Ch. 1: Back To Mystic Falls.

"I don't understand why I have come with you. Actually, I don't even understand why you would even want to go back. High school was bad the first three times I went. Teenagers get more horrible, and mean each year." Stella Monroe complained as she sat in the drivers seat of her Range Rover. She was driving herself and her best friend, Stefan Salvatore, to school for the third time in her life, and she was very happy about it. "You know the other day I saw a girl walking down the street with a shirt finishing just under her boobs, and her shorts were so short, I could see her butt! I mean, that is so gross! Does she not understand the concept of clothing? They're to cover your body, not expose it. Ugh. I hate people." She continued to babble on, much to Stefan's amusement.

"See, this is why I brought you. You never cease to amuse me, Stella." He smirked, watching out the window as they neared the high school of Mystic Falls. She rolled her eyes.

"We should have gone to school in New York, or maybe Los Angeles. What's so good about Virginia? Mystic Falls, especially." She muttered. She grew up in Mystic Falls, and she died in Mystic Falls. This was her home, yet it scared her to be there. She didn't know the reason why, but it's what she felt. Stefan looked at her, she was looking around with sad eyes.

"Do you want to visit the cemetery first?" He asked her. She turned her head to look at him. She breathed in, and shrugged.

"We'll go after school. Don't want to be late to our first day of hell." She smirked and parked out the front of the school. Stefan sent her a questioning look as to why she didn't park in the school parking lot. "If there's a few rules to surviving high school, it's to never park your nice, expensive car in the school lot. My car is my baby, and if someone so much as touches it, I will murder them in cold blood." She glared at Stefan who laughed.

"Sometimes I feel as if you love this car more than you love me, Stella." He grinned and stepped out of the car as she did. Stella snorted and used her shirt to wipe a smudge off the bumper of her car.

"You feel that way because it's true." She smirked. He rolled his eyes and they both looked up at the school, and the girls and boys walking in and out, talking with their circle of friends, laughing, smiling, hugging, kissing, and some smoking. "High School: The most terrifying place known to man kind." She murmured.

"It wasn't so bad for me the second time." Stefan shrugged.

"That's because your hot and everyone loves you." She scrunched her nose up and walked ahead of him. He smirked.

"Did you just call me hot?" He followed.

"Your records are incomplete. You're missing immunization records, and we do insist on transcripts." The school secretary murmured, looking down at the papers on her desk. Stella sighed, becoming impatient. She leaned closer, focusing her eyes on the woman in front of hers.

"Please, look again. I'm sure everything you need is right there." She compelled. The woman nodded and looked down at the papers.

"Well, you're right." She spoke and looked up at the pair. "So it is." She sent them a small smile before her small fingers began to type on the computer, printing both of them some school information and locker combinations. Stefan sent his best friend a glare while all she did was smile in return.

"You compelled her? Really?" Stefan asked, leaning closer so he was whispering.

"If I didn't she wouldn't let us enroll, and you wouldn't want that, would you?" She pouted her lips at him. He smiled at her cuteness, and let it go. She grinned and turned to the secretary who handed them both their papers. "Thank you very much, miss." She said politely before Stefan and her both turned around. Stella noticed a girl checking Stefan out, so she rolled her eyes as they both walked right past her. "That girl was totally just checking you out. Did you see that?" Stella spoke, amused with it.

"I saw." Stefan nodded. "I've got my eye on someone else." He spoke slowly.

"You do? Already? Who? Tell me." She grinned, before they'd both run into someone coming out of the Men's bathroom. Fear suddenly rushed through Stella's body, and she stepped back and closer to Stefan, clutching onto the back of his shirt.

"Katherine?" Stella whispered. The brunette in front of the two looked at Stefan and Stella weirdly.

"I'm sorry, who?" She asked in confusion. Stefan then intervened.

"Um, is this the Men's bathroom?" He asked, changing the subject. Stella looked at Stefan confused and bewildered. How could he talk to her so casually? Katherine was meant to be dead! Did she not remember Stefan and Stella? Could Vampires get amnesia at all?

"Yes, um, I was just- Er... It's a long story." She smiled at him, blushing wildly. Stella watched, confused by everything going on. She smiled politely before passing by the pair. Stella turned to Stefan with a bewildered look on her face. It soon turned to a mean look as she crossed her arms, seeing Stefan's guilty one.

"Explain everything. Now." She growled.

"No, it's not possible. I mean, there are people who look alike, and then there people who are exactly alike, and... It's gotta be her Stefan. She's tricking us." Stella complained, sitting beside him in class. The bell hadn't gone yet, and the classroom was empty, but they needed to talk, so Stefan explained it all. Every two or so years, Stefan came back to Mystic Falls, and while he did, Stella visited Lexi. Stefan saw Elena, and was as puzzled as Stella is now. And the more he watched Elena, the more he came to realize she wasn't Katherine. And he couldn't forget about her. Not without knowing the real her.

