1. Buu did happen, but it was before Pan was born. Trunks and Goten were younger, and Bulla was two. But, there is still an eight year age difference between Trunks and Pan.

2. GT did happen, but Baby was killed in space. NO VILLAINS ESCAPING HELL OR SHADOW DRAGONS HAPPENED! ONLY BABY!

3. Goku is NOT a child. He's a grown man again!

4. This is a TrunksxPan story so if you don't like them; then don't read it.

5. My only disclaimer. I own nothing of the Dragon Ball Z world.

1- Changes

Trunks stretched as he let out a soft yawn. The 24-year-old glanced around the small chapel with a small sigh. The decorations were fairly simple, string lights hung from the ceilings and flowers were adorned. Trunks thought it was nice, since it was just like Marron and Goten.

A smile stretched in his lips as he remembered when they first started dating. It had been five years since then, and now here they were.

"Hey Buddy," Goten sighed as he walked up him.

"Hey," Trunks gave his friend a gentle slap on the back. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah," Goten nodded, though his face didn't seem to agree.

"Goten," Trunks grabbed his friend's shoulders and gave him a little shake. "Remember what I told you!"

"I know," Goten let out a long sigh. "I can do this! It's just Marron..."

"Exactly," Trunks told him with a grin as he wiped some invisible dust from Goten's shoulders. "You'll be just fine."

"Thanks Trunks," Goten smiled. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"That's why I'm your best man," Trunks smirked.

"Come on!" The boys turned to see Bulla as she rushed up to them and someone was being dragged by her. "Don't step on your dress!"

"I wouldn't if you would just slow down!" The shorter girl hissed.

Trunks blinked as the two of them stopped in front of him and Goten. His sister looked the same as ever, except she was slightly more dressed up than usual. Her short blue curls were down to her shoulders and she wore a simple beaded pale pink dress. She even had a pink flower crown that really brought out her eyes. But what Trunks couldn't stop staring at was the other girl...

She looked and felt so oddly familiar but Trunks couldn't place her. Though she was wearing the same dress as Bulla, Trunks thought she shined in it. Her pale skin was glowing healthily and her dark hair was pinned up neatly with her bangs framing her face. She wore a flower crown like Bulla, and he was almost reminded of a princess. Her familiar dark eyes were wide and looking straight at him as her full pink lips tugged into a grin.

"You sure do clean up nice, Boxer Boy," she commented, her eyes roaming over him slowly.

Trunks felt his jaw go slack. She knew him... And she was checking him out!

"Same could be said for you, Panny," Goten chuckled and Trunks almost choked on his spit.

The girl was Pan?!

He looked at her again, and he could see it... That's why she looked so familiar! But she had grown remarkably since the last time he had seen her four years ago.

"Wow Panna," Trunks finally found his voice. His insides jolted at how her eyes lit up at his old nickname for her. "You've really grown up..."

"Well thank you," she grinned, showing him her perfect white teeth. "I'm sixteen now," she told him.

He knew that, he had sent her a card and present every year, even if he didn't get to see her. But he never would have imagined she'd turn out so damn beautiful...

"Do I have this on right?" Lapis, Marron's uncle walked up to them, trying to adjust his tie.

"Here," Bulla reached up to help him with a smile.

Sometimes it was still strange to Trunks, how Bulla and Lapis connected so well. He had been an Android for several years before finally turning human like Eighteen did five years ago. In human terms, he was just 24, just seven years older than his sister and the same age as him. Their father disapproved of their relationship at first, claiming that no child of his would date an android, but after Bulla brooding for weeks and ignoring him, Vegeta finally caved. His dad may be one of the most dangerous men in the world, but his weakness was his daughter.

"Well look at this group," Chi-Chi smiled as she walked up. "You all look so lovely..."

"Thanks Gran," Pan smiled. "You look beautiful."

"Awh thank you sweetheart..." she gave her granddaughter a soft smile before turning towards her youngest son. "It's almost time. We need to be getting ready..."

"Okay," Goten nodded, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. He offered his mom his arm and together they walked to the chapel.

Someone grabbing his arm made Trunks glance down and he was happy to see Pan smiling up at him. "Looks like we're walking out there together."

Trunks smiled with a nod. Now all they had to do is wait on their cues. "I can't believe how much you've grown..." Trunks admitted quietly.

Pan gave him a small smile, a soft blush forming on her cheeks. "Well, that's a good thing, isn't it...?" She raised a dark eyebrow.

"Yes," he gave her a small nod. But also a dangerous one, he added in thought.

Before they could talk more, they were given their cue. With Pan holding onto his arm tightly, they took off down the aisle.

"Videl... I don't like this solution," Gohan muttered with a frown.

