Ciao all you lovely readers! As you can see, this is my first attempt in writing a KHR story so be nice and no flamers please (as they'll be eaten by Natsu, Tsuna's adorable lion pet. "Gao!") Anyways, You might have seen these type of stories so many times already but I did plan to write this some time ago, just don't have enough courage + ideas to write one! XD Okay, enough babbling from me and on to the story, shall we? But before that...

Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn, it belonged to a great cartoonist named Akira Amano! :D However, I DO own this plot and fishy imaginations swimming in my head.

Note: NO pairings in this story, I want it to be solely family fluff and adventure. Also, I have to warn you that the story is not very stable as there's still a lot of plot holes that I need to think/fix so the updates may be slow (unless I have beta-reader(s) and people who can share some ideas with me?) And finally, this is AU, meaning Alternate Universe (but would like to keep some things the same as canon)




Chapter 1: Clash

The town was quiet...far too quiet perhaps but that was to be expected as it was already past midnight. None of the houses had their lights on, indicating that every single resident had fallen into their deep slumber. There was no sound of people walking down the street, no sound of dogs barking around the area, no sound of birds chirping in the trees, just the streetlights that were needed to be fixed blinking on and off occasionally and a full moon shining down on this particular neighbourhood like a blistering giant grey pearl. All in all, everything was calm and peaceful...until the sound of footsteps and whispers broke this lovely silent night.

"Hey, are you sure this is the right place?" A man in mid-20s with dark brown hair and matching coloured eyes whispered unsurely as a group of men in black suits pattered towards a large white building they did not recognize.

"Yes, I'm sure. That was what the boss told me when he gave us the mission this morning so can you stop asking this question?" Another man, probably a year or two older than his partner with blond hair and ocean-deep blue eyes sputtered irritatingly whilst scanning around the region before he motioned his team to move forward and stepped into the building. They were getting close to their destination when all of a sudden; purple mists were spreading throughout the region like smokes and soon, it not only covered their path but also the whole building.

"What? Why is there mists scattering everywhere?" One of their lackeys questioned aloud while fanning the mists away with his hand moving from left to right. The rest of his companions were doing the same thing.

Only the leader knew the answer. "You guys better be careful from now on because..."


" of our enemies is standing right in front of us."

Sure enough, purple mists were gathered together in one spot and almost immediately, a human with dark-blue hair the shape of a pineapple came into view, his face was the appearance of a white owl and it looked as if white feathers were growing out of his skin and instead of lips; it was replaced by the bird's black beak. He also had an indigo-colored eye on the left and on the right, a red eye the colour of blood with a kanji word "one" in its pupils. He wore a black suit with a black tie tucked into it. Overall, his features screamed 'danger'.

"Oi! Tell us where your boss is or else!" The leader's partner demanded while pointing a gun at the boy much younger than any of them in the area.

"Or else what? Like I would tell you fools anything about it. Also, don't call him my boss. He is just a person I would like to possess someday." The boy answered with its beak widened into an eerie grin, sending shivers down every man's spines.

"Fine! If you don't tell us then we'll make you! Everybody attack!"

As soon as the leader announced his command, gun shots were seen shooting towards their one and only enemy but before any of the bullets could reach the teenager's body, he disappeared into thin air once more.

"Hey! Where did he go?" The leader yelled confusingly whilst ordering his men to search for his target. He was so focused on finding the teen that he did not noticed danger looming close to him until he felt a sharp knife touching his neck, its shiny silver surface glinting on the moonlight. When he swung his head round, he recognized the man's face as one of his subordinates but something was off about him.

"Looking for me?" The guy said playfully before he looked up, showing his original amber-coloured eye on the left and a bright crimson eye with the kanji word "six" on the right. When the leader was about to pull out his very own dagger in his right pocket, a gunshot was heard followed by the possessed man falling down the ground with blood soaking his clothes.

"Phew. That was close. Guess we need more backup." The leader's partner stated but before he could say anything more, the ground grumbled erratically like earthquakes as large green vines shooting out of the earth and started to wrap the subordinates like octopus's tentacles.

"We can handle them just fine, plus it's only one boy we are fighting against with so it should be a piece of cake!" The leader shouted confidently. If only he knew how wrong he was.

