"Happy First Birthday, Jake!" Cameron gave his baby brother a big kiss while Audrey held Jake on her lap. "I'm gonna help you blow out your candles later!"
Jake blinked his wide blue eyes at his brother and laughed at the faces Cameron was making. The guests milled around the park drinking lemonade and fruit punch as the children played games on the blankets and enjoyed the swing sets nearby. Elizabeth moved from group to group thanking everyone for coming and refilling glasses. She had barely had two minutes to herself from the time she'd smacked her alarm clock that morning. Wiping her forehead with the back of her hand she continued on only to have someone grab her from the shade of a big oak tree.
Her surprised gasp was swallowed by Jason's eager kiss. Pressing her between his body and the trunk of the tree he cupped her face with his hand as he slanted his mouth over hers. He felt her moan as her body arched against his. Moments later he dragged himself away from her. "You taste good."
She smiled and held up the pitcher. "Lemonade."
Jason shook his head. "No... you."
Her eyelids lowered as she flashed him a flirtatious smile. "That's what you said last night too."
Jason leaned on the tree trunk as he moved closer. "I meant it then too, and-"
"There you are, Maternal One, I-" Spinelli stopped short and coughed, "I am so sorry for interrupting. Please forgive me!"
Elizabeth stepped away from Jason. "Don't worry, Spinelli, I need to go and get the games started anyway." She gave Spinelli a pat on his shoulder as she walked past.
Spinelli knew that even though Elizabeth had blown off his interruption he worried about Jason. Turning his gaze to his boss he was surprised to see a wistful smile on the man's face. Turning himself around, Spinelli realized that Jason was following his wife's every move with his eyes. "I never thought I'd say this... but you're," he looked at Jason and saw the man looking back at him with no suspicion or warning in his eyes, "human."
Jason clapped a hand down on Spinelli's shoulder and the boy winced, not knowing what to expect. "Go get some dip, Spinelli... enjoy the party..." Moving away from Spinelli, Jason caught sight of half a dozen SUVs with dark tinted windows pulling into the parking lot.
Across the clearing, Elizabeth reached down and picked up Jake from Audrey's arms and when Jason reached her side he took Cameron's hand and the family walked over to the parking lot to greet their newly arrived guests.
"Ciao Bella, Elizabeth!" Maximus leaned in to give Elizabeth a kiss on each cheek, lingering a little too long for Jason's comfort.
"Okay, Maximus... Maximus?"
The mob boss reluctantly leaned back and sighed. "Calm yourself, Jason," he turned to look at Jason even though his hands were still on Elizabeth's arms, "she wears your ring and you own her heart... I am only... stealing a few kisses."
"Uh uh," Cameron stepped in between his mother and the broad shouldered man, "Mommy kisses me... Mommy kisses Jakey... and Mommy kisses Daddy... not you, mister."
Maximus maneuvered his larger frame and knelt down on one knee. "I have been corrected and set straight, Cameron." He held out his hand and the boy, after some consideration, shook it firmly.
Standing with great effort, Maximus set his larger hand on Cameron's shoulder and shook Jason's hand. "Congratulations to you and your family, Jason."
"Thank you, Maximus." And Jason meant it. In the last year the four of them had truly become a family, along with everything that was included. Diaper changes and crying jags, temper tantrums and breakfast table meltdowns. Through it all, Jason and Elizabeth had only grown closer until they were easy around each other as they moved around their home and no matter where they were a simple touch or a look was all it took to communicate a wealth of information... and yes, love.
Max and Milo stepped forward, now acclimated to their own roles within the new organization, and presented presents to both Jake and Cameron. The baby lurched forward and grabbed onto Milo's nose and the three Giambetti men chuckled as Jake laughed straight from his little round belly. The guards surrounding the area eased noticeably.
Maximus clapped Jason on the shoulder. "How is life these days?"
Jason nodded. "Good... very good."
"Do you miss the business?" Max gave Elizabeth a soft kiss on her cheek and looked back at Jason. "Any withdrawal symptoms?"
"Not in the least." He tousled Cameron's curls. "I'm busy with the foundation and with Elizabeth and the boys..." Jason reached out his arm and drew Elizabeth against him with his hand on her hip, "I have more than enough to keep me busy."
"The Giambetti family is always happy to donate to your foundation... just let us know."
Jason answered before Elizabeth could. "Thank you, Maximus... but you have so many causes that you already donate to..."
The older man waved off the rest of Jason's response. "Speaking of which... I must get back to the warehouse." He smoothed his hand over Jake's spikey hair. "Take care of your family, Jason."
