Hey guys if you are reading this thank you for taking the time to check out this story. This story does not effect my real life ships but if you think that this will offend you or make you ship angry then you continue at your own risk! fritznkitty2007 & Sweetiebird collab

Kurt's POV

Wow, I can't believe that I'm doing this...I can't believe that I'm just getting over seeing Blaine face to face, and now I have to go back to Lima for the weekend...and for no ordinary occasion.

Today, Rachel and I are going back to Lima for the wedding of our old Glee club Director Mr, Schuester...and the Guidance Counsellor Ms. Pillsbury...also known to everyone else as Will and Emma.

Being in New York as long as I have made me relaize something, and got me thinking a little bit too.

But when you think about it, I'm also going back to see and catch up with my best friend Mercedes.

When I think about what is going on inside my head, it gets me thinking that I am really missing my best friend cause I haven't seen her since graduation.

Right now, I'm starting to think about how pretty and curvy she is, and how amazing her voice is when she sings...and for some reason, I want to hear her screaming my name.

Wait! What the fuck am I saying?! I'm gay and there's no two ways about it! I always have been gay, and the idea of me thinking about Mercedes, my best friend, in a sexual sense, is a little foriegn to me.


Kurt's POV

Rachel and I entered the church, she was going on and on and on about if she runs into Finn again at the wedding or the reception.

"So I'm sure that Finn is gonna try to get back with me at this wedding, seeing me again always makes him crazy and nostalgic, so he always wants to relive his days with me..." She explained.

I swear that I was gonna slap Rachel if she didn't shut up soon as we went into the church. But for some sick reason, I was listening to a damn word she was saying.

I was too busy thinking about what Mercedes would be wearing to this wedding...she always dressed so sassy and fabulous. Except that one time when she wore this Zebra jacket when we first met.

But when I saw her again, her fashion sense had evolved, I wonder exactly when she had become such a sexy fashionista. I bet she looked positively radiant here.

Just then Rachel's voice cut through me like a knife "Kurt! Have you been listening to me at all?" She asked me.

I turned to her and nodded quickly. "Ummm yeah sure Rach, you and Finn...big drama...whew-hoo!" I joked as we sat down for the wedding.

Rachel glared at me, but I didn't have to look at her to see that she had her eyes burning into the side of my head.

Nor did I pay much attention, this day was gonna be the best day ever... No matter what happens here.