Out behind the guild hall, just in front of where Magnolia Lake's sandy shore reached the grass, stood Lucy, Natsu, Wendy, Gajeel, and Master Makarov. Lucy also knew that many of her guild mates were gathering at the Guild's window to try and see the feat that would take place.

The summoning of the Celestial Spirit King.

Lucy had already released Second Origin so she would have enough magic to preform the summon, and her magic was currently surrounding her body. The 12 Zodiac Keys floated in a circle above her head. The other four who were with her gave her plenty of room.

Lucy steeled herself and began the call, "I, who have contracted the 12 golden gates, am the key to unlocking the Celestial Spirit World!" Lucy called loudly as she raised her hand above her, into the center of her keys. The keys began to rotate slowly in the circle above her head, "I call forth the King of all Spirits, The Celestial Spirit King! Hear my call, and come through the gate!" Lucy yelled out the last words, and her body glowed with the power of Celestial Magic. Her keys were spinning so rapidly, the almost represented a halo over Lucy. They too shone brightly before dropping down over Lucy and enclosing around her waist.

The entire landscape was affected by the outcropping of such immense magical pressure. Sand was kicked up on the beach, leaves fell from trees, and the lake's water was rippling, even with Lucy standing so far from the water. Finally, everything froze. Leaves and sand remained suspended in air. The water stopped mid ripple, almost as if frozen. The loose clothes of the four bystanders, whipped around by the magic, slowly came to rest peacefully again.

Just off shore, standing above the water, the Celestial Spirit King appeared. Larger than even the huge guild hall, he was truly in intimidating sight. His arms were Folded across his chest, and he looked down upon the five mages that were gathered. His red eyes connected with each Dragon slayer, then Master, and finally they rested solely on Lucy.

"Lucy…" he rumbled out. His arms unfolded and rested at his sides as leaned down closer to her. "How nice to see you old friend!" He smiled and Lucy smiled too as she turned to her friends and ushered them over.

"Well, Everyone has already met, well, except for you Master," Lucy paused and looked at Master Makarov, "Master, this is the Celestial Spirit King." Lucy gestured to the Large imposing Spirit.

"I am glad to meet the person responsible for taking care of Loke when he was lost," The Celestial Spirit King rumbled out, "and I thank you for watching over him and Lucy Heartfillia." He smiled down at Makarov, who returned the gesture.

"I should say the same," Master laughed out as he rubbed the back of his head, "But in all seriousness," all laughter from his voice disappeared as he locked eyes with the imposing spirit, "I ask that you know help other children of mine."

The Celestial Spirit King straightened up, and the three dragon slayers stepped forward. "Ah, yes. If you three would kindly place your keys in my hand." He extended his hand down to the ground, and each dragon slayer placed their key into his palm. "Now, all three of you will need to destroy your own key, with your own magical power, and hopefully, this will be the end of this problem."

As each dragon slayer stepped back from the spirit, Lucy asked, "And if the keys begin to reform?"

"If they begin to reform, then I will be able to gauge the amount of magic being used to repair them, and I will know how many keys are in this set." The Spirit King responded as he directed his next words to the dragon slayers, "Now, Destroy your keys."

There was a slight hesitation. Each dragon slayer silently wondered if destroying the key would harm them, or worse, kill them. But, it was Natsu who spoke first, and Gajeel and Wendy followed suit.

"Fire Dragon's"

"Iron Dragon's"

"Sky Dragon's"

"ROAR!" and each attack hit their respective keys, and instantly they shattered. Everything was quiet as those gathered waited to see if the keys would begin to repair themselves. Finally, the remains of the three keys began to glow, and slowly began to piece back together. After a few minutes, the three keys sat again in the Celestial Spirit King's hand, not a scratch on any of them.

"So there are more of them keys out there then, huh?" Gajeel gruffly asked.

"J-Just how many are there?" Wendy hesitantly got out.

"And who the hell are they?" Natsu finished.

Lucy looked up towards the great spirit, and waited for his answer. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh before replying, "There are seven keys in total, in this set." He used his magic to give the keys back to the slayers, "I don't know who each holder of the other four keys are, but I do know this," he stopped and looked at Lucy, "Each one has come in contact with you and your magic. That is the only way that they would have the key in the first place. That should narrow down your search, but if you need further help, one key holder is very close by." The Celestial Spirit King finished, and everyone paused to think over what he just said.

"One more thing," Everyone stopped and listened, "In two weeks, Natsu will become a Celestial Spirit." Everyone gasped at the news, Lucy grabbed onto Natsu's hand, and he gave hers a firm squeeze. "It would have been longer, but you have already been summoned twice, and you have made a contract with Lucy. In two weeks time, just as the sun sets and the first star appears in the sky, you will become a Celestial Spirit, and will live forever traveling between Earth Land and the Celestial Spirit World."

With that, the Celestial Spirit King left, and nature crashed down around the five gathered mages as time started again. When everything settled, Gajeel spoke up, "So, we gotta collect four more keys?" he looked to Lucy.

"From four different Dragon slayers who have encountered Lucy before." Wendy continued and also looked to Lucy.

"And one of 'em is really close by!" Natsu exclaimed Loudly.

"Two weeks." Master interrupted the Dragon slayers' musings, "Natsu, you made a contract with Lucy?" he asked Natsu who was still holding Lucy's hand.

"Yeah, I promised to always be by her side!" Natsu proudly exclaimed and hugged Lucy close to him. Gajeel gave a scoff and smirked at both of them. Wendy gave a heavy blush. Even Lucy blushed at Natsu's bold declaration.

Master smiled and said, "Ah, well I guess we better start on who might have a key." Master turned to head back to the guild, but stopped as he heard someone approach.

"Laxus!" Natsu shouted when he spotted said mage walk through the clearing. "Fight me!" He then yelled forgetting the last few minutes or so. Needless to say he was soundly defeated in one punch.

"Buzz off Natsu, I got to talk to Gramps, and Blondie here." Laxus started towards the two before stopping when noticing the shock come to everyone's face.

"D-do you have a key too?" Lucy meekly asked. "Yeah, it showed up while I was coming back from my last mission." Laxus replied, "It came from my body, or more specifically," He was interrupted by Master.

"The Dragon Lacrima inside you." Lucy shuddered and knew that the next two weeks would become hectic for her. Seven dragon slayers held Celestial Spirit Keys, and unless all seven of them gathered, they would become Spirits themselves. Four currently stood in front of Lucy, and she had a sinking feeling about where two more keys could be found. But in the end all seven had to be present to stop this bizarre occurrence from being completed.

Howdy ya'll, Sorry for the huge delay, there is really no excuse, so I will waste no further time explaining it. Any way, another chapter is here, and with it I bring a little clarity to background that makes this story more believable.

Everything up to right before the Eclipse Gate opening still happened, Lucy's Capture, Fairytail's win, and Natsu and co rescuing Lucy. Only this time around, Lucy and Yukino permanently closed the gate before dragons came through. This resulted in Future Lucy and Rouge never existing, and memories of them disappeared from everyone's mind completely. And here we are. No dragon attack, no Cobra appearing, and also, this follows Manga timeline, so Zentopia is not apart of this stories cannon. This is important. Also if you didn't already know Yukino finally got Lucy to take her keys. But that is all that really changes. Thank you, Enjoy.