"She's not Katherine, Stella. I know this. Katherine died in that fire in 1864, and this girl, Elena Gilbert, she's not Katherine. She has a family and friends, and we both know that wasn't Katherine's style." He murmured.

"We're not here because you miss home and want a semi-normal life, are we? You just want to know her?" Stella looked up at Stefan who nodded slowly. "And what? Fall in love with? Then what, Stef? Are you going to tell her about us? About vampires? Witches, too? Oh, and how the hell would you explain the fact that she looks exactly like your dead vampire ex-girlfriend?" She snapped.

"I just want to talk to her, Stella. Wouldn't you?" He asked. "Aren't you interested at all?" He looked in her big brown eyes and she pouted.

"No." She shook her head. "I don't want to know her. I don't like her, in fact, I hate her. She's a bitch, and I don't ever want to talk to her, ever." She crossed her arms, and Stefan sighed. His best friend was stubborn, and it was going to be hard changing her mind.

"Elena is not Katherine, Stella. Please, remember that." He murmured as the bell went.

"I'll look at her Stefan, and all I will see is the girl that ruined my life. That's enough for me to never want to see, think or talk to her." She stated, staring in Stefan's hazel eyes. He nodded understandingly, and straightened up in his seat as the students began piling it. They were getting looks from students, knowing the pair were new to the town. Well, kind of new.

"Once our home state of Virginia joined confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state. People in Virginia's northwest region had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south. Then Virginia divided in 1863 with the northwest region joining the union." Mr Tanner blabbed on. This was another reason Stella didn't want to go back to high school. She knew everything already. She knew every text book, every answer, every number, every letter. It was hard to forget when it's been drilled into your head for so many years. She sighed loudly and looked out the window, but something caught her eye. She instantly became mad when she saw both Stefan and Elena looking at each other when one or the other wasn't looking. She hated this Elena girl, and she didn't want Stefan to like her. At all.

"You know not once have I come back here and been to visit my parents?" She looked at Stefan as they trudged through the cemetery. "Does that make me a horrible person? Because I think so." She groaned as they went in search for their families tomb stones. Stefan chuckled.

"No, it doesn't." He reassured her. "Some people are different. Some people can handle the hurt, some can't. It's fine, Stell." He put his arm around her but she scoffed and pushed it off.

"I can handle hurt, you know. Actually, I'm not hurt, I just-" She sighed. "I just don't see the point, okay?" She muttered.

"Then why are we here?" Stefan raised an eyebrow and for once, Stella was silent. She merely shrugged and looked at him with a lopsided smile. "Well?" He chuckled.

"I don't know, call it boredom." She murmured, but they both knew it wasn't that. She stopped in her tracks making Stefan do the same. She kneeled down and brushed the dead flowers and grass away from a large tombstone. Stefan sighed, and read the two names shared on the one large cement block.

Mary Monroe. Thomas Monroe.
1804 - 1861. 1808-1861.


She turned to look at Stefan, but he'd left, to give her some alone time. She sighed and sat down in front of the tomb stone.

"Hello, mother, father." She murmured. "Long time, no talk." She gave a small smile to the tomb stones, though she really knew nobody was listening. She didn't even realize she had tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry I left you." She whispered and reached out to touch the headstone. "I needed to keep you safe." She closed her eyes as a silent tear slid down her cheek.

"God damn, I'm going to kick his ass when I find him. Ditching me in a graveyard. Does the boy know the meaning of chivalry?" She growled before stopping in her tracks. She looked down the hill to see Stefan talking to Elena. Her eyes squinted, and anger instantly filled her. She hated the girl, so why was it she kept popping up?

"I'm Stefan." He introduced as Stella tuned her ears into their conversation.

"I know, we have history together." 'Elena' smiled, and Stella growled inwardly. Of course you do. Dumb Katherine look alike bitch.

"And English and French." Stefan continued with a small smile.

"Right." Elena blushes, making Stella roll her eyes. Could this girl be any more Virgin Mary? She watched as her best friend leaned forward and pulled a leaf from her hair.

"Thanks... nice ring." Elena commented, speaking of Stefan's large daylight ring. Was she being sarcastic? Stella thought. The ring is hideous. Stella thought.

"Oh, Um... It's a family ring, yeah, I'm kind of stuck with it." Stefan lied. "It's weird, huh?" He smiled.

