Hey we know its been a while since we updated, we just wanna thank you all for being patient and supporting this story with your messages and reviews it means a lot to us. This story is now complete and even though it is the end of this story we plan on writing more one shots etc. so message us with ideas or storylines you would like to see.

*WARNINGS* Sex, Barebacking, Lots of Fluff XD

Sunday morning came sooner than either of them would have liked. Kurt awoke, feeling slightly dreamy. He felt a heavy weight in his heart and realised it wasn't because Blaine was laying on him or because he was in pain, it was because he was happy. Opening his eyes gently, Kurt came face to face with a still sleeping Blaine. God he was tragically beautiful, Kurt turned more to face his boyfriend so he could watch him sleep. Sure to anyone else it would have been seen as creepy to watch someone sleep, but to Kurt this felt natural and he couldn't resist reaching out and stroking Blaine's stubbled cheek with the back of his hand. Without reason he spoke his thoughts out loud, whispering to a still sleeping Blaine, "God I love you so much." He sighed happily and closed his eyes, missing Blaine's eyes snap open.

Blaine stared at Kurt's face as he closed his eyes and rolled away. Had he heard that right? Did Kurt really just say what he thought he said? He propped himself up on one elbow and looked down at Kurt waiting as Kurt opened his eyes. He saw Kurt jump slightly as he saw Blaine. "Did you just say what I think you said?" he asked quickly as he bracketed Kurt's head with his arms and moved his whole body to hover over Kurt's.

Shocked to have Blaine suddenly hovering over him, Kurt stuttered as he spoke. "Y-you were awake?" he asked as his mind raced a mile a minute, shitshitshit.

"I was awake, do you mean it?" he asked voice a little forceful and panicked. His heart was stuttering in his chest and he felt like he was gonna throw up but he needed to make sure.

"Of course I meant it." Kurt smiled lovingly, bringing his hands to cup Blaine's head as he looked him directly in the eye. "I love you." He wasn't sure if he was going to hear it back, but at this moment it didn't really matter. He'd finally said it and now all Kurt could do was look up into the honey glazed eyes staring down at him.

Everything in Blaine's body told him to run away, to jump out of the bed and flee, but he couldn't he was stuck, hypnotised by this beautiful and his piercing blue eyes. "I love you too" he breathed out only just aware of the words coming from his mouth, but as soon as they were his face split into a grin "I love you" he repeated.

Kurt giggled and pushed Blaine onto his back so he was now hovering over him. "I love you..." he pecked his lips chastely, not bothered about the morning breath. "I love you" another kiss, "I love you" and another. The last time he said it he was cut off by Blaine capturing his lips fully, this time it wasn't a chaste kiss, it was full of passion and desire to just be closer to one another, closer than they were now.

Blaine pushed his tongue into Kurt's mouth and they thought together Blaine winning out as he wrapped his hands in Kurt's hair. He pulled back and gulped in a large amount of air as he tried to stop his head from swimming. "I'm not good at this Kurt, I'm a hard nut to crack, but...god I love you" he groaned the last part and wrapped his legs around Kurt's thighs pulling him down so their crotches ground against one another.

Kurt gasped against Blaine's lips, the friction so good but no where near enough. Pulling their lips apart Kurt spoke, breaths heavy "I'm not very good at this either... But I know for some bizarre reason, I can trust you. And you can trust me. Can't you?" he bit his lip, their grinding stopping for a brief moment as Kurt waited for his answer with an erection that was starting to be literally, very hard, to ignore.

"I trust you" Blaine nodded "I trust you more than I trust anyone" he smiled and ran his hand down Kurt's jaw and pulled him into a searing kiss. A thousand emotions went through Blaine's head, Love, happiness, pleasure, lust and before he knew what he was doing he pulled away from the kiss and whispered against Kurt's lips "I want you to top" and rolled his hips up again.