"For now let's focus on finding the boy and get our revenge. The rest of the team are already in the building."

While the men were having a hard time fighting off giant tentacle-like vines and avoiding mini volcanoes, the adolescent they were looking for was resting in one of the trees nearby with a chuckle escaping his lips.

"How foolish. Even though they know those are nothing but illusions, they can't do anything about it." The mix-coloured eyed boy said with a loud sigh, boredom written all over his face. When he spun round, the number 69 were shown written on the back of his black suit in indigo colour.

"After all, I am the Mist. I create something from nothing, and nothing from something; thus bewildering the enemy to render the Team's true form intangible with visions of deceit."

Meanwhile, in the forest located behind the massive white building, a battle has commenced as another boy the same age as the Mist was swinging his two tonfas from left to right repeatedly as the numbers of opponents were swiftly reduced until those that were left standing could barely look at him in the eye. He had the exterior of a precautious hedgehog with pointed yet lethal grey spikes sprouting out of his skin and small brown nose at the centre of his face. His eyes flashed like cursed purple jewels which will surely bring nothing but nightmare to everyone (almost everyone) who meet his gaze.

Ever since the beginning of the fight, the black-haired teenager did not spoke a word as he charged forward in a blink of an eye and without thinking, punched the men's guts out with such brute force and strong murderous intent. It seemed that he was not in a good mood at all and the result of half of the trees in the forest being cut down in the middle of the battle proved his point.

"Make it quick so that I can bite more people to death." Was the only sentence he uttered before once again, he dashed towards his foes with inhuman speed and attacked like a ferocious carnivorous animal that has successfully escaped from its cage. His black suit which attached on his shoulders fluttered like a wavering flag with a purple coloured number 18 written on it.

Not far from his right stood a yellow bird the size of a tennis ball hiding in the trees. Its black eyes twinkled in the moonlight as it watched noiselessly like a camera recording the one-sided battle until it spread its wings and took off, its mouth beginning to open to speak this one sentence.

"To be the aloof, drifting Cloud that protects the Team from an independent standpoint, and whom nothing can ever bind."

Moving on to the top of the building, lightning strikes can be seen and heard clear as day as 12 of the men in black suits (5 had been immobilized by said lightning) were not fighting, but seemed to be frustrated as they were up against no one but a 5-year old child who thought they were playing a game with him.

"Hahaha, you can never catch the great L-sama with your pitiful tricks!" An urchin with black afro-like hair and green twinkling eyes exclaimed excitedly as he unknowingly avoided a fatal poisonous dagger darting towards his right ankle. His face was showing features of an animal known as the black bull (but looked more like a calf than a bull due to his age) with yellow old-worn horns on each side of his head. The youngster then proceeded to zap his targets with his lightning abilities like dart games. "Gyahahaha! You're it! You're it and now you're all it!"

One of the men with short brown hair and yellow highlights at the centre of his head glared at the youngling furiously as he shot three bullets instinctively. "Stop running around brat and let me kill you!"

However, as one of the bullets almost reaches the boy's chest, a puff of pink smoke emerged without warning and as the bullets whizzed past the hazes, a much older male but no older than any of the men on the roof standing while scratching his head in slight confusion.

"Yare yare. It seems that I'm back to this time once again."

Despite the fact that it was still the same boy as before, his outlook appeared to be entirely different from the brat as the 15-year old adolescent stood tall with confidence painted all over him, he no longer had the baby bull-like face but a strong and matured one that radiated its intimidating aura.

"Alright, let's get this over with before my time is up."

As he fixed his black suit with a capital letter "L" written in green on his back, he prepared his stance and adjusted his larger coiling horns that produced powerful energy ready to strike down his foes. "Here I go, Elettrico Cornata." And when he was about to release his electrifying capacities, his last words were whispers that held something important to him in life.

"I am the Lightning that draws damage to me and away from the rest of the Team, serving as a lightning rod."

The rooftop was not the only place that had clashes going on as in a wide green field closest to the forest, yells and exclaims of the word "EXTREME" were echoed in every corner, its volume could rival the sound of thunder so thankfully, this happened in an opened area or else windows would have been smashed by now.