"No, no. It's just there's rings, and then... there's that." She giggled, making Stefan smile and Stella want to throw up all over them. And at the same time as Stefan did, a sweet aroma filled the both of their nostrils. Stella's eyes widened. Blood. She thought.

"Did you hurt yourself?" Stefan asked. Elena put her leg on a stump and rolled up her jeans, revealing the large gash in her leg, and the blood dripping down. Stella could control herself. After all, she drank human blood. But Stefan was sort of a vegetarian vampire, and she wasn't sure if he'd be able to hold it. "You should go take care of that." He spoke, turning away from Elena. Stella's eyes widened, seeing his fangs come out, and his eyes go red.

"Really, it's nothing." Elena said, but before she could turn around, Stella had blurred towards Stefan, and dragged him away.

"Are you okay?" Stella asked as she pinned Stefan to the door of her Range Rover. When he didn't answer, she cupped his face and shook him. "Stefan, hey, look at me. Stefan." She mumbled, trying to catch his attention. He finally looked up at her.

"I lost control, I'm sorry." He murmured and looked away.

"It's okay." She sighed. "You're strong, Stef. You weren't going to hurt her." She urged him. "You've been off human blood for so long." She smiled at him. "You're stronger than the urge now. You've suppressed it. That's good." She promised him.

"I'm weak." He looked up at her.

"Stefan, you can suppress the need to drink human blood, and I can't. You are stronger than anybody I know okay." She said, and made him look into her eyes. "Believe me." She murmured. He slowly nodded and she hugged him. "Everything's gonna be alright." She muttered.

"What are we doing here?" Stella grunted as she pulled up at the house Stefan wanted her to. "Who lives here?" She asked.

"Elena." Stefan turns his head to Stella. "I need to give her diary back." He holds it up.

"Oh, diary?" She smirks and yanks it off him. She opens a random page, and holds it away when Stefan tries to take it from her. "Dear diary, today will be different. It has to be. I will smile, and it will be believable. My smile will say "I'm fine, thank you." "Yes, I feel much better." I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost her parents. I will start fresh, be someone new. It's the only way I'll make it through." She read before Stefan snatched it away. "She lost her parents?" She asked, turning to Stefan who nodded.

"You shouldn't read people's diaries." He glared.

"I've read yours." She shrugged. "You don't mind." She smiles.

"That's because I tell you my most inner thoughts anyway." He shrugs. "Whatever is in my journal is nothing you haven't heard before. I tell you everything. This is someone else's. It's private." He states before placing it back in his jacket.

"So how did her parents die?" She asked.

"They had an accident on Wickery Bridge. The car ran off it and they drowned. Elena was in the backseat." He murmured. She thought for a moment. For a moment, she felt pity for the girl. She knew what it was like to lose your parents at the same time. Her parents were in a boat accident a few years before her own death. "Stella? Are you alright?" He asked. She snapped from her thoughts.

"Yeah, go and give it. Be quick, please." She groaned. He nodded and got out of the car. She turned on the radio, not bothering to listen in on their conversation. She sighed and laid her head back listening to the local news when something caught her attention.

"Darren Malloy and Brooke Fenton, a young couple from Mystic Falls were found dead on a road back to Virginia. The couple were coming home from a concert when they must have stopped for a break, and were both attacked by animals." The reporters voice spoke. Yeah, right. Animal attack her ass. She wondered for a moment if it was Stefan, but instantly crossed him from her mind. Stefan wouldn't do that and not tell her, she thought. Stefan wouldn't do it at all. She frowned and turned it down a little when Stefan came walking to the car with Elena. What the heck was she doing?

"Uh, change of plans. We're going out." Stefan smiled, getting in the car as Elena got in the backseat.

"Hi, I'm Elena." Elena smiled politely. "Thanks for the ride." She smiled.

"Hi, I don't care, and I don't really have a choice. Do I?" She glared at Stefan who glared back. Elena sat awkwardly in the back, and the ride was silent. When they'd arrived at the Mystic Grill, Stella stormed in and she could hear Stefan apologizing for her behind them. She walked up to the bar and compelled the man to let her have a glass of bourbon, her favorite, for free. She sipped on it and watched as Stefan and Elena made their way to the group of people. Stella was never the social type, and her only friends were Stefan, Lexi, and once upon a time, Damon Salvatore, Stefan's older brother. Not wanting to watch any more, she moved into a booth and sat alone.

"Sheesh, how did you manage to get that without him asking for an ID?" A blonde guy with a varsity jacket asked sliding into the seat in front of her. She raised her eyebrows. "Right. Sorry for the intrusion. You looked lonely." He smiled at her. "I'm Matt." He introduced.

"Stella." She smiled back politely. "I know you, you're the quarterback at Mystic Falls High." She said. He smiled and nodded.

