The Oblivious

Summary: How often does one see what has been there right before his eyes the whole time? Can someone be that oblivious? Seems so. Hinted TyHil (one sided), eventually Tyka. Uke!Kai.

Disclaimer: Beyblade and all its characters are copyright of Takao Aoki. (Oh but I wish I could own them. We'd have interesting developments in the series. ;) )

AN: Hi everyone. I've been wanting to write a Tyka fic for so long and finally, I try my hands at one! (Yay!) So as you all know, it's one sided TyHil and eventually, I'll get to the main pairing. Tyson's gonna be seme in this one. But don't worry! I'll try not to make Kai too much OOC. Hmm... so...on with the story. :D

Oh and almost forgot...

Warning: Minor cussing.

Done. =^_^=

Chapter 1: Counter Strike

Spring. How Tyson loved the spring! Not because it was the season of romance and blah. Well, frankly, Tyson could care less about that particular factor. He loved it not for the romance—or lack thereof (not that he would need it anytime sooner)—but because it was one of those times when he could come home after gruelling hours of school to the company of his friends for an evening of pure fun and relaxation.

By friends, I mean those who are already in Japan—Kenny, Max and...Kai. Yes, Kai. His boarding was yet to be opened (Closed late. Strict rules...umm, yeah)and that meant either he could spend his days at his home (rather, Voltaire's mansion) or he could spend it with the remaining members of his team. And of course, the choice was obvious. He could blade till night and then should he wish to, he could return to Voltaire's mansion. (He did. Voltaire was in Russia. Oh joy!)

Rei was back in China. It'd be a while before he could be actually free to come to Japan. But that's okay. Tyson understood. At least, they could keep in touch. (Internet rules.)

So anyway, back to the point. Yes, Spring. Friends. Right.

It was one of such evening and the Bladebreakers (minus Rei) were all gathered at the backyard of the Granger dojo having a nice Zen like atmosphere-

"GO DRAGOON. THUNDERSTORM ATTACK!" maybe that wasn't totally tr-


-Alright fine! So they were enjoying an adrenaline driven evening.

"That's it Dragoon, more torque. You have him." Tyson beamed as he visibly saw his blade pushing that of Kai's against the wall of the Bey dish. "That's it. Like that. Keep your pace Dragoon."

Kai groaned, focusing hard on his blade. He was losing ground but he had a lot more to offer.

Just when Tyson was sure of an easy victory, he was surprised when Dranzer started pushing Dragoon back not showing any signs of reduced energy. But Dragoon was also a tough fighter. He put up a good fight by staying strong as a wall, hitting Dranzer again and again with much vigour.

Both blades went back and forth, each looking for an opening to beat the other one. The fight was almost closing to an end with Dragoon effectively pushing Dranzer out of his way. Victory was so near. The tension was so thick and palpating when—


"Aaahhhhhhhh!" Tyson yelped in total shock as the piercing voice entered his ears, making him lose focus and fall back while all the others, just as startled, looked at the source of the distress.

And it could be only one person.

"GOD Hilary! Could you be any less subtle?" Tyson groaned as he picked himself up from the ground, rubbing his sore ass. He groaned again as he saw Dragoon lying a few feet away from him, while Kai's blade weakly spun in the beydish.

He was just that close to winning!

"Who do you think you are barging in like that and interfering with our match?"

"Who do you think you are acting like the king of the world?" Hilary retorted. "I want an apology Tyson." She huffed. Apparently, what Tyson did at school was something so nasty to get her this much riled up.

"What did he do?" Max asked Kenny quietly but before he could receive an answer, Hilary dropped her bag from her back, turned around and showed the back of her dress that had a drawing of a cartoon version of Hilary, wearing a naughty expression that screamed 'Bitch please'. Below it were written the very words 'Troll' and also included the ever famous phrase 'Ha ha ha'.

At that, Max snickered which earned him a glare from Hilary (and nonchalance from Kai because, well, it's Kai!). He cleared his throat and muttered a quick, "Never mind" before distancing himself from the potential foreshadow of calamity.

"You...when did you? When did you write it? How did you get my shirt?" Hilary was angry. No, she was mad. So mad that even Kai took interest in seeing how her face changed from a normal shade to red in just a matter of seconds.

Tyson however seemed totally unaffected by all of these. He shrugged and replied casually, "When you were in gym. How else would I get your clothes without you being in them?"

"Would you prefer her that way?" Max piped in, giggling like crazy.

"Definitely." Tyson cooed, throwing a wink at the shocked expression of his friends.

"Is that so?" Max pressed on with an equally taunting tone.

"Oh, Maxie," Tyson shook his head. His best friend could be so naive at times. And so obvious. (Yeah, right!) "You know I don't dream about trolls."

He couldn't help but smirk at the end of the comment as he took in the flush that crept its way over to Hilary's cheeks. It was so worth it to see her facial expression change from angry to embarrassed in just a mere of seconds.

In fact, Hilary was so mortified by what Max and Tyson had said that she could barely bring herself to look in Tyson's eyes for a few seconds.


Nor form any coherent words.

"Although," Tyson continued, "It was a pain to sneak into the girls' lockers. And a shock too. It seems they think Hilary is a girl as well."

At this, only Tyson cackled. He was beginning to wonder why Max hadn't joined him when suddenly all he could feel was his right cheek throb and head spin as a loud sound of a slap echoed throughout the dojo.

Everything seemed to pause in time. Everyone went silent. So silent that even the faintest of sound (like rustling of leaves) could be heard without much effort.

When Tyson finally came to his senses (he wasn't unconscious but oh how much he wished to be), he saw a very livid Hilary panting hard with her arm still raised in the air and as for the rest...

Kenny took refuge behind Max. Max stared at the duo with mouth hanging ajar and eyes as wide as a pair of saucers and even Kai lost his coolness momentarily and stared as if it was the most unexpected thing he'd witnessed in aeons.

"Uh..." Tyson started, rubbing his sore cheeks, "W-what..."

That was brutal. She was a murderer.

Without a further word, Hilary covered her back with her bag, turned sharply and stomped away— flushed, still panting roughly and praying to god to spare Tyson from being disembowelled by her.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Indeed.

When they were sure she was gone from their premises, Tyson finally responded regaining just a fraction of his previous composure, "Umm...what's her problem?"

And the rest groaned altogether.

"What? It was just a joke!"

Max shook his head sympathetically at his friend, Kenny sighing in hopelessness and Kai...

Kai just glared at the offender.

He glared. Hard.

AN: So...yeah I made Tyson to be a little flirtatious. But it's not really flirting from his part. He and Hilary have been good friends for so long that he thinks he is entitled to crack jokes like these...and now he took it a little too far. Thank god because...well...I couldn't think of any other intro. Yeah I'm really pathetic. XD

So why no Rei? I really couldn't think of any lines for him. Yet. He may make appearances later. But since there are already so many characters already, I wonder if 'the more the merrier' applies over here. Oh and yes, Rei has internet. He is a celebrity chef, people! Plus, it was easier. ^_^;

Please review and let me know what you think of this chapter. I'm always open for suggestions.

Till then,
