Hello lovely readers, it's been a very long while, I miss you guys so much! I'm so sorry for not updating for such a long time, but as you lovely readers(who had read my previous A/N) know, my laptop is dead and my story drafts were no more, so I have to start everything all over again with my cousin's laptop, who loved me enough to lend me hers during weekends. However, she had been really busy with assignments the past months and needed her laptop to work on them, so I had nothing to write and upload my story with, but I am still able to check on my published ones and your lovely reviews with my phone, and I'm really grateful to all the support from you wonderful readers! You guys are so AWESOME! I love you guys so much! *hearts*

As always, before I start my story, I would like to say some big thank you first. Thank you Belle Dawn, Joan Serene, Shar149, Kuro 'Kaito 'Neko, ELIZABETH-of-Darkness, Usuixayuzawa, Hikari Kashiwazaki, Yuuki Kuchiki-chan and Sawaii Yume for Favoring and Following my story! And another big thanks to Kuchiki Rukia-taichou, Sun Setsuna, Aoi Hana9, Choco-tan99 and ArdNova for Favoring my story, and also to majo18, Yohime, Tsukuyomu, ARND, Rozen91, Sweet Ave Maria, , FairyLucyka, Kwimen and ael fyragh for Following!*bows* I really appreciate it :D (Please forgive me if I've spelled any of you lovely readers' names wrong)

Special Thanks: This story is dedicated to a dear friend of mine, Yomiko-chan05, whose given me a lot of encouragement and support to publish my story, and also helped me in deciding my story's title.

Disclaimer: I do not own Nurarihyon No Mago. Hiroshi Shiibashi sensei does.

Apologies: Please forgive my grammar and any misspellings in the story.

Reminder: No bashing please. If you don't like my fic, please just kindly and quietly leave. Thank you~

Reply To Reviews: Thank you all who'd reviewed my story^^ I really appreciate it!

Guest (June 16)- Don't worry, it will happen in the future chapies~ I promise :D

Yuki-Onna- OMG Yuki Onna liked my story! Am so happy! :D Here's the next chapieee, thanks for the support^^ Really appreciate it!

Polka- Aye sir!(Insert Happy's voice) Thanks for reviewing again^^ Here's the update, sorry for the long wait :[

Anonymous- Thank you! I'm happy you liked my story! Here's the next chapie, hope you'll enjoy it^^

Fanfic Master- Aye sir!(Insert Happy's voice) Here's the update, hope you'll like it :D

Fanfic Master- Are you the same person? I'm happy you loved my story :D And yes, yes I do. Me love chibis~!^w^

Cookie-sama- Yeepee! I'm SO glad to know that my story isn't boring, I certainly don't want you awesome readers to think it's boring :D Thank you for being patient with my late update, and for not minding about my poor grammar and misspellings :3

Guest (July 8)- Aye sir!(Insert Happy's voice) Sorry for the delay, here's the next chapie!^^/

Kurokuro96- I'm so sorry for long wait (T_T) Here's the next chapie~ Please don't hate me X[

Guest (August 10)- (/O_O)/ I'm so sorry! Here's the new chapie, hope you'll enjoy it~! :3

Guest (August 10)- Hope you'll enjoy this chapie as well~! :D

Guest (August 10)- OMG Thank you so much for pointing that out! I can't believe I didn't notice that mistake for so long! 0_0



That Same Afternoon...

Nura Family Beach House

"By the way, Aotabo-san, where are we?" Tsurara asked looking around the place in awe as she walked down the stairs with Aotabo.

"The Hundred Tales Beach Resort," Aotabo replied. "the Nura Family owns the place. Technically the whole island itself."

"We're on an island?" Tsurara's eyes widened with surprise.

"Yeap. This is actually the Nura Family's beach house, located outside of the local town."

"There's a town? Sounds like this island has almost everything..."

"I guess so." Aotabo shrugged. "This is actually my first time here so I'm not so sure."

"Really? Your first time here?"

Aotabo nodded. "Rikuo-sama always comes here alone."

"...Yea..." Tsurara muttered under her breath in displease. "Alone..." with his girlfriends!

Front Porch

Tsurara stepped out the opened glass door to the front porch with Aotabo following right behind.

Greeted by the beautiful sight of the white sandy beach and clear blue sky, Tsurara's mouth flopped open in awe. This was her first time coming to the beach and just the view was already breathtaking! She had always wondered what would it be like to walk on the sands, to swim in the sea, to run into the waves, to feel the ocean breeze like she'd heard from her friends. Just thinking about how she could experience all of those in person made her jumped with excitement and anticipation inside.

Maybe being kidnapped here wasn't such a bad thing...

"Look who's finally awake." A familiar voice pulled Tsurara out from her trance. She turned to look and saw Awashima grilling steaks on a BBQ stove at the right end of the porch.

"Awashima-san." Tsurara instantly greeted him with her usual cheery smile and skipped over when... "Kyaaaaaaaaa!" She suddenly screamed and ran to hide behind a surprised Aotabo. "P-Pervert!" She squeaked covering her eyes with both hands.

Awashima and Aotabo quickly looked over and both sweat-dropped when they saw Rikuo climbing up the porch stairs... half-naked with only a pair of black colored beach shorts on.

"Umm...Tsurara-san?" Aotabo looked over his shoulder to the little figure hiding behind him. "That's Rikuo-sama."

"Eh?" Tsurara popped her head out from behind Aotabo and peeked between her spread fingers.

"Yo, Tsurara, you're finally awake." greeted Rikuo, now standing in front of them with both hands on his hips.

Tsuarara finally stepped out from behind Aotabo, her cheeks in different shades of pink as she huffed, "Wh-What are you doing wandering around without clothes on?"

"It's hot." Rikuo simply said as he gazed up to the sky with his left hand still on his hip and his right hand running through his hair.

(ㅂ_ㅂ) "Hot..." Tsurara averted her eyes and muttered unamusingly, not sure if he was referring to the sun or himself being half-naked=.=

Rikuo glanced back to Tsurara, who uncontrollably blushed even more upon his sudden soft gaze. "You know, there's sundresses in the closet." He told her.

