meant that literally, Ziva chuckled.

His eyes warmed, the affection in them unmistakable.

"Still on for dinner that night?" he asked in a low, sexy voice.

Ziva's body flowed against his as she smoothed her hands up to wrap them around the back of his neck.

"Wild elephants could not keep me away," she murmured in a smoky tone that had his jeans feeling tight. He was too distracted by the way her soft lips were skimming a line of kisses along his jaw to correct her use of the phrase.

Besides, it was apt enough and Oo-rah for the thought behind it.

"Are you still cooking dinner for us?" she murmured against the shell of his ear, sending shivers down his spine. "You know I would be happy to."

"I'm still cookin'," he managed, nuzzling her throat. "Though you may end up wishing you had."

She grinned against his skin as she shook her head.

"I seriously doubt that," she denied, tilting her head back to capture his gaze with her own. "I trust you." Then the smile in her eyes darkened with need … desire … secrets. Her voice dipped an octave, hardening his body even further. "Besides, all I need on that night or any other is you."

Ziva urged his mouth to her very kissable lips, underscoring her point.

He released a hope toward the heavens that she really meant that, then lost himself in kissing her back.


The following Monday, Ziva walked into the lab to ask their favorite forensic scientist her opinion about an evidence report on a cold case that had been done by a local law enforcement agency before the victim's Navy connection had been discovered. She caught her coworker abruptly ending a Skype call with Agent Borin.

"Oh! Hi, Ziva." Abby tried to be blasé – no, no, nothin' to see here - but failed miserably.

"I did not know we were assisting the Coast Guard with anything right now," Ziva said, lifting an eyebrow in question. She knew full well her two friends had something on their minds besides work or the Abby in front of her would not have hung up so quickly with such a guilty look on her face and without giving the other Abby a chance to say hello to Ziva.

"We're not," the Goth admitted, unable to lie – but not wanting to admit to the truth, either.

Borin and Fornell weren't the only two with an urge to play cupid this Valentine's Day. Gibbs and Ziva were just so cute together; they deserved a special night, but neither of them had been much in the habit of thinking that way, as far as anyone else knew.

Abby went with a partial truth on the phone call. "She just wanted to say hi."

Ziva's eyebrow rose even further.

"Just to say hi?"

"Yeah, well … um … yeah," Abby tried weakly. She was really going to have to work on her game face, she thought.

Ziva decided to let her friend off the fish hook … for now. She asked her question about the report and Abby's answer confirmed her gut that the theory given to explain the blood spatter didn't match the pictures. With a word of thanks, Ziva turned to go back upstairs. As she got to the doorway, she turned her head to cast a look over her shoulder.

"Say hello to Abigail for me when you call her back," Ziva requested with a smug sparkle in her eye. "And tell her there is no need for the two of you to worry about Valentine's Day. We have it covered."

With a wink at Abby's surprised expression, she headed back to the bullpen.


Two days later, Tony and Gibbs were riding in the elevator coming back from questioning a new suspect in the cold case they had been working on. It looked like they were headed toward a break in the case thanks to Ziva's observation on the blood spatter. The guy had been clearly nervous and Gibbs had made the decision to let him stew for a bit, leaving Ziva and McGee to keep an eye on things from enough distance that the man might make the mistake that the team was hoping for.

Tony cleared his throat.

"So, tomorrow's Valentine's Day," he observed brightly. "You and Ziva have plans?"

The team had been happily surprised at the first of the year to learn that Ziva and Gibbs were now together, having figured out a long time ago that they were perfect for each other. Abby had rocked knowingly back and forth on her heels and asked what had taken them so long, and the whole group grinned good-naturedly when Tony had wondered out loud why he hadn't thought of locking them in a hotel room.

Gibbs just looked at him there in the slowly moving elevator car until DiNozzo had the urge to squirm.

"The first Valentine's Day, that's pretty special, ya know," Tony pointed out, starting to babble. "You should go for something romantic. You can't go wrong with the tried and true, Boss: flowers, dinner, chocolate … the whole nine yards. Women love that stuff."

The older man continued to stare at him for a moment.

"You sure you're the best person to be giving me advice on this, DiNozzo?"

Considering his current single status and colorful track record, the Very Special Agent conceded internally that maybe the man had a point. However, it was also true that nobody could do romantic like a DiNozzo when he put his mind to it.

"Well, yeah," Tony defended himself. "Who else are you going to ask? McGee? Fornell?" He practically snorted as he completely ignored the fact that Gibbs hadn't asked. "I mean, no offense to them, but come on!" He contemplated for a heartbeat. "But I'll bet the Duckman has moves we've never even dreamed of in this department." Then he wrinkled his face in distaste. "But let's just not go there, deal?"

Gibbs smirked, then relented. Tony meant well and he knew it.

"Got it covered, DiNozzo. Not my first rodeo."

He kept to himself just how special this one was, though. That was for Ziva to know first.

"But –"

A slap to the back of his head cut Tony off.

"Understood, Boss. You've got it covered."

TBC ...

A/N: And, yes, it is possible to legally ship alcohol in the States if you follow the rules. For instance, you can have it shipped directly from some state liquor stores.