"And you, are the new girl. Stefan's friend, right?" He asked and she nodded slowly before sipping her drink. "So, Stefan..." He trailed off, and she smirked. She knew his reason for sitting with her wasn't because she looked lonely and he cared. He wanted to know about Stefan. "Is he a good guy?" He asked.

"Why do you wanna know?" She asked.

"Elena is a close friend of mine, I don't want her hurt." He shrugged, and she narrowed her eyes and leaned forward a little.

"Tell me the truth." She smirked, not compelling him, just intimidating him.

"I'm in love with Elena and -"

"You want to dig up some dirt." She smirked at him. "Well, unlucky for both of us, he's got a clean record." She shrugged. "He's nice, sweet, funny, charming. The perfect boyfriend type. Seems as if you're out of lucky, jock boy." She smirked, finishing the rest of her drink and getting up and walking back to the bar. She put her glass on the bar and demanded more bourbon.

"I'm sorry." Matt apologized. "For lying. I just want Elena in good hands." He sat beside her. "And even if she's not with me, I want her to be happy." He said, and she could tell her was being truthful. She sighed and ordered another drink. She handed it to Matt. "What's this for?" He asked, referring to the drink.

"You're not the only one who doesn't want them together. Drink up, quarterback." She smirked and took a sip. He sighed and looked down at the clear glass of alcohol.

"We have school tomorrow." He mused.

"You've never been to school hung over?" She gasped. "You've not lived, Matt." She smirked, taking in the rest of her contents. "Let's drink away our sorrows." She smirked, before ordering another. Matt chuckled and they clinked glasses. Stefan watched them from afar, knowing that this was not going to end well.

The familiar ring from her iPhone woke Stella from her peaceful slumber. She groaned and searched for it before realizing it was under her butt. She slid her thumb against the screen and put the phone to her ear.

"What?" She groaned.

"Where the hell are you? You text me last night telling me you won't be home till late, so I go to bed, trusting you, then wake up to find you're still not home! What the hell happened, Stella?" Stefan's voice growled from the other end of the line. She frowned, and sat up in her bed to find herself completely naked and laying next to the blonde quarterback, and also Elena's ex boyfriend.

"Well, I'm safe, that's all that matters." She laughed dryly.

"Where. Are. You?" Stefan muttered.

"Naked, in a comfortable bed with Matt, the cute quarterback from our school. Also Elena's ex. You know that one with the really pretty eyes?" She babbled, hoping, somehow, the topic would drop.

"You slept with Matt? Stella, what the hell were you thinking!? Are you insane?" He shouted.

"All the good ones are, Stefan." She smirked.

"Will you please stop joking, this is serious." He muttered. "Come home. Now. Before I come to you, and kick his ass." He said through his teeth before the phone was hung up. She groaned and locked her phone. She got out of the bed and stretched. She admired the gorgeous guy in her bed on last time before getting dressed and sneaking out the window.

"Matt Donovan? Are you serious? Elena's ex?" He hissed.

"I was drunk, and bored." She shrugged and began to walk up the stairs.

"Don't give me that." He hissed. "Did he take advantage of you?" Stefan asked. She groaned and turned around, shaking her head. "Did you use protection?" He asked, sounding like an over protective parent.

"Oh, wow." She laughed dryly. "Vampires can't even procreate, or get STD's, are you an idiot, Stefan?" She smirked.

"Are you?" He hissed back. "You slept with a guy you hadn't even known for a day. That's stupid." He snapped. "And reckless, and dumb, and slutty and-"

"Did you just call me a slut?" She scoffed.

"No, I just-"

"Real nice, Stefan. Because if I recall, you used to sleep with a whole bunch of different girls who you didn't even know the name of back then. Why can you do it and I can't, huh? What? Because you're a guy? Or is it because it might ruin your chance with Elena?" She hissed. "Why do you get to have a happy ending, and I don't? Why do you get love and I don't?" She growled.

"You're incapable of love, Stella. You hate it." He said.

"Incapable of love, and slutty, and stupid." She listed off. "Some best friend you are, Stef." She scoffed and blurred up the stairs.

"The Battle of Willow Creek took place right at the end of the war in our very own Mystic Falls. How many casualties resulted in this battle?" Mr Tanner asked, looking around the classroom for a victim before he decided on the new girl. "Ms Monroe?" He smirked. She looked up. She didn't want to sound like a nerd, so she lied.

"I don't know, like, a lot?" She smirked. Stefan turned around to her with raised eyebrows, knowing she knew the exact answer.

"Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Ms Monroe." Mr Tanner glared, and she snorted.

