Oh…Hey guys…Please don't hate me. I know it's been a really, super, mega long time since I last updated. And I feel extremely bad. I just have really, really, REALLY bad writer's block for this story. I'm really sorry about the wait. Please keep reading. This is an actual chapter too not just an author's note. As usual, I do not own Austin and Ally.

Ally's POV

Everyone at school was hyped about the upcoming Halloween dance. Including me. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Mostly because I love making costumes and dressing up. The whole scary, horror stuff just bores me.

"Ally," Austin sang as he walked into my room.

"Yes, Austin," I turned around to see him holding a fake black rose. "Aww how sweet, fake dead stuff." I said with a smirk.

"Do you rather me get you real dead stuff?" Austin said raising an eyebrow.

"Nono, fake dead stuff is perfectly fine." I took the plastic-fabric flower from him and put it on my bed. Then I moved over to my desk and peered over look at my costume designs. Just to make sure that everything was put together and done.

Austin followed and wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder. This made me tense up a bit. I'm still not sure if I truly love Austin or it's just my mind tricking me because I know he loves me. "What ya working on?" he asked, ripping me from my thoughts.

"Oh, uh, just my Halloween costume."

"Oooooh, What are you going to be?"

"Alice. From Alice in Wonderland."

"Just make sure it doesn't show too much skin. No one is allowed to see that." Then I thought I heard him mumble 'except me' but I could be imagining things. I turned around to face him. But literally, our faces were inches apart. Blush rose to my face and the same happened to him. He looked down at my lips, "What do you think I should be?"

Without thinking I answered with, "My date to the dance."

His eyes widened and then a smirk appeared, "I meant what I should dress up as but being your date works too." Then in a fake stern voice, "As long as you are mine and only mine throughout the entire dance. No dancing with one of your many other admirers."

I smiled, "Of course, Austin."

Then he bent down and whispered in my ear, "You love me because I'm selfish and want you all to myself." Even though this was more of a joke (maybe not. I don't know.) It still sent shivers down my spine. Then he let go of my hips and stepped back, "Well now I must put together a costume that is worthy of accompanying someone as perfect as you."

I blushed as he walked out of my bedroom. "I can't believe I just asked him to the dance." I blurted out to myself. "It's because you love him, you idiot!" Not only was I talking to myself but something had come back to me. A feeling. A warm fuzzy, fluffy feeling. It was like a rainbow exploded in my chest and sent butterflies into my stomach. I remember. I remember! I love Austin. But I'm not going to tell him now. At the dance. Or maybe after. It depends. This is amazing!

Austin's POV

I can't believe Ally asked me to the dance, just like that. Maybe she remembers…I don't know. Maybe she just wants to see if it sparks anything. But still, I wanted to ask her! Now I need to find a costume. Who could I call? I can't call just Dez, he'll put me in something dumb like a pickle suit. Ally does like pickles but that's not what I want to dress up as. I need Trish too. I called them both up and asked them to meet me at the food court.

When I got there, Dez was eating a corndog, "Hey, Dez."

"Hey, Austin!" He said waving with the hand he had his corndog in. Which flew out of his hand and hit Trish in the face.

Trish angrily frowned, "Dez, I swear, one day…" she trailed off before taking a breath and smiling, "Hi Austin."

"Hi Trish." We sat down at a table. "So guys,"

"You need a Halloween costume that will match Ally's." Trish said nonchalantly as she checked out her nails.

"How, how did you know?" I asked completely dumbfounded.

"It's obvious, Austin." Dez chirped, "I mean you're trying to win back the heart of the girl you love. Even though you kinda ripped her heart out and tore it into a million little pieces and stomped on it and set it one fire."

"Well thanks, Dez. Way to make me feel great about myself."

"You're welcome."

Trish sighed in frustration, "Dez, You know what, never mind." She turned her attention to me, "So Austin, what is Ally being this year?"

"I thought you knew…?" I said almost as a question.

She shook her head, "Nope, she said she wanted her latest masterpiece to be a surprise." She paused, "You know what she's being, right? Cause if you don't know, you're screwed."

"I know what she's being."

There was a long pause, "Well," Trish said, "What is she being?"