Trying not to be distracted by his sudden gorgeousness, Tsurara looked away and coldly murmured. "I'm fine with my OWN clothes."

'I don't have womanly charms to wear those kinds of dresses anyway!'

"Hn? Are you planning to wear the same thing for four days?" Rikuo asked.

"Ye-Yea!" Tsurara swiftly replied without a second thought.

'I won't let you puppet me around as you like!'

"Since we're at the beach now shouldn't you be wearing something more suitable?" Rikuo said looking attentively at her from head to toe and toe to head, eyeing pointedly at her light yellow sweater and scarf.

Tsurara's face turned bright red upon his wandering gaze and immediately hugged her chest protectively as she retorted, "Wh-What's wrong with wearing my own clothes?"

"Nothing, it's just that it gets really hot here in the afternoon."

"I'm fine with it. Besides, I don't have a mature woman's body like your other girlfriends to wear those kind of dresses."

(ㅡ_ㅡ) "Haa?"

Watching from aside, Aotabo scratched his head in confusion at the little couple's spat and looked over to Awashima who just smirked and shook his head in amusement.

After serving lunch, Awashima and Aotabo went back inside to have their owns, giving the couple some privacy on their honeymoon lunch together.

15 Minutes Later...

How Tsurara wished it would magically snow right now. She was having a really hard time withstanding the heat. Wearing her school uniform with a sweater and scarf under this warm weather is definitely a very bad idea, and Awashima's spicy grilled steak wasn't helping either, although delicious... Oh she wanted so badly to run inside and take a cold shower right now! But her pride refused to give in that easily, especially in front of Rikuo.

"If you change into those sundresses you won't be having problem with the weather." Rikuo reminded as he watched her gulped down her 7th glass of ice water.

"I'm fine..." Tsurara insisted despite her flushed cheeks, not backing down.

"If you say so..."

15 More Minutes Later...

'He's definitely mocking me with that face!'

Tsurara's jaw's tighten as Rikuo rested his chin on his right palm with a blank expression, quietly watching her having a hard time trying to finish her steak, which he's already long done with his minutes ago.

Just then, a maid with short blue hair came out bringing Tsurara her 15th glass of ice water. Her eyes instantly grew big and bold with shock upon seeing her mistress's beading sweats and flustered red face. "Tsu-Tsurara-sama!? Are you alright?" The maid asked concernedly while Tsurara quickly took over the glass of ice water and gulped the whole thing down in one go.

"I-I'm fi-fine..." Tsurara could barely managed those words, her head was a bit hazy from the heat.

Rikuo let out a sigh at her stubbornness. "No you're not." He said standing up from his seat. "C'mon, let's get you inside." He went over to help her up but Tsurara declined.

"I-I can wa-walk by myself..." She insisted weakly whilst standing up and began wobbling her way to the door but stumbled after only a several steps, luckily the maid and Rikuo was there to catch her in time.

Seeing her refused his help, Rikuo sighed again. Why is she being so stubborn? He looked over to the maid and nodded for her to take Tsurara inside, which the maid immediately complied.

"Tsurara-sama, let me help you to your room." the maid said supporting Tsurara to the door, who didn't refused.

'I WANNA GO HOMEEEEE!' Tsurara could only cried out inside her head.


Standing under the air-con, Tsurara felt like she was in paradise. Although she still thought that it would be even better if it really snowed. She had already taken off her sweater and scarf. Eyes closed feeling the cold breeze and sighing in content.

"Would you like to take a shower to cool down, Tsurara-sama?" The maid thoughtfully asked.

Heavens know how badly Tsurara wanted that, especially when she smelled of sweat right now. Still, there was one problem, "But I don't have any spare clothes." Tsurara sadly said.

The maid gave a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, Rikuo-sama had instructed us to prepare suitable clothes for you. They're all inside the closet." She said walking to the closet and opened the door.

"But aren't those..."

"Hm?" The maid blinked at the piece of sundress lying on the floor and went to pick it up. "That's strange. How did this get to the floor? I'd made sure all the dresses were well hanged..." She wondered to herself while Tsurara stayed awkwardly quiet knowing it was her doing. "Anyways," The maid turned to her while holding up the sundress, "they are all in Tsurara-sama's size."

Tsurara blinked. "My size?"

"Yes, they were all brought here yesterday just for Tsurara-sama." The maid said smiling whilst motioning a hand towards the closet room filled with various clothing and accessories. "Everything here's from Hundred Tales."

"Hundred Tales..." Tsurara walked further into the closet as her eyes roamed around the room, which she realized was the same size as her old bedroom back home, or maybe even bigger. "So some of these are Rikuo-sama's designs..." Tsurara said to particularly no one as she gently brushed one of the sundresses with her fingers.

"That's right."

'Even though I never wear dresses and accessories like these before but they look really pretty. Rikuo-sama really is talented.'

"Umm... there's still one problem though." Tsurara turned to the maid and scratched her head awkwardly, "I don't have any spare undergarments either..."

"Oh, no worries!" The maid clasped her hands and gave a bright smile. "Rikuo-sama had told us to prepare those too." She opened two of the drawers, revealing various bras in one and panties in the other.

"Wh-What? E-Even undergarments..." Tsurara couldn't help but blushed. She randomly picked up one of the fancy looking bras, staring awkwardly at it as her blush got deeper. 'It's the right size alright... But how did he know my exact size...?'

"There's night gowns too, Tsurara-sama." The maid informed as she opened a cabinet door.

Tsurara's face gone completely bright red and her jaw figuratively hit the floor at the sight of those revealing thin fabric and almost transparent nightgowns. "Everything is so revealing!"

"Well, it's Tusrara-sama and Rikuo-sama's honeymoon after all." The maid giggled behind her hand upon her mistress's cute embarrassment.

"I-I'm not wearing those...!" Tsurara first declared, waving her hands in the air to empathize her words, earning another giggle from the maid.

"Tsurara-sama is very lucky to have Rikuo-sama pamper you like that, I'm sure a lot of girls are very envious of you." The maid commented merrily.

"None of that, he's just teasing me again." Tsurara averted her eyes as she beg to differ. 'This is definitely not the first time that he has treat a girl this way.' Her jaws clenched tightly as she grunted at the thought in displease.

