Hey everyone!

I am so, so, so sorry for not updating sooner! I was having trouble getting out the last chapter but finally I have done it!

As I said, this is the last chapter. I want to thank everyone who has followed this story and thanks to everyone who reviewed. I'm glad that you have all enjoyed this and I had so much fun writing it for you all.

Huge thanks to captain-ally and all her hard work that she put into this :)

I hope you all enjoy and sorry if there are any mistakes.

Chapter 12: Caught

Rachel stared at the TV with unmistakable glee. She thought this day would never come but finally it was here.

"The police have made a shocking arrest today," the news reporter announced, eyeing the camera. "A few weeks ago a private video was posted on the internet exploiting an intimate moment between couple Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson. Both the engaged couple and the studios were outraged and production of The Kurt and Blaine Show was put on hold until the person responsible for posting the video was caught. This morning a man by the name of Jeremiah was arrested and is believed to have posted the video. The charge is in conjunction with several other past criminal offences."

Rachel squealed and jumped up and down joyously.

"We have yet to uncover whether or not filming has resumed and the studios are refusing the disclose information on when the show will air again but we have been told that later today the studio will be holding a press conference."

Rachel did a happy dance, feeling a weight lift off her chest. Klaine was back and it was all thanks to her and the Number One Klaine Fan.

The Number One Klaine Fan! Rachel thought frantically and quickly bolted from the lounge to her room. She leaped onto the bed and bounced wildly. She grabbed her laptop, quickly searching the blog, which was permanently at the top of her 'recently viewed' tab.

"Come on," Rachel urged and finally it loaded. She scanned the blog and cried "YES!" when she saw a new post. She read over it eagerly.


That's right folks, you heard it right!
I'm not going to
name names or anything but the private video of our favourite couple has been taken down and the person responsible has been arrested. I can confirm that filming has continued and season 3 will be airing soon. I hope that every Klaine fan learns from this and understands that privacy boundaries must be respected from now on.

Rachel read over the post several times. She really wanted to know who the Number One Klaine Fan was. She had messaged them continually asking who they were but they had yet to answer. Rachel sighed; she guessed this was one mystery she couldn't solve.

"KURT!" Nick cried and watched as the pale boy swayed dangerously, collapsing to the ground in the middle of Warblers rehearsal. Although Blaine was devastated about the breakup he still loved Kurt with all his heard. He dropped to his knees nonetheless and carefully cradled Kurt against him.

"Kurt, wake up," Blaine pleaded, shaking him gently. "Kurt!"

"AAAAAAND CUT!" The Director yelled and in an instant everyone relaxed. Kurt opened his eyes but made no effort to move himself from Blaine's hold. "That was great, guys! I'm calling it a wrap for today. You all did amazing."

The Warblers broke out into happy murmured chatter and Blaine gently kissed Kurt's forehead.

"Before you go," the Director called. "I wanted to tell you that next week the first episode of season three will be airing and we are going to make a night of it. I'll email you the details later on this evening. Have a good weekend and I'll see you next week."

They called out a goodbye and started moving. Blaine helped his fiancé to his feet, instinctively wrapping an arm around his waist. They were quickly joined by Nick, Jeff, Wes and David and they each shook hands, congratulating one another on their performance.

"So," Nick grinned at the couple, "Since all this craziness has been put behind us, we were wondering if next week, after we watch the airing of the first episode, we could celebrate your engagement?"

The Warblers gave them such a pleading look that Kurt and Blaine melted.

"Of course, if you want to," Blaine told them and the boys quickly high fived one another.

"It will be a night to remember," David told them. "You won't regret it."

Kurt rolled his eyes but smiled at the boys. They went their separate ways, waving goodbye and Blaine led his fiancé to his dressing room to grab their things. They quickly removed their makeup before collecting their belongings and making their way to the car. They held hands, swinging their connected fingers between them.

The first episode was being premiered at a private venue that the producers had hired for the entire cast and crew.

"You seem lighter," Blaine commented as they strolled hand in hand towards the door.

Blaine had noticed that his fiancé had been looking brighter ever since they heard that Jeremiah had been caught but tonight Kurt was practically glowing. He was gorgeous, as usual, and Blaine had a hard time tearing his gaze away from the impossibly tight jeans that Kurt was wearing.

Kurt glanced at fiancé, unable to keep the grin off his face. "I feel lighter. It's over and now we can get married and the show is airing again and we're getting married," he babbled.

Blaine chuckled and wrapped his arm around Kurt's waist instead, hugging him close. "I am looking forward to getting married," he teased.

"You better be," Kurt feigned offence.

They reached the door and Blaine, ever the gentleman, pushed it open for Kurt. His fiancé smile brightly and stepped inside. Blaine followed him and grunted when he ran into Kurt's back.

"Whoa," Blaine grunted, steadying himself by clinging to his fiancé's shoulder. "Why did you stop?"

Kurt could only point.

Blaine looked up and his mouth dropped open. The Warblers, Burt and the rest of the staff had decorated the venue with a great big banner that read Congratulations Kurt and Blaine!

Blaine struggled to swallow around the thick lump of emotion caught in his throat. Kurt leant back into his chest, one hand coming up to cover his mouth. Blaine wrapped his arms around his fiancé's waist and kissed his cheek.

"They're here!" Nick called out and the Warblers all turned, quickly coming over to greet them warmly.

"Thank you," Kurt whispered in Nick's ear, hugging him tightly.

"You're welcome," he replied, planting a chaste kiss on his cheek. "Now, come get a good seat and then we can celebrate."

The screening went off without a hitch and the first episode looked fantastic. Kurt was so proud of Blaine and didn't hesitate to tell him so once it was over. Blaine flushed at the praise and in response, expressed how proud he was of Kurt by giving him a deep kiss.

The celebrations of their engagement lasted well into the night – although they did have filming the next day so they couldn't go on too late.

Burt made a beautiful speech to the boys which resulted in many tears. It took a while for Blaine and Kurt to compose themselves but everybody gave them their time. They had given Burt a huge hug, which he accepted happily.

They were kicked out of the venue in the early hours of the morning, which was probably a good thing considering that everyone had to be on set soon anyway and Kurt and Blaine walked to their car, hand in hand. Neither of them had had anything to drink so they were okay to get home – though the same could not be said for Thad.

"That was a nice celebration," Blaine grinned as they slipped into the car. "Imagine what they'll be like at the wedding."

Kurt chuckled, allowing his hand to rest on his fiancé's thigh. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Kurt. So much."

Although people would try to pry into their private lives at any given opportunity, Kurt didn't mind so much; not when he had Blaine by his side for the rest of his life. They were The Klaine Show. They always would be.

Thank you so much for reading!

I was thinking that I may do a prequel to this- about how they met and how they started the show. Let me know what you guys think.

Happy reading everyone!