My first time doing Rosario+Vampire Fan fic hope you enjoy
Chapter 1: Falling
"I never thought that I would die like this." Thought Tsukune as he slowly fell to the floor of Fairytales roof, "This is the worst possible way to go not even befor-" the boy could barely even finish his thought as pain pierced his body,
"I guess its true, my body is breaking down.." It felt as if he had been falling forever into the darkness that was the floor,
"I don't care though as long as Moka is safe. Then when he hit the floor he heard…a scream? He couldn't tell he could barely even think much less even make out the noise that was going on around him, but he tried to open his eyes and saw a white blur with silver hair and two with two red dots looking at him through the darkness around the edges of his vision..Moka..the one he had vowed and sworn to protect her with everything that he had, the one who he thought of the most out of all the other girl's. He tried to talk to her but nothing came out from his lips,
"Moka" he thought "There was so much that I wanted to tell you.. so much that I wanted to do with you lik-" more pain, he slowly started to close his eyes darkness in his vision growing "Like to take you're hand look into your eyes and tell you that you are the one that I want, that you are my final choice. For so long ive wanted to tell that you are the only one who makes me feel like im…." Tsukune's lungs felt like they were gone and breathing had become possible
"I'm your only one….Thank you…"
Tsukune knew what was coming next and he had braced himself that was the searing pain of the hand of Death himself to claim him, only this time Moka, Yukari, or Rubi couldn't save him this time like they had previous times before. Luckily he didn't have to wait long he felt the familiar weightless-ness and then someone cuffing his arms legs and torso
"Tsukune Aono, I've been waiting for you. " said a voice that sent shivers up Tsukune's body as he opened his eyes to see Death sitting on his throne looking in his human form much like Tsukune.. The only difference was the white hair and the Black eyes
"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this day to come…Son, I've watched you from the day that you were born." Tsukune looked at Death with a questioningly look "your my father?" Death looked at him bemused "Is it so hard to believe?" Death asked "How do you think that you where able to cross my barrier? Only Monsters or Dark Lords have that ability. Not only that how is it that you where able to hold both blood of Moka Akashia as well of Alacard or for that matter youre body would have broken down to nothing if you where a normal human" Death leaded closer "Why do you think you where able to escape me?" Tsukune looked into the black eyes and knew it was lt the truth no matter how much he wanted to deny it…after all he just wanted to be human, he looked up at Death
"If I am youre son then why don't I have a monster form and any special powers! On top of that WHY AM I DEAD!?"Death Laughed "You do boy, the only reason you can't use them is because you have locked them away, but I could help you unlock them. As for you being dead….your not really dead I just got lonely and wanted to see the only son I haven't seen." Death smiled and looked him, Tsukune was in shock, he wasn't dead! That means that…..his thoughts turned to Moka then he thought " Wait, if im not dead then what about that whole body modification and that breaking down bit?"
" It wont happen and as for the body mod it happened" said Death with an evil fatherly like smile "Sides just think of what those girls will think of when they see you alive, they'll be all over you after this good bye son of by the way look after little brother and im putting my seal back on you not some flimsy holy lock , so that way you can still have all of your memory's. Son Make me even prouder"
"Wait I have so many questi-" He Didn't have the chance to finish because Death Bonked him on the head and he felt the cuffs loosen and then leave his body and fell again only this time falling into a light "Thank you dad..." Tsukune closed his eyes feeling a sense of happiness, Death had given him another chance and he was going to see Moka again this was almost to surreal and the greatest feeling until
He felt a deep pain all the way to his bones and he when he tried to move his body the pain worsened and he cried out. When he opened his eyes all he saw was darkness and nothing else. " Wait if he gave me another chance then that must mean that im...still in Fairytale" He cried out calling for help if anyone was there and after what seemed like forever he heard someone moving rocks and rubble until he saw the first stab of sunlight hit his eyes. Then two figures left him out from under the rubble very roughly
"Careful idiots, he might still be sore." when his eyes had adjusted he saw three Males with one little girl staring at him. The tallest who had spoken looked about 14 with white hair and silver eyes, the two who lifted him out looked as if they were twins of about 13 with Black hair and the same hair due as him...wierd. The girl looked to be about 7 but the look in her eyes said that she was older than that, to be honest that really creeped him out but she had blonde hair and red eyes that looked like...Mokas.. she was breath-taking.
"Ok look im grateful that you guys helped me and all but who are you guys?" he asked with a questioningly glance? The two twins looked at each other and laughed nervously, the older one looked at him
"where your little brothers and sister." He replied with a look that told Tsukune he wasnt lying to him or joking "and we've come to take you back to Yokai.
That's all for now but tell me what you think and if you like it, ill try to write more