"Did you just call me cute, Mr Tanner?" She smirked, making the people around her laugh, and the teacher roll his eyes, and look for another victim to call out on.

"Mr. Donovan? Would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype?" Mr Tanner asked, and everyone turned to look at Matt who shrugged and placed his hands on the desk.

"It's okay, Mr Tanner, I'm cool with it." Matt said, and again, people laughed. She smiled, and he smiled back at her. She turned around, only to feel a tap on the shoulder. She turned to see Matt offering her a small piece of paper. She took it, opened it and read it.

we need to talk about last night.
tonight there's a party in the woods around eight.
see you there?

She smirked and turned around to him and nodded. He smiled and looked back up at Mr Tanner.

"I'm sorry, I-I don't know." Elena answered Mr Tanner when he called on her.

"I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Elena. But the personal excuses ended with summer break." Mr Tanner spoke. Was he really blaming her knowledge on this subject on her parents death? Dick.

"Mr Tanner, don't be a dic-"

"There were 346 casualties. Unless you're counting local civilians." Stefan interrupted her. Mr Tanner glared at Stella before turning his attention onto Stefan, who saved the girl from a trip to the principals office on her second day of school.

"That's correct, Mr..." Tanner trailed off for Stefan's last name.

"Salvatore." He answered.

"Any relations to the original settlers here in Mystic Falls?" He was asked. Stefan smirked as did Stella.

"Distant." He nodded.

"Well, very good. Except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle." Mr Tanner spoke, smirking at Stefan, and the rest of the class. Stella rolled her eyes at the smart ass teacher.

"Actually, there were 27, sir. Confederate soldiers, they fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss. The founder's archives are, uh, stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts. Mr. Tanner." She smirked, and the class snickered at the girl and teacher. She smiled sweetly at him. Stefan turned around and smiled at her. He felt guilty for what he had said. He knew she wasn't stupid, or slutty. She was capable of love, but she never allowed herself to fall in love, he knew that. He just, said it wrong. She sent him a glare and looked away. She wasn't one to forgive so easily. And much to Stefan's dismay, he knew it.

"Are you just going to ignore me the entire night?" Stefan asked as they'd pulled up to the party.

"Why are you here?" She asked. "Matt invited me. Who invited you?" She glared.

"Elena's friend, Caroline did." He shrugged. "Wait, why did Matt invite you?" He asked.

"Because later, we're going to have stupid, slutty sex up against a tree, and afterwards, we're both not going to fall in love, because I'm not capable of love." She scoffed and got out of the car. He blurred in front of her so she ran into him.

"I didn't mean it like that." He promised.

"Oh, yeah? Explain what you actually meant Stefan. Because being incapable of love doesn't exactly have a double meaning." She snapped.

"You're not stupid. You're the smartest girl I know. I just think sleeping with Matt was stupid, but you should be sleeping with someone you love. Someone that loves you, and someone you know is going to take care of you. I just want you to be happy, and sleeping with strangers, is not something a happy person does." He put his hands on her shoulders.

"I was drunk, Stefan. That's what drunk people do. Sleep with strangers, do stupid stuff." She muttered. "I guess it was just my inner slut coming out, maybe?" She glared.

"I didn't mean that either. You're not a slut, I know you're not because we're one hundred and sixty one years old, and you've only ever slept with, now three guys." He said, and she blushed, feeling embarrassed.

"God, not so loud." She rolled her eyes.

"I admire you for that." He told her. "And I don't think you're incapable of love. I think you're very capable of love, you just won't allow yourself to do it." He murmured. "Fall in love, Stella, be happy, because I know you're sad." He tells her.

"Why are you telling me this?" She murmured, looking at him with confusion.

"You're always looking out for me, and it's about time I do it for you." He sighed and hugged her. "Also, I found your diary and I read it." He murmured. She growled and punched his arm, making him smile. "I just figured-"

"What happened to diaries being personal, jerk!" She hissed and smacked him harder, more than human strength, but Stefan could take it.

"I'm sorry." He chuckles. She couldn't help but smile. "Since when do you keep a diary, by the way?" He smirked.

"I figured you've had so much fun doing it, I might as well give it a try." She rolled her eyes. "It's actually, really boring." She smiled. "Nothing makes me feel better after doing it, so I will probably be throwing that book out when we get home." She smirked.

"So we're good again?" He asked.

"Only because you mentioned how much you admire me and think I'm just the best person ever." She smirked.

"I don't remember saying that." He raised his eyebrows.

"You were thinking it!" She said as she walked into the party with him following close behind her.

"Hey, I've been looking all over for you." Matt grinned when he'd finally found Stella sitting in front of the fire with a beer in her hands. She gave a small smile up at him. He sat beside her and grabbed a beer.

