Chapter 5 of Rise of the guardians
Hey! I am soooo sorry that I have not uploaded in like... Ages but I have been really busy with school stuff. I'm going to be picking my GCSE's soon and I'm part of Rock Challenge (dancing competiton) , it takes place in two weeks, so excited! I hope you enjoy this chapter anyway and I will do my best to update more often. I don't own Rise of the guardians or the only own the thoughts that come out of my heads... Enjoy! Oh, I don't take credit for the lines used for Jack's memories, the rights go to their original owners.
Sleep was trying to take me over and I let it hoping it would help stop the immense pain that I had.
I opened my eyes quite slowly to let them adjust to the bright light around me. I was still in the same room as before. I looked to my side and saw Bunny's now tiny body beside with his big eyes looking up at me. Kind of reminded when North was talking about his centre a while back.
"Hey there mate, ya had a good sleep?"
"Ah, it was Alright. A lot more peaceful anyway, it's less sore now too but I still feel a bit weak. Where's Tooth and North?"
"Oh, well North went into the room with the globe and Tooth went to get food for you when you woke up. She did try to wake you up a bit earlier but you were a bit of a heavy sleeper so she decided that you'd wake up on your own son and left for the kitchen. "
As if on cue, Tooth came in with a bowl of soup. North was walking behind her as she was just flying along. They both quietly sighed to themselves to see that Jack was awake and looked better to when they last seen him. North was the first to speak and I had a funny feeling I was finally goingnto know what happened.
"Ah, Jack! You are awake, that is good news! I am thinking you be wanting to what happened at Antarctica, no?"
"That was crossing my mind. So, tell me all the juicy details!" I looked up at him as I got on all fours with eagerness but a bit of anxiety thrown in.
" Ha! Well, not much to tell... But first you must sit down or there will be no telling of what happened. Do not want you more exhausted, do we? "
"Oh Allright, but please, I really do need to know what happened when I passed out." Tooth flew over to me and set the soup in front of me.
"You can eat your soup while it's still warm as North talks okay Jack?" She gave me a smile and flew over towards where Bunny was sitting and sat down right next to him. North gave them both a nod and started talking as I reluctantly started drinking my soup. I didn't really feel up to it but I didn't want to be scolded again.
"Thank you Tooth, now we will continue story. Listen closely Jack, Pitch was as awful as ever."
"Well well, not even Jack's little friends can protect him or the that stupid little fairy. How pathetic, I had hoped he would have put up more of a fight to save that fairy arteries blasted it into the cavern below." (Tooth gasped and flew in the direction of where he said and where she had seen her little Baby Tooth fall helplessly)
Bunny and North prepared to attack despite their lack of energy and Pitch responded to their actions.
"Awww, isn't that cute, you still want to defend your helpless friends even though they were at my complete and utter mercy! Well I must say that am quite disappointed in all of you. I am definitely not interested in a fight that no-one can have fun in. Now that would just be boring and I can not get any satisfaction from it. You don't even have the strength to barely keep up with me. I'll wait until I can have a little more fun and not fight against you weaklings. But rest assured not everyone will be safe from me, especially... The children..."
"Don't you even dare think about harming them Pitch or you can kiss all of your ruddy nightmares goodbye! "
"Bunny is right, you hurt them, we hurt .. You! "
North gave him a very angry look as did Bunny. All they could hear was his creepy malicious laugh as he disappeared along with his nightmares in a cloud of black sand. Once he was gone they ran as fast as they could towards their other companion who had been knocked out by Pitch's power. Tooth came rushing over ad fast as she could too holding a motionless Baby Tooth. They all exchanged worried glances from Baby Tooth to Jack then back at each other. Compared to what happened with Baby Tooth, Jack's injuries were far worse which was good for Baby Tooth but bad for Jack.
(End of flashback)
"That is whole story after you were knocked out cold. Not very good then but you are better now which is good improvement. Baby Tooth only needed bit of rest and was back to old self. Do you feel okay to walk to big room?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine, I mean how injured can A guy get from one attack?" (I know I still feel a bit weak but I need to stay strong for them. )
Jack stands up and stumbles a bit but is caught in the nick of time by North and Bunny gave him an 'apparantly a lot' kind of look. North didn't say anything but kept his hold on Jack steady as he carefully helped him into the big room with the globe. He could see a light shining in the middle of the floor where the big G is and guessed that the Man in the moon was waiting patiently to talk to them.