"I will."
Maximus gestured for Jason to step aside and he did, leaving Elizabeth and the boys talking to Milo and Max in the protective circle of their guards. Lowering his voice, Maximus gave Jason a knowing look. "There is no one left to endanger your family."
Jason nodded. "I heard about the... 'accident.'"
Smiling as if he'd just enjoyed his favorite canoli, the elder Giambetti nodded with satisfaction. "No survivors... no worries." They didn't need to speak about Sonny and Carly... the pair had moved away eager to enjoy their lives in the manner to which their money could provide them... and the excess with which they lived had been their undoing. Sam had moved on to New York and plied her trade with a number of rich men. One of them had a dark side that even her meticulous research hadn't revealed. One late night as she'd fallen asleep, her plans to rob him blind firmly in her head he'd surprised her and was set to spend the rest of his life behind bars for the offense. Lucky had succumbed to his own demons earlier that year, traveling around the world to one hazardous locale after another. His own life had ended on a lonely stretch of road outside a small rural town. "You are free, Jason... don't squander this gift."
As the Giambetti's piled back into their cars, Jason took Jake from Elizabeth's arms and settled the baby against his chest. Jake was only so happy to lay his cheek on his father's chest and fist his hand in Jason's shirt. Brushing a kiss on his son's cheek he turned to look at Elizabeth. He saw the tears in her eyes and he worried. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Nothing." She swiped at her tears and mustered up a smile on her lips. "I still feel so... thankful for every minute with you... with the boys."
"And I," Jason snaked his arm around her again and pulled her in for a kiss, "feel the same way." He leaned in for another kiss.
Right on the tail of the Giambetti visit, the Quartermaines descended upon the park with presents and hugs galore. The boys were in ice cream ecstasy by the time the party was over.
-That Night-
It didn't take much to put the children to sleep that night... they were both tuckered out from the fun and eager to cuddle into their own beds. When Jason opened the door to his bedroom he stopped short. Elizabeth stood beside the window clad in a nightgown that seemed near translucent in the moonlight.
As he stood there watching her, she turned and smiled. "Tired?"
He watched her reach out her hand to him and he closed the door behind him and removed his tshirt, dropping it on the bench at the foot of the bed. Elizabeth stepped into his arms and felt the warmth of his skin seep into hers as he fed from her lips with kiss after hungry kiss.
Her fingers combed through his hair as he moved them over toward the bed. Elizabeth moaned deep in her throat as she felt the backs of her legs bumped up against the side of the bed. Her fingers dug into Jason's shoulders as he lowered them down to the bed. With the firm mattress at her back she released his arms and reached for his jeans trying to shove them down off of his hips.
"Here," he mumbled against her lips, "let me help," Jason reached his hand between them to work at the button on his waistband and stopped suddenly, turning to sit up on the edge of the bed.
Elizabeth sat up carefully and looked at him. "Something wrong?"
Tentatively he leaned forward and reached his hand out, brushing the tips of his fingers over her belly. The swell he felt just below her bellybutton has his heart lodged firmly in his throat. "Elizabeth?"
She felt a tremor shiver through her body as he flattened his palm against her nearly flat stomach. "Figured it out, huh?" She laughed gently as she covered his hand with her own. "I was going to tell you later tonight, but you figured it out all by yourself."
Jason pulled Elizabeth into his embrace. "I know you didn't get pregnant all by yourself."
"No," she traced her fingertips along the bare expanse of his chest, "I had a little help with it."
"A little?" Jason's eyes were snapping with humor and something warmer than that.
"Okay," she admitted, "I had a lot of help with it." She slid out of his embrace and made quick work of his jeans, dropping them by the side of the bed with the rest of his clothing. "But I could use a little reminder every now and then." She pushed him onto his back and crawled up his body until she could ease herself over him. Their hands joined together over the small curve of their growing child.
Hours later, cuddled together beneath their blankets, Jason woke up and pressed a kiss to Elizabeth's lips as she slept. His wife stirred gently at his side, her hand sliding down his chest until Jason had to grit his teeth to keep from making a sound. "Jason?" She barely spoke above a whisper as she looked up into his eyes.
"If I'm dreaming... don't wake me."
Jason felt the heat of her palm on his bare skin and nodded. "No argument here."
She gave him a smile. "Good."
He slid his hand down to the swell of her backside and pulled her closer. "I love you, Mrs. Morgan."
"And I," she shifted her hand and felt him tense against her, "love you, Mr. Morgan."