Yep.. my first time writing a fic under this anime… For two weeks my pc had decided to take a break from my constant use. An di think me, buying DVDs is a blessing in disguise. I had been going on with my One Piece marathon… I'm almost at the recent ep..


Ace became my fave chara ever since he was introduced in Alabasta. And it really breaks my heart that he had to die.

I really had a hard time of convincing myself to watch the Marineford arc because I can't bear to see my dear Ace dying.. TT^TT

When I watched it… I was crying the whole time I see Ace getting hurt and even with the flashback of their 10 years past… I really cried for him.. Really love the guy~

I think his death caused me a trauma..

This fic is for him. A sign that he is always alive for me…


Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece.. Ace won't die if I did and it will be full of my fave pairings.. *evil grin*


"Sei, do you know how to use this thing?" Usopp handed out a small kunai from his bag.

"Oh, a kunai! How cool!" The girl's eyes sparkled with delight seeing the small weapon. "Ninjas use this you know. Along with shurikens. These are their basic weapons!" The girl spoke in excitement as she twirled the kunai in her index finger.

"NINJA?!" automatically Luffy, Usopp and Chopper are in front of her with their eyes sparkling with delight. "COOL!"

"Show it, show it!" Luffy asked with his eyes sparkling with pure excitement. The captain is practically drooling as he waited Sei to throw the kunai.

An idea formed inside the girl's head. "Hey Usopp-san, do you have more of these?"

"Here." After getting more kunais form Usopp Sei ran towards the second floor of the deck and stood on the railing grinning widely. She held the kunai expertly in between her fingers and started her monologue. "Witness the awesomeness that is purely me!"

Then she threw the kunai towards Usopp who managed to run. Knowing the direction which the sniper would escape, Sei began to throw kunais in front of Usopp's every route just missing his nose by a few good millimeters.


"I was testing the kunai."


"Because the kunais are yours?" Sei scratched her head and smiled at Usopp who is still glaring at her. "Tehee~"

"Don't 'Tehee' me!"

Paying no attention on Usopp's rants the other expectators clapped at the dexterity displayed by the lavender haired girl. Well it's not every day that you witness an expertise of someone able to use different types of weapons. It had been more than 2 months since the lavender-haired girl joined the Straw Hat crews and they are still amazed by how she expertly uses every weapon handed out to her.

Sei, a girl who is aiming to be a weapon's master came from a clan of weapons blacksmiths and accidentally met Luffy inside the woods (apparently they both got lost.). It had been a hell of persuasion and game of tag before they managed to convince the girl on their side. And right now they have an additional member on their crew who happened to be the youngest of the crew.

"Get back here SEI!" Usopp started chasing the lavender haired girl around the deck of Sunny Go trying to get even but pathetically failing. Sei, knowing that Usopp will be chasing her already started running away creating a huge distance between them.

"Lively as ever aren't you?" A voice familiar to most of them rang on the deck getting the attention of all the crew members. All eyes trailed at the sudden appearance of the shadow on the side railing of the ship. Recognizing the shadow, Nami, Sanji, and Usopp beamed.

"ACE!" Luffy's eyes sparkled with delight upon seeing his brother again. It had been months since The War of The Best at Marineford and this is the first time they have seen each other since they parted ways back then. Call it anything you want but it seemed like both of them had been more concerned with the other's activities after the war. On Ace's part, he thought that if Luffy managed to give him a heart attack when he slipped to Impel down and arrived at Marineford from the sky, he should really visit his brother from time to time trying to make sure that he won't do any equally stupid if not more stupid act. In Luffy's case, he still had some worry over Ace when he heard that his brother had continued his revenge on Teach, so once in a while he reminds himself to check the Vivre card that is hidden on the ribbon of his straw hat.

"Yo, Luffy! I see you've gotten new members" The fire fist noted the faces that he wasn't able to recognize. Ace almost wanted to raise an eyebrow for his brother's strange choice.

Luffy grinned widely. "Let me introduce to my new comrades!"

"This is Robin, our archeologist!" Ace was quite surprised to see someone wanted by the World Government in Luffy's crew, though he politely bowed at her which the woman returned back.

"This is Franky, our shipwright! He's a cyborg! Isn't it cool?!"

"Yo, nii-chan!" Franky greeted raising his glasses and Ace raised his hand in return chuckling a bit at his brother's description. Not that he doubts it, but the guy is really something you'd never recognize as a shipwright at first glance. But as always Luffy's choices are… amusing.

"This is Brook! Our musician! He's a funny skeleton!" Luffy laughed.

"Yohohoho! It is nice meeting you."

"Nice to meet you too." The fire fist started to get weirded out. It seems like Luffy's choice of comrades are getting out of scale by each second starting the introduction with a normal human, then a half-human and half metal, and now… a human skeleton…

Or just a talking skeleton.

