Title: T.V. Tokyo
Series: Gravitation
Pairing: Shuichi x Yuki
Note: Okay, I hope this is the final post! What happened
last time is that I used carrots to bracket the interview
so the computer thought I was writing HTML! Gomen.

It was a quiet evening at the Yuki / Shindou
household. Outside, snow was swirling down to the street
in fat lazy flakes. Eiri half watched it from his seat
on the sofa, one arm draped behind the backrest, as he
kept one eye on the breathing of his sleeping prince.
Shuichi head was still
slightly warm with his fever, but Eiri knew Shu was going
to be back to his normal self by tomorrow morning. All
the boy had needed was a day tied to the couch with
velvet ropes under blankets and a few stiff pots of tea.
Eiri passed his hand over Shuichi's forehead and he
stirred under his touch. Blinking his lavender eyes,
Shuichi stretched, and then nestled back into Eiri's lap.

"Nee, Yuki?" Shuichi laid his head back onto Eiri's
shoulder. "Where's the remote?"

Eiri looked around Shuichi's nest of manga, Tokyo
Ichiban music magazines, and used tissues to find the
Sony wand wedged between the cushions. He plopped it
onto Shu's soft stomach. Eiri tried to tone out the
sound of Shuichi randomly changing channels. This
practice, he had observed on more than one occasion,
could take any where from a few minutes, to consuming
nonproductive hours. Shuichi would click through the 200
plus cable channels, stopping to watch 15 minutes of one
program before turning to something else during a
commercial, where he would forget what he was watching in
the first place. It annoyed Eiri, who liked his stories
to have a beginning, middle, and end. If he wasn't so
comfortable, his leg falling asleep under Shuichi's warm
body, he would have hobbled off to the office and worked
on the new novel proposal for his editor