"Gohan, we have no other choice," she told him with a shake of her head. "Your parents are going on that cruise with Bulma and Vegeta, My Dad is all the way in Satan City at the moment, Goten and Marron will be on their honeymoon, and Bulla will be half way around the globe for a fashion event. Trunks is our only choice."

"But you remember what happened the last time the two of them were together like that..." Gohan trailed off.

Videl looked up at her husband worriedly, "I thought Pan was done with her heat cycle so it wouldn't affect Trunks anymore?"

"It shouldn't," Gohan grumbled before he let out a long sigh. "I guess I'm just worried."

Videl grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "How about you go talk to your father and Vegeta about it? I'm sure they could give you some advice..."

"Yeah," the man nodded slowly. "You're right..."

Goten laughed happily as he waved through the crowd. Today was one of the best days of his life! After years of dating, he had married his best friend with his family surrounding him. He spotted his father, brother and Vegeta up ahead and started to make his way over towards them. He slowed down his pace when he noticed the serious expression on his brother's face... Carefully, he ducked behind one of the arches in the reception area and inched closer curiously...

"I'm just worried," Gohan was sighing. "Remember when you guys came back from the Grand Tour, Dad?" He was raising an eyebrow towards Goku. "Her and Trunks were already bonding, so I separated them before Pan went into heat so they wouldn't do anything. You don't think there's a chance of them starting to bond again, do you...?"

"Trunks and Pan have already started their bond," Vegeta spoke up. "They started it when they were out in space, and no doubt it started back up as soon as they saw each other today. Saiyans don't just stop bonding because they don't see the other person. They've already chosen the other, whether they realize it or not," he told them flatly. "But, Pan is no longer going through her puberty heat cycle, so you won't have to worry about them having any urges. They'll still bond, but it will be at a slower pace."

Gohan let out a loud groan, "so what? I'm just suppose to let my daughter stay with him now after hearing that?"

"Come on, Gohan," Goku told him gently. "I was in space with them two for almost a year while they bonded, and nothing ever happened. You trust Trunks, don't you?"

"Of course I do," Gohan sighed. "Trunks is a great man... And if Pan was to bond with anyone, I'm glad it's him, it's just... She's only sixteen, you know...?"

"I know," Goku nodded slowly. "But Gohan, Pan's older now. You can't keep them away from each other like you've been..."

"Okay..." the man let out another sigh as he rubbed the bridge to his nose. "I guess... I'll go ask Trunks then..."

Goten was in silent shock as he listened to his brother walk away. Trunks and Pan had bonded during the Grand Tour?! He didn't even notice it when they came back! He racked his brain back to three years ago when they came back... Trunks and Pan did seem awfully close, he now remembered. Goten had just thought that their friendship had grown, but according to the others, it was bonding...

Now, Goten could remember Gohan increasing Pan's schedule. She was constantly busy doing something- rather it be dancing or skating or soccer... Gohan had never let her play sports before, did he just do that to try to keep her busy and away from Trunks...?

Goten glanced across the floor, finding his niece who was talking chatting with Bulla... His eyes then darted towards Trunks, who was talking to Gohan. His brother seemed like his normal, cheery self, but Goten could see the worry behind his eyes.

Slowly, Goten shook his head as he stepped away from his hiding spot and went to go find his wife... If what his father and Vegeta had said was true, Trunks and Pan were already on their way towards each other, and no matter if they tried to stop them, it wouldn't work...

"Trunks!" Pan ran up to him with a bright smile.

"Hey Panna," he greeted with a smile of his own.

"Papa told me that you said I could stay with you a week!" She told him in excitement. "Thank you so much!" She clasped her hands in front of her before giving him an appreciated bow.

"Yeah," Trunks chuckled. He had been a little more than surprised when Gohan had asked if Pan could stay with him... But Gohan had explained that everyone else would be away, and Trunks figured he didn't want Pan to be by herself. He doubted it wasn't because he didn't trust her, because Gohan spoke as if he trusted Pan completely... Perhaps he just didn't want her by herself. "It's not a problem!" He assured her, "I have a spare bedroom, so it's all yours while you're there."

Pan grinned, and before he could blink, she was hugging him tightly, her nose buried in his chest. He was frozen for a few short seconds before he slowly hugged her back.

"Really, thank you..." she whispered. "I don't like staying by myself..."

"No worries, Panna..." he was half-tempted to kiss her forehead. He couldn't do that... "I'll be with you."

She smiled, leaning out of his embrace as her mother called her name. "I gotta go. I'll see you in a few days?" She raised a dark eyebrow towards him.

"I'll be waiting," he nodded. He watched her go with a curious gaze. He wondered what a week with her would be like...