"Tsurara-sama looks so cute!" The maid suddenly clasped her hands together under her right cheek and squealed in delight, pulling Tsurara out of her thoughts.

She blinked in confusion at the maid's sudden compliment and her eyes instantly widened at her reflection in the tall wall mirror. "Ehhhhhhhhh!?" She looked down at herself, surprised to see she really was in a strapless orange bikini and a sunflowers-patterned-beach-wrap tied around her thighs. "When did I get into this!?" Most importantly, how did that maid changed her into this outfit in just a few seconds without her noticing!?

"I think it suits Tsurara-sama very well~"

"N-No! I'm not wearing this!"



Rikuo was sitting at the mini bar next to the pool, sulking. He has not yet taken even one sip of his glass of wine as he was deep in thought. Though he didn't admit out loud, Rikuo was indeed bothered by Tsurara's attitude towards him in the afternoon. She was acting cold, distant and even seemed irritated at him, which he didn't get at all. He knew she was upset with him for not returning home for the past three days, but Rikuo thought she'd already gotten over that. Apparently, she has not. But what Rikuo didn't know was that his wife was upset not because of that.

He was so deep in thought that he didn't even noticed when Awashima had sat on the bar stool next to his, not until when the head-butler spoke. "I almost can't believe my eyes, Nura Rikuo is sulking!" Awashima folded his arms with a big mocking grin plastered on his face, much to Rikuo's annoyance.

"Tch, I'm not." was his emotionless reply before finally taking the first sip of his wine.

Awashima playfully slapped Rikuo on the back, causing him to almost spilled and chocked on his drink. "No need to deny, I know why you're sulking." He cackled with full confidence. "It's because of Tsurara-san!"

Rikuo groaned. He hated it when Awashima and the others read his thoughts.

"Why don't you go talk things out with her?" The head-butler suggested.

"Huh?" Rikuo looked at him quizzically. "Why?"

Awashima rolled his eyes. "Geez, Rikuo-sama, as the admirable president of one of the well known company in Japan, you sure are dense with stuff like this."

Rikuo immediately glared at him. "What was that!?"




Later that evening, after a satisfied and refreshing shower, Tsurara eventually slipped into a purple sundress that she thought was the least revealing. However this time though, she didn't have her scarf with her since she'd let the maid took it to the laundry room along with her school uniform and sweater. She was silently enjoying the bowl of shave ice that Awashima had made for her in the dinning room when Rikuo had came in looking for her, or rather, was pushed in by Awashima and Aotabo. He shot a glare at the two hiding and fluttering their hands at him from the doorway, urging him to get on with it.

Rikuo turned his attention to the little figure eating shave ice at the dinning table and walked up to her. "Tsurara." He softly called out.

"Mm?" Tsurara quietly responded without giving him a glance as she focused on eating her dessert.

"I know you like swimming," Rikuo began. "if you want we could go take a swim in the pool or at the beach."

"No thanks."

Rikuo thought he must be imagining things when a sudden cold breeze passed by.

He quickly dismissed it as he continued, "Or we could have a ride out to sea on the family yacht?"

"No thanks."

Another cold breeze passed by.

"A walk around town?"

"No thanks."

Again, another cold breeze passed by.

"Well, where do you want to go then?"

"Nowhere. I just want to stay here, you can go without me if you want to. I don't mind."

This time, a blizzard passed by.

Rikuo's hand clenched into a fist, fed up with her cold shoulders treatment, he grabbed her right wrist to turned her to him, causing Tsurara to dropped her spoon.

"Wh-What are you doing?" Tsurara tried to pull her hand back but Rikuo gripped it tighter.

"What is it that you're not satisfy with?" He demanded, sounding rather angry.


"I brought you here because you said you wanted us to get along. But now you're acting like you don't want to anymore, do you?"

Tsurara eyes widened with shock at his statement and she immediately stood up from her seat. "You're saying this when you're the one who'd disappeared for three days without a sound?" She retorted, nearly shouting. "If you like spending time with that secretary so much then why didn't you bring her here instead?"

Rikuo frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"I didn't even want to come here in the first place. So why didn't you bring her here with you instead of me? It's not like I have a woman's charm or am I mature like her and all the other women around you!" Tsurara eventually shouted, she didn't know why she was so upset. She hated feeling this way, to compare herself with other women, and to think that she's not as attractive as them for Rikuo. She hated it!

Rikuo's grip loosen upon her sudden outburst, confused and shocked at the same time. "What...?"

"Baka Rikuo-sama! I hate you! I hate you for making me feel this way!" Tsurara yanked her hand off from his and ran passed him out the door, leaving a frozen Rikuo on the spot.

"O-Oi!" When Rikuo could finally react, Tsurara was already long gone.

"So... what now?" Aotabo asked Awashima, who just sighed and went into the dining room. He followed afterwards.

"What is wrong with that girl? Isn't she the one who wants us to get along in the first place?" Rikuo wondered out loud as he ran a hand through his hair, sighing. "I don't get her at all..."

"Its obvious that Tsurara-san's jealous." Awashima crossed his arms and stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

Rikuo looked at him confusedly. "Jealous?"

"Duh, everyone can see that, right Aotabo?"



Rikuo's eyebrows furrowed, confused and unconvinced. "But why would she be..."

Out of nowhere, Awashima karate-chopped his head while Aotabo's eyes bulged at the sight.

"Oi! What was that for!?" Rikuo demanded, holding on the lump on his head.

"You disappeared for three nights and then out of nowhere you came back with that new secretary of yours! I mean, ex-secretary!" Awashima impatiently said.

Rikuo looked confusedly at him. "Ex-secretary?"

"How many secretary had Kubunashi fired for you exactly? You guys just never learn, do you!? I heard from Kejoro about how that woman is going to cause trouble when you made her your new secretary, turns out she was right! Not that she's ever been wrong...!"

"What are you trying to say? If you want to say something just say it straight out and clear!"

"Oi..." Awashima slapped her forehead with his right hand and dragged it down like a melting butter. "Let's put it this way." He continued calmly this time. "Tsurara-san is your wife, ne? How would you feel if your wife left home and disappeared for straight three nights only to show up the fourth day with a guy?"

