Oh look at this, is it really the shitty little story i have promised all my 'Love is complicated' Readers? Yes... yes it is.

and it has short chapters... how many you ask? As many as i want! {Only like 6 or 7, i already have five of those written.}

Bruce+Logan {Wolverine}= old buddies. you will never understand the memory they are talking about, but have fun imagining it.

"Are you still mad about that?" Bruce asked the man across from him laughing.

"Yes I'm still mad, even with my healing I ache."

"Well you did kinda throw me through a wall, for no reason I might add." Bruce said lightheartedly. Tony might laugh if he saw him sitting across from the famed Wolverine, having a cup of tea and reminiscing.

"Still no reason the other guy should have smashed me into the side of that building bub." Logan said laughing.

"True, we scared the hell out of those sight seers."

"You remember that?"

"Yeah, it's really weird right, but I think I'm starting to understand the other guy, I think I'm starting to understand what Tony meant."

"Tony Stark, weren't you staying with him?"


"I have to ask something; try not to Hulk out if you don't like what I say."

Bruce looked at him suspiciously. "Alright, I'll try, no promises." Logan nods.

"Why aren't you still there?"

"I don't really know, I guess I just needed a break from the big city."

"I understand, same reason I'm here, but the real question is; are you going back?"

Bruce sat the tea in his hand, growing cold as the light faded from the sky, down on the small table between them. He had thought about this a lot since leaving, he had told them that he would come back, but was that what he wanted?

"I think… I might, I really feel like its home, Tony's the first person to see me as human since the accident, and the others finally stopped giving me a ridiculous amount of personal space."

"Hey I saw you as human."

"Then why'd you throw me through a wall?"

"I was angry and you just happened to be in my way."

"I tried to stop you from hurting that doctor."

"Hey he deserved it, and don't act like you didn't want to punch that man in the face too."

"I did, that man was an idiot." Bruce laughed. Logan's laugh died in his throat and he suddenly tensed up.

"What's wrong?" Bruce asked immediately noticing the change in his friend's demeanor.

"Bruce I think you should run." Logan growled.

"Logan what's going on?!" Bruce hissed making sure to keep his voice low.

"We're surrounded."

Now that Bruce thought about it, he could feel the other guy growling in the back of him mind. Standing quickly he moved toward the door only to realize that Logan wasn't following.

"Aren't you coming?" he asked looking back to where Logan still sat in his chair.

"No I thought I'd stay behind and hold them off for you; I know you don't want to let him out."

Bruce nodded but was torn between leaving his friend or staying and fighting. His decision was made for him when twelve men in black burst through the windows.

"SHIT!" Logan yelled rolling out of the chair just as they fired upon it.

"FUCK!" Bruce yelled ready to release his hold on hulk, as he dived behind the couch, but not before being hit in the chest with a dart. Almost immediately he could feel the Hulk start to sleep in the back of his mind.

"Bruce you okay?" He heard Logan call from wherever he was hidden.

"N-no they hit me with a dart, I can't Hulk out." He could hear the sound of Wolverine's claws extending and the sound of men dying.

"Bruce you still with me?!" Logan called before more men burst through the door.

"Y-yeah, but not for long, Logan… if… I'm taken, contact Tony and tell him what's happened, I… I don't want him to think… I ran away!" He called back weakly; he could feel whatever drug they used running through his system making him drowsy.

The last thing he saw before falling to numbing darkness was a barrel of a gun aimed at Logan's head, and a loud bang.

He knew it would be a while before Tony got his message.