Pain. Pain is all I feel. It covers my body like a blanket. If I move, I feel pain. If I do anything, I feel pain.
Why am I in pain? Did I fall? Did I trip while walking and scrape my knee? No, this pain hurts a lot more than that. Then, why am I in pain?
Black. It's all black. Everywhere I look is black. Am I blind? Did something go wrong while I was doing my magic? No. Even if that is what it was, my sight would've been back by now. Why is everything I see black?
I slowly flutter my eyes open. The fluorescent lights above are bright, making me squint. It takes a while for my eyes to adjust, but when they do, I slowly rise. The pain in my chest causes me to fall again. I wince as I crash down back onto the bed.
"Oh, Arthur, you're awake. I wouldn't move a whole lot, if I were you. You had it rough," a voice says startling me. Out of curiosity, I look over to where the voice originated. There sits four men who look oddly familiar to me.
The man who spoke has shoulder-length blond hair and blue eyes. He has a slight amount of facial hair. He wears a long blue coat and matching capelet, with red pants and brown boots. Another man is a short, slim man with black hair, flatly-colored dark brown eyes. He is wearing a white naval uniform with black and gold accents. There is a tall, muscular man, with sleek blond hair and blue eyes. He wears either a green Wehrmacht, or a Waffen-SS officers' uniform with a Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on the collar. Hiding behind him is the last man. He has short brown hair and brown eyes, with a curl on the left side of his head. He wears a blue WWII military uniform, a black shirt and tie, and black boots. He is holding a white flag.
"Of course I'm awake. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask. My voice sounds different from when I last remember. "And who the bloody hell are you?"
"Oh mon dieu. il a oubliƩ," the first man mutters. The other men look at me. I feel my face get hot from the attention.
"Iggy! Man, dude! That was intense!" I look over to my left. A man with short dusty blond hair and an ahoge sticking up stares at me with sky blue eyes. I would specify what he is wearing, but he is wearing what I'm wearing, a hospital gown.
"That man over there said my name was Arthur. Or is it Iggy?" I say looking at the first man again.
The last man's smile fades. I've realized he is in casts. One on his arm, another on his leg. His face is bruised, too. He reaches over to the table next to him and puts on a pair of glasses.
"Y-You've got to be kidding me!" he says laying back down. He sighs.
"I believe I asked a question. Who the bloody hell are you?" I repeat.
Well, there it is. Hope you like it. I don't know how I came up with the idea of England forgetting who he was, but I'm glad I did. I have so much planned in the future for this story. If you have any ideas, I'd love to make them happen! Comment them in the review box. I'll try to squeeze them in somewhere. (I'll also thank you guys for it too!) Well, till next time. Peace!