I won't be surprised if Luffy would introduce me to an alien next… or a zombie… or a sea monster…

"And that is our newest comrade!" Luffy pointed out a girl sitting above the mast.

Hmmm? Even with such distance, Ace was able to see that the girl's appearance. A sleeveless coat that ends up just above her knees. The lower part of the coat was left open revealing the shorts that shears underneath them. Her legs were covered by pair of dark gray boots that reaches and inch below her knee. Though somewhat blurry

"That's Sei! Our weapon's master! Well, she said that she can create weapons too. Maybe a blacksmith too! What do you say Ace? Aren't my comrades cool?" Luffy grinned widely at his brother who seemed to be still staring at his comrade that is sitting on the mast.

"Sei, come meet my nii-chan!" Luffy happily shouted at the girl who started to move, probably going down from the mast.

"My apologies for the rudeness, but I… think I'll just have to get down." Just as the girl began climbing down by the makeshift stairs at the pole, Luffy got bored and decided to just get the girl himself. Luffy's stretched arms wound up the girl's waist and pulled her but the weapon's master still kept her hold on the stairs. "Luffy-san I can get down on my own!"

"But it'll take forever!"

"I can still get down on my own!" Sei screamed not releasing her hold. I'll get Luffy-san for this!

"But it will still take forever." Luffy mumbled but this time broke his hold.

With the sudden change in the weight of her body, Sei lost her balance and lost her hold on the ladder. The crews' eyes widened at the possibility that the girl would die if she just fell that way and was about to act out when they saw small flames danced in the air. Ace used his flames to accelerate himself and caught the girl on his waist and landed on the ground safely. The fire user took note of the unusual color of her hair which is lavender.

The girl almost jumped in joy upon seeing the solid ground not decorated by her own blood if not her body parts. "Solid ground!"

Ace sheepishly grinned at the girl. "Sorry about my brother he's really a handful sometimes."

This time, Sei faced the man and smiled at him, thankful for the rescue. "Well, he really is… But he's not Luffy-san is he isn't like that." She laughed.

"True enough."

Sei bowed in front of the man, only to be grabbed on both her shoulders. Almost all were surprised at the action, though Luffy was only curious. Ace's face move closer to the girl until they are only an inch away from each other.

Sanji and Zoro automatically pulled the girl away from Ace's grasp. "What are you doing?!"

"Don't copy me!" the both glared at each other.

Ace's eyes widened in recognition. "Sei!"

"Yeah that's my name. And Luffy-san said it earlier."

Ace's jumped happily in front of the girl making everybody somewhat give him a weird look.

"You know her Ace?"

Before answering, the fire fist wrapped his arms around the girl's shoulder who is currently as surprised as her fellow crew member. "Yeah. She's my fiancée." Ace grinned widely.


Robin dropped her book.


Sanji's cigarette fell from his mouth.


Zoro staggered backwards.


Nami fell on her recliner.


Usopp dropped his slingshot.


Franky, Chopper and Brook's eyes widened.

Luffy just smiled. "Really?"


"YOUR WHAT?!" All exclaimed.

"Fiancée." Ace repeated with a huge smile plastered on his face. The way he revealed the news didn't really help either. He was using a tone that was similar to the ones he used when people are talking about the weather.

"Oh. I didn't know Sei has met you before!" Instead of being shocked, Luffy only grinned and patted Sei on the shoulders as if accepting her in their family easily.

"Sei, you didn't tell us you have a fiancé!" Nami exclaimed. Yep, the navigator still had a hard time grasping the situation. Or rather believing that everything that Ace told them is actually true. It was so sudden that it is hard to accept.

"I didn't know either!" The girl finally managed to escape from Ace's grasp and held the kunais she got from Usopp tightly. "Who are you?"

The girl's violet eyes began to transform into slits, mirroring her confusion. She won't let a man just prance in her way and tell her that she is his fiancée just like that. It is the most impossible thing in her world. Of all the things… to say that there is someone that knows her. She shook her head to erase the thoughts that are starting to fog her mind. No! I don't know this man!

Ace raised his hands trying to show that he meant no harm. But seriously who would've thought that he would meet her again. But it had been almost 10 years. It wasn't really that he remembered the promise, but everything just came back to him upon seeing that unusual color of her hair. "I guess it would be impossible for you to remember me. You were just as the same age as Luffy when I met him back then."

The girl seemed to have calmed down a bit, but she still had her guard up. "Back then? I'm sorry, but I don't remember meeting you."

"Hmm… maybe 10 years ago? Inside the forest?"


"Sei-chan, isn't that—" Brook glanced at the girl who seemed to have confusion in her eyes.

Ace noticed the confusion and asked. "What is it?"

"Some of my memories are missing. I can't remember anything back when I was a kid."

