BACKSTORY: When Debbie Pelt shot Tara, gravely wounding her, both Bill Compton and Eric Northman, reached the Stackhouse home with the Vampire Authority on their heels. With Sookie begging for one of them to save Tara's life, it is Eric who is quicker on the draw and not because he especially wants to save Tara, but because he knows he will have an 'in' with Sookie. But of course, Eric neglects to think about WHO he has turned...

"Hell to the naw!" Lafayette whispered, as Bill Compton bit his wrist to feed Tara his blood, only for Eric to get to her quicker! Sookie gasped and Bill gave Eric a knowing look, as he put his wrist up to Tara's lips and she drank weakly.

"Uh," LaFayette stammered, "not to be an ungrateful bitch, but I don't think Tara is going to like this shit! I mean it's one thing to turn her but for..."

Eric gave him a look.

"Yes, LaFayette? You had something you wanted to say?" he asked coolly.

"Naw! I just wanted to say thank you. I'm sure Tara will be fine when she wakes." LaFayette half coughed.

Bill said nothing. This would not be good. Forget that he and Eric had just murdered a vampire council member, that being Nan Flanagan. But now was not exactly the perfect time to be making a new vampire! And from the little he knew of Tara, she would be one pissed off baby vamp when she awoke.

But that wasn't even the worst part. Sookie looked at Eric gratefully, even though he knew she had to have sense enough to realize, that Eric did not save Tara out of any sort of feelings of compassion or pity.

Eric now knew Sookie would be grateful to him for the rest of her life. Damn! Bill tried not to think like that, and had to wonder if he himself had not been actually saved? Jessica was already a handful and he had sired her against his will. Now Eric had both Pam and Tara.

Bill wouldn't wish either one of those two on any maker!

It was at that moment that the Authority burst in! Sookie screamed, while still cradling Tara!

"What the hell is going on?!" she yelled.

Bill looked from Sookie to LaFayette.

"We're in a bit of trouble right now. We didn't mean to bring you into it." he said calmly. But before any of the armed men could do anything, Eric stepped forward and spoke.

"I have sired a new vampire and I need to get to ground with her."

The head of the Authority Tactical Unit gave him a look of disbelief!

"You're fucking kidding me, right? You JUST made a vamp from the time you killed Council Member Flanagan, to right now?"

Sookie said nothing but looked at Bill. They had killed Nan Flanagan? LaFayette frowned. Was that that blonde bitch that was always on TV?

"Yes," Eric continued on calmly, "so time is of the essence."

The unit looked down at Tara, and the leader began talking into his wrist.

"Put me through to Chancellor Zimojic."

Chancellor Roman Zimojic and Council member Salome Agrippa, listened as the head of the tactical unit, sent to bring in Bill Compton and Eric Northman, told them of the delay.

"You're telling me that Mr. Northman created a vampire, immediately after he and Mr. Compton murdered Nan Flanagan? You can actually see this prospective vampire?" Roman asked.

"Yes and to be honest, they do need to get her to ground." the head of the unit admitted.

Salome sighed.

"Mr. Compton should join us then-for now."

Roman nodded.

"Fine. Just bring in Bill Compton. But post some guards near the ground site. The moment Northman and his prodigy awake, I want them both brought to headquarters. Is that understood?"

"Understood." the unit leader told him and signed out. Salome frowned.

"Roman, Eric Northman's prodigy is innocent in this whole thing. He or she should not be involved in this. Clearly he killed some human and is using this as an excuse to delay the inevitable." Salome theorized.

"We don't know that. We don't know that this person wasn't present when council member Flanagan was killed. So for now, we'll just interrogate Mr. Compton." Roman told her.

The unit leader relayed his orders.

"Mr. Compton, you are to come with us. Mr. Northman, tomorrow night we will be taking your prodigy and yourself, in."

"Oh hell no!" Lafayette snapped. "Tara didn't do anything!"

"Yeah," Sookie seconded, "I asked Eric to save her! She has nothing to do with any of this trouble!"

"The Authority will decide that. And we'll be keeping someone here to keep watch." the unit leader told her. Two men then silvered Bill and took him away. Sookie tried to reach for his arm, but it was Bill that gave her a warning look to keep away. She watched as he was put into a van and seconds later, taken off of her property.

