Fionna sighed heavily. Things were changing so fast these days she had trouble keeping up. Cake had recently gotten married, and was talking about moving out. Flame Prince had gone away, to where, Fionna wasn't entirely sure. BMO no longer came over, perhaps having had found a love interest of his own. Not even Lumpy Space Prince could visit, nowadays he was being prepped for ascending his parent's throne. Everyone was always so busy.

Also, now that she'd turned eighteen so much more was expected of her. There were still monsters and villains she was sent out to fight. But more and more often she was sent as a representative of the Candy Kingdom to settle disputes, peacefully. Often she did things without Cake, even the dangerous tasks.

Even worse were the biweekly balls held in different kingdoms, which she was forced to attend. By far the worst were the ones held at Cloud Castle – which Fionna noticed they visited most often.

Princess Skyfall, the second princess of Cloud Kingdom and a close friend of Gumball's, acted strangely around Fionna. When she talked to Cake about her worries, however, they were dismissed as a hyperactive imagination at play. But Fionna couldn't convince herself; every time Fionna was near Gumball Fionna could swear an invisible wind began to writhe around her, which Gumball failed to notice.

There was also the way Princess Skyfall spoke to her – when Gumball was around it was with a false cheer. Whenever Gumball periodically left the room, however, she could hear what must have been contempt in the princesses voice.

Fionna was pulled from her somber thoughts by the sound of footsteps. Fionna looked up to see Gumball entering the parlor, where they would sit together every Sunday for tea, as they had for as long as she could remember. She frowned slightly as she noticed the absence of any tea trays, and the worried air Gumball carried.

"Is something wrong, Gumball?" Standing Fionna started toward Gumball but he motioned for her to sit. Fionna ignored the action, which made the frown on the young prince's face deepen. He continued past her, sitting across from the seat she'd previously occupied.

"We need to talk, Fionna." Prince Gumball stated in a reserved manner. Slowly Fionna retreated to her chair, uneasy of the young man's formal, almost reprimanding tone.

"Gumball, is something wrong–" Prince Gumball raised a hand to silence her before she could continue. "Yes," He began, "I am sorry to say, Fionna, that due to our close relationship over the years I've allowed our relationship to become too intimate. I've allowed things to get out of hand, lenient where I should not have been."

Fionna's eyes widened, "I-intimate, Gumball, are you crazy? What are you–"

"Princess Skyfall has informed me of my mistake, as I was too blind to see it myself, and has made sure I understand the importance of fixing this error. It is better this way." His final comment was directed more towards himself than Fionna, though she did not see the obvious unhappiness this caused him.

"What does the Cloud Princess have to do with this? I don't–"

"Fionna!" Gumball silence the young woman as he rose angrily from his seat. "This is what I mean! This... disobedience! This disrespect! You fail to address the royal population in the proper manner, as a commoner should, Fionna!" He sighed, turning his head to the side in a haze of mixed frustration, though Fionna was too shocked to notice Gumball did not like this much more than she.

"This is partially – mostly – my fault, and I apologize for that, Fionna, but it must stop here." Gumball stood rigidly, kingly. "Fionna, Skyfall has suggested this, and I... am forced to agree." His voice strung tight, and he forced himself to continue, "You are eighteen, and as King of Candy Kingdom – and you an incorporated citizen with no immediate family to take part in this, I shall stand in their place." A deep breath was required before he could continue.

"I shall stand in in the duty of finding you a suitable husband and give blessing to your marriage."

"Gumball! Have you lost your marbles? I'm not getting married! Wh–"

"Fionna." A slight fury danced in the bubblegum king's eyes, "There will be no more of this disregard for status. I am a Prince – very soon a King – and you are a commoner. You will not speak to your Prince in such a manner." Fionna's face wobbled for a moment, but she quickly steeled herself, standing swiftly, stepping toward the door.

"No." She shook her head. "You may be a prince, you may someday be the Candy King. But you will never force me to do something I do not want to."

Gumball ignored her comments, looking at her steadily. "Your courting will start in two weeks time," His eyes softened slightly, "Please, Fionna, do not force my hand." Fionna ran from the room, down the pink candy hall, and into Candy Kingdom. She did not pause, but rushed for the gates that lead out and away from all the sweet, pink, sugary sights that somehow sickened her. She ignored the stares and worried calls of the candy people.

The adventurer refused to slow, even after making it well past the Candy Kingdom's gate. Fionna couldn't believe Gumball would even say something like that! Married? Why would she want to get married, and who did he think he was, trying to force her!

And was it really so wrong treating Gumball and the other princes as she did? They were her friends, weren't they? Who cared if she didn't have the title of a princess. It hadn't made a difference before, so why now?

Fionna noticed the sun had set already, and only then realized how long Gumball had left her waiting. Tea was at six, and it must have been well past eight. The adventurer couldn't find the heart to care. She knew she should return to the tree house, and she started to, until she remembered Cake would not be there. The feline had gone to visit Lord Monocromicorn. Sullenly she thought of Mono's title, and Cake's lack of one. Neither of them seemed to care. Sighing Fionna began to trudge down a path, not caring where it led, so long as it was neither to her to the tree house nor, glob forbid, Candy Kingdom.