As the meaning of Blaine's words sank in Kurt froze, "But you've never... We've never...have I meant..." he stuttered again which tended to happen a lot around Blaine. He knelt back, resting on his heels as he kept their intense gaze, and that's when the reality finally sank in, Blaine actually trusted him and what he just asked for was proof enough. "Are you sure?"

Blaine didn't trust his voice and nodded as he pulled Kurt back down missing his warmth "I-I know we've never done it that way and I'm a little scared but, I trust you and I love you and I think its time" he smiled "I want this" he moaned a little and rolled his hips with Kurt's harder "I want you"

Kurt nodded, leaning down to kiss Blaine sweetly for a second before he pulled away. "Okay. Just relax." He moved to his bedside drawer, grabbing the bottle of lube he always kept in there. His breath caught in his throat when he turned back to Blaine, crawling to kneel in between Blaine's legs. "You're gorgeous..." Kurt ran his smooth hand up one of Blaine's legs, actually feeling totally normal about all of this. This was just another step forwards in their relationship and Kurt was more than elated about that.

"Okay relax" Blaine nodded talking to himself and let Kurt's hands sooth him. He watched as Kurt opened the bottle but stopped him for a moment "Ermm do you think that you could, blow me whilst..." he trailed off nodding his head towards the small bottle "I haven't really ever done this before" he admitted turning his face away a little embarrassed, he was Blaine Anderson, the resident badboy who slept with anyone.

"Great minds think alike." Kurt grinned at him, kissing his navel to try and distract him from his embarrassment which Kurt thought was rather adorable and since when was badboy Blaine Anderson adorable?! Kurt lay on his stomach between Blaine's legs and clicked the cap off the bottle of lube. He slicked two of fingers and bought them to Blaine's ass hole and holy shit that looked tight Kurt thought as he slowly pressed one in past the heated ring of muscle. Kurt looked up at Blaine and smiled lovingly, "I love you. Tell me if you want me to stop at any time okay?" Kurt used his other hand to take the base of Blaine's leaking cock in his hand. He kissed the head of it, rolling his tongue around it so he could gather the pre cum on his tongue and when Blaine gasped he looked up but recognised the look and knew Blaine was enjoying it so he carried on, slowly burying his finger into the second knuckle as he started to take Blaine's cock deeper down his throat.

Blaine's breathe came out of his nose in short puffs as he tried to concentrate on the heat of Kurt's mouth and relax. He spread his legs a little wider and earned down to wrap his hand in Kurt's hair. When he adjusted to the first finger Kurt looked up at him blue eyes full of concern and Blaine nodded to his unspoken question. He hissed slightly as Kurt added a second finger but it trailed into a low moan as he felt Kurt's throat contract around the head of his cock.

Crooking and twisting his fingers, Kurt stretched Blaine slowly as he adjusted to the new feeling. Kurt watched in awe as Blaine's body writhed and arched in pleasure and that's when Kurt knew Blaine was ready for another finger. He pulled off of Blaine's cock for a moment so he could see the bottle of lube. Carefully he poured some more on his fingers, taking them out so just the two fingertips were inside of Blaine. Quickly kissing up and down Blaine's cock, Kurt pressed in with the three slicked fingers, still looking up at Blaine and watching in fascination.

"Oh fuck" Blaine moaned as Kurt's fingers rubbed against his prostate "Why have we not done this before" he panted out and tightened his hold on Kurt's hair. Kurt's finger felt huge inside him and he was torn between wanting more and shying away at the full feeling. He looked down into Kurt's eyes only to see Kurt's eyes were trained on where his fingers were buried in Blaine. Blaine swallowed thickly as his mouth went dry and he felt cock twitch as the thought turned him on more. "Kurt, fuck me now, I'm ready" he said quickly.

Kurt pulled his fingers out of Blaine, leaning over Blaine's body and kissing him deeply. "I can't tell you how much it means to me, you letting me do this." Kurt smiled shyly for the first time all morning.

