Okay guys this is a one-shot for Valentine's Day. I know I should've written this earlier but I crashed in the stairwell of my house on that day causing a bad knee injury. So I was in so much pain that I couldn't write last night. This is how Montgomery proposes to Aurora at a party during Valentine's Day. Will she say yes or will she say no? I don't own anything except for Montgomery's last name!

Montgomery smiled as he slipped a small ring case into the pocket of his jacket. He and his girlfriend Aurora have been dating for the past 3 years and Montgomery wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He was planning to propose to her on Valentine's Day which was today. Montgomery had already told Quinton about his plan. When a slow dance would come during the dance he was going to tell everyone his announcement and propose to Aurora right there in front of everyone. Once Montgomery got there he saw Quinton standing by a wall in his normal clothes he wore when he was against Dr. Faker with a purple flower in his silver hair. Quickly Montgomery went to Quinton.

"Waiting for Lila again Quinton," Montgomery asked with a smirk.

"Yes and are you ready to propose to Aurora tonight," Quinton said with a smile.

"Yeah but I'm nervous," Montgomery said scared.

"Come on your Montgomery Peters. You can do anything once you set your mind to it," Quinton said poking Montgomery.

"You're right. I can do this," Montgomery said as the dance began.

Soon right on schedule the slow dance came and Montgomery turned the music off.

"Everyone I have an announcement to make," Montgomery yelled to quiet the crowd.

"What is it," Lila asked as she put her head on Quinton's chest causing him to blush.

"Aurora my love, we've dated for 3 years already and I want to spend the rest of my life with you," Montgomery said as he knelt down in front of her, holding the ring case in his hand.

"Oh Montgomery," Aurora said putting a hand to her mouth.

"Aurora Bellrose will you do the honor of becoming my wife," Montgomery said revealing a lilac heart shaped ring in the ring case.

"Oh yes," Aurora exclaimed before leaning over to kiss Montgomery. "Yes yes yes!"

With Montgomery hugged her and kissed her on the lips while placing the ring on her finger. And from then one Montgomery and Aurora lived happily ever after. The End.

Okay guys I know it's a bit mushy but I had to write something for Valentine's Day. I'm not good at writing romantic fanfics. Read and Review please!