Rose, Carrie and Oscar have left MI High and are now working in Edward Dixon-Halliday's elite MI9 unit. The team have to deal with a high stakes extortionist who seems to be trying to bankrupt the country.

"You're a Libra aren't you ?" Carrie asked Rose. Rose was working at her laptop on the table. Carrie had the day's paper in her hands.

"What ?" Rose asked, only half paying attention.

"Your horoscope ?" said Carrie. "Don't you read them ?"

"Course I don't. What would I want to read a load of old rubbish like that ?" asked Rose, slightly annoyed. "This week you will make a decision which will change your life. Yeah right. I do that most weeks. It's called life ! They're so vague. They write any old drivel and you could match it to almost anything that happens in any week. The day they say anything genuinely unusual, I'll start paying attention," said Rose derisively.

"You might be right. Hm. Libra. A troupe of baboons will sweep down your road at 2:30pm on Friday, hurling fruit and insulting passers-by," said Carrie nonchalantly.

"What ?" said Rose, startled.

"Ha, got ya !" said Carrie, grinning at her.

"Oh, really !" said Rose, half smiling in spite of herself.

"What's Oscar ?" asked Carrie.

"Well now, that's a question !" said Rose.

"Star sign !" said Carrie. "When's his birthday ?"

"Early January I think," said Rose.

"Hm, Capricorn," said Carrie. "A delivery from Saturn will produce an enormous splash. Don't wait to ensure financial security or disaster might result," Carrie read. "That has to be the weirdest horoscope I've ever read ! What on earth does that mean ?"

"It sounds like a threat," said Rose. They looked at one another. "I'll call Edward." Rose picked up her phone and called Edward's number. "Hi, Edward. Have you seen today's paper ?" asked Rose. "Carrie was looking at the horoscopes and there's a really weird one for Capricorn." Rose read out the horoscope.

"That doesn't sound like a horoscope," said Edward. "I'll get on to the Head and see if they know anything about it. Thanks for the call Rose. I'll get back to you if there's anything."

Rose closed the call and turned to Carrie. "Edward's going to talk to the Head. He'll get back to us if there's anything going on." Carrie shrugged and went back to reading the paper. A minute later they heard a dull low booming noise and the furniture in the room vibrated. The boom was followed by a distant crashing noise. Instantly their phones started beeping their emergency call code. Rose and Carrie grabbed their phones.

"All agent alert. Report to emergency stations immediately !" instructed the recorded announcement. "Further instructions will follow," it added. The call ended. As soon as the call ended, Rose's phone rang. It was Edward.

"Rose, get your gear. I need you and Carrie to come to my house immediately," said Edward. "Oscar's coming with the car to get you."

The two women grabbed their bags which they kept ready at all times, adding only their phones as they ran out of the door. They ran out on to the street just as a car came down the road at speed and halted in front of them. Oscar was at the wheel. The two jumped in and he set off immediately. Rose noticed that there was no screeching of brakes when he stopped and no roaring engine or spinning tyres as he set off. Oscar drove quickly, but not so as to attract attention. As she pulled on her seat belt, Rose asked, "So what's up ?"

"Bombs in the Thames," said Oscar. "Huge explosion threw tonnes of water out of the river and into the surrounding area. Flooding all round Whitehall, the City and further along the river as far as Docklands."

"Wow that's serious," said Rose looking worried. "What about the Underground ?"

"Don't know," said Oscar. He was concentrating on his driving, so Rose decided to leave the questions until later. "Oh no !" said Oscar under his breath. Rose looked up to see a wall of water heading down the road towards them. It was probably only a couple of feet, but it was travelling quite quickly and would easily swamp the car. Oscar did screech to a halt this time, executing a hand brake U-turn in the road and going back the way they had come. The traffic was becoming congested and people were panicking in their efforts to escape the flood waters. Oscar looked left down the next street and could see more water pouring down the road towards them.

"It's no good, we're going to have to get out of the car," he said. "Hang on !" Oscar pressed hard on the throttle and the car shot forwards towards a raised walkway.

"Oscar ! No way ! You're not going to .." shouted Rose. Oscar drove the car up a flight of steps on to an overhead walkway and stopped.

"Everybody out !" he said. The two women unbuckled and got out. Rose looked down at the road which was now swimming in water. People were running in all directions and many ran up the steps behind them. People looked at the car parked on the walkway and some of them laughed.

"Nice one mate !" shouted one man. "Way to park !"