Rikuo blinked as he thought for a moment. "I... would probably want to beat that guy up."

"And why would you wanna do that?" Awashima questioned further.

"He was with my wife the past three nights!"


"...But we were just working on a project, Kubinashi and Kurotabo were there with us!" Rikuo clarified.

Awashima crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "And does Tsurara know that?"

Rikuo frowned. Then his eyes grew big in realization.

"Umm..." Aotabo, who was quiet the whole time finally spoke. "I don't really know what's going on but, I think you should go find her, Rikuo-sama. You know, to make sure she's okay?"

With that, Rikuo quickly headed out the door in search for his wife.


The sun was beginning to set, staining the sky with beautiful hues of sunset colors. But Tsurara hadn't the mood to admire the brilliant sight. She was squatting near a coconut tree, drawing random patterns on the sands with her right index-finger. She had calmed down a while ago, and she felt regretted of her previous out burst.

"Baka! Baka! Baka!" She scolded herself as she repeatedly knocked both sides of her head with her petite fists. "Why did I shout at Rikuo-sama like that!? What was I doing?" She muttered to herself, feeling guilty. "What is wrong with me? Why am I feeling this way? It's not like I care if he really was with other women... Do I...?"

She let out a frustrating sigh. This was the first time she had felt this way. But why, she didn't know. She didn't even know what were these feelings exactly. She just knew she didn't like the thought of Rikuo being with other girls. She didn't like the thought of him holding or kissing or even smiling at other girls like the way he did to her.

Tsurara let out another guilty sigh, "I think I should go apologize..."

With that, she stood up and turned to her heels. Her eyes widened with surprise to see Rikuo standing a few steps ahead, staring at her with a soft gaze that always caused Tsurara's heart to skip a beat and her cheeks to burn like they were on fire. Tsurara couldn't help but to wonder, does Rikuo usually look at other girls that way as well?

"Yo." Rikuo said with a soft smile that matched his soft gaze perfectly, causing Tsurara's cheeks to turned pink uncontrollably. "You shouldn't come out here alone," His voice was equally soft as well. "it's getting dark, you could get lost."

Tsurara looked down to her feet as she felt even more guilty. After how she had shouted at him earlier, he still came looking for her to make sure she was okay. She gazed back up at him and opened her mouth to apologize but closed it when Rikuo walked closer to her.

"Tsurara." He called, looking down at her.

"A-Ah, hai!" Tsurara instinctively straighten up, like a soldier who was about to receive orders.

Rikuo continued to stare down softly at her as he asked, "The way you acted earlier, was it because... you're jealous?"

Tsurara's eyes instantly shot wide and bold. "E-Eh?"

"I want you to be honest with me."

Tsurara opened her mouth but nothing came out, as if her voice had somehow disappeared. So she just continued to stare up at him with her big round eyes and half-opened mouth. Although Rikuo thought she looked cute like that and would love to stare at that adorable face forever but right now, he wanted answers.

"Answer me, Tsurara." Rikuo demanded softly and took a couple steps forward while Tsurara moved backwards instinctively.

"I..." Finally found her voice, Tsurara began stammering uncontrollably, "I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-" Her blush deepen with each repeated letter. Frustrated, Tsurara shut her eyes tight and ran pass him shouting, "I'M NOT JEALOUS!"


At the same time Rikuo called out to her, Tsurara let out a surprised "Kyaaaaa!" when she accidentally tripped on her own feet which sets her flying towards a coconut tree. Her forehead slammed right against the tree trunk and she slid down sitting on the ground.

"Tsurara!" Rikuo quickly rushed over and knelt down on one knee in front of her as he held each side of her shoulders to prevent her from falling. "Are you alright?" He asked in concern.

Tsurara squinted her eyes, looking weirdly at the figure in front her. "That's strange...Why is there two Rikuo-sama...?"


As soon as his question landed, a coconut somehow thought it was the best time to fall from the tree and hit Tsurara on the head.

Rikuo's eyes widened at the sight, and they grew even wider when Tsurara started giggling delightfully staring at him. "Wah...so many Rikuo-sama~" She let out another cute giggle. And then, she blacked out...smiling.

"Tsurara!" Rikuo quickly hugged Tsurara as she fell forward onto him. He quickly picked her up, bridal style, and rushed back to the beach house.





Pulling herself out of the darkness, Tsurara blinked her eyes to adjust them to the light. With her eyes now fully opened, Tsurara recognized right away that she was in the bedroom. She pushed herself up with one elbow while the other hand caressed her slightly aching head.

"Tsurara-sama, how are you feeling?" A familiar voice asked whilst helping her to sit up.

Tsurara gave a small smile as she recognized it was the maid from before. "I...I'm fine... But...why am I in bed again?" She asked, frowning in confusion. Her memory seemed a bit blur.

"Don't you remember? You passed out after running into a tree and got hit on the head by a coconut." The maid said, her eyebrows furrowed with worry and concern for her mistress.

Memories began flowing in her mind and her cheeks turned pink at remembering her conversation with Rikuo earlier and how clumsy she was in front of him. "Well that was embarrassing... Tch..." Tsurara cringed at the sudden sting of pain as her hand touched her forehead, she could feel there was a lump. "and painful..."

The maid smiled upon seeing her mistress in better condition. "I'm so glad you're awake, Tsurara-sama. We're so worried when Rikuo-sama carried you in unconscious." Her eyebrows furrowed again. "Especially Rikuo-sama, he hadn't left your bedside until Awashima-san had to forcefully drag him off to rest."

Tsurara blinked. "Rest? Why? Is Rikuo-sama not feeling well? Is he alright? Where is he?" She asked whilst kicking the blanket off and got off bed quickly, despite the sudden sting rushing through her head at her sudden swift movements.

"Ah...Tsurara-sama!" The maid quickly held onto Tsurara left arm as she stumbled a little.

"Thank you, I'm fine." Tsurara reassured before hurrying out the door and down the hallway in search for Rikuo.

Her footsteps quicken by each step, she didn't know why she was so anxious in finding Rikuo. After knowing he may not be feeling well, she just had to go to him, to make sure he's alright and that she will be there to look after him if he really was unwell.

