Jack woke up with a cold breeze on his cheek and a warm weight pressed to his chest. He's never felt cold before. It was such an unfamiliar feeling that his eyes snapped open. He's met with a sight of black hair, and he shook his head to get the strands out of his face. He jerked his head backward immediately, only for it to hit something hard. He groaned in pain, but he managed to sit up slightly, holding his weight on one of his elbows.

When he saw the other sleeping person's face, he let out a breath of relief. Of course, it was Ria. Who else could it have been?

He looked around next and found that he was on the top of a building of some sort, lying on a rather uncomfortably prickly couch. It was almost certain that the piece of furniture was not meant to be slept on.

He groaned as he tried to sit up fully, finding it difficult to do so without moving Ria's body too much. But it quickly became the least of his worries, when he accidentally moved his arm that was under Ria's head and the girl picked up her head.

"Oh, hey, Jack," Ria mumbled with a half-smile on her face. She raised her hand to brush the strands of hair that had fallen on her face. "Hopefully sleeping on a couch like this didn't mess up your back that badly. I don't think I've ever fallen asleep like this before."

Jack only smiled in response, too stunned at Ria's nonchalant reaction to waking up next to him. He watched as Ria sat up, brushed her hair back with her fingers, and give him another sweet smile before she stood up. He was still lying on the couch, staring at the girl in awe.

Ria looked at the bracelets on her wrist, looking rather surprised. Jack heard her muttering to herself, "damn, it's almost ten. It should be enough time get everyone out of here by eleven." After giving herself a reassuring nod, she turned to Jack. "Here, let's go see what everyone else is up to."

Ria extended her hand to Jack, who took it without a second thought. She pulled him to his feet without much effort at all and held onto his hand as she led the winter spirit from the couch area back into the house through the door they had come out of the previous night. Still longing for sleep, Jack let Ria pull him along, again down the hallways and the stairs and more hallways and stairs. It didn't occur to Jack that Ria had an incredibly large home until they somehow made it back to the living room on the first floor again.

Jack was slightly shocked that the room was sort of clean, considering the number of people who had been crowded here. The mess came from the table surfaces and the trash bin. There were red solo cups and glasses of all sorts and sizes on the coffee tables and a line of upside-down shot glasses on the bars. They trash bins were overflowing with candy wrappers and napkins, as well as other things that Jack couldn't decipher.

Also, there were almost no people in the room when they walked in, the only people being a guy Jack didn't recognize passed out on the expensive-looking white leather couch. Ria sighed and proceeded to pick up an equally expensive-looking pillow from the opposite side of the couch and bringing it down on his head.

"Good morning, Phil," Ria exclaimed loudly. The guy only looked up at Ria, squinting. He opened his mouth, but Ria silenced him. "It's time for you to go. We're trying to clean up here. You know the rules."

Jack watched as he reluctantly stood up, rubbing his head. "Yeah. Sorry."

Ria sighed and walked over to the bar in the corner of the room and reached over the counter to retrieve a bottle. She shook it once, extracting a small white pill. When she walked back over to Jack and Phil, she dropped the pill into his hand. "For the road. Hope your head feels better."

Phil expressed his gratitude and then exited the room quickly, leaving Jack and Ria alone again. A moment of silence fell between them, only to be broken by Jack.

"Why'd you kick him out? Where's everyone else?" Jack questioned, watching as Ria walked across the room again, this time to retrieve a pair of gloves.

Ria threw them on the coffee table as she replied. "He needed to leave. Everyone else either already has, I think. If not, they're probably in the bedrooms upstairs, but not past the second floor. But we need to kick them out soon."

Jack briefly wondered how in the world Ria came to have so much influence on so many people, but he's quickly distracted. Ria cleared her throat in front of him and nodded to one of the exits in the room.

"Let's go find the remaining people."

Jack followed her through her house, getting that tour that he never received the previous night. Granted, Ria didn't explain every room to him, but it wasn't hard to decipher which rooms held what. There was the gleaming white and silver kitchen, a room which only held antiquities, a place that seemed to be a ballroom, and a very impressive dining room complete with a crystal chandelier dangling high from the ceiling. They didn't find so many people in the rooms as they did trash, but even then, it was so minimal that Jack and Ria were able to pick it up quickly and easily.