"I love you" Blaine said sincerely and stared into Kurt's eyes "This is more for me than it is for you" he cupped Kurt's jaw and wrapped his legs around Kurt's waist. "Fuck me Kurt" he purred his usual sexual confidence showing through "I want you so badly" he whined and arched into Kurt as he connected their lips in a fierce kiss.

The fierceness of Blaine's kiss and neediness in the arch up of his body proved to Kurt that Blaine wanted this more than Kurt had been aware of. Resting on a forearm and still leaning over Blaine, Kurt used his free hand to grab his cock, slicking it with the lube from his fingers. He lined up with Blaine and slowly pushed in, being so careful to not hurt Blaine. He kept kissing Blaine to distract him, pushing his cock inside of him further and further.

Blaine's breathe hitched into the kiss as he felt Kurt push inside but he ignored the burn. It seemed like Kurt was never gonna stop pushing in till he did and Blaine exhaled loudly breaking the kiss. He screwed his eyes up to try and adjust to the new feeling and then opened them to stare into Kurt's eyes. "J-Just start slow" he said and rocked his hips lightly giving Kurt the cue to move.

Kurt started to rock his hips slowly, looking into Blaine's glistening eyes the whole time. He couldn't get over how amazing it felt to be inside of Blaine, the boy he loves and yes, now he thinks about it, the boy he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Thinking about the future and how this would be the first time of him topping of many, caused Kurt to kiss Blaine deeply again as he rocked in and out of him easily now and he felt Blaine's legs cross at the small of his back.

The pain slowly subsided and when Blaine tightened his legs it caused the head of Kurt's cock to rub against his prostate very few thrust "Oh my god" he panted against Kurt's lips and rocked his hips "I fucking love you" he growled and wound his hands in Kurt's hair tighter as he pulled them down into a dirty kiss with far too much teeth and tongue but it was perfect.

The kiss only encouraged Kurt to quicken the pace, intent on making this the best first time for Blaine ever. His hips moved relentlessly as he teasingly sucked Blaine's soft bottom lip into his mouth. He knew Blaine would be able to take this pace so he broke away after a minute or hour Kurt wasn't so sure anymore, lost in the feel of everything, and leant over Blaine fully as he slammed into him. He rested his weight on both of his hands, one on either side of Blaine's head as his mouth dropped open in pleasure "Fuck Blaine... You feel so good." he panted as his eyes clamped shut.

Blaine's breathed hitched and came out in little "Ah, ah, ah" sounds. He could feel as the head of his cock rubbed against the small patch of hair on Kurt's stomach and that paired with the feeling of Kurt inside him was speeding him towards his orgasm. He reached between them and gripped his cock squeezing at the base gently to keep himself in check "D-Don't want this to end" he moaned looking up at Kurt and seeing his face contorted in the same pleasure Blaine was feeling.

"Me ... Neither..." Kurt groaned out between words as he thrust hard and fast. Staying balanced on his hands over Blaine, he stretched his legs right out so he was in the plank position. His body was stretched straight out and his feet were now helping support his weight too, "M-move your legs higher... Bring your knees to your chest but keep your legs around me." Kurt could penetrate deeper at this angle and he knew neither of them would be able to last much longer.

Blaine did as Kurt told him and groaned loudly as the new position sent Kurt deeper and his thrust had more force "Holy shit!" he exclaimed and tried to hold back his orgasm. "Kurt, baby I'm so close, ah Harder!" he said forcefully and attached his lips to Kurt's neck and sucked hard.

Using all his strength, Kurt balanced on one hand and reached down between their bodies to grasp Blaine's cock in his hand. He stroked it quickly as he carried on fucking in and out of his boyfriend "Blaine I'm gonna..." and that was it. Suddenly Kurt's vision clouded over with little stars as he came deep inside of Blaine, filling him up with his cum. And Kurt was sure it was one of the best feelings ever, knowing a part of him was inside of Blaine and not just his now softening cock but his cum. He stroked Blaine faster "Cum..."