Living Room

Tsurara finally slow down as she arrived at the living room and spotted Rikuo soundly asleep on the couch across the room. She would've went over if her attention wasn't caught by an unfamiliar figure standing up from the other couch before her.

The man placed the file of documents he was reading earlier on the table before turning to face Tsurara. He has khaki, scruffy hair that turns black at the neck and deep-red eyes. "Don't worry, he's just tired from work." He told Tsurara.

Tsurara blinked. "You are..."

"Zen." The man said, his voice was deep and his expression serious. "It's nice to finally meet you, Tsurara-san."

Tsurara couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated. His cold, emotionless features reminded her of Rikuo when they first met. "You look scary..." She mumbled without knowing.

Zen's right eyebrow twitched as he gazed down at her. "What?"

"A-Ah, nothing!" Tsurara quickly waved her hands as she laughed awkwardly. "Ahahahh...You're Zen-sama, right? A very close friend of Rikuo-sama's?" She quickly bowed and greeted with her usual cheery smile, "It's very nice to meet you!"

Zen's expression soften as he folded his arms and gave a small smile. "I see you've heard of me."

Tsurara smiled further up at him. "Kejoro told me a lot about you."

"Likewise." He nodded before placing a hand under his chin amusingly, looking down at the little figure before him. "You really like to faint a lot, don't you."

(ㅂ_ㅂ) "Ah... I-It's not like I did it on purpose... It was Rikuo-sama..." Tsurara mumbled trailed off as a blush crept up her cheeks, not knowing how to explain that it was actually Rikuo's fault.

With the mention of Rikuo, Zen took a glance over his shoulder to the sleeping said man on the sofa before turning his gaze back to Tsurara. "I heard from Kubinashi that Rikuo has been working over night for the past three days just so he could finish the company's latest project early to bring you here."

Tsurara blinked in surprise. "Wh-What...? He wasn't spending those nights at that secretary's place?"

"That secretary's place?" Zen raised a questioning eyebrow.

"A-Ah... Nothing!" Tsurara quickly dismissed it as she continued to question his statement. "So Rikuo-sama has been staying at the company working for the past three nights?"

"Mm. I've never seen him work this hard before, especially just because he wanted to bring someone here." Zen stated while Tsurara blinked in surprise again.

'He worked so hard for the past three days...was because... of me...?'

"This is the first time Rikuo had brought anyone here with him, I must admit I'm really surprise. You must be quite special, at least to Rikuo." Zen folded his arms and gave an amusing smirk.

"Ah..." Tsurara averted her eyes with doubt. "There's no way. He always says weird things and make fun of me when he has the chance to."

"Huh?" A sweat-drop appeared on Zen's head.

Tsurara looked past Zen to the sleeping Rikuo. She let out a sigh, the feeling of guilt rising inside her again. "I didn't know..." She muttered. "I thought he was a bad person..."

"Wha...?" Zen could only sweat-drop more.

"But he's not... Why didn't he tell me when he came back? I thought... I thought..." She looked down to her hands clenching her skirt tightly, her shoulder began to shake slightly as well as her voice.

Zen's eyes widened at the sight and he took a concern step forward. "Tsurara-san?"

"I thought so many bad things of him! I'm such a bad person! What kind of a wife am I!?"

"What!? TSURARAAAAAAAA!" Zen suddenly roared, Tsurara immediately winced in terror. "HOW DARE YOU THINK BAD OF RIKUO!? HE'S MY HONORABLE BROTHER! THERE WILL BE NO MERCY EVEN FOR YOU!"

"Heeekk~! I-I-I'm sorry!" Tsurara quickly apologized running out the living room for her life.

"What's with all the noise...?" A lazy voice asked, immediately capturing Zen's attention.

"Rikuo..." He turned fully to the awaken Rikuo as he attempted to walk up to him when...

"RIKUO-SAMAAAAA!" Tsurara exclaimed out of nowhere shoving Zen to aside and sending him flying to a corner as she dashed towards a surprised Rikuo.

"Tsurara?" He sat up, looking down at her in confusion as she knelt and bowed her head to the ground.

"Please forgive me, Rikuo-sama!" She looked up at him, tears finally overflowed and began falling down her cheeks.

Rikuo sweat-dropped. "Haa?"

"I should've known Rikuo-sama isn't that kind of person!"

"O-Oi... What are you talking about? And why are you crying?"

Tsurara looked down to her lap with shame and guilt. "Because... Because..." She snapped her head back up at him. "I've thought so many bad things of you when I shoud've known Rikuo-sama is too gentle to be that kind of person!"

Rikuo narrowed his eyes. "You thought bad things of me? And what exactly is 'that kind of person' you are talking about?"

"I'm so sorry Rikuo-sama!" She held Rikuo's left hand up with both hands as tears continued to cascade down her cheeks. "I've been a very very bad wife! Please punish me in any way you see fit!" She squeezed his hand, her eyes glistering with tears and resolve.

Rikuo looked at her briefly before letting out a sigh. "Tsurara."

"Hai!" Tsurara immediately perked up in her position, showing him her full attention.

"It's okay." He said softly whilst resting their hands down on his knee. "I don't know what's really going on now but, I'm alright as long as I know you're alright as well."

Tsurara blinked in surprise. New tears began to form. "Rikuo-sama..."

Rikuo averted his eyes from her as he stated coolly, "And stop crying, that's not like Tsurara at all."

"H-Hai!" Tsurara quickly wiped away her tears. "I'm not crying anymore, Rikuo-sama." She didn't know why she said that either, she just did, as if to find approval from her husband.

That question immediately flew away right when Rikuo smiled tenderly down at her and gently placed a hand on her head, causing Tsurara's heart to skip a beat and she couldn't help but blush as she returned him a sweet smile as well. The two remained like that for a while, and Tsurara thought she must be hallucinating like last time when their surroundings turned orange with stars shinning and bubbles floating everywhere. Well, she wasn't the only one thinking that actually, Rikuo just chose to ignore it. He just wanted to enjoy the cute smile in front of him.

"What's this? What's this?" A Chibi-Awashima suddenly popped out behind the couch. The stars and bubbles instantly disappeared with a 'pop' sound along with the orange background.