Usopp mumbled. "You are still a kid."

This earned him a flying kunai at his direction just missing his nose by a few good millimeters. "And I still heard that."

"Sorry for not remembering you Ace-san but you can forget that promise already. After all it was only a coincidence that I happened to be one of Luffy-san's crew." She finally let go of all the tension on her body and smiled at Ace. The others sweat dropped at the pace which her mood changed, but the D brothers weren't impressed at all.

"Just like that? That's marriage Sei! MARRIAGE?!" Nami grabbed the collar of the girl's clothes and shook her widely.

"Well I can't remember him. And that thing is a child's promise. I guess it doesn't count." She shrugged as she tried focused her vision though finding it hard because Nami is making bubbles on her blood.

When everyone thought that everything is settled, Luffy spoke up. His head bowed down as his arms were folded across his chest. "That's no good, Sei. A promise is a promise!"

"Yohohoho. A man's proposal is not something to be forgotten easily." Brook stared at the now silent Ace. "What do you say Ace-san?"

"I'm sorry but I still can't remember. The only things that I can recall from my childhood is the fact that My brother gave me the swords to protect myself and told me to live free. It was the marines and the world government that told me that they hunted my clan ever since." Sei apologetically smiled at Ace who still remained quiet.

"I guess it is fine." Finally raising his head, Ace smiled back. Then grinned widely as he gave his real answer to the situation. "Let's just start from the start!"

Luffy nodded to himself, probably knowing what his brother was thinking the whole time. In fact, the captain seemed so approved of it and currently grinning madly. Adding to it, Zoro, Sanji, Brook and Franky stared at Ace then also smiled afterwards. It was like they all got common understanding with the situation.

It was the reverse with Sei though. The girl "WHAT?"

Ace just grinned like it was nothing.

"I'll just have to ask you to marry me again. But this time, you'll never be able to deny that you don't remember me." The man's eyes were full of conviction and determination that even she was surprised at the intensity of the emotions reflected on those dark orbs. Something was telling the weapons master that Ace isn't kidding at all.

"And that isn't funny Ace-san." Sei frowned.

"Good. I wasn't kidding either."

The lavender haired girl looked at his fellow crewmates only to find them grinning if not smiling at her. Some even had the courage to make a thumbs up on Ace's direction. What is this? Some kind of prank for her? Oh heck, how badly he wanted to bang his head on the hardest part of the ship she finds.

(~page break~)

With the events that had unfolded Luffy couldn't be happier. After Ace's declaration of war in front of them, Luffy deemed the situation to be celebrated about. Sanji, knowing that no one can stop the captain from throwing parties headed for the kitchen and started preparing food. Adding another D o his list means that he should prepare as many food as possible.

"So Ace, are you going to join my crew now?" Luffy grinned brightly to his brother.

"Like I would. I'm still part of the Whitebeard Pirates."

Nami got curious. "Then you are on your mission right now? Luffy said you are still going after that new Shichibukai—Marshall D Teach."

"Oyaji forced me to take a break. I guess it's a blessing in disguise." Ace glanced at Sei who completely blocked the world around her since Ace said that he's going to ask her to marry him.

"You will need a suuuper long break with 'that' man." Franky nudged Ace, pointing at Sei.


Everybody raised their mugs and shouted. "KAMPAII!"

"But still it is surprises me that Luffy has a suuuper brother. And he is Fire Fist Ace of the Whitebeard Pirates on top of that." Franky exclaimed. Though the information about Luffy and Ace had been known throughout the sea ever since the war at Marineford, most of the crew considered it as some prank. Things like that is something that you won't believe until you see for yourself. Especially if you are part of the Straw Hat Pirates and knows Luffy personally.

"Don't you think so too? Ace-san is really responsible and polite. I can't see how these two can be brothers." Nami agreed. They almost had the same reaction when they met Ace in Alabasta. All of them doubted their eyes when Ace showed and greeted them as a gentleman, being thankful for looking after his handful brother. It was like they were seeing a miracle unfold.

"Brotherhood is really a great thing. It's really miraculous." Chopper stated while crying.

Instead of getting insulted, Luffy laughed at this. "How's that Ace? Aren't my comrades interesting?"

"I bet you are the one interesting to them." Ace almost swallowed half of the meat he was holding.

"Oh, by the way Ace, tell us how you met Sei!" All of the crew including the girl looked up to Ace with interest shining in their eyes.


"Sei doesn't remember anything about her childhood. Tell us! You didn't even introduce me to her back then!"

Ace glanced the girl across him, his eyes asking for permission to tell their story. "I don't mind. I can't remember anything after all."