"Shit, shit, shit" Blaine chanted as he felt his stomach and balls tighten and he came with a low moan all over Kurt's hand and his stomach. His body sagged as he came down from his high and he shifted and felt Kurt's softening cock and cum inside him. He whimpered as his cock gave a twitch but it was too hard to get hard again so soon. "Kurt..." he trailed off voice catching and pulled the taller boy down into a soft kiss but it still held so much love and passion.

Kurt slowly pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to Blaine, instantly he turned to face him and smiled goofily but it was full of love and care. "That was kind of incredible." he reached down and laced their hands together. He didn't care about the cum and mess, all that mattered was them. Their legs tangled together and Kurt rested his head on Blaine's chest, placing a kiss to it.

"I love you" Blaine said softly and ran his hand through Kurt's hair. He was so happy in that moment and didn't ever want it to end; he could ignore the small amount of pain he felt from his first time because all that mattered was the boy in his arms. 0:12

"I love you too Blaine." Kurt smiled, nuzzling into Blaine's chest. After a few minutes, Kurt looked up at his clock on the wall and felt his heart drop. "Shit..." Kurt almost leaped out of the bed, and then felt embarrassed for the suddenness as he quickly pulled on a pair of fresh boxers. "My Dad's gonna be home in like..." Kurt mumbled to himself, counting on his fingers "forty minutes!" he moved quicker now, the thought of Burt walking in on all this would be beyond humiliating.

"Your Dad?" Blaine's eyes widened and he got up too and searched for his overnight bag. When he found it he pulled on his boxers and jeans and looked over at Kurt and chuckled as he saw him trying to pull his head through the sleeve of his jumper. He walked over and helped him straighten it out and smiled as Kurt's eyes came into view again. Blaine couldn't resist and he leaned down and caught Kurt's lips in a sweet kiss.

Kurt smiled at the softness of Blaine's lips, "Where has this weekend gone?" he sighed when they broke away and he wrapped his arms around Blaine's still naked waist. Kurt's fingertips traced mindless patterns at the small of Blaine's back, "I wish you could stay here for longer."

"This weekend has been amazing" Blaine smiled bringing his arms up to wrap around Kurt's neck "I wish I could stay longer too but I have to go, I don't want to but I have too, and we will see each other at school tomorrow, I'll even pick you up in the morning if you like?" he smiled and played with the soft hairs at the nape of Kurt's neck.

"Mmm I'd like that. Going for a ride on your motorbike." Kurt laughed, gasping a bit as he got distracted. "Come on, we need to get ready." Kurt pulled away and it broke his heart each and every time he had to do it but seriously, he glanced at the clock again, they now only had 35 minutes.

"Okay" Blaine nodded and pulled on one of his signature black t shirts and looked around for his jacket. He spotted it over Kurt's desk chair and reached for it but stopped. He decided to leave it at Kurt's with a small smile. When he was dressed he looked over at Kurt and saw him sat at his vanity styling his hair. Blaine put away the lube and grimaced at the soiled sheets on Kurt's bed before pulling them off and folding them up. He remade Kurt's bed sans bedding and waited for Kurt to finish.

Kurt watched in his mirror as Blaine re-made his bed and couldn't help his top lip from curling up into a smile. When he was finished sorting his hair out to some kind of presentable appearance he stood up and walked over to Blaine, "You're leaving your jacket?" he arched a brow, standing in front of Blaine and linking their hands together as they hung limply at their sides.

Blaine smiled "Its warm out" he shrugged and looked at Kurt "Maybe you could wear it to school tomorrow for me" he suggested and squeezed Kurt's hand gently. He looked up at Kurt through his eyelashes and felt his heart warm as he saw a small blush take over Kurt's cheeks.

Kurt smiled cutely and looked at the floor for a second, "That would be good." He looked back up and smirked a bit, "Actually, that way people would know that I'm yours and you're mine and nobody is gonna break us or what we have." Kurt walked over to the jacket and ran his fingers along the material. "I'll definitely wear it."

