I've been thinking about this story for sometime now and have wanted to write another Draco and Harry and here it is. I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter that honor goes to J.K. Rowling.

This will be boyxboy if you don't like don't read.

Please Review! I would love to hear from you XD

Big whoop. I was a Veela. What's the big deal? I needed to find my mate. Let's, get this straight I didn't want to. Not really. My mother talked my ear off this past summer about finding my mate. All I heard was blah, blah, blah. The basic gist was that finding ones mate was different for each Veela. Some found their mate through scent, others touch, some had visions, some were affected by their mate's voice. Some had a combination. Apparently there were many ways to find ones mate. She also said that a Veela's mate would be someone who the person has been drawn to. I couldn't think of anyone I've been drawn to. People have been drawn to me for obvious reasons. Not the other way around. It wouldn't happen on my birthday or anything like that. I was already sixteen and nothing so far. Thank Merlin for that. It would be random. I could spend every minute with this person and then bam. The Veela decided when it was time to have a mate. It was irritating. For all I knew it could be someone I absolutely despised. There weren't many people I actually liked. And even some of them I didn't like that much. What really got me was it could be someone I've known for all of my life. Too bad it couldn't be someone I never met and never planned to meet. My dislike of most people led me to the inevitable conclusion I didn't have a mate and that was fine with me. I didn't need anyone and I didn't want anyone. Who wants to be tied down to someone that fate, destiny or whatever the hell you want to call chose for you?

Don't get me wrong I'm all for a roll in the hay with some random girl or guy, but I didn't want to get to know any of them only use them for their body. What was so wrong with that? I get what I want and they get a night with me. Everybody wins. I had a lot of people to choose from at Hogwarts too.

I was in my sixth year at Hogwarts and finally didn't have to worry about the threat of Voldemort hanging over me and my family's heads. All thanks to Potter. Potter and I kind of gained a mutual understanding of sorts. I don't bother him and he doesn't bother me. After all that happened when he defeated Voldemort it felt like that right thing to do. But most of it was I didn't care about getting under his skin anymore. It was weird. The urge to tease him kind of faded over the years. It completely stopped in fifth year when Potter defeated Voldemort. I didn't mind, but it seemed to bother Potter quite a bit. It still did. Sometimes I could feel his eyes watching me from across the Great Hall when it filled to the brim with chatting people and all he seemed focused on was me. It was weird, but he seemed to have accepted that I'm not up to anything. At least most of the time. The thought of bugging him or teasing him maliciously like I used to didn't sit well with me. It made my insides hurt. That sort of feeling didn't show up when I treated other people like that. I wonder why that is. I shrugged. Why did I care? It's not like it meant anything to me. Potter didn't bother me anyway.

I laid in bed thinking some more of what mother said about finding a mate. What was so great about having one? I mean mother's mate was father. No offense to father, but he wasn't the best person in the world. I wouldn't want to be stuck him the rest of my life. Actually the thought of being with anyone mate or not wasn't appealing even more so since I was a Veela. Mother told me a story about another Veela she knew who was married for many years to someone who wasn't her mate and one day she found her mate and had to leave her husband. That was one thing about finding your mate the person your with has to understand and step aside. A Veela can live without their mate. No one knows anyone who has done it and who would want to. I can't even imagine how her husband felt, having his wife leave him because she found the person she was meant to be with. How messed up is that!? It really burns me up thinking about. I didn't want to be with anyone, but if I was and they weren't my mate they would have to understand and let me go. I didn't like this whole mate business. It could kiss my ass for all I cared. Finding my mate was not gonna happen.

I stretched, shaking all thoughts of mate from my mind. It wasn't really worth another thought. I didn't know that much to begin with. I probably should have paid more attention when mother was talking. I got up and ready for the day. I fussed with my hair a little, finally deciding I'd let it fall where ever it wanted to. I looked great no matter what I did with it.

I finished dressing and went down to breakfast, chatting with the people around me, but not really invested in to the conversation. It was a normal morning until I felt a tug in my gut. My senses filled with a wonderful aroma, it was a musky with just a hint of some sort of spice. It made my head all dizzy with just a whiff of it. My focus narrowed to one person. Harry Potter. Mate. Oh no! No way! Potter looked my way and his eyebrows joined his hairline. He felt it too. I did the only thing that made sense. I ran. And I didn't look back even when my instincts tugged and screamed at me to go to my mate. Screw them. Potter was not my mate. No matter what. I'd be the first Veela that would live without their mate. That was fine by me.

Yay! Chapter 1 is done

Chapter 2 will be posted soon