Chloe shut the apartment door and leaned her back against it with a content smile on her face. Before she had time to settle herself, she felt her arm get yanked forward catapulting her body further into the apartment.

"What the hell happened, Chloe?! You tell me you're eating at the restaurant that should be your personal Hell and then you go radio silent?! You were supposed to tell me where you were at all times! I didn't know whether I should call the police, go to Opaque myself and tear the place apart, or just start trying to find out where this Beca Mitchell lived to hunt her down before she skinned you. Then you waltz in here like you just floated home. In fact, are you high right now? Did she drug you?"

Chloe couldn't get a word in during the verbal assault Aubrey was bringing down upon her. She was happy she didn't need to dodge Aubrey's hands or arms which kept their distance from Chloe but were being used to emphasize her questions and worries by flailing about between them. Finally it seemed like Aubrey was losing some steam and had to gain her breath back.

"I'm fine Aubrey. I'm sorry for worrying you but I just wanted to go through the evening without having to explain everything I did. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to worry you," Chloe said looking at Aubrey with her eyes big and genuineness oozing out of her.

That took Aubrey's final arguments away from her. How could she get upset at that face, especially when it came in so happy a few minutes ago.

"Fine. Whatever. So, how did your big date with alt girl go? Did you actually stay at Opaque?" Aubrey turned and went to settle on 'her' side of the couch while motioning for Chloe to do the same on 'her' side. Chloe's smile beamed as she quickly fell into step with the tall blonde.

Tucking her feet under her, Chloe settled in to give Aubrey all the details of her evening. Before she could start though there was a knocking at their door. The two girls looked at each other questioningly. Aubrey got up to open the door and was greeted by Stacie barreling past the blonde.

"Please, Stacie, come right in," Aubrey said waving her hand into the apartment as she shut the door while rolling her eyes. Aubrey made her way back over to the couch to see Stacie in 'her' spot. "Move," the blonde said with a steely gaze set on Stacie.

"Whatever, Sheldon," Stacie mumbled as she shifted towards the middle of the couch so the blonde could sit on the end. She turned back towards Chloe who watched the exchange trying not to laugh at the situation. "So, let's hear it. You're alive so that's better than what Aubrey assumed was going on tonight. Was she romantic? Were you swept off your feet? Paps take your pictures?"

Chloe shook her head but again started to retell the evening's events. She made it all the way through to the part where Beca walked her up to her building door promising another date soon once they figured their schedules out. Beca initiated another kiss between them and wished her a good night and good flight the next day and then stayed there to make sure Chloe got in okay before leaving.

Stacie released a sigh and looked at the redhead with doe-like eyes. "I am so jealous. She sounds awesome, Chloe. "

"Awesome? The girl couldn't even plan the date. What effort did she actually put into the date, picking the dessert?" Aubrey's lips were tight together and her brow furrowed in.

Stacie swung her head back towards Aubrey. "Seriously, Aubrey? She owned up to it. She took care of Chloe in a place she wasn't comfortable in. It sounds like she was the perfect gentlewoman throughout the night. Try to keep the jealousy in check."

Chloe tried to jump in but before she could, Aubrey responded. "Jealous? Hardly. Chloe wouldn't have been put in an uncomfortable position if it wasn't for Miss Eyeliner or her 'people' I should say. She should have just taken them to some other place but I suppose that would have meant she would have to come up with something on her own without her 'people' handling it for her. "

The redhead didn't wait any more to be heard. "Aubrey, be fair. She had no idea about my problem with the restaurant and I told her I wanted to stay. She did offer to go somewhere else and I told her it was fine. I didn't tell her until we got into the restaurant. I wanted to go through with it and she was great at handling everything. I felt fine with her and she kept me occupied and focused on things other than sitting in pitch darkness."

At this Stacie gave her a devilish grin. "She kept you occupied, huh? "Focused on 'on other things'?"

"Remove mind from gutter, Stacie, it wasn't like that at all. Like you said, she was very polite. She didn't push for anything. In fact, I probably initiated most of the contact between us now that I think about it."