"I as the Sun shall brightly shine upon the area by destroying the misfortune that attacks the Team with my own body! EXTREME Maximum Cannon!"

With that being spoken aloud, the 17-year old teenager punched the man's face with all his might, a sickening 'crack' sound was heard followed by few white teeth flying out from the poor adult's bruising mouth. Ouch, that was going to hurt a lot.

Standing in the middle of the battlefield was a muscular yellow-eyed teen with short white hair and yellow flames puffing out from his kangaroo ears. He had a brown, sensitive nose and brown furs covering his entire face. Moreover, his white long sleeved shirt were torn on both sides but his black suit that attached on his shoulders remained intact as when he spun round, the number 33 was written in bright yellow glow. His long mouth was promptly expanded into a thrilled grin, showing two rows of perfectly big but white clean teeth. "So who's next? Don't keep me waiting!"

"Grr..arrogant brat. Take this!" Growled one of the men with a sharp thin sword wielded in his hand but before he could slice his opponent's hands off, the boy held his right wrist with such amazing speed and twisted the other way around, causing the man to drop his sword in vain and when he was too focused on the pain in his wrist, the loud-mouthed teen kicked his stomach so hard that it sent him flying to the left like a rocket.

Needless to say, every one of his opponents were shocked by the teen's extraordinary strength but the fight had to go on so without further ado, all kinds of weapons were brought out of their hiding places as the sounds of gun shots, whips, and punches resonated in the night.

In the meantime, sounds of crashing tables and chairs were known especially on the third floor of the white building. Few broken windows with holes the size of a cartridge were no doubt caused by the mafia men but even those lethal guns were no match against the sword that coated with blue flames as the wielder swished his weapon horizontally with a speed of light, successfully cutting multiple guns into half and rendered them useless.

"I think you guys should calm down and discuss this matter peacefully. Wouldn't want this building to corrupt, right?" Said a black-haired teen with a nervous laugh escaping his large mouth, his face was displaying calmness despite that he had the appearance of a Japanese "Akita" dog breed with white furs growing at the centre of his face which formed into a triangle shape, the rest were covered by brown furs. The back of his black suit had the number 80 printed in blue writings.

"Like we listen to a brat like you! Charge!" Was the only sentence voiced by the leader of the group and as the first challenger raised his very own piercing knife towards the boy's face, the youngster narrowed his deep ocean-blue eyes for a second before he made his move.

"To become a blessed shower that settles conflict and washes everything away." Then in a matter of seconds, he smacked the deadly weapon away from danger with just one swing of his sword before he performed his next move.

"First move, Axle of Rain."

With that sword technique set into motion, his adversary was soon dropped down onto his knees and clutched his stomach in pain. However, there was no time to relax as more and more foes sprinted towards the one and only swordsman in the room.

In contrast to what happened on the third floor, on the second floor things was just as quiet if the sounds on the top floor and outside the windows were to be ignored. Another group of men were flitting around the hallways as they were trying to find their targets.

"Hey, who are we searching for exactly?" One of the newly recruited subordinates, Ergio asked intriguingly as he caught up with the leader.

"The boss of course! I received reports from other teams that he has not arrived yet, plus our boss had already mentioned that we must bring him back to our headquarters as soon as possible!"

"So all of his other teammates are gathered here already?"

"Hmmm..." The leader hummed whilst stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Now that I think about it, there's one more person missing perhaps."

"Who's that?"

"The Storm, also known as 59. He has the look of a spotted leopard with bright red flames radiating out of his ears. He's a specialist in bombs and arrows even though he rarely uses the latter. He also likes making paper planes for some reason."

"Like that one flying over our heads?"


Before the leader could have time to look up and spot the said object, huge explosions occurred on both sides of the hallways, resulting windows shattering upon impact and large amount of smokes enveloping the entire floor. As the hazes cleared up minute by minute, a paper plane emerged from the clouds of dust before it slowly but steadily dropped onto the ground. Shortly after that, a silhouette of a human emerged in the middle of the smokes.

"Continuously at the heart of the attack, the furious Storm that never rests."