'That Luffy ate too much sugar again.' Ace started to walk around to escape too-clingy attitude whenever his brother is on sugar-high. He needs to get to a place where his brother won't be able to bug him and let his brother's adrenaline rush pass for a while. Because Ace knew that Luffy knows the forest very well, he should find a place where he would be able to hide.

Remembering that there is a nearby island close to theirs, Ace began crossing the other side of the mountains. It wasn't that hard to reach the other island. The forest which he crossed is way easier than the forest they use to hunt. It's almost like a walk at the park.

After checking that Luffy wasn't able to follow him, he decided to explore the place but one of his narcoleptic fits started again.

It wasn't long enough when he felt that someone had tripped on his foot that was laid down the grass. He yawned and rubbed his eyes off sleep.

"Did I fell asleep again? Luffy must be looking for me by now." Noticing that he wasn't alone, Ace turned to his side only to see a girl holding her hoodie looking frightened at him. Not liking those kind of eyes he glared at her. "What the hell are you looking at?".

"Whatever. I gotta go back now." Before Ace could take a step away a hand grabbed his shirt.

"What?" He glared again at her only to find the girl on the verge of crying. Well, he may be a jerk at times but he can't stand a girl cry especially now that he has a little brother. He needed to set up as an example. Well, looking at the girl he couldn't help but stop and sigh. "Alright, alright I'll listen to you. Just don't cry…please?"

Being polite is harder than he thought. But heck, he should be a good big brother for his sibling. Now is a good chance to start things. With this girl.

"I..I…I was looking for my brother… I d-don't know which is the way out." Trying to stifle herself, she managed to mumble words coherent enough for Ace to understand.

"How idiotic can you be to get lost inside these woods?"

"I'm not an idiot! I wasn't just able to memorize the path!" The girl automatically snapped at him obviously not liking that she was just called an idiot by a boy she doesn't even know. Her violet eyes getting fierce. After a while of staring contest, the girl automatically held her hoodie tight as if she wanted to hide. Ace notice the fear etched on the girl's face and the trembling hand clutching her hoodie. "Oi. What are you doing?"

"L-Luke-niisan said that I can't get seen by people. They will do something bad. I won't be able to live with nii-san and oka-sama." Even the girl's voice were etched with fear.

Ace stopped upon hearing the girl's words. Somehow he felt that they are somewhat similar. Though he never lived in fear. But this girl who is about the age of his brother already had a hard life. And by the looks of it, she had been living with her family and no other people. He crouched in front of her and peeked on her face that she was trying to hide. "Hey you, what's your name?"

"Okasama said not to talk to strangers."

"You already talked to me. What's the point of insisting that rule?"

The girls seemed to hesitate for a moment, her violet eyes saying that she is trying to weigh the situation.

"S-Sei." She almost whispered.

"Sei? Then I'm Ace. Where do you live?"

"I-In front of the woods."

Ace got curious at the faltering voice of the girl in front of him. "Why are you scared, tell me."

"O-Okasama said that I shouldn't meet people or I'll be taken away from here. Then Luke-niisan said that I won't be able to marry anymore." She remembered the dreadful face his brother had when he told her that.

"I'll marry you then." Ace automatically answered which made the girl turn to his direction dumbfounded.

"You'll do it?"

"Yeah. But you need to get home. Your brother is worries for you right?"

With hope in her eyes, Sei stared at him. "Do you know the way out?"

"We'll find it somehow." After all he had been raised in the lair of mountain bandits. There is nothing that the forest can dish out that he won't be able to handle. He glanced at the girl in front of him who is still clinging on her hoodie like it was her life line. It just made him more and more curious of what the girl is hiding. "Why are you covering your head like that? It's hot you know?"

The girl only tightened the grip on her hoodie more than ever.

Hesitantly and fearfully the girl spoke. "I-I.. I can't be seen."

"I told you I'll marry you didn't I?" He made a move to remove to remove the hoodie. At first the girl was hesitant but a few seconds of tug of war, he won. The hoodie fell over the girl's shoulders revealing her lavender colored hair kept in small pigtails by two 'X' shaped red clips.

"Y-Your hair…"

The girl crouched on the ground fearing that the he will do something bad to her. Yeah, it was a bit surprising to see such hair color. Definitely unusual, though he doesn't see the reason why the girl had to hide this. For what he can see, her hair is beautiful even with such strange color.

"Unusual color huh. Well you don't have to be problematic about that."


Ace glanced above them looking at the color of the sky, probably figuring the time. "Oh s—. Luffy is waiting for me!" As much as he could he tried to stop himself from cursing. He has a brother to look out for now. He is going to be a good example.


"Yeah. My little brother. We live at the next island. Now let's get out of here." Before Sei could speak, Ace already grabbed her hand and started leading the way.

(~flash back end~)

Yay! This fic is for Ace.. XDD


I'll be continuing this one… Then get back at my Kuroko no Basuke fic.. :D