"Well, I've been here. For the past, uh.." She checked her phone to see it was ten thirty. "Two hours." She gave him a lopsided smile.

"Just all alone?" He asked.

"You sound surprised." She smirked and downed the rest of her drink. "The plus side, though," She picks out another bottle of beer from the cooler. "Is the endless supply of drinks I have hidden here." She grinned and popped open the cap with ease. "I got ditched." She smirked.

"I'm surprised you haven't been hit on." He raised his eyebrows.

"I'm surprised you're making small talk when you really want to hurry up and say what you came here to say." She smirked. "But I think I get it. You didn't mean to sleep with me, you were drunk, you still love Elena, and you don't see anything happening with me." She listed off, and Matt's eyes widened at how correct she actually was. "Save it, sweetheart, I've heard it before." She murmured before standing up.

"Stella." Matt called out, but she was already gone. She stumbled through the woods where she'd last saw Stefan hanging out. She wanted to go home, and he had her keys.

"Stupid sexy quarterback." She muttered under her breath. "Stefan!" She called out, hoping he'd hear her with his super sensitive hearing. "Stefan?" She shouted louder when she heard voices. She frowned and used her sensitive hearing to follow the voices when she'd got there, she saw two guys and a girl by a tree. "Oh, what's going on here?" She raised her eyebrows, seeing the tanner kid getting up in the younger one's face.

"You know, you're starting to get on my nerves, Gilbert." The tan kid growled at the young teenager who looked as young as fifteen, maybe sixteen. Her eyebrows raised. Gilbert, as in Elena Gilbert? Most likely. This is a small town.

"Alright, back up." She got in the middle, pushing the other kid back.

"Just go, Tyler, get the hell away from me." The girl demanded the tan kid, now known to Stella as Tyler. Tyler remained glaring at the younger Gilbert boy.

"Wow. Vicki Donovan says no. That's a first." Tyler spoke. Donovan? As in Matt Donovan? Damn what's next? Is this kid going to magically be related to another person she knows? Stella stood up against Tyler, pushing him back with extra force.

"You heard her. Go." She growled, compelling him. His jaw tightened, but he turned around and walked away. Stella turned back to the two younger teens.

"I didn't need your help." Vicki told the girl.

"Well, it seems like you did, little girl." Stella hisses.

"He was just drunk." She defends Tyler.

"I'm drunk. Am I throwing myself at you?" The younger Gilbert hissed back at Vicki. Stella rolled her eyes. Damn teenage drama.

"No, you're worse. You want to talk to me, get to know me, see into my soul and screw and screw and screw until you're done with me." Vicki hissed.

"Is that what you think?" Baby Gilbert scoffed. Stella liked giving nicknames.

"That's what I know." She muttered before leaving further into the forest. He was about to walk after her, but Stella placed a hand on his chest, stopping him.

"Leave her." She told him. "It's dangerous out here, kid. Go back to the party." She compelled him. He did as told and she sighed and turned back to the forest and decided to keep walking in search of her best friend. She finally reached the water and looked up to see Stefan and Elena standing up by the bridge. She rolled her eyes. Of course he ditched her for little miss look alike. She decided to listen into their conversation.

"Matt's that friend since childhood that you start dating because you owe it to yourselves to see if you can be more." Elena spoke.

"And?" Stefan asked.

"And then my parents died, and everything changes. Anyway, Matt and I, together we just, I don't know, it wasn't, um... it wasn't..." She began.

"Passionate." Stefan said the same time Stella murmured to herself. She rolled her eyes and turned to go back into the forest. History was repeating itself. Stefan was busy with Elena, ignoring Stella for Elena, just like it was back with Katherine. Elena was going to be bad news, just like Katherine was. She knew it. She could feel it.

She sat alone on a stranded rock in the middle of the forest. Stefan had rang her phone a couple times, but she didn't answer the calls. If he was going to ignore her, she would do the same. She finished the last of her beer, and dropped it by her side. She breathed in and leaned back against the tree, before hearing a snap. She turned her head to the side and could distantly make out Vicki Donovan, Matt's sister walking around by herself. Stella stood up and blurred over to the girl.

"You shouldn't be out here alone." Stella spoke up. Vicki looked up and gasped, placing a hand on her heart.

"Damn it, you scared me." She breathed in and out quickly. "Where did you even come from?" She asked.

"I'm sneaky." Stella smirked.

"You're the girl that slept with my brother." Vicki clicked her fingers. "I knew I recognized you from somewhere. I came into my brothers room to ask him for his keys, but saw you and him, naked, ugh." She rolled her eyes but smiled while doing so. "I'm just glad he's somewhat getting over Elena." She grunted.