Oscar grinned and nodded his head along the walkway. "We'll have to take another route," he said. The three of them set off at a run in the direction of Edward's apartment. "Good job we're not on the ground floor," shouted Oscar to the others. They came to the end of the raised walkway. People were standing at the top of the steps looking down at the swirling flood waters below. It was hard to tell how deep they were. A fire engine was driving slowly through the flood waters. A fireman with a loud hailer was shouting instructions.

"Please keep to high ground. Do not stay on ground level either outside or indoors. Seek higher ground !" instructed the fireman as the engine passed. "Do not attempt to wade in the flood waters. Please wait until they subside before attempting to cross !"

"What do we do now ?" asked Carrie.

"How's your Parkour ?" asked Oscar. "Fancy a bit of practice ?" Carried grinned.

"Bring it on !" she said. Carrie looked around for a suitable route. She pointed down to the road. There were a series of large concrete planters along the road. They lead up towards a wall which would take them close to a building site where they had container sized offices for the workers. "That way !" she said.

"Oh no !" whispered Rose.

"Come on Rose. We'll help you," said Oscar quietly. They followed Carrie. She ran across the walkway and leapt over the railings, landing perfectly on the nearest concrete planter. She then jumped to the next and next planter, making it look easy. Rose took a deep breath and jumped from the railings after Carrie. She didn't make it look nearly as easy as Carrie, but managed to make a clean landing before also jumping across the series of planters. Oscar followed. He figure that if Carrie could reach a jump then Rose probably could too. They were similar in build. He had it easy, being so much taller.

Carrie reached the wall and leapt up, grabbing at the concrete and pulling herself up. She waited for Rose and helped her to climb up on to the wall. "I'll be OK. You get going !" shouted Oscar. The two women set off, Carrie with more confidence than Rose along the narrow wall. She reached the building site and jumped over the wire fencing on to the roof of a container. Rose followed and slipped slightly until Carrie grabbed her arm to steady her.

"Thanks," gasped Rose.

"You're doing great !" encouraged Carrie. "We're not too far off now." She leapt from container to container. Their feet made loud clanging noises on the roofs of the metal containers. She finally stopped at the last container in the row, looking down at the swirling water which separated them from the street where Edward's apartment was situated. "We'll have to wade," said Carrie.

"It's not safe," said Oscar. "We don't know what's under that water. There could be a huge hole and we could get sucked under."

"Well we can't stay here," complained Carrie.

"Do you have your rappelling gear ?" asked Oscar.

"Yeah. I always have it in my backpack," said Carrie. Oscar pointed at the crane tower in the middle of the site. "Oh yeah. Nice one," said Carrie. She pulled out a metal tube and put a roll of metal wire inside. She pointed the tube carefully up at the crane and fired. The roll of wire shot out towards the crane, falling between the metal cross-struts and falling through the other side, swinging round to anchor itself.

"Good shot Carrie," said Oscar. She attached a loop to the connection on the end of the wire and wrapped it round her wrists.

"Eat your heart out Spiderman !" Carrie said, leaping off the container roof and swinging across the remainder of the site, her feet inches above the water level, toward the roof of a bus shelter on the other side of the fence. She landed quite cleanly and did a little dance to celebrate. "Who's the Daddy !" she shouted across. Then she looked in her bag and tied something to the loop before swinging it back across to the two others. Oscar waited for it to come, praying that it wouldn't snarl up anywhere on the way back. Thankfully, he grabbed it as it swung over.

"You next Rose," he said. Rose wrapped her wrists into the strap and hung on for dear life. "Hang on !" he said, lifting her up and swinging her across towards Carrie. Carrie waited to grab her as she came across. Rose had to admit it was pretty good fun swinging across the water, once she had got over her initial fear. Carrie caught her and steadied her so she landed cleanly on the bus shelter roof. Carrie took the weight from Rose that she had brought back with her.

"What is that thing actually ?" asked Rose, looking at the metal object Carrie was using. "It's a bomb," said Carrie, matter of factly, retying it to the loop. "Oh. Glad I asked," said Rose faintly. The wire was swung successfully back to Oscar. He detached Carrie's deadly weight and wrapped the loop around his wrists. He had watched how low the two women had swung and was worried if his feet dragged in the water, the extra drag meant he might not make it all the way across. As he swung down, he lifted his legs up as high as he could. His extra weight made him sink down even lower and he got his bottom wet as it skimmed the water surface. He barely made it over the fence and would not have reached the bus shelter if Carrie hadn't grabbed his outstretched legs and pulled him the last metre, with Rose's help.

"Thanks Carrie," said Oscar, getting his breath back. "Now we've just got to get to the apartment." They looked across the river of water running down the road. "I think we're out of stepping stones," he said.