Surely enough, the person the leader has described earlier was standing proudly at the centre of the uproar; his intense crimson eyes were ogling at the crumpled rubble and stones. Due to the explosion, the ceilings and walls around them collapsed and successfully trapping some men who were squashed in between large blocks of cement, wood pieces and glass shards.

"Tch, guess the bombs are not destructive enough." Mused the silver-haired stripling as he put his right hand onto his chin like he always does when he was deep in thought. His lighter was located in between his lips. "Because some have managed to escape."

The bomber's second sentence was muttered in a light whisper because at the same time, he without looking threw two mini bombs on the face of his attacker behind his back as without delay, they exploded with a loud "boom" causing burnt skin followed by a yell of pain reverberated throughout the whole second floor. Next, the youngster continued to throw more bombs as his usual fighting method but for those who came close to him, he used Pickpocket Bombs before he escaped by using his flame red disk on the bottom of his foot.

"Eek! Isn't that Smoking Bomb the human explosive? I better get out of here and contact the others!" Exclaimed a frightened Ergio as he scurried away from disarray yet his flee was futile because eventually a sizzling sound reached his alerted ears and when he spun round, terror was revealed all over his expression as a rocket bomb came blazing towards him with a rapid haste. With a whisper of prayers sputtering in the man's quavering mouth like a broken recording tape, the vicious flaming stick burst into puff of smokes with more walls and windows breaking down, burying the wounded subordinate in the process.

While he further threw double bombs with extra doses of storm flames at the remaining survivors, his companion's voice boomed from the hole of the ceiling created by the explosion earlier.

"Hey, 59! We better move out before 18 come and bite us to death!"

"Yeah yeah, I know that already!" The ruby-eyed teen replied in exasperation but gulped warily when he saw the ruined atmosphere. "Whatever, what's done is done anyway."

And with a loud sigh, the leopard-looking boy trotted towards the exit. His dirtied black suit illustrated nothing but the red-coloured number 59 on his back that seemed to gleam mysteriously in the gloomy, dark space.

When all of the teammates reached the gates of the white building, they stared at the mayhem in front of them with different types of emotions plastered on each of their faces.

"Kufufufu...I guess it's a job well-done once more." Said 69 with a content expression on his owlish face.

"Well, yeah...considering that we have completed the mission with the building remained in one piece." 80 stated with an uneasy chuckle and a sweat drop dripping down his left cheek.

"Gyahahaha! Those dumb people can never catch me because I'm the great L-sama!"

"Be quiet stupid cow! You'll wake the neighbours up and 27-sama doesn't want that!" 59 shouted irately and yet his voice had the volume of a microphone.

"That was some EXTREME match! Let's do it again some time!"

Whilst conversations and arguments occurred between these individuals, only one remained soundless as none of them noticed his increasing murderous sensation. 18's fuming level escalated so high that purple flames engulfed his whole body with his eyes glinting like a venomous snake but before he could release his overwhelming force, a shuffling sound snapped out from his thoughts.

"Ghh..." The leader of the group who was revealed as Aldo that battled with 69 earlier stood up limply, his legs wobbled like jelly with his left hand holding his bleeding right arm.

"Oya oya? I thought you're dead along with your subordinates; guess I'm being too soft on you." The pineapple-haired stripling said with his gentle fingers wiping the blood stain on his pointy trident.

"Heh wouldn't be that cocky when reinforcements come and make you all drop dead...literally!" The blue-eyed man spat before laughing maniacally but his hilarity did not last long as it was cut off by his enemy's next words.

"Oh, they're not coming. In fact, none of them would."

"What?" Was the only word he uttered out loud as he was shown a video camera that was recording his reinforcement's current situation, it was not a pretty sight. "All of them have been.."

"Yep, but that's not all."

The video camera switched to another channel and was displaying his Famiglia's headquarters which was now nothing but a pile of ruined rubble and debris with large smokes coming out of the corrupted building.

'Who? Who could have done such massive obliteration?' Aldo enquired inwardly as he watched the video's recordings so attentively that he didn't realized that his body was trembling to a great extent but his question was answered when he saw the next channel.