"Oh! Right! She's being Alice." Another long pause, "from Alice in Wonder-"

"I know where it's from!" Trish snapped. "I'm just thinking." It was silent for about a minute, "I got it!" Trish exclaimed, "The Mad Hatter."

I frowned, "the old guy with the white hair and big nose?"

"There are versions and modifications we can make to make you a more attractive Mad Hatter." Trish explained.

"OK good. I don't want to look like some old fart."

"Hey, Austin," Dez spoke up after being quiet for a while.

"Yeah Dez."

"If you're going to be the Mad Hatter, can I be a tea pot?"

Trish face palmed but I just laughed, "Sure Dez"

So I guess that's what I'm being, the Mad Hatter. The Halloween Dance has to be perfect.

Time Jump [The day/night of the dance]

Ally's POV

Today is the day. The butterflies in my stomach have been acting all week. I'm just so excited! Austin is going to be my date to the dance! And I asked him!

When Austin and I got back from school, I raced to my room. "Austin! Don't follow me! I'm getting ready!"

He followed me up the stairs because our rooms are right across the hall from each other. He leaned against my door frame and said, "But the dance isn't for another four hours. How long does it take to get ready?"

I turned around and smiled, "I have a lot of…preparation for this evening." I wined at him as a blush rose to his face. This is the first time I've really been purposely flirtatious and/or suggestive with Austin. Remembering my feelings for him is wonderful.

He smirked, "What are you preparing for, Ally-cat?" He purred and sent chills up my spine.

I blushed, "stuff" and at that point, I was pushing him out of my room.

As I closed the door, he yelled, "You love me because I challenge you." I sighed in relief that he was gone. But that relief didn't last long because he peeked his head into my room and added, "You love me because I can make you blush." This indeed made me blush. Then he left.

Now it's time to actually get ready. I undressed and grabbed one of my fluffy red towels and wrapped it around my body. I walked out of my room, ready to take a nice relaxing shower, but when I swung my door open, I was faced with a very surprised Austin. Heat shot up to my face. We stood there staring at each other for good two minutes before I rushed past him. I entered the bathroom and locked the door as quickly as I could. My heart was beating a mile a minute. I looked in the mirror, my face matched the color of my towel. I took a deep breath.

"Okay, Ally, calm down. Everything is okay, it's no big deal." I said to myself as I turned the shower on. I stepped into the steamy shower and let my anxieties wash away.

By the time I was ready, it was time for the dance. I walked downstairs to see Mimi and Mike sitting in the living room. As soon as they spotted me, they stood up, "Oh, Ally! You look amazing!" Mimi gushed.

"Thanks Mimi," I smiled sweetly. "Um, where's Austin?"

"Oh, he already left." Mike responded, "Something about he wanted his costume to be a surprise."

"Oh, ok then. I guess I'm off." I smiled and waved as I head out the door.

"Have fun!" Mimi called after to me.

This was followed by Mike yelling "but not too much fun!"

I smiled as I drove to the school. Austin and I are going to be a couple at the dance. We are going to be together. I finally remember my feelings for him. And he loves me too!

When I pulled into the school parking lot, I was a bit late. For some odd reason, there was a lot of traffic. I sent Austin a quick text telling him that I had just arrived. As I approached the school, I could hear the music pulsing from the gym. I walked through the gym's open double doors into a world of purple and green lights and music so loud it makes your ribs vibrate.

I looked through the crowd for Austin. It was especially hard considering I had no clue what he was dressed as. I walked over to the punch bowl think that he wouldn't be on the dance floor without me. I stood there for a minute and looked around. Then I saw him. He looked so attractive, as usual. He was dressed as the Mad Hatter. He made our costumes match. A smile crossed my face. But as quickly as that smile came, it left. A blonde girl dressed as slutty Alice (from Alice in Wonderland) came up to Austin and kissed him. Like really kissed him. I must have drifted closer to them because when they broke apart I was standing right in front of them. I felt tears streaming down my face, taking my make up with it. I remembered this feeling. The feeling of pain, betrayal, hurt. The feeling I had when I saw Austin and Kira on our Friendaversary. When they broke apart, Austin's eyes landed on me. Panic grew within them.

"Ally," He said as he tried to push the other girl off of him.