Two unit members nodded to Eric.

"You'd better get her to ground." one noted.

"I don't suppose you could help us dig the hole?" LaFayette asked. Both unit members shook their head.

A half an hour later, the hole was dug. Eric picked Tara up and put her in first, then began taking off his clothes!

"Whoa! What the fuck?!" LaFayette snapped. Sookie raised an eyebrow and even the Authority guards looked interested.

"I always sleep in the ground naked." Eric said, as if he did this sort of thing all of the time. But Sookie knew damned well that Pam was the only other vampire Eric had ever made. And she also knew damned well that Tara would not be happy waking up to his naked ass!

"Oh God, Tara, forgive me!" Sookie whispered.


Sookie and LaFayette went to work at Merlotte's as if nothing were wrong. News had gotten around about Sam's little brother, Tommy, being killed by some biker gang. But Sookie knew that they were Weres. Which brought her to Alcide...

He walked in and looked around, then spotted Sookie at the counter. He sat down and spoke in a low tone.

"I went to your house to find you and saw an Authority van there, with two fucks hanging around by a pile of dirt. What's going on?"

"Nothing." Sookie said, wiping down the counter.

"Hmmm. Well, I actually came by to warn you about Debbie. I washed my hands of her and she has the tendency to blame others for her mistakes. Be on the look out for her, okay?"

Sookie nodded but couldn't meet his eyes, something Alcide noted, but decided against saying anything. He was actually more concerned about that Authority van.

"Sookie, what's going on? Is Bill in trouble?"

Sookie nodded.

"You could say that." she said. LaFayette was peeking out of the kitchen at her.

"Sook, I'm not stupid, okay? What's with that fucking pile of dirt in your yard? And why are those guards standing over it?"

"Alcide, just stay out of it, okay?" she asked with exasperation. LaFayette looked past Sookie and Alcide and out of the windows. The sun was going down. Aw shit...

Alcide quietly followed Sookie home, and was a bit surprised to see that LaFayette was trailing her. Something was definitely going on!

He parked his car on the side of the road and walked the rest of the way to the Stackhouse property, hiding behind trees as he eased onto the grounds. Sookie and LaFayette practically jumped out of their cars and hurried over to the pile of dirt. He could hear one of the guards ask for something to eat. Sookie told him to fuck off!

Then, finally, something fucked up happened! Alcide saw a bare assed Northman come out of the ground, wiping off dirt! He was promptly silvered and thrown into the back of that van! Holy shit! Northman had made a vampire, that was what was going on! Alcide didn't quite know what the Authority had to do with it, but for whatever reason, Northman was allowed to finish the process before being taken away.

It seemed like an eternity, before the newest vamp rose. And in a rage!

"Tara!" Alcide whispered. "Fucking Northman turned Tara into a vamp! Christ!"

Tara was all over the place, screaming and zipping around! At one point she flung herself at the Authority van! Eric was allowed to get out to take care of the 'problem'.

"As your maker, I command you to get into this van with me and stop all of this nonsense!" Eric said between gritted teeth.

Tara instantly calmed down, turned to Sookie and LaFayette and gave them the middle finger!

"Fuck both of you for doing this to me! And fuck both of you for asking this piece of shit to turn me into a monster! And fuck you both for..."

"We get the hint, boo!" LaFayette called out. "Be good and we'll see ya!"

"Fuck off!" Tara hissed, then turned and got into the van. Eric stared at her as the van doors closed and locked. Yes, she would make a good sister to Pam. They would get along well. Now, what to do about getting out of this mess with the Authority?

"Oh, by the way, Tara? You are never to refer to me as a 'piece of shit' again, are we clear?"

Tara looked down. She already hated this vamp/maker crap!

"Yes." she said in a low, surly tone.

"Yes, what?" Eric asked.

"Yes, Eric?"

"Actually, that would be, 'yes sexy master'. Say it."

Tara couldn't believe this shit! She wouldn't say it...she refused...

But the maker/sire bond was just too strong.

"Yes, sexy master." Tara said between gritted teeth.