"So, this entire party was your parents' idea?" Kaito asked, staring beyond the balcony into the courtyard below. Conan was beside him, also looking out into the night.
"Yeah. My parents tend to," Conan started, trying to find the right words, "go overboard."
Kaito laughed, though he wasn't sure if he actually found it funny or if anything Conan said could make him laugh. "Well, it is quite a lavish party," Kaito pointed out.
"I guess," Conan replied, "Do your parents ever do it, orchestrate these crazy events?"
"Ah, actually both of my parents passed away," Kaito said, the conversation suddenly turning much more somber.
"Oh, I didn't know," Conan apologized, realizing that he had touched a sensitive topic.
"It's okay. It was a while ago," Kaito said, turning to look at Conan. Conan was looking right back at him with a genuine look of sadness. There was so much sincerity in those eyes that Kaito was at once moved and embarrassed, moved that Conan would show such empathy to a stranger and embarrassed that he had let such a face be marred with grief. "Ah, don't make such a face. It's fine, really!" Kaito said, trying to cheer Conan up.
"Besides, I have Jii with me."
"Jii?" Conan asked.
"He's a good friend of my father's, raised me since I was little. I kind of think of him as my father," Kaito said.
"That's just like Haibara," Conan said.
"Haibara?" Kaito asked.
"My wet-nurse. She's been taking care of me ever since I was born," Conan explained, "Speak of which, here she comes right now."
Kaito turned and indeed spotted the woman approaching. "Conan!" the woman called, "Where have you been? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the main hall looking for Ran!"
"Ah, I was just-" Conan tried to say, but Haibara took hold of his arm and began dragging him back inside.
"Wait a moment," Kaito said, and perhaps for the first time, Haibara noticed the teen dressed in white.
"Who the heck are you?" Haibara asked, shooting a glare Kaito's way that sent shivers down his spine.
"I'm, uh," Kaito began.
"Just a friend," Conan answered, pulling away from Haibara, "We were just talking, Haibara. Sorry, I'll be down in a moment, alright?" Haibara, though, shot Kaito a suspicious look and moved closer to inspect the thief.
"Now why do you look familiar?" Haibara asked, her face almost touching Kaito's. All Kaito could focus on were her eyes, angry, suspicious eyes.
"I don't believe we've met," Kaito said weakly. The woman abruptly reached out and ripped off Kaito's hat and monocle, allowing for a clear view of his face.
"Ah!" Haibara exclaimed, jumping back and pointing to Kaito in shock.
"What is it, Haibara?" Conan asked, surprised at the woman's outburst.
"This man's a Black!" Haibara exclaimed again, "What are you doing here?!" For the first time, Conan got a clear look at the thief's face. It had a cherubim-like quality, though at the moment, it was quite pale from Haibara's yelling. One thing was for sure though, Kaito was not Ran in disguise. That much Conan could see.
"I, uh," Kaito started again, silently cursing himself. He was usually quite good with words, but all of a sudden, his tongue seemed to have abandoned him.
"It's fine," Conan said, coming to the rescue, "He means no harm." Then turning to Kaito, "Ne?" Kaito just nodded his head, thankful that he didn't make a fool of himself in front of Conan. Conan just gave the thief a smile and Kaito's heart almost melted; his knees felt a tad weak. Haibara, on the other hand, wasn't quite so moved. She was still eyeing the thief suspiciously.
"Well, if you say so," she finally said to Conan, "Just remember to come to the main hall soon." Then turning to Kaito, "Don't you try anything funny." With that, Haibara finally left. Conan sighed in relief, leaning against the banister of the balcony for support.
"Is she always like that?" Kaito asked, equally relieved.
"Sometimes," Conan said. "I think she caught the crazies from my mother." Kaito laughed at that. "Oh," Conan said, suddenly remembering something, "I hope that Black comment didn't offend you. It's a touchy subject around here, you see."
"It's okay. I am a Black at a Cullen's masquerade after all. It's to be expected," Kaito said with a small smile.
"I honestly don't see what the big deal is," Conan said, eyes again looking beyond the horizon. "I mean, here we are, a Cullen and a Black just chatting the night away."
"You're a Cullen?" Kaito asked, eyes opening a little in surprise.
"Oh, right. I forgot to mention that part," Conan said, turning to look at the thief, "I hope it doesn't bother you."
"Ah, not at all," Kaito quickly said, shaking his head. He had been surprised, but, well, it wasn't a bad turn of events.
Conan smiled in turn, "That's good to hear. Quite frankly, I think the feud is rather stupid. I mean, what is it over anyways?"
"Who ate the last piece of cake at the dinner party?" Kaito suggested whimsically.