/"Tonight in our Art Corner we have the esteemed
privilege of having best selling novelist, Yuki Eiri…"/
At the sound of his name, Eiri looked up from his
stupor to see what it was Shuichi was watching. It was
Sanjou Reika, of TV Tokyo's entertainment special, and
her very large head was filling the screen. Eiri felt
irritation crawl up his throat on clawed feet.
"Aho, turn the channel," said Eiri.
Shuichi twisted around to stare at him with
sparkling eyes. "But they're talking about Yuki!"
Eiri realized a second before his own pixilated
shadow appeared next to Sanjou on the stage that he had
lost the battle to the boy. When TV Yuki walked out onto
the stage, Shuichi squealed, "Yuki's on T.V!"
/"Whose new novel, Lovers,"/ Sanjou continued, /"has
made more in its first week than any other novel in the
genre. Thank you very much for taking time out of your
busy schedule to visit with us, Yuki-sama."/
/"I'll do my best to be worthy of your time,"/ Eiri
heard him self say with dry cordiality.
Sitting in the living room, Eiri realized how
different he had become in the year since Shuichi had
move in. The man on the screen was Yuki, dry, formal and
wearing his cynicism instead of a tie. He sat upright,
with his legs cautiously crossed at the ankle so he would
not crumple his Gucci suit, which was the flattering
color of fall maple leaves. Sell the image of lady-killer
to sell more books was the motto of his publicity team.
Eiri pushed his glasses up with his middle finger and
looked down at himself. After this stupid interview he
had come straight home, shedding that suit like a
reptilian skin, opting for blue jeans and a red dress
shirt. Now here he was practically draped over the
"Odd, desu ne?" Eiri thought.
He reach out to grab the remote from Shuichi's
hands. It was at that time that Shuichi started to sit
up on his elbows, one of which he planted down hard in
Eiri's delicate crotch area.
"Yuki!" Shu screamed and bolted towards the television
set. Eiri slowly, painfully crumpled towards the floor,
landing face down on the hard wood in a fetal position.
"Shuichi..."he hissed between clenched teeth. "I will
kill you for this."
Looking up again, Eiri bristled as Shuichi blocked
the Sony with his big head. As the interview was going
on, Shu-chan was nuzzling Yuki's image on the set, cooing
to himself. Eiri stifled a smile as Shuichi's hair
started to stand on end with static electricity.
"Baka! Shuichi, if you're going to watch this crap,
at least sit where you can see it!"
Shuichi scuttled up and sat above Eiri on the couch.
Eiri dropped an arm over Shuichi's legs, flicking him
lightly on across the knee, making him squirm.
"Yuki looks so cool on television," Shuichi swooned
over Eiri. "Now everyone can see you as I see you."
"Most people who have see me as you have are women,"
teased Eiri. He reached into his pocket for a cigarette.
"That's not fair!"
"Shush, your going to talk through the good part."
Sanjou's fake face bowed politely, that stupid
feminine grin hung there like that of the Cheshire cat.
/"What would you say influences you to write? Many
critics are saying that Lovers has the most touching
romance and greatest psychological depth of any of your
novels. Has anything happened in your life to bring out
this new depth?"/
The unlit cigarette fell from Eiri's mouth. She
didn't cut this piece. The stupid bitch had promised to
cut this out of the final aired piece after the
interview. Eiri scanned the coffee table for the remote,
but it wasn't there. Shifting, he grasped around
underneath the couch cushion. Eiri then spotted saw it at
Shuichi's other side, half sticking out from under his
"Shit. Shui-chan, change the channel."
"Hum, Shui-chan?" Shuichi looked up at Eiri,
blushing at the previously unheard pet name, but
something in Eiri's face told him there was something
else going on. "Why?"
From the television, Yuki's voice continued, /"I
can't really say. After all, writers evolve with time, my
style has changed with me," /
The perky little reported flashed that damned smiled
at Yuki. She could be getting ready to ask if he thought
flowers were pretty, or something innate like that with
that stupid little face.
/"Is it true that you are living with the lead
vocalist of the hit band, Bad Luck, Shindo Shuichi?"/
"Move, baka! You're sitting on the remote!"
Shuichi was smiling like a damn fool, "Wah! Now what
will you do! Blush and stammer your love for me, 'Shuichi
is my Koibito,' or just blow her off!" He rolled over
onto the remote, totally blocking any chance that Eiri
had to get it.
/"I don't see a point in confirming what everyone
already knows."/
/"I was just thinking that the lead in Lovers, while
remaining true to your heroines, still seems a little
manly compared to your usual delicate flowers. Is Yukino
some how based off of Shindo-san?"/
Eiri dug his fingers underneath Shuichi, trying to
raise him up by the ribs, but it was no good. Lifting up
the boy's shirt, he bent down and nipped Shuichi's
nipple, a weak spot. Shuichi sighed, but instead of
arching his back he held his ground.
/"This novel was written well before I met Shindo-
san. I try to write in a manner that the reader can see a
bit of themselves in all the characters and create their
own interpretations,"/ and Yuki smiled.
/"But, you two are sharing the same bed?"/
Shuichi's eyes tore themselves away from the
television and looked up at Eiri. Looking back at the
T.V. Shuichi saw the difference in their expressions. On
television, Yuki's expression froze to that Shuichi had
seen often before, his mask for hiding his feelings. Cold
yellow eyes piercing outward and a firm mouth. It was
there in his face, the realization that this hadn't been
a real interview about the book. The real Yuki, the Yuki
now in this room, looked down at him, pleading for
/"Actually, Shindo-san usually sleeps on the couch,
except when were fucking, then yes, we share a bed,
though I much prefer the kitchen table. I get much better
leverage and it's easier clean up."/
Shuichi's eyes widened with shock. It was usually
Shuichi that made mistakes like this. Eiri let his arms
go weak, and he fell on top of Shuichi, his head nuzzled
in the crook of Shui-chan's neck.
"Yuki?" Shuichi said, and pushed Yuki bangs tenderly
away from his face. The writer's face was composed, his
eyes closed shut, and lips slowly moving.
"Baka, baka, baka," Eiri chanted. "You're rubbing
off on me, saying such stupid things."
Had he somehow ruined both of their careers in one
foul swoop? He had done something that Tohma's pressmen
could never do. He had talked about their sex life on
T.V. Yuki Eiri had given the public what they wanted,
dirty details about two of their stars. Now, they were
no longer perfect.
"Yuki..."Shuichi said with kindness in his voice. The
boy heaved a sigh, running his fingers through Eiri's
hair. "I don't remember ever fucking on the kitchen
table. Who else are you seeing?!?"
"Baka!" Eiri yelled in Shuichi's face, "I said it to
piss that goading woman off! I'm calling my publicist
right now and firing him. He promised this interview
would never get out..."
Eiri bolted up to his feet and stepped on something
with a resounding crack. Looking down, he saw a thick
black video case with the TV Tokyo's circular logo on it.
As he picked it up, Eiri noticed a sticky note on the
front cover. Yuki recognized the scrawling script as
Tatsuha's own.
"What the…" Eiri looked over at the television,
then down. The VCR's LED flashed, "play" in capital
letters. As he watched, the picture froze in place, right
on Sanjou's big freaky face. Turning around, Eiri saw
Shuichi smiling nervously, wiggling the remote between
his fingers.
It was a joke.
Eiri rushed him, then pulled Shuichi up by the
collar and pointed to the kitchen. "You, the table,
After all, if the boy was well enough for jokes, he
was well enough for other things.