"What kind of flowers do you think Lukas likes? Or does he seem like more of a chocolate kinda guy to you? Oh hey, by the way, do you have any money?" Mathias pressed Tino for information as they walked toward the theater, determined to get at least something out of him. As soon as Tino had explained that Lukas was his cousin, he hadn't let up on the questions about him. Most pertaining to how good in bed he was.

"Mathias, for the last time, I don't know." Tino attempted to sound kind in his responses to the pressing questions, but after days on end, he was at his wit's end. "And you repeating the questions doesn't help."

Mathias shrugged cheerfully, throwing the theater doors open and running to his dressing room, collapsing into his chair the second he was able, spinning around in circles, a grin plastered across his face. He always got into this sort of mood when he found a new challenge. It was like an ego boost to him, realizing just how many people he could get if he put his put his mind to it. Even before he succeeded, he knew it was coming.

"Mathias, hurry up in there!" The stage manager knocked on the door angrily, you could nearly hear the scowl in his voice. Of course, what more can you expect from an angry German?

"Coming!" He jumped up, struggling into his dress and nearly collapsing in the process, stumbling out onto the stage with only one purpose in mind- to spot Lukas.

He scanned the stage eagerly, bumping into a few of the other performers in his distracted haze, glares being thrown at him this way and that.

"Mathias, focus!" Alfred hissed in his ear as he wandered past.

"Why do you care so much about this guy anyways, Mat?" Tino tapped him lightly, passing a worried glance in his direction.

He didn't bother answering, he had finally spotted him. Standing in the back, nearly shrouded by the dark, stood Lukas.

"Because it's far more than a challenge for him, I presume." Francis answered for him, a hint of sadness in his voice. "He just has yet to realize it."

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Hello everyone! I wanted to take a moment apologize for the short chapters... Heh. I'm having a hard time getting everything I have planned put down into words. That being said, I just wanted to say how thankful I am for those of you who have been reading and putting up with my odd writing patterns. And on one last note, I would really appreciate any reviews you all had to give! And thank you again for reading and favoriting and following, I really do appreciate it!