Hi, welcome to a world of no escape. Where dreams flow like water, and nothingness is everything. Where the deepest cobwebs of my mind spew out poisonous gases in the form of stories... Specifically PoM drabbles.

Welcome to dreamland. Wonderland, to be exact.

(Chapter summary-Skipper finds himself in Wonderland after falling asleep while Kowalski drones about science.)

I sit in a tree, lazily messing with my gun. Kowalski sits below me, reading a sciency book. I shoot the gun and knock a branch of the tree down.

"Skipper!" Kowalski reprimands me.

"What's the use of a book with no weapons, or warfare in it?"

Kowalski shakes his head and