Author's Note: Katie: This is an another small drabble by me. I suppose, if I understand crack, it is crackish. Anyways, enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own this :(
The genomoprphs have always looked after Conner as a baby of sorts. Of course, he was their brother, but rather, he was their baby brother. And as their baby brother, they loved to teach him a lot of things behind the scientists' back. The more musically inclined genomorphs educated him in a dozen or so musicals, not counting the thousands of songs they had him endure. They even taught him how to play several instruments. The multilingual genomorphs took it as their duty to teach him all the languages they knew daily, so that he would be prepared to deal with other countries and their languages, should he be in such a situation. He was the only genomorph that could go out to the world and be able to act normal, unlike his fellow brothers. So it was common for a genomorph to him tell him a random fact or teach him a history lesson. They wanted him to be prepared for the normal world and not just the hero-villain world. Dr. Desmond regarded this as frivolous and tried to stop the genomorphs from telling him silly, useless things. But it was hard to stop telepathic genomorphs from teaching The Superboy things that they thought he should know. Even Dr. Desmond's personal genomorph would join in the fun and tell Superboy things sometimes. Superboy, however, did not appreciate this schooling as much as they did. But the genomorphs had no idea that their "baby brother" thought this, so they continued on. When Superboy had made his choice to leave with the sidekicks, they proudly looked at him and each other, telling each other telepathically about how proud they were of him.
"He's grown up so much!"
"I remember when he was just biologically a year old, the little tyke!"
"It's going to be hard seeing him go."
During Superboy's visit on Thanksgiving, genomorphs would look at him fondly. Though he disregarded the looks, some of them nearly fainted at the sight of his face glancing at them. Especially the younger genomorphs, who had barely been around while Superboy was at Cadmus.
When Conner had visited again several months later and the genomorphs found out his civilian name, most of them looked like they had tears in their eyes. One small G-Gnome even went up and hugged Conner's leg.
"Conner Kent, what a name!"
"I know right? Sniff, it rolls off the tongue quite nicely."
"He has the same last name as that reporter, Clark Kent!"
Conner looked down at the genomorph hugging his leg as he bluntly asked Dubbliex, "What's wrong with the genomorphs?"
Dubbliex just smiled.
"Our brothers look down to you as a baby brother of sorts. They are just very happy to have found out about your new name, Conner."
Katie: Like it or not? Please review ;)