Lucy couldn't take it anymore, why was Sting staring at her. She was trying to concentrate but Sting was making things awkward. She looked down to the table where there was a note saying:

Hey Blondie, meet me in the school park;D

She turned her head to her left and glared at him before writing a note for him too.

Why should I? I'm hanging out with Lisanna and her friends

She chucked it to him and when he read it he stopped for a moment before writing something down. He then threw it at her.

The make her come too, tell her Natsu, Gajeel and Gray are coming too

She gave up and decided to just leave the note. She didn't care about it anyway. Sting watched her as she decided to ignore him but he knew that she was watching him in the corner of her eye. He watched as her eyes concentrated on what the teacher was writing down which were followed by her writing notes in her book, then looking at the board again. He also noticed that when she was thinking deeply she would hold her pen and tap it on her mouth, gently. Another habit he picked up was that she would also keep combing her blonde bangs with her fingertips gently to keep it in place. He kept watching her until he heard his name being called out by Dr Felitzt.

"Sting Eucliffe, I want you to solve this equation."

Now it was Lucy's turn to stare. Lucy watched him get up slowly with his usual smirk. She watched him as his hands made their way into his pockets while he slowly took his time to start walking. She then remembered that he had only got a 3% in his test so she decided to whisper the answer to him while he was only a few steps in front of her. He stopped for a while before he continued walking. She watched as he picked up the white chalk and wrote exactly what she had told him. Everyone looked at him in disbelief; did he just answer a simple equation? The teacher looked at him annoyed then told him he could go. He slowly and casually walked back to his seat and gave Lucy a note that said:

Thanks Blondie


Lucy had bumped into a short blunette, on her way to telling Lisanna what Sting had told them to do, who dropped a lot of books in the process.

"Ahh, I'm so sorry!" Lucy said but the blunette seemed to apologize more than her. She helped the blunette pick up all of the books she had dropped and she noticed that she had read a lot of these books. "You like 'The Twins of The Palace'! I have the whole book series! I love those books!"

The blunette giggled before replaying, "I love those books too! Wait, aren't you a friend of Lisanna?" Lucy nodded, "My name is Levy McGarden."

"I'm Lucy Heartfilia, I'm trying to look for Lisan… " another blue haired girl ran so quickly to Levy that she accidently hit Lucy on the way.

"I keep getting hit before I meet new people." Lucy looked to the beautiful blue haired girl who had tears in her eyes, she remembered seeing her with Lisanna before as well.

"Juvia is really sorry, Juvia is in a rush right now!" The girl, Juvia, bowed her head to apologise then quickly grabbed Levy's arm and ran away. Lucy then remembered that she was supposed to find Lisanna and that they probably knew where she was.

"Wait!" She called out but they didn't hear, I guess I just have to follow them. Lucy ran as fast as she could, damn that Juvia girl could run.

Lucy followed them into a room full of science projects and noticed that Lisanna was there too. She ran up to Lisanna and told her that Sting wanted to meet up. She nodded understandingly, while Juvia was crying to Levy saying something about a boy called Gray.

Only a moment after Lucy had been talking about Sting, he came in.

I have exams coming up so I won't be able to post quickly but I'll try my best and I promise the chapters will get longer!