"Ha!" Conan laughed. "All I know is that it has been going on for generations. But it's rather silly to let the past dictate the future, isn't it? I mean, what does rank, status, affluence all really mean if you're not happy? Isn't that the most important thing? Aren't people's emotions worth more than a lump of silver or gold?" Kaito looked at Conan, moved by the words. His heart was beating a little bit faster, his hands feeling a little more moist than normal. Was this...was this love? Kaito was about to say something, but Conan interrupted before he had a chance, "The funny thing is, here I am, saying all these grand things and yet by the end of tonight, I will probably be engaged to the Prince's cousin. Talk about being a hypocrite, right?" Conan let out a small laugh as he turned to look at the thief.
Kaito, on the other hand, was feeling anything but humor. "E-engaged?" Kaito sputtered out. Was his heart about to be ripped out again? He had only just recovered from the Aoko incident. He wasn't sure if he could do this all over again.
"Yeah," Conan confirmed, noticing the sudden look of despair on the thief's face. "What's wrong?" Conan asked.
"D-do you love this person, the Prince's cousin?" Kaito blurted out, surprising Conan and himself.
Conan thought about the question for a moment, "I guess. I mean, my parents like Ran enough. I haven't seen Ran in years, though."
"Then why are you getting engaged? Weren't you just saying how people's feelings are valuable? Why are you just throwing yours away?" Kaito said, suddenly quite frustrated.
Conan was shocked by the thief's aggressiveness. "What choice do I have? I have to obey my parents' wishes," Conan said softly.
"No, you don't!" Kaito said, "You should live your own life, act on your own beliefs!"
Kaito's words hit Conan like a train. The thief was suggesting something he had never even thought of as a possibility. Could he do it? Could he really do what he wanted? Did he dare to have his own dreams? Who did this thief think he was, just coming in and declaring such things?
"I-" Conan started to say, but abruptly Kaito leaned forward and planted a kiss on Conan's lips, shutting the boy up. Their lips touched for what seemed like forever before Kaito finally pulled away, his face looking flush. Conan, a bit dazed, quickly averted his eyes. He could feel his cheeks burning.
"Ah, I'm sorry!" Kaito quickly managed, "I didn't mean to, I mean, I wasn't-"
"It's alright," Conan said, "It was kind of nice." Conan wasn't quite sure what he was saying anymore. He had just been kissed by an almost complete stranger, and a boy at that! But in the time they were together, Conan had gotten the sense he could trust the thief. And there was something else about Kaito. The nervousness in juxtaposition with the thief's brazen ideals was oddly alluring, holding the promise of endless mysteries; the thief's soul seemed to have an endless depth to it, waiting to be peeled layer by layer. And what Conan loved more than anything was a good mystery.
In the time that Conan was thinking, Kaito had been looking into child's eyes, sure that he was now in love. His pulse. His heartbeat. His thoughts. They all pointed towards one thing: love. Here was his love; here was the one. "Let's get married!" Kaito blurted out.
"What?" Conan asked, not sure if he heard right.
"I love you, Conaoonin-uh, Conan, and I want to be together with you forever," the thief professed.
"But we just met," Conan said slowly, eyeing Kaito. The thief seemed genuine though.
"I know that my feelings for you will never change," Kaito said.
"But then why do we need to get married?" Conan asked.
"I don't want anyone to steal you away from me," Kaito explained, causing Conan to blush. Kaito took it as a good sign and proceeded, "I have a friend who can marry us tonight!"
"Tonight?" Conan parroted, unsure about the speed that everything was suddenly moving at.
"I want to free you, Conan. Free you from this prison you call home. I see it now," Kaito said dramatically, "You'll never truly be free here under your parents' thumb. Let's run away. We can go on adventures together, just the two of us. Just you and me."
Kaito finished the entire sentence with one breath and then paused, looking intently at Conan for his reply. An adventure, huh? That could be fun. Can I…can I really dare to dream? Kaito would certainly have him believe it. And the thief was so persistent, so charismatic, that Conan let down his guard, his doubts, and let himself believe, just for a moment, that the thief could bring him true happiness. "Alright, but only if we can go see a joust," Conan said, causing a wide grin across Kaito's face.
Kaito was overjoyed! His love had been received and returned! He could feel his heart flutter, light as a leaf in wind, ready to blow in whichever direction Conan lead him. He was in love, and he was happy. "Shall we go then?" Kaito asked.
"Ah, let me change first," Conan said.
"Alright," Kaito said, leaning on the balcony. He'd wait for Conan to return. Heck, he'd probably keep waiting even if Conan never returned. But he was suddenly snapped back to reality when he saw Conan begin to take off the dress right in front of him. "W-wait," Kaito sputtered, no longer leaning on the balcony, "You're going to change right here?" Kaito could feel his face burning.
"Why not? I have a spare set of clothes right here in the violin case," Conan said, letting the gown drop down to the ground.
Kaito instantly covered his eyes with both hands, but then reflexively created a small crack between his fingers so that he could see. Conan had finished taking off the gown and was standing in front of Kaito, naked. "Conan?" Kaito asked slowly, looking Conan up and down.
"Yeah?" Conan replied, his voice muffled by the shirt that he was currently trying to pull over his head.
"You're a boy?"