"You are WHAT?!" The glass in Snow's hand broke, having crushed it after hearing her daughter's news. What she'd just heard topped the list of craziest things she'd ever heard. Dropping what was left in her hand, she stalked towards Emma, hand bleeding. Furious didn't even begin to explain how she felt in that moment.

"You're bleeding. We should get that looked at."

"Emma Swan don't you dare try to distract me. There is no way in hell I am letting you go on a date with her."

"I hate to break it to you, but I'm 28, not 16." Emma was irritated. She knew her mother had issues with Regina, but she didn't have the right to tell her who she could and couldn't see.

"I won't allow it."

"It's not your choice."

Snow groaned, frustrated. Looking at her hand, she finally realized how much it really hurt. It stung and the blood was flowing quickly. She wondered if she'd need stitches. Feeling a little dizzy she turned and stormed off into her bathroom, running her hand under the faucet. Emma followed not far behind, reaching into the cabinets to find the first aid kit.

"That look's kind of deep mom," Emma reached for her mother's hand, only to have Snow pull it away from her.

"Don't touch me."

"You can't be serious. You're being childish."

"Don't touch me Emma." The cold water felt good on the cuts. She didn't want anyone to touch her.

"You're really that mad?"

"Mad? Emma, I'm beyond furious! You're going on a date with the woman who tried to kill me! Multiple times!"

Drying her hand off, Snow reached for the gauze, trying to wrap her own hand only to end up failing. Emma grabbed her hand, not taking any refusal of help. She wrapped a little before she said anything.

"She saved our lives," Emma sighed, finished wrapping Snow's hand.

Groaning, Snow walked out of the bathroom and to the living room, almost tripping on one of Emma's shoes.

"Emma! I told you to pick up your shoes!" She grabbed Emma's boot and chucked it across the room before turning to face the blonde to her right.

"How many times are you going to shove that in my face? You, Henry, and even your father!"

"Probably until you get over the whole 'she tried to kill me' thing."

Exasperated, Snow flopped down on the couch, Emma not far behind. Silence ensued, neither sure what to say to the other.

"Mar…Mom. Okay I realize you two had a rough past, I really do. But this is the present and the future we're talking about. You've just gotta let it go. She's such a great person and she's really worked hard to redeem herself. "

"How did this even come about?" Snow rubbed at her temples, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Well… um… We've both had small feelings for each other all along. Though we hated each other, there was I don't know, an instant connection from the start? And it became a little more at the mine. And then when she saved us, we officially started talking and …."

"Three months?!"

"Yeah and then when the curse broke, we kind of…"

"Okay I don't need any more details." Snow said, covering Emma's mouth with one hand while rubbing her forehead with the other.

"I can't believe this," After a moment, she moved her hand from Emma's mouth and sighed.

"We haven't had sex if that's what you want to know."

"Emma Swan! I said I didn't need any more details! Ugh three months and you never mentioned this." Snow stood up quickly, as if hot coals were beneath her, turning to face Emma. "I don't like this." She crossed her arms, hoping to look menacing enough to convince Emma not to do it.

"I know."

"So why are you doing it?"

The blonde shrugged. "I have grown up doing what I wanted to do. What I thought was best for me, whether right or wrong. If I wanted it, I did it. I didn't really have people telling me no. Well, I did but it wasn't anyone that mattered. I just did what I wanted," sighing she continued, "I want this…thing with Regina. I haven't felt so good about anything in my life. Not even with… Neal." Emma closed her eyes tight, wishing her mother would understand. She was going on the date, if Regina said yes, but she didn't want Snow to be mad at her.

Snow, having seen the look in Emma's eyes during the small speech, groaned. She had the look. The look that said she was in love. Who was she, Snow White, to stand in the way of love? There had been a number of people that had tried to stand in her way and that had only made her fight harder. Knowing defeat, she threw her hands up.

"Fine. Fine, do whatever you want. Don't expect me to just get over everything instantaneously, Emma."

Emma grinned, jumping up to hug her mother.

"I don't expect that. Thank you for understanding."

"I don't…"

"Whatever." Emma smiled, hugging her for only a little longer. The excitement finally exploded inside of Emma. Looking at her watch, she freaked, seeing she had very little time to get to the diner before Regina did.

Releasing her mother, she turned and grabbed her brand new black leather jacket, a gift from her parents. She sprinted toward the door.

"Bye!" She was out the door before Snow had even had time to register she was leaving. The door slammed shut and Snow blinked, not sure what to do with herself.

She has to say yes. Emma thought.

Emma ran out of the building and to her car, just passing her father.

"Hey Emma, I…"

"Don't have time to talk! Be back later!" She said, not even turning to talk to him.