"'I'm alright as long as I know you're alright as well'? Did Rikuo-sama really said that?" the Chibi-Aotabo next to him said in surprise and disbelief tone.

"Somehow, our Rikuo-sama had suddenly turned into a romantic talker." Chibi-Awashima stated with a teasing tone.

"What the- Where the heck did you two pop out from!?" A red-faced Chibi-Rikuo demanded, while Chibi-Tsurara just blinked and stared at the scene unfolding before her.

"Huh? What are you talking about? We were here the whole time." Chibi-Awashima said.

"No you weren't!"

Chibi-Aotabo cackled. "Rikuo-sama's eyes is only on Tsurara-san, that's why he didn't notice us."

"What was that!?"

"Well, I see both of you are alright now." Zen, who had picked himself up from the floor said whilst brushing the dust of his sleeves. "My job here is done." He announced and began putting his files of document into his suitcase.

"You're leaving already?" Rikuo asked as he stood up from the couch and walked over.

"I have appointments to attend to." Zen replied giving him a displeased look. "If it wasn't for your exaggerated emergency call I would've be in one right now."

"How is running into a tree and being hit by a coconut not an emergency?"

Zen was silent for a while, then he smacked Rikuo at the back of his head, hard.

"What was that for!?" Rikuo yelled.

"You should've take good care of your wife! What kind of husband would let his wife run into a tree!?" Zen snapped and hit his forehead against Rikuo's while he did the same. None of them intended to back down.

"I tried to stop her but it was too late!"

"Which makes you an useless husband!"

"What did you say!?"

Watching from aside, Chibi-Tsurara blinked at the brawl unfolding before her. "What...What just happened...?"

"This is how they always talk." Chibi-Awashima said, unfazed by the scene.

Chibi-Aotabo cackled, also unfazed. "Kinda like Awashima and Kurotabo, but with more yelling."

"And hitting." added Chibi-Awashima before turning to the two and asked, "Dinner anyone?"

Chibi-Tsurara and Chibi-Aotabo immediately raised their hands happily. "Yes please!"

Some Time Later, After Zen's Departure...

Front Porch

Tsurara sat down at the top of the porch stairs and hugged her legs close to her chest as she rested her chin on her knees, staring out to the beach. Even at night, the view was still that amazing. She closed her eyes and sighed in content whilst feeling the night breeze brushed pass her cheeks. Tsurara immediately opened her eyes again when she felt something cold touched her forehead.

She threw her head backwards to gaze up at the person behind her. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw Rikuo bending and smiling tenderly down at her while gently pressing a folded and slightly cold-damp cloth on her forehead. "Ri-Rikuo-sama?" Tsurara couldn't help but blushed a little.

"Does it feel better like this?" He asked.

"A-Ah, thank you!" She thanked him and quickly reached out her right hand to hold the cloth herself.

Rikuo gave a small nod before straightening himself from his bending position and went to sat down beside her. Neither one of them said anything as they both quietly admired the beautiful night view. Tsurara couldn't help but felt a bit awkward upon the silence, but at the same time she felt happy also to be with Rikuo like this. Her cheeks flushed uncontrollably upon the thought.

"Tsurara." Rikuo suddenly called without looking at her, almost startling the said girl.

"Y-Yes, Rikuo-sama?" Tsurara responded as she turned slightly to her left look at him.

Rikuo was silent for a while before slightly turning his head to face her with a serious expression. "Do you hate me?"


"The way you acted earlier felt like you hated me. Do you?"

"N-N-N-No! Of c-course not!" Tsurara vigorously waved both of her hands at him, causing the cloth to fall down to her lap.

"Is that so?" Rikuo looked unconvinced as he continued to questioned. "Then what made you acted that way towards me earlier?"

"Th-That was- I-It's because- I was-" Tsurara shut her eyes and threw her hands up in the air in frustration. "It was a misunderstanding!"

Rikuo looked at her, still unconvinced. "Then was it like what Awashima said? Were you jealous?"

"N-N-N-No! It's not like that either!"

'How can Rikuo-sama ask something like this so casually?'

"Then was it because you were still upset about the past three days? Or was it because you didn't want to come here?" Rikuo continued questioning with a serious expression.

Tsurara shrank into her Chibi form as she squinted her eyes shut and gnawed the cloth in frustration.

'Why is Rikuo-sama asking so many questions tonight?'

Rikuo sweat-dropped and narrowed his eyes at her sudden antics. "Tsurara..."

"Ah...!" Chibi-Tsurara immediately stopped what she was doing and turned back into her normal form as she looked down to her hands playing with the cloth nervously and began to mumble, "That's... I... Well... I-It was because...of the first one..." Her voice had gotten so quiet that Rikuo could barely caught what she had just muttered.

"Because I didn't come home for the past three days?"

"W-Well... it's not entirely because of that... I-I thought Rikuo-sama was... somewhere else..." She continued to stare down at her hands to hid her blush. No way she's going to tell all the details, Rikuo doesn't have to know all of that or he will definitely use them to tease her again. "...but after hearing what Zen-sama had told me, I'm not upset anymore." Tsurara continued with a shy smile. "He said he'd heard from Kubinashi-san that Rikuo-sama worked over night the past three days was because you wanted to finish your work early to bring me here..." Her blush deepen and she slightly turned to Rikuo, eyebrows furrowed in curiosity. "But why didn't Rikuo-sama tell me before?"

"You never asked." Rikuo simply said, causing Tsurara's eyebrows to furrowed more.

"Even so, Riku-sama should tell first when something like this happens again."

"It's not that of a big deal."

"But it is, to me...!" Tsurara pouted. "I've been waiting for Rikuo-sama to come home..." She whispered sadly looking down to her hands playing with the cloth again.

Rikuo continued to look at her as those words sank into him. He closed his eyes and smiled. "That's right..." He said and opened his eyes at the same time Tsurara looked up at him. "I almost forgot Tsurara is my wife now." He gazed down at her tenderly, causing Tsurara to blushed in different shades of pink. "I will tell you next time then, when something like this happens again. I'm still not used with having someone waiting for me at home so..." He continued with the same soft smile. "you'll have to remind me if I forget again in the future."