Time passed, though how fast or how slow, Fionna had no idea. Finally she decided it would be best to head home, lest Cake get home to find her missing. Focusing on her surroundings, she tried to figure out where she had ended up. She had no clue, of all things now she was lost.

The frustration of it all was too much. Planting herself on a log Fionna no longer fought to keep herself together. A choppy cry jarred her body as Fionna thought back to her conversation with Gumball, and his decree. Did Gumball not realize how she felt towards him? Or did it really bother him that much, Fionna being only a 'commoner'?

"Whoa, whoa! Where'd the sunshine go, Fionna, what's with the waterworks?" The adventurer opened her eyes and directly in front of her face was the nervous, upside-down face of Marshall Lee the Vampire King. Oh glob. Of all the people to find her alone and crying, why Marshall Lee? Surely he would never allow her to live down the memory of such an open display of weakness.

Eyes downcast Fionna pursed her lips, fighting back her cries. The harder she tried to stop, the harder the cries became. From the corner of her eye Fionna watched as Marshall Lee righted himself and came to a rest on the forest floor.

Fionna closed her eyes against the raven-haired vampire. Maybe if she couldn't see him she could pretend he was not there to watch as she so inadequately dealt with the Gumball's decree. Maybe if she closed her eyes, she could pretend none of it had even happened.

Marshall Lee tentatively reached for her shoulder, resting his hand there gently. At that moment a particularly loud sob wracked her frame. She was falling to pieces, Marshall Lee thought worriedly. What could have happened to the young adventurer to make her like this? Fionna looked fine physically; all in one piece, no painful wounds evident, not a hair out of place.

Fionna felt the hand on her shoulder, even with her eyes closed she could tell he was close. Why wasn't he making any nasty comments like usual, calling her a wimp? A weakling? Softer than a roasted marshmallow? A hiccup bounced through her throat and at the same time a crack of thunder was heard. Rain followed almost immediately; a light drizzle that would steadily increase.

The adventurer heard Marshall Lee sigh, the sound indecisive. His hand retreated, and Fionna heard as he took a step back. So he was leaving. She couldn't help the sudden disappointment that gnawed at her heart.

Before she could dwell on his absence for long Fionna felt the rain stop, and opened her eyes to see Marshall Lee standing – or rather floating – above her, an umbrella shielding them both. He gave a small half smile.

"Come on Fionna, how about we go to my place, at least til the rain lets up?" He offered his hand, and she could only look at it for a moment. Marshall Lee was being, so kind. She could hardly make sense of it. Slowly she grabbed his hand, allowing him to tug her to her feet.

Marshall Lee handed her the umbrella, before gingerly hoisting her into the air alongside him. A slight ripple moved through her stomach. Floating was so... cool. Again Marshall Lee caught her by surprise when he reached out a hand to wipe away the tears still trailing down her face. At the look he received Marshall Lee's hand made a fast retreat.

"Sorry." He said sheepishly. After a few moments Marshall Lee opted for a more comfortable position, and Fionna ended up cradled between Marshall Lee's arms; clutching to the umbrella awkwardly in both hands.

Together the two flew silently in the direction of the vampire's home. Tucked in a remote area, hidden within a cave no less, Marshall Lee's house did not receive many visitors. Above the trees Fionna could finally grasp her location. And she was surprised to see just how far she had ventured. A good twelve miles from Candy Kingdom, no wonder she had been so lost.

It was not long before the dreary cave came into view, and the pair touched down at its entrance. Marshall Lee looked as if he wanted to make a crude comment, but in light of the condition he'd found Fionna in, refrained. "Here we are." his unnecessary comment echoed through the deep cave.

Fionna knew she should say something, but she suddenly found herself feeling profoundly embarrassed. With a light reddening of her face the girl started further into the cave.

The silence must have been too much for the vampire, because after a few seconds he began humming. The melody was one Fionna had never heard, no doubt another one of his creations. Unlike most of his songs, depicting sadness or anger, this tune carried a light, happy feeling. It lifted her spirit, and she wondered if perhaps that was his intention. Fionna never knew Marshal Lee to be so kind.

Casting a glance towards her, Marshall Lee began to sing,

Good little girl

Why, do you cry? Has somebody brought you down?

I know, that you're sad.

So you're spending the night with me.

What can I do to make you smile?

Smile, my good little girl.

Fionna sniffed slightly and gave a small smile, "I never knew you could be so nice, Marshall Lee." At her compliment the vampire king stiffened, not entirely pleased. After a moment he relaxed and traded walking beside her for floating up and around the adventurer.

"Well," He retorted in a somewhat sarcastic fashion, "What kind of monster would I be, to leave a girl crying in a forest." Fionna gave him a small shove. Together they made their way to Marshall Lee's house. The vampire closed the door behind Fionna, before dragging her into the kitchen.

"So Fionna, are you–" Marshall Lee was beat to the punch as Fionna's stomach growled plaintively. The vampire laughed as Fionna turned scarlet, "Guess we should find you something to eat."