*dodging rotten tomatoes and flaming pitchforks from angry villagers* Hi I'm back please do not kill me!

Ok guys this is going to be an apology under the cover of an author's note because holy shit 4 years of radio silence is a bitchy thing to do even for me. Soooo hi everyone, it has been a while and frankly I'm surprised as shit people are still reading this at all. I have decided to try and get this story going again! Yay! But in order for that to happen some of the earlier chapters I published are going to change, probably drastically considering when I first started writing this fic I was 12 years old and in less than 2 months I will be 17. It will take a while for me to get the first few chapters up of course and I will have to re-read the story and try to remember where the hell I was going with this but I think in the end it will be worth the wait. So with that being said starting tomorrow (it's like 1 am right now pls kill me) I will start reading and gutting this fic to make some improvements. I'm really excited to start this again and I hope you all are too and if anyone has any questions, concerns, or even some ideas please feel free to PM me. To new beginnings guys, gals, and pals. Also to my fellow LGBTQ+ family HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! LOVE THE GAY BE THE GAY EMBRACE THE GAY!