In the middle of the boss's ruined office with tables, books and chairs scattered throughout the whole room like the result of a whirling tornado stood a quiet yet serious boy the same age as 59 and 80. Moonlight shone through the gigantic hole which came from the wall behind the boss's chair and onto the leader and his attacker. When the boy looked up, his orange eyes glimmered so brightly which bring contrast to his terrifying face expression. If looks could kill, Aldo would have been dead by now.

"Pl-please forgive me. We wouldn't attack you anymore. I promise!" The boss Aldo respected so much was crying like a 6-year old kid as he continued to beg his invader preposterously yet the orange-eyed boy paid no heed to his plea which was rare for a kind-hearted teenager like him.

"You attacked us for revenge of what we did to you a week ago when we intercepted your ploy in assaulting one of the Vongola's allies due to some disagreement between two parties." The boy who had an exterior of a lion-cub with orange flames surrounding his face like a lion's mane explained serenely yet his eyebrows twitched with fury. "But we also found out something that you kept in secret from us and the Mafia."

That was the moment a young blond-haired urchin no more than 4 came into sight and clutched the teenager's black pants firmly; his clear brown eyes glistered in the moonlight with tears flowing down his cheeks like falling stars. However, it was not the child's heartbroken expression that rose the teen's rage up but the deep gash and severe wounds that were spotted on his back, arms and legs.

"Child Slavery." Those two words spoken by the youngster's mouth sounded like "Death Sentence" to the panicking boss before the video screen switched off instantly.

"Now that you have seen this video, how are you going to..."

59's words were cut off when he and his teammates saw Aldo's unmoved state as he had fainted right after hearing the lion-boy's last two words; he knew that he and the Srigolio Famiglia will be in deep trouble later on.

"Ceh. What a wimp." 59 muttered in distaste.

"Ma Ma, at least everything's fine now, right?" 80 said with such tranquillity like the battle did not happened at all.

"L-sama wants to go to bed!" Yelled the 5-year old child whilst releasing a tired yawn. "Stupid 59! Take me home now now NOW!"

"Shut up you stupid cow! And get your dirty hands off my pants!"

"EXTREME bedtime! I have to wake up early for morning jogs!" Roared by none other than the blustering 33.

"Kufufufu...I think it's time for me to go too." 69 the illusionist drawled but when he was about to release his sound-proof barrier that he had set up right before the fight begins and ready to disappear, a stern voice seized the commotion.

"Where do you think you're going, pineapple-head?"

All of the group members spun round to observe 18's very irritated expression. The black-haired adolescent held his two tonfas up and was ready to pounce like a vicious predator.

"Oh, looks like we're not off the hook yet, are we?" The Rain stated with yet another anxious laugh while scratching the back of his head.

"Tch, don't state the obvious, sword-freak."

"I will bite all of you to death!"

Then another battle commenced as 18 was busily assaulting his so-called teammates wrathfully like no tomorrow as at the same time, a signboard that had clean writings stating "Namimori Middle School" was destroyed and left on the ground unattended.

Meanwhile, the orange-eyed boy left the soiled headquarters and had sent the injured child to safety. He was now flying back to Namimori using his black, metal-clad gloves that shoot out great amount of orange flames like two giant missiles. His black suit that has the number "27" written on his back blazed in bright orange.

"The one who influences, understands and accepts each and every one: Storm, Rain, Sun, Lightning, Cloud, Mist, shall the Sky captures and encompasses all."

To Be Continued...

And...cut! I can't believe that the 1st chapter is this long! I don't intend to write so much since this is more like a prologue but never mind, it's to be expected since so many characters are involved in this scene plus there are usually more stuff going on in battle scenes but I think it's not descriptive enough...*scratches head* Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy reading this chapter! Sorry if there are other things you don't understand so PM (private message) me anytime if you have any enquiries. Please feel free to suggest some ideas too if you have one even if this is still the beginning! ^^

I hope my writings are not too bad but I don't have a beta-reader so any KHR fans PLEASE volunteer to be my Beta-Reader! I really REALLY need one every time I write a chapter/story! My English is still not good you know haha! XD

Stay tune for Chapter 2: Ring! :)

As usual, Faves and Alerts are most welcomed! Don't forget to Review! :D