Tsurara instantly gave a bright smile as she held the cloth under her lips and merrily responded, "Hai!"

Rikuo's smirked as he turned to look at the beach. "You know, you could've just ask me before, instead of thinking about all those silly things by yourself." He said with a teasing tone.

Tsurara's smile immediately disappeared as her jaw dropped to her lap. "Y-You knew all along?" She squeaked. "And you still asked me those questions anyway!?"

Rikuo shrugged. "I just want to see your reactions, they are pretty amusing sometimes..."

"Are you making fun of me?" Tsurara narrowed her eyes dangerously at him as a dark aura began rising up from her head and shoulders.

Rikuo turned to look at her with his usual blank expression, unfazed by her aura and glare. "If you want to know something about me you could just ask. Don't go thinking about silly things with that wild imagination of yours."

Tsurara's aura immediately disappeared upon his statement as she blinked at him. "So you're saying I can ask you anything I want then?"

He gave a shrug. "Sure, if I have the answers."

"In that case...!" Tsurara nearly shouted as she suddenly leaned forward to him with a sharp gaze and serious expression, causing Rikuo to leaned backwards in surprise. "How many girls have you spend nights with before?" She asked swiftly.

(=.=) "Haa?"

Tsurara's eyes widened and she blushed furiously after realizing what she had just asked. "Ah...! N-N-N-Nothing!" She quickly said as she threw her arms in the air and pulled back from Rikuo. "Forget I've said anything!"

(ㅡ_ㅡ) "Wut?"

"I-I'll go see if Awashima-san needs any help in the kitchen!"

She quickly stood up, ready to make a run for it to the door as if her life depends on it. Well, to Tsurara it probably does... But Rikuo was quicker and swifter. She had only ran for a couple of steps when Rikuo had grabbed her left hand with his from behind and slid his right arm around her waist to push her back against him.

Tsurara let out a light squeak when her back hit his torso, and froze thoroughly on the spot when Rikuo bent his head down beside her left ear. Since she doesn't have her scarf with her this time, Tsurara could feel his breath brushing against her neck. Although it felt warm, it sent chills down her spine. She shut her eyes tight in nervousness, Rikuo is certainly not going to let her pass that easily after that question. Why did she have to ask that stupid question!?

"Why are you running away, Tsurara?" He whispered, sending more warm breaths to her left ear and down her neck. "Don't you want to know the answer?"

Tsurara's eyes opened at the last question, her right hand clenched her skirt tightly. Does she want to know? Of course she does! She wants to know the answer so badly, especially when it would be coming from Rikuo himself. But there's a part of her that felt scared, afraid of the answer that she didn't want to hear. Yet the other part of her felt anxious, anticipate with the answer she wanted to hear most. However, though, Rikuo's answer was none of the two that she'd expected to hear...

"The girl I've spent nights with before... was only Tsurara."

(OㅁO)! "E-EHH?"

"That was your question, right? And my answer is Tsurara."

Tsurara's face flushed in different shades of red. She immediately pushed herself away from Rikuo and moved back as far away from him as she could but unfortunately, her back had already hit the wall after just a several steps.

"Wh-Wh-What are you talking about!?" She hugged herself protectively. "I've never spend any nights with you!"

"Of course you did." Rikuo said blankly. "We slept in the same room for the past nights, didn't we?"

Tsurara blinked. "Huh?"

"Isn't that what you're asking?" He stepped closer to her and gave sly smirk. "Or was there a deeper meaning to your question?"

"Th-That's- I-" Tsurara began stammering in embarrassment. "I-It's just th-that-"

"Aah~ Aah~" He crossed his arms as he said with an mischievous tone. "What a perverted girl."

"N-No!" Tsurara blushed madly. "I-I-I-I was just curious!" She quickly explained.

Rikuo gave a another smirk. "Is that so? In that case, I don't have an answer for that. Because I've never spent nights with any other girls before." He coolly shrugged.

Tsurara smiled widely as she was happy to hear that statement, but it quickly disappeared when something came into mind. She slapped her hands to her cheeks in shock and she stared wide-eyed at Rikuo. "If not girls then... GUYS!?"

Rikuo narrowed his eyes at her. "Are you an idiot?"

With that, Tsurara placed both hands on her chest and let out a relief sigh, causing Rikuo to sweat-dropped upon that reaction.

'She actually thought that I might prefer guys...'

Tsurara suddenly snapped her head up with a serious expression, despite the slight blush. "Wh-What about kiss then?" She asked.


"How many girls have you kissed before?"

Rikuo quirked an eyebrow at her quizzically. "Why are you asking weird questions?"

Tsurara's eye widened. Indeed, why was she asking weird questions? Most importantly, how come she herself didn't know why? All she knew right now was that she just wanted to know.

"W-Well..." She looked down to her index-fingers' tip tapping against each other. "Y-You said I could ask you if I want to know something about you. So I'm asking now..."

Rikuo studied her quizzically, but he eventually answered, "One."

"One?" Tsurara snapped her head up at him.

Rikuo nodded.

Tsurara instantly felt an unpleasant feeling bolting up inside and she quickly asked, "WHO IS SHE?"

(ㅎ.ㅎ)... "Who else? It's you, baka."

"Eh?" Tsurara blinked. "O-Oh...!" Finally able to process his words completely, she blushed in embarrassment. Although she felt really silly for asking all those questions, still Tsurara couldn't help smiling from ear to ear.

'To know Rikuo-sama had never spent nights with other girls before...'

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" Rikuo quirked an eyebrow at the girl smiling merrily up at him, although he didn't really mind at all since she looked cute like that.

"Nothing~" Tsurara cooed, still smiling.

'And to know I was the only girl he kissed before...'

Rikuo's cheeks somehow turned slightly pink and he quickly looked away to hide it. "You're acting really weird today." He coolly said.

"I know." Tsurara's smile didn't falter.

'...it makes me feel so happy!'

"Rikuo-sama?" Tsurara blushed and her eyes widened when Rikuo placed his right hand on the wall in the space beside her head, and his face leaned in close to hers.

"You're doing it again..." Rikuo said softly and began leaning in closer.