"Manny is already waiting for us with news from Burgess. Careful, steady steady Jack."
He gave a little chuckle and I returned it with a smile. He held onto me still incase I decided to have another stumble down to the floor again. I felt a bit tired from walking but not so much that I couldn't stand. We walked until we were right in front of where the light was shining and then I heard the booming voice of Man in the moon once again.
"It is good to see that you have had a good rest and some food Jack. You may still be weak now but will have helped with your recovery all that I can. You might still feel weak and tired but that will all change once we get the children believing once again. Jamie has been gathering all of th. Children that he and his friends know of but it took sometime for them to listen to Jamie. They are almost done and will be arriving at the frozen lake very soon. Them helping you is but a part of taking down mine and your nemesis Pitch Black, also known as the Terrible Boogeyman to children. With luck you will have your powers back and all of your memories restored. "
"Thank you, I am glad that Jamie and everyone else are safe. You watched over them just as you said you would so I thank you once again for that. I know that you have never spoken to me much before mow. In fact you only spoke to me once and that was when you told me my name. I will help all I can even if I'm still very weak. How long will the children be until they are all at the lake?"
"Well, I don't really know how long Jamie is taking but he is going as fast he can go for us. He knows that I really need his help as much as he needs ours. I am sorry for not talking to you sooner but I did not know how to put things. Although that will change once you have seen your memories. I think now is the time while you are here with me and the other guardians. Do not be alarmed by what happens, that goes for the rest."
"Okay, what will happen to me that when I see them?"
"Nothing bad will happen to you, I can promise you that. Tooth, please work your magic with little Baby Tooth. We can't do this without either of your help."
"Of course sir! " She took out the box of teeth and both her and Baby Tooth flew in front of Jack and North facing them. They both put their hands on the box of teeth and motioned Jack to do the same. Once he did everyone apart from Baby Tooth, Tooth and Manny themselves were startled as Jack just fell backwards as he looked like he was asleep but he still had his hand firm on the box.
"Tooth, that meant to happen to Jack?" North looked to his fellow guardian.
"Yes, he will wake up once he's seen what he needs to know. The teeth will show him the memories that he can no longer remember but what he wants to see. It won't take him long though, it should only last for around ten minutes or so. "
"Are you sure mate? Frostbite looks like he might never wake up!"
"I have been a Tooth Fairy for hundreds of years and I can tell you it is meant to happen like this. Just wait until he wakes up, he needs time to search for what's lost and find it again."
Bunny kept quiet after she said that and they all waited for him.
(In Jack's memories)
It shows Jack messing around with his friends and his little sister. It then changes to show them going out to skate)
"Be careful!" Their mom said cheerfully and waved goodbye to both her children.
"Heh heh heh, We will!" (scene changes to show Jack looking at his little sister who has her skates on)
"It's okay, it's okay! Don't look down...just... Look at me. " He tried to calm his scared sister.
"Jack.. I-I'm scared. " She looked down and saw that a bit of the Ice was cracking but her big brother continued.
"I know, I know , but you're gonna be alright. You're not gonna fall in , uh.. We're gonna have a little fun instead. "
"Nooo, we're not! " She looked up at her brother very worried.
"Would I trick you?"
"Yesss, you always play tricks! "
"Ah.. Heh, alright, well not this time I promise, I promise you're gonna be ... You're gonna be fine. Ya have to believe in me . Ya wanna play a game ?! , we're gonna play hopscotch like we play every day. It's as easy as.. Uh.. One, woaah! (He says playfully and his sister laughs) Two, (He walks slowly and briskly walks) Three! Alright, now it's your turn. " He grabs his staff as she was while he counts.
"One.. ("Uh!") , that's it that's it, two... Three!" (He got his staff and threw her a little way down and he stepped back and they both gave a laugh. He was suddenly very startled as the Ice broke and fell under his weight. All he heard before he plunged into the cold dark water was his sister calling his name for the last time. He seen the moon come close and fell into unconsciousness as his hair aturned a silvery white and his eyes turned a sparkling deep blue. )
It was at that point that Jack woke up gasping from what he'd just seen. Much to the suprise of the other guardians.
I know that it might have seemed a bit short compared to the other chapters but I didn't know what to write next. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter though and I can't wait to hear all your reviews etc. Look out for the next chapter which I will have posted as soon as I can. Thanks for all of your support and I'll see ya next time!