Getting into the car and starting it, she knew she had to book it if she wanted time to get to Granny's and have a couple minutes to collect herself before Regina walked in. Oh God, Regina. She hadn't even begun to tell her mother how really in to Regina she was. She never stopped thinking about her and many nights that had kept her from sleeping. She had been telling the truth when she said they hadn't had sex yet, but that didn't mean she didn't dream about it when she did actually sleep. Regina consumed her entire brain.

What if she doesn't say yes, Swan?

Reaching Granny's, she parked and ran inside, praying Regina wouldn't be there.

She'll say yes. She has to.

Looking around, there were only two other couples in the diner. It was a slow morning for Granny's apparently, which was odd because it always seemed to be busy on Saturday's.

Ruby looked up after hearing the bell ring, noticing Emma scanning the room. She began to pour the hot cocoa in a mug, topping it off with whip cream and cinnamon. Emma sat down in her normal booth just as Ruby walked the cocoa over to her.

"She's not here yet Sheriff. Should be in about five," Ruby whispered.

"That's not why I'm here," Emma stammered, staring at her mug.

"Uh huh. I know all about the night after the curse broke." Emma choked on the cocoa in her mouth and Ruby laughed. "Wolf hearing. You're lucky Granny's isn't as strong."

"Really Ruby? You remember I'm your boss right?" She couldn't believe Ruby had just said that.

"I remember. But just in case you didn't send them, a secret admirer had flowers delivered here to give to Regina when she gets in for her breakfast. They arrived just a few minutes ago."

Emma tried not to smile, putting on her concerned face.

"Well that's…interesting. I wonder who has the hots for Ms. Mills"

"She is pretty attractive. Now that she's not such an ice queen I'm sure there are plenty of people who fancy her. You better make a move Em or you're going to be left standing in the dust," remarked Ruby as she walked back toward the diner counter.

So Ruby knew about the night the curse broke, but she didn't know any more than that. She didn't know that the flowers were from her, so that was good. It was a funny thought, others trying to pursue Regina. She laughed; they were no competition for her.

Are you sure she's going to say yes, Swan?

The bell on the door rang and the brunette that consumed all her thoughts walked in, straight to the bar. Emma started bobbing her knee, slightly nervous. Smiling, she listened to the object of her affections order coffee and her egg white omelet. She ordered the same thing every time, never straying to new possibilities, Emma noted to herself.

If this becomes a thing, I'm going to make sure she tries something new.

Heels clicked and Regina sat down at a table across the room, the same one she always sat at on Saturday's. Pulling the book out of her bag, she placed it on the table, opening to her current spot. Whenever Henry had a therapy session on Saturday, she would come and enjoy one of her beloved books. It wasn't really therapy so much anymore as a designated hang out time for Henry and Archie. Emma watched out of the corner of her eye as Regina became engrossed in the book.

Emma heard Ruby's footsteps and smirked down at her cocoa, knowing exactly what was about to happen.

"Regina, these came for you this morning," she said as she placed a giant crystal vase filled with two dozen, red, long stemmed roses on the table in front of the former mayor. Blushing, Regina leaned in to smell the roses. They were lovely.

"Who are these from, Ruby?" She asked.

Ruby winked, "Secret admirer I suppose. They were delivered here about 20 minutes ago. I think there's a card." The tall brunette smiled, walking off to continue her work duties.

Regina searched for a card, dying to figure out the identity of the sender.

When Emma had gone to see Mr. French about the flowers, she had made sure to tell him to hide the card in the flowers. She really wanted to watch Regina search excitedly for the little white envelope.

Regina found the little card tucked between a few of the flowers in the middle and with a relieved sigh, she opened the card. She was shaking with excitement when she saw the sender's handwriting.

First date tomorrow at 7?

Nod yes, cough no.


Regina was trying so hard not to look up at the blonde she knew sat across the room watching her. Emma tried as well, peeking out of the corner of her eye, watching for any movement. What seemed like hours were only seconds, before Regina nodded slightly, smiling brightly down at the card she held in her hands.

A huge sigh of relief came from Emma. She too smiled, grabbing her mug and draining the rest of the cocoa. She didn't dare look at the brunette, afraid she may run over and kiss her right there in front of everyone.

She said yes, Swan. She said yes.

Leaving a generous tip for Ruby, she stood and walked toward the door.

Holy hell. She said yes.

Right as she reached for the door handle, she turned and smiled at Regina. Regina blushed, having been caught watching the blonde walk out of the diner. Smiling briefly, she looked down at her book, stifling a giggle as the blonde exited.

Emma walked down the steps and towards her bug. She was grinning like a fool but didn't care. She was going on a date with the most beautiful woman in town. The most beautiful woman in town had said yes to her.

In the car, she turned her music up and sang loudly along. It wasn't until she was almost half way home that she realized she had absolutely nothing planned.


Next chapter will come soon! Let me know what you think please!