They did, however, start finding people passed out once they reached the back of the house. They were in bedrooms, both on the bed and on the ground. Jack was never one to wake people up, he was the king of snow days and fun and sleeping in, after all. He left that job to Ria, whether that was by turning on the light or speaking loudly or hitting them with spare pillows.

She got the job done, and Jack wasn't about to complain.

They had made their way around most of the house when Jack realized that they still hadn't run into Tooth or Seth yet, and they were nearing the end of their rounds on the second floor already. When he questioned the raven-haired girl he was walking with, she replied with only a mischevious smile and continued walking.

Jack didn't know what that look meant, so he still walked alongside Ria. After three more rooms and five more people kicked out, they finally made it to the last room of the hallway. Ria turned around before she opened the door and pressed a finger to her lips.

When she opened the door, she revealed a dark room with two bodies snuggled up against each other under the blankets on the bed. Jack could have sworn he saw a bright green tint to one of the people's hair, and he was almost certain that this was where Tooth and Seth had ended up.

Ria giggled when she decided to switch on the lights, clap her hands together twice, and say, "It's time to wake up! Wakey, wakey."

It was definitely Tooth's voice that came from under the covers, groaning. "A few more minutes please."

Seth's voice also came from somewhere in the same vicinity. "We'll help you clean up, Ria. Just give us fifteen minutes and we'll be up and ready."

"I've given you all night, Seth," Ria exclaimed, still loud. "If you want to stay, get up now and after we clean up you can pass out again."

"Ahh," Tooth groaned. "Ria, you can lower your voice now."

Ria rolled her eyes with a smile on her face and strode across the room to pull the covers off of her two friends. They both rushed to cover their eyes from the sudden intrusion of light, but they sat up regardless.

Tooth held up her hands. "Fine, fine. We'll help you clean. I mean, there's nothing better to help your hangover than cleaning, right?"

Jack snickered at her comment from behind Ria, causing the Tooth Fairy to look up. She caught Jack's eye, and she shot him a glare. Jack smirked and turned his attention back to the hallway through the open door as Ria was coaxing Tooth and Seth out of the bed.

At long last, they stood, both of them still in the same clothes as they arrived in last night. They looked disheveled enough that Jack had his own ideas about what happened last night between the two of them, but as soon as the thought appeared in his head, he shook it away, gagging in disgust. Perhaps in a different time and a different situation, he would've been perfectly fine imagining the Tooth Fairy like that, but this was not the time.

In fact, that time might be long gone. Because what could he think now, with the Tooth Fairy being his twin sister and a possible new relationship on the horizon.

He smiled at that thought.

"Alright, guys," Ria announced happily. "We need to get this place cleaned up by noon, but as you can see, it's not as bad as it's been before. So I hope I can trust you two to clean up the second floor without making too much of your own messes. Jack and I can take over the first floor. Sound good?" Jack was kind of shocked at the commanding tone that Ria had taken on, but he couldn't say that he was surprised to hear it. She was a captain of a huge cheerleading team.

Seth and Tooth both nodded at Ria's words, and Seth took Tooth's hand as he led them out of the room.

Ria caught Tooth's arm as she was exiting the room though, whispering to her, "nice, Ana!" She made a motion to Seth and then back to Tooth with a congratulatory look on her face. "You are totally giving me all the details later!"

Tooth looked back at her friend with an equally excited smile and a wink. "Only if you finally give me the details about you and a certain white-haired dude."

Ria nodded exuberantly with a growing smile as she released Tooth and she headed down the hallway in hand with Seth.

Jack simply gulped when he was left alone in the room once again with Ria. He wasn't sure what he wanted Ria to say about him in her conversations with Tooth.

"Ah, don't worry too much about the gossip, Jack," Ria reassured him, patting him on the shoulder. "I mean, we had a pretty good time last night."

Jack smiled at her, uncertain.

"Now, come here and give me a kiss." Ria grabbed both of his hands and pulled him to her, flush against her body. She smiled at him before kissing him on the lips, just as she did the night before. When they did break apart, breaths still mingling between them, they both laughed softly at each other. "I mean, I don't think I'll be telling her about that since she's your sister and all that, but other things."

She gave Jack another mischevious look.

It made Jack's heart skip a beat, and it also made him wonder when the mischevious spirit himself couldn't even keep up with this amazing girl in front of him.

It was time to step up his game in the coming weeks. They didn't call him the Spirit of Fun for nothing.