"Mmmhmm, get it, girl," Stacie nodded approvingly and going in for a high five to Chloe. She turned back to Aubrey. "See, her effort was probably to keep her hands off our girl here. Knowing how Chloe is and how hot she's looking tonight, that was probably a tough job in itself."

Chloe smacked Stacie's thigh as both girls laughed. The blonde still sat shaking her head. She still did not trust this Beca at all. It seemed like Chloe was going all gooey for her way too soon. She had seen this happen to her flat mate too many times before and hoped Chloe wasn't setting herself up for another heartbreak situation. Aubrey had really thought she would be cautious going into this date but it seems the brunette's team had done a marvelous job of setting up the perfect date by putting Chloe in a vulnerable position and making Beca seem like a knight in shining armor. Not good in her books.

The blonde hadn't realized the other girls had stopped giggling and were looking at her now. "I'm waiting for the smoke to actually come out of her ears. Those gears are turning at a turbo speed pace." The blonde rolled her eyes and make a light kick towards Stacie who shifted from the contact and smiled. "Welcome back, captain. What were you thinking about over there?"

Aubrey looked back and forth between the two other girls. "I just don't want Chloe hurt again. That's all."

"Awww, Bree, I know. I will take care of myself I'm just trying to be open to this as well. Beca's really sweet. I know she doesn't really seem like she would be on the outside but I promise she is. She did nothing but try to take care of me and make sure I had a good time. And I will take things slow with her, no rushing into anything," Chloe said trying to reassure the blonde some more. She knew they would have this conversation more than once and she could only keep reassuring Aubrey until she felt comfortable of the situation.

Aubrey nodded. Stacie turned back to Chloe. "So, back to important stuff, tell us about the kisses."

Chloe wasn't sure how much she wanted to divulge about those parts of the evening.

"Spill it, Beale. Spill it or I tickle it out of you," Stacie said as she slowly made a move to advance on the redhead.

Aubrey rolled her eyes at the brunette's antics. "Just tell her Chlo, she won't leave until she hears some kind of details and we do need to get some rest tonight."

"She's right so let's hear it," Stacie nodded.

"First, let me get over the shock that you both agree on something," Chloe said with a grin. She watched as Aubrey and Stacie both rolled their eyes and Aubrey motioned for her to continue. "Okay, so it happened when we walked along the beach. We were holding hands and talking about us and I asked her to kiss me and she did." Before any of the girls, namely Stacie, could ask for more details Chloe continued on. "It was sweet, fairly tame but felt very nice. That is all I will tell you."

"Sooo…she didn't seem to have taken a trip to France lately? No French persuasion in her actions?" Stacie asked while nudging her leg.

"What? No, Stacie, no tongue action. I said it was sweet!"

"Hey, that is sweet for me so I don't know what your problem is," Stacie said laughing.

"Ew, gross," Aubrey said trying to nudge Stacie off the couch with her feet.

"Gross? What are you, Aubrey, twelve? You need to get laid, woman. But I shall leave you two to your beauty rest and I expect to hear more about Miss Mitchell in the future, Chloe. Keep me updated, yeah?" Stacie stood up but not before playfully pushing Aubrey's feet back and smiling at her. She leaned down and hugged Chloe giving her a gentle squeeze and whispering to her. "I don't care what the prude says, you have fun. I know you'll be safe but have fun, okay?"

Chloe nodded and let the brunette see herself out. "Bye, Stacie. I'll give you a call later tomorrow."

Once the door clicked behind Stacie, Chloe looked up at Aubrey who seemed to be focused on her feet. Chloe crawled over to lay her head on Aubrey's lap and hold Aubrey's hand. "What's wrong, Bree? Are you really that worried about Beca?"

"No. I mean, I am worried about Beca but that's not what I'm thinking about."

"What is it then?"

"It's just…that's the second time today someone has told me I need to get laid. Is sex like this magic cure all to everyone and I've just never realized it?"