"He's not. We were drunk, so.." Stella shrugged. "Do you need help?" She asked, noticing the girl was limping.

"No, I'm- What was that?" She looked behind Stella after seeing a blur.

"What?" Stella frowned and looked behind her, and in an instant, she was pinned against the tree. Her eyes widened at the person keeping her there.

"Damon." She choked out.

"Hello, Stella." He smirked. "Goodbye, Stella." He spoke before swiftly snapping her neck. Vicki screamed.

"Oh, come on. Sensitive hearing over here." Damon complained before blurring toward Vicki and sinking his fangs into her neck.

Stella groaned, as she sat up. She rubbed her neck, and leaned it to the side, hearing a small crack as it ached. Her memories quickly came rushing back into her brain, and her eyes widened.

"Damon." She whispered to herself. She looked around and noticed Vicki on the ground, her neck dripping blood. She got to her knees and sat beside the girl. "God damn it, Damon." She murmured before picking the girl up, and as she was about to blur away, she was caught.

"Vicki? Vicki?!" The young Gilbert shouted, being followed by Elena. "Oh, my god. What happened?" He asked, taking her from Stella.

"Animal attack." Stella said instantly. "I-I don't remember much." She lied.

"Stella, you're bleeding." Elena frowned, reaching up to touch the cut on her forehead. Stella quickly turned around and wiped her forehead, but the cut had already healed itself. She turned back to Elena.

"I'm fine, it was her blood, not mine." She lied. "Get her to the hospital, now." She demanded.

"Are you sure? You were-"

"I said I'm fine, Elena." Stella snapped. Elena nodded and Jeremy and her ran back out to the crowded area of people. Stella breathed in and leaned against a tree. This wasn't going to be good...

Stella sat on the bed in Stefan's room, waiting for him to hurry and return home. Damon Salvatore was back in town, and he needed to know. She could hear his footsteps up the stairs, and stood up. The door burst open, and Stefan's eyes landed on Stella's.

"Are you insane?" He shouted. "You attacked an innocent girl tonight, Stella!" He hissed, getting in her face. "I thought you didn't do that anymore!" He growled at her. "You lied to me!" He shoved his finger in her face, and her jaw dropped in surprise. He didn't even ask her if she did it. "Now what, Stella? Vicki is going to wake up, and say that a god damn vampire attacked her!" He snapped.

"I didn't do it!" Stella snapped.

"Don't lie to me, Estelle." He growled, looking down at her viciously.

"Don't call me that." She hissed, pushing him hard enough to force him across the room. "And don't try to intimidate me, Stefan." She snapped.

"Why? You gonna hurt me? You are stronger, considering you kill innocent people." He spat at her.

"It wasn't me." She repeated, her voice strong, yet so weak.

"Then who was it?" He hissed, not believing her for a second. She opened her mouth to answer, but a gust of wind sent their stares to the now open window, where Damon stood.

"Damon." Stefan breathed out.

"Hello, brother." He smirked back. He raised his eyebrows and looked at me, then Stefan. "Keep fighting, it was kind of entertaining." He smiled.

"The crow's a bit much, don't you think?" Stella snapped, seeing the crow sitting on the window sill.

"Wait 'till you can see what I can do with the fog." He waggled his eyebrows and walked toward her place at the dresser.

"When'd you get here?" Stefan asked, standing up after being knocked down.

"Well, I couldn't miss both of your first days at school." He smiled, turning around to face Stella. "Your hair is different. Straight. I like." He winked, and she stepped back, and sat down on Stefan's bed.

"You're a pig." She murmured.

"It's been 15 years, Damon." Stefan reminded him.

"Thank god." Damon chuckled. "I couldn't take another day of the nineties. That horrible grunge look? Did not suit you." He pointed at Stefan. "Though on you, it was kind of... sexy, dare I say." He smirked at the girl. She rolled her eyes and looked back at Stefan. "Remember, Stefan, it's important to stay away from fads." Damon's smart ass side spoke. Then again, all of Damon's sides were smart asses, Stella thought.

"I hate to tell you I told you so." Stella glared at Stefan.

"Stell.." Stefan sighed. "I'm sorry." He spoke sincerely. She simply shrugged and laid back on his bed. He decided to deal with their situation later.

"Why are you here, Damon?" Stella asked.

"I missed my little brother, of course." He smiled and looked over at Stefan. "And you know, I kind of missed your fascinating ability to not jump my bones, Stella. God knows there hasn't been a woman able to resist me in years." He smirked at the vampire.

"You hate small towns. It's boring, there's nothing for you to do." Stefan spoke up.

"I'm sure Stella can keep me busy." He smirked.

"You're an ass, Damon." She called out.