"Great" Blaine grinned and nodded along with Kurt's words "But only wear it if you want, I wouldn't want it to clash with your high fashion sense" he chuckled and looked around for his boots remembering they were downstairs "I suppose I should go" he said peering at the clock.

"Mmm five more minutes won't hurt." Kurt grinned, nodding for them to head downstairs. They stood by the door and Kurt watched as Blaine pulled on his boots. Once he'd done that Kurt crowded in on him, an evil glint in his eye as he surprised Blaine and squeezed his bum.

Blaine let out a small squeak at the pinch but chuckled as he rubbed the spot "Don' start things Hummel, not when we can't finish them" he smirked and crowded Kurt against the wall with his arms on either side of his head. He watched as Kurt gulped loudly but smiled and leant forward capturing his lips in a quick kiss "I love you"

Kurt was sure he'd never get sick of hearing that. Kurt pushed him away with his hands flat on Blaine's chest, "Come on you." he opened the front door, it was a glorious day and Kurt couldn't help but smile even wider. "Text me later?" Kurt bit his lip, looking at Blaine as he leant against the doorframe.

"I'll call you" he smiled and turned to walk away before turning back and pulling Kurt into his arms for one final fierce kiss. He felt Kurt go weak into the kiss and pulled back "Till tomorrow baby" and walked backwards towards his bike.

He nodded his heart racing rapidly as he nodded an okay. "I love you!" Kurt called out a second later. Sharing a smile with Blaine before he watched him climb onto his motorbike.

"Love you too" he called back with a chuckle before pulling his helmet on and kicks starting the bike. He waved at Kurt as he revved the engine and then peeled out the driveway. He made his way down the street and passed a pick up truck as he headed home counting down the hours till he could see Kurt again.

Kurt practically squealed, spinning around on the spot and clapping his hands like a mad man. That's when he saw Burt's truck pull up on the drive, and not a moment too soon. He immediately stopped, clearing his throat and resting a hand on his hip, then deciding that looked weird so he stuck with crossing his arms over his chest. "Hey Dad, thought I heard your truck." he smiled as Burt climbed out and walked up the small driveway.

Burt raised an eyebrow at he saw the red tint on his sons face and chuckled "Its good to be home, did you have a good weekend kid? I'm hoping you behaved" he chuckled and wrapped an arm around Kurt's shoulders leading him back into the house.

"Of course I behaved Dad." Kurt rolled his eyes but leaned into his Dad's arm, "And my weekend ... " he bit his lip and tried not to start jumping up and down in joy, that would surely reveal all, "My weekend was the best." he simply said, a broad smile masking his face.

"Good I'm glad bud" Burt smiled and went to the fridge and grabbed a beer "You want to watch the game with me?" he asked and took his hat over running a hand over his head.

"I think I'm gonna just listen to some music in my room. I need to sort my shirt collection out too. But it's good to have you home Dad." he hugged him tightly before heading upstairs to his room. When he got there he closed the door behind him and let out a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding. Kurt looked from where he stood against his door, at his desk chair and the leather jacket that was hanging off the back of it. With his smile still locked in place Kurt walked over, picking up the heavy jacket in his hands and smelling it quickly. It smelt just like Blaine, and Kurt's heart fluttered at the memories of what had happened this weekend.

Kurt pulled it on over his sweater, it was a bit tight but Kurt was an expert at this kind of thing, in his eyes it fit perfectly. Adjusting the collar in his hands, he walked over to the mirror and stopped. He smiled to himself as he saw his reflection and just as he turned he heard his phone start to ring on his night stand with Blaine's smiling face appearing as the caller ID. He looked between the phone and his reflection and smiled to himself. Yes, it definitely fit perfectly.

The End

Thanks for reading guys XOXOXOXOX

Rhian and Harriet (Pea-W-Pea)