More tears waterfalled out of my eyes. I knew it wasn't rational. I knew he didn't want to kiss her. I knew he loved me. But I had this feeling. A familiar feeling of pain. A pain that carried betrayal on its shoulders. It was the same feeling I had when I saw Austin with Kira on our Friendaversary. Only this time it's different. This time, I know Austin loves me, I know he returns the overwhelming feelings of love that I have for him. So I just stood there, smudged makeup and all. I wasn't going to run away (A/N so I deleted the first version of this chapter because I decided that it was exactly the same as the first part of the story and I had no clue where to go next. So sorry for the incontinence. Here, have a coupon for free hugs from me for life.)

When he got the girl off of him, he rushed over to me. "Ally. Ally, it wasn't what it looked like."

"I know."

"She kissed me and I tried to push her off of me."

"I know." A small smile brushed a cross my face.

"I would never do- wait, you know?" He said with a confused look that resembles one of a curious puppy.

"Yes, Austin. I know all of this"

"Then why are you crying?" he wiped some of the makeup laced tears away with his thumbs.

A small laugh erupted from my chest. "Because it reminded me of our Friendaversary. You know the one that you forgot about and brought Kira on?" I didn't say that maliciously, I said it in a playful way.

"Yes, I remember that, it was a dark time for everyone." He half heartily joked.

"But this time is different," I began to explain. "This time I know you love me."

He smiled, "I do love you. I love you to the moon and back." Then he laughed lightly, "to the MOON and back. Get it, because my last name is Moon."

I sighed with a smile on my face. "Yes, I get it." I smirked and looked at him, "You're starting to get your father's humor."

His eyes widened, "Oh no. I don't want that. Take it back!" We both laughed. The lights then changed colour and the music got softer. "May I have this dance?" he held out his hand and I gladly took it.

We danced and looked into each other's eyes. I leaned my head on his chest. I felt so safe, so warm and comfortable. Enveloped in Austin's cologne and his arms wrapped around me. It was perfect. Is now the right time? Sure? Why not?

"Austin?" I took my head off of his chest.

"Yea, Ally?"

I looked deep into his eyes so he know I was serious, "I love you." It was subtle and a little quiet, but he heard it.

"Y-you love me?" he asked out of utter disbelief. I nodded my head in response. "You love me!" Then he leaned down and kissed me. When we broke apart, we were both smiling like complete idiots.

After the dance was over, Austin drove us home. (Dez had given him a ride over to the school.) When we got home, we found out that Mike and Mimi had already gone to bed via note on the kitchen counter. So Austin and I went to our respective rooms. I got changed out of my costume. I took off all my smudged makeup. Then I put on one of Austin's shirts that I found in my drawer. I sat in bed for probably three seconds before walking to Austin's room.

He was lying in bed already so I crawled beside him. He draped his arm around my waist. He was awake. He was looking at me. He was examining my face as if I would disappear and he had to memorize every feature before I was gone. I leaned up and kissed him. He kissed back a little roughly. He pulled me on top of him so I was straddling him. Then he sat up so we could look into each other's eyes. I smiled, "I love you."

He smiled back, "I love you too." He leaned in and kissed me. He started to rub his hand up my thigh.

It gave me chills. He continued the path up. I put my hand over his. "Stop." I looked at his face. "I don't want to have sex. I'm not ready."

His eyes widened, "Ally I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-"

I silenced him with a kiss. "It's ok." We shifted back so we were lying down and my head was resting on his chest. We laid there in silence for a while. But it wasn't awkward, it was nice. "Austin?"


"What are we going to do now?"

"What do you mean?"

"About Friendaversaries?"

"Well, they are still important. But we just won't be as extravagant with gifts. That's what our anniversaries are for."

I smiled, then it faded slightly. "How do you know we'll last this long?"

"Ally, I know we'll last forever. I know this because you are not only the girl I love, the girl of my dreams, you are also my best friend. We're going to fight, that's normal. That happened before. But I can assure you, I will love you until death. Heck, death won't even make me stop loving you! I will love you until the end of time. And I don't know why I didn't see it sooner."

I smiled. "I love you too. Forever."

After that, we both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms. I couldn't be happier with life.

Hey… So about this chapter. I love you all and hope you continue reading. So let me know if you want me to continue writing (?) or I could write a sequel called Anniversary. It's up to you guys. And sorry about the change, I like this path better. Thank you for reading!Read and Review lovelies!