'I didn't know why I am feeling this way but...'

Tsurara's heart raced and her blush deepen at each second Rikuo's face got closer to hers.

'...that doesn't matter now...'

His lips was just a breath away from hers, and Tsurara didn't know why but her eyes automatically closed.

'All that matters now... is that I know Rikuo-sama isn't that kind of person that others had said him to be...'

Just as their lips touched, Tsurara's eyes suddenly shot opened. "Th-That's right!" She said, causing Rikuo to pull back a little with surprise.

"Huh?" Rikuo looked at her, confused.

"The maids said..." Tsurara abruptly paused as she quickly covered her mouths with her hands.

Rikuo's eyebrows furrowed in further confusion. "Maids?"

"A-Ah, never mind! It's nothing." Tsurara quickly waved her hands to dismissed it as she didn't want the maids to get in trouble with Rikuo because of her.

Rikuo studied her briefly before narrowing his eyes suspiciously. "Are you saying weird things to try and run away?"

"A-Ah... No, I-I wasn't trying to run away." She honestly replied.

"Oh? So you're saying that you are fine with anything I'm going to do to you?" He asked with a seductive voice.

"E-Eh?" Tsurara's face instantly turned pale as Rikuo's lips quirked into a mischievous smirk.

'What have I got myself into?'

"Since dinner is not yet ready, let's go take a shower first." Rikuo said before leaning in close to her right ear and whispered, "Together."

(OAO)!"E-Ehhhhhhhhhhh?" Tsurara stammered, cupping her flustered red face. "B-B-B-B-B-B-B-But- Kyaaaaa~!" She squealed in surprise when Rikuo suddenly scooped her up into his arms, bridal style. "W-Wait! Ri-Ri-Rikuo-sama!" She flapped her arms trying to protest but was ignored by Rikuo, of course.

Just then, Awashima came out to the porch at the same time Rikuo turned to the door. Much to Tsurara's relief.

"There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you two." Awashima said, both hands on his hips. "And I see you two had finally talked things over." He smiled smugly seeing Tsurara in Rikuo's loving arms.

"A-Awashima-san!" Tsurara smiled at the head-butler and asked hopefully, "Is it time for dinner already?"

"Sorry about that, Tsurara-san. I actually come to tell you that dinner will have to wait a bit longer." He said apologetically.

Tsurara's blinked. "Eh?"

"I've asked Aotabo to pick up some ingredients for tonight's dinner from town earlier, and he's not back yet." Awashima explained before suggesting, "Why don't you two go have a shower first while waiting?"

Tsurara's eyes instantly widened. "EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?"

"That's what we're planing to do." Rikuo said.

"But I didn't!" Tsurara flapped her arms vigorously. "Awashima-san...!" She reached out a hand towards Awashima for help when Rikuo carried her into the house.

The head butler just smiled and shook his head at the two's antics. His attention was soon turned to the night sky as he wandered to himself impatiently, "What's taking Ao so long?"


Local Supermarket

"ACHOO!" Aotabo's loud sneeze boomed across the section, startling almost everyone there.

He had been in the cold-storage section for over an hour still trying to find all the ingredients listed on the paper he was holding, and he was freezing! He doesn't even know what half of the listed ingredients were!

"Ah... Why am I doing this...?" Aotabo asked himself in grief as he continued to pushed the trolley down the aisle.

1 Hour 15 Minutes Earlier...

"Go pick up some of this ingredients, Ao."

"Huh? Why me? You're the butler here."

"If you won't help me then no dinner for you!"

"O-Oi! That's just cruel!"


"Oh yea... that's why..." Aotabo muttered bitterly after his flashback. "ACHOO!" He sneezed again, causing some of the frighten children and babies to cry while their displeased parents glared at him. All poor Aotabo could do was to smile apologetically in return, "Umm...I think I'll come back later..." He mumbled and quickly made a run for it out the section. "Damn that Awashima...!"

Oh well, guess that dinner would have to wait a bit more longer...


(I hope I've replied to all of your reviews, if I've missed yours please forgive me, or better yet PM me/Review this chapter so I could thank you :3)

And there's chap 4 for you~! (See the references? *wink wink* Hehehh, sorry, I just can't help it, I really LOVE those two scenes in the manga/anime~!) I hope this chapie is okay, I promise to do better in the future chapies~ Thank you so much for reading~ I'll see you awesome readers next chapie :D TTFN~!

(I've noticed from the reviews that most of you lovely readers love SetsuraxRihan more than RihanxYamabuki~ I'll be honest, I like both of them wonderful women. Setsura is adorably badass and Yamabuki is lovely gentle.

When I saw the past of Yamabuki's, I cried like a baby! Seriously! I was crying my heart out! It's just so sad and tragic! First, she was force to leave the one she loved because of that stupid curse, then she was force to kill him with her own hands even though she was not herself that time, but she realized it then, and that's what made it even sad! The poor girl couldn't live or die in peace! Why is the world so cruel!? BUT, her spirit had eventually reunited with Rihan's so it's cool. She could finally rest in peace now with her beloved. :) Yay!

I know Setsura's past wasn't pleasant either since she can't be with the man she loved until now from the beginning. She even left Tono just to be by Nurarihyon's side, but only to end up seeing him court Yohime(I don't hate her, she's too sweet to dislike). Seriously, I've been through something like that and the feeling was really terrible! I feel for her, and my heart was aching with her. Even though it hurts her inside, she still looked after Rihan for them since Yohime was really sick and Nurarihyon doesn't know how to take care of a baby and was busy. After all this years and the hurt she had been through, she still remain loyal to him, just like Tsurara to Rikuo^^ Like mother like daughter :) Maybe all Yuki Onna are loyal in their nature, I know Reira's like that if she's placed with someone(I am a sucker for ReiraxItaku X3 hehehehehehhhh I can dream can't I?).

It really surprised me when Rihan declared that he would make Setsura his wife when he grow up, and it's cute :3 But we all knew if Setsura ended up with Nurarihyon or Rihan, we will never have our beautiful RikuoxTsurara. So I guess fate does work in a very strange and funny way. But I believe everything happens for a reason.^^)

Sorry about my babbling 0_0...