Chloe tilted her head back to look back at Aubrey. She couldn't tell if the blonde was smiling just from her voice and the visual she had, although upside down, confirmed that Aubrey was not smiling so was actually being serious. "Bree, you're not a virgin. You've dated and had boyfriends and you've had sex so…what do you mean you've never realized it?"

"I just…well, when I did have it, it wasn't that great. It was nice…I guess…just not this wonderful thing that would supposedly cure me of whatever everyone is so convinced is wrong with me."

At this Chloe sat up, still keeping hold of her flat mate's hand. "Bree, we're just teasing you. There isn't anything wrong with you, you're just more conservative than Stacie or me. I didn't know that me saying that upset you. I won't tease you like that again, okay? And you know Stacie doesn't say it to be mean either she's just…well, she's just Stacie."

"But that still doesn't answer my question, what is so wonderful about it? Any time I've had it, I didn't see the big deal. I had better times hanging out with friends or doing really well at soccer or track. Maybe I missed something."

Chloe could honestly say she was happy she had never come across this problem personally. "Well, maybe you just haven't enjoyed it with the right person, Bree? You may need a deeper connection with someone before you feel it…physically…with them?"

"Maybe. Or maybe there were just doing it wrong." This made Chloe laugh. The blonde had to chuckle as well. "I swear, I'm not trying to bring down your good mood, it was just something I was thinking about. I am happy you're happy and not jealous like Stacie said."

"I know, sweetie. And we will find you someone just as awesome as you are too. It's just because you are so awesome that we have to look super hard for him. He's out there though. And the sex will be ah-mazing," Chloe said, giggling at the end.

Aubrey rolled her eyes but laughed along with the redhead. "Alright you, let's get to bed. We've both got some potentially sucky flights tomorrow and sleep will keep us from strangling passengers. That I do know."

Beca tapped the roof of the limo twice as a farewell to Franky and she got out and made her way to the building. She looked up to see a light on at Jesse's flat and quickly made her way up there.

Once at his door, she did a quick couple knocks and only had to wait a bit before the door swung open to reveal a wide eyed Jesse, grinning from ear to ear. "Okay, well you're home fairly early in the evening so you didn't get laid but you're smiling…well, smirking… so it couldn't have totally flopped! Nice, work, Beca!"

Beca came in the flat rolling her eyes and giving Jesse a shove to his shoulder as she passed him. Amy quickly whirled around in her chair upon hearing Jesse talking to Beca. "Oye, Short Stack, how did things go with Ginger? Did we sweep her off her feet? Come in, grab a beer, and tell us the details!"

The tiny brunette gave a 'why not' shrug and made her way to the fridge to grab a beer. Before she could shut the door she heard a request for drinks from both Jesse and Amy so she grabbed a few more. She came back to sit on what she considered Jesse's 'poop brown' couch and passed the others their drinks. Amy paused the movie to give Beca the floor.

Beca cracked open her beer and took a lengthy drink. Amy and Jesse watched impatiently. Beca kept drinking. Jesse flopped back against the couch. "Come on you camel, you don't need to take it down in one. Stop stalling and tell us about our date!"

Beca brought the bottle, which was now about two-thirds empty, and made a 'give me' motion to Jesse. Jesse looked back at her confused. "No, I'm not giving you my beer. You have your own. Or you did a second ago."

"Not your beer, weirdo, give me your man card again. You're treading a thin line, Swanson."

Amy laughed as Jesse threw a pillow in Beca's direction. "Whatever. See if we help next time. If you even managed to earn a next time, that is."

"Well, for starters you didn't really help, Amy did." Beca motioned over to the blonde who raised her beer and tipped her head in Beca's direction. "Also, we will be going on another date in the near future which I will be planning, thank you very much. And I'm not quite sure what qualifies this as an 'our' date situation."

Jesse gave up being offended and was now intrigued. "Did you tell her you didn't plan this one? Was she upset?"

