The Warrior

(Disclaimer I don't own how to train your dragon and I'm not money from fiction)

"Dragon's." A Viking yelled as he ducked as a Gronokle flew overhead.

Stoick and the other Viking's came running out of there house's with weapon's in hand ready to defined Berk from the Dragon's.

Three Viking's were attacking two Gronokle while some others were attacking a Zippleback trying to burn a house down while other went after a Naddler. The rest were attacking other dragons that got too close to their houses.

Alfarin (Astrid's Father) ran over to Stoick. "This is the third time in five month that they attacked." Alfarin informed him.

"At least last time they left without tacking too much." Stoick reminded him. "I still don't know why they left or what that weird nose was? Stoick's thought was interrupted as a fireball flew overhead and collided with a house behind him and caught it on fire.

"Fire brigand." Stoick shouted.

Astrid, Fishleg, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Snotlout ran over to the fire with water buckets and tried to put the house out.

Stoick looked around then to the forge. "Where is Hiccup?" He asked then turned in time to doge a Naddler flying towards him.

"You don't have to worry Stoick I sent away were he would be safe." Alfarin informed him.

"Well at least that's one thing I don't have to worry about." Stoick said to himself as he threw a wagon at the Naddler that flew at him.

As Astrid and the other were trying to put out the house fire they didn't take noticed that a Naddler found them and it was not in a good mode after being hit by a wagon.

Fishleg's Mother saw the Naddler and yelled.


Stoick and the children turned in time to see the Naddler fire its tale spikes at them.

Everything for Astrid went in slow motion for her as the tail spikes came flying at her and her friend's. She looked over at Stoick running towards them with her father but they wouldn't get to them in time and they couldn't get out of the way.

She closed her eyes and waited for the end to come she could hear her friends screaming as the tail spikes came closer.

Then she heard the sound of boots landing in front of them and then came the sound of metal on Naddler tail spikes.

Astrid slowly opened her eyes to see a man standing in front of her and her friends with what looked swords but they weren't (they looked like two long pronged tuning forks with spiked tips.)

Astrid looked at him then to the area around his feet there were broken tail spikes all around him.

The others just stood were they were and stared at the person that just saved their life's. He was covered in dark brown leather armour with a lightly lighter brown coat that came just above his feet. He had a thin layer of metal plating covering his chest and shoulders. He was wearing what looked like thin leather gantlets with the same metal shielding on the back of his arms. His boots were made of refined leather that came half way up his leg and armour that came up from the middle of his boot up to his knee like the rest of his armour it was smooth.

He turned his head to see if they were alright that's when they took noticed of the helmet that he was wearing it covered his whole head and face the face plate was made of the same smooth metal with two weirdly shaped eye slits that shadowed his eyes.

From where he was running from and stopped when he saw the warrior jump from the roof of the burning house that the kids were trying to put out and save them.

"What kind of person could move that fast he hit every tail spike without fail." Stoick said to himself not believing what he just saw.

Then without warning he ran towards the Naddler that tried to kill the kids with speed that no man should have.

Astrid couldn't believe what she just saw first the masked warrior saved her and her friends from certain death then charged there would be killer head on.

Before anyone could figure out what was happing including the Naddler the masked warrior was at the Naddler it with the weird looking swords that looked like they wouldn't do anything to a dragon. But that is where they were wrong every time he the weapon hit the Naddler it would hurt it but how?

As he battled the Naddler it tried to bite him but he just sidestep out of the way and hit it on the head which made his sword make a weird sound when it made contact.

The Naddler had all it could handle and flew away from it attacker.

As the Naddler flew off the masked warrior turned and ran towards a Gronokle that was nearby.

Stoick couldn't believe what he saw the warrior that saves the children also took on a Naddler with no trouble and now he was off to fight another dragon.

"Now there a warrior to be proud of." Stoick said to himself as he watched as he took off after the Gronokle.

"If he only knew." Alfarin thought as he overheard what Stoick just said.

As he ran towards the Gronokle he linked his two swords together at the base of them turning his swords into a staff witched he used pole vault onto the Grenoble's back he then spun his staff over his head and brought it down onto its head making it stager.

He jumped off the Gronokle and ran towards a group of Viking's fighting three dragon's as he came closer he split his staff back into swords and put them on his back. He reached to his belt and took off two weird shaped disks and throw them at the group of dragon's as the disk's came closer to the dragons they screamed in pain and took off as fast as they could to get away from the painful noise.

Then he saw a Gronokle flying just over head and jumped and grab it by the foot and flew off with it while hanging on to its foot.

A Viking ran up to Stoick.

Stoick turned and asked. "Give me a report how many dragons are left?"

"There are still some Grackles, Nadler's and some Zippleback and I think a Monstrous nightmare." The Viking answered his chief.

"So no Night fury then." Stoick said looking at the battle.

"Not so far chief." The Viking replied.

"Good let's try to keep it that way." He said while running towards the catapults to help them.

As he ran towards the catapults he happened to look up to see the masked warrior jumping from one dragon to another taking them out as he jumped.

Stoick made it to the stair's that lead up to the catapults as he made it to the top to help the Vikings that were manning it. A Nightmare smashed throw the stair's that he was just on.

"I got his." Stoick told his men as he took out his battle hammer and attacked the Nightmare.

Then out of no where's a blue bolt of energy came out of no where's and hit the tower.

"Night Fury." Yelled a panicked Viking.

Stoick and the other Viking just had time to jump to safety as the tower came down.

As the masked warrior jumped to a new dragon he saw the tower take a hit and fell to the ground with a crash. That's not what got his attention it was the shadow it was the shadow flying past the lights in the sky.

He reached for what looked like a weird shaped dagger on his leg. He with his thumb he hit a hidden switch and tossed it a few inches into the air. Three more blades' shot out of it as it turned into a four bladed star shaped weapon.

Stoick watched as the masked warrior jumped from the dragon he was standing on and threw something towards the sky. Then to his shock the masked warrior was now falling from the sky.

As he fell he saw Night Fury fall from the sky and into the forest. As he fell he took the swords off his back and hit them together.

As his swords collided they made a load weird sound that echoed all around the village. It was the same sound Stoick heard on their last raid.

Astrid and friends watched him fall then like everyone else heard the ear splitting nose. That made the dragons that were left flee. As the masked warrior fell he went past the cliff everyone lost sight of him.

The Viking that weren't hurt ran over to the cliff and tried to see where he landed but couldn't because it was too dark.

Stoick grab a torch from a Viking standing nearby and tossed it down to where he thought the masked warrior landed.

As the torch hit the ground and in its light showed that there was nothing there but the burning torch.

"Where did he go?" Astrid asked the question that everyone was thinking.