"And you love it." He gave a smug look.

"You know, you left that girl alive tonight. That's very clumsy of you." Stefan told him.

"Ah, that can be a problem..." Damon said, actually looking worried for just a moment. "For you two." He grinned.

"Stop being a jackass and answer properly. Why are you here?" Stella hissed.

"I could ask you the same question, Stella. You've spent so long away from Mystic Falls. However, I'm fairly certain Stefan's answer can be summed up all into one little word... Elena." His eyes brightened at her name, and Stefan's darkened. "She took my breath away, Elena." Damon spoke, breathing in with a smirk. Stella rolled her eyes. Of course. The answer to everything is Elena.. "She's a dead ringer for Katherine. Is it working, Stefan?" He asked, and both of them looked at Stefan. "Being around her? Being in her world? Does it make you feel alive?" He smirked.

"Is that why you wanted to meet her?" Stella scoffed.

"She's not Katherine." Stefan said, ignoring Stella's question.

"Well, let's hope not." Stella grumbled at the same time Damon spoke it aloud. He smirked at her and winked. "We both know how that ended. Tell me something, when's the last time you had something stronger than a squirrel?" He asked, making Stella sit up. She knew how this was going to end up.

"Damon, don't." She growled.

"Don't worry, Stella, I know what he's doing, and it won't work." Stefan promised.

"Yeah? Come on. Don't you crave a little?" Damon smirked, walking over to his brother hitting him playfully.

"Stop it." Stella warned Damon, but he didn't.

"Let's do it. Together. I saw a couple girls out there. Or just, let's just cut to the chase, let's just go straight for Elena. Imagine what her blood tastes like." Damon smirked, and that was the last straw for Stefan. He tackled his brother, throwing them both out the window. Stella blurred to the now broken window and jumped down to see Stefan laying on the pavement alone. She ran over.

"Stef." She muttered, helping him up.

"I was impressed." Damon spoke up, making them both look up at him, leaning against the gate. "I give it a six. Missing style, but I was pleasantly surprised. Very good with the whole face," He growled, waving around his face, "thing. It was good." He chuckled.

"You're such an asshole." Stella hissed at him, brushing Stefan's shoulder, getting the dirt off.

"You know, it's all fun and games, Damon, huh? But wherever you go, people die." Stefan spoke up, and Damon scoffed.

"That's a given."

"Well, not here. I won't allow it."

"I'll take that as an invitation."

"Damon." Stella snapped. "After all these years. Can't you just give it up?" She asked.

"I promised him an eternity of misery, so I'm just keeping my word." Damon shrugged. "Seeing you is just a bonus, sweetheart." He winked.

"Just stay away from Elena." Stefan growled.

"Or kill her, I don't mind." Stella murmured, making Stefan glare and Damon laugh.

"Always the feisty one, Stella. Always." He smirked, then looked down at Stefan's empty hand. He faked a gasp. "Where's your ring, Stefan?" He asked, making both Stella and Stefan check his hand. "Oh, yeah, sun's coming up in a couple of hours, and, poof, ashes to ashes." His eyes glimmered with amusement. He then chuckled, "Relax. It's right here." He held up the ring before grabbing Stefan by the throat and throws him against the garage. "You should know better than to think you're stronger than me. You lost that fight when you stopped feeding on people. I wouldn't try it again." Damon hissed, before being grabbed back, and thrown against the pavement.

"Fortunately for the both of us, I'm stocked up on people blood." She stepped on Damon's throat. "Don't mess with us, Damon." She growled before removing her foot. He sat up and breathed in loudly.

"I'm impressed. You've definitely grown more of a backbone since I last saw you." He smirked. "Very possessive sexy." He waggled his eyebrows, standing up. "I think we woke Zach up. Sorry, Zach." He smirked before blurring off. Stella sighed and turned around to Stefan who was finally up.

"I'll deal with the Vicki incident tomorrow." She told him.

"Stella." He sighed.

"You know, last night I heard this story on the radio. A young couple got attacked by an animal. The first thing I thought was it could have been you, but then, almost as quick as I thought of it, I forgot about it, because I know for sure that you wouldn't do that. Because I trust you. I believe you. What a pity you don't feel the same." She sent him a look before walking inside. She walked up to her bedroom and looked out the window to see Stefan getting in her car and driving off, most likely, to Elena's house. She sighed and shut the curtains. She wasn't ever anybody's first choice.

Author's End Notes:

I hope you like this, I worked hard on this chapter! Please review if you like, and let me know if it's any good and if I should continue on with it. A love interest is not determined yet, but comment who you think it should be! Ps. Stella Monroe is played by the beautiful Vanessa Hugdens. xo - Kayla.