"I did tell her but she was actually very cool about it. It helped that she had a really good time though."

"Of course she did! I know what the ladies like! Well, I mean, I know what I like and I'm a lady so…yeah…that just didn't come out right all around. Strike that from the record. Please, continue with how the night went." Amy tilted back in the chair making herself comfortable.

Beca told her friends how the date went. She left out the part about Chloe's issue with the dark and her confessing about the clowns. Jesse already knew that bit about her but it was always a good thing not to remind him and Amy definitely didn't need to know yet. Oh, and the fact that Chloe had to tell her to kiss her. Twice. But she did tell them about the kisses.

"Well, done, Becs!" Jesse raised a fist which Beca pounded. Both Amy and Jesse knew better than to try and pump Beca for too many details quite yet. Both were just happy the DJ seemed to have a good time on the date and that another was on the horizon.

"I mean, it was fun. She made it really fun," Beca said as she quietly went back to drinking her beer.

Amy and Jesse looked at each other in the bit of silence, both raising their eyebrows in question.

"Correct me if I'm wrong here, I mean I don't think I am but feel free to correct me if I am- you seem to really like her already. That's pretty quick for you," Jesse said leaning forward looking at Beca. "Not to say you aren't our special little ray of sunshine but you usually get bored with other people's existence in general after about ten minutes. Unless you're talking music – did you talk about music all night?"

Leaning back, Beca grinned because she couldn't really deny any of what Jesse said. She didn't try to be outwardly rude to people but she did have a really short attention span when it came to small talk and since she didn't like talking about herself usually that left conversations pretty short. She shook her head. "She just seems different. I don't know. I can't really explain it but we did have a good time. I mean, I was nervous at first but she was so cool about everything that it kept my spazzing to a minimum." Beca turned towards Fat Amy. "And before I forget, thank you for everything you arranged tonight, Amy. It was really nice and worked out great. Even Franky, while totally terrifying, was pretty cool."

"No problem, boss. Just remember that when bonus time comes around, yeah? Or when you two name your first child – whichever comes first. Which sounds better for a baby ginger, Fat Amy Jr. or Fat Amy the second?"

Beca's eyebrows shot up as Amy mouthed both names pensively to herself. "Oookay then. Anyway, I will pay you back somehow."

"So when's the next date? And what's the plan, DJ Lady Killer?" Jesse unpaused the television as Emma Stone just finished spelling 'twat' out in peas.

"Okay, that just makes me sound like a serial killer. I'm going to have to pass on that one entirely. And I'm not sure on either front yet because I need to check with CR how the next couple of weeks are suppose to go between studio time here and New York. She was going to hear back from everyone in the next couple of days so I should find out then."

The three did a toast to another great day in the history books. While they continued to watch Emma perform her comedic genius, Beca pulled out her phone and typed up a quick message and hit send.

Just as Chloe was laying her head on the pillow she heard her phone buzz on the side table next to her. She smiled, closed her eyes and sent a quick wish to have the message be from a particular tiny DJ before checking the message. First, she was proud she was able to contain the squeal to an internal one when she saw the DJ's name and second she realized she was going to have to force Beca to take a picture for her caller ID next time she saw her.

'Thanks for a great night. Really looking forward to the next. Sweet dreams, Chloe.'

"Awww…short and sweet- just like her!" Chloe cooed to herself.

She was about to type a warm and fuzzy response back when her phone buzzed again. She quickly flipped over to the message.

'And if those sweet dreams star me, I won't blame you ;) '

Chloe's head flopped back on the pillow as she let out a loud laugh.

Beca quickly opened the message screen as soon as her phone flashed to try and keep Jesse and Amy's attention on the movie. She smirked and felt her cheeks grow warm as she read the messages she received.

'Such a talent for killing the moment, you don't even need to be present! :P I had a great time too and am ready to see what YOU have planned for next time.'

'I will say that kiss was pretty dream worthy though so maybe I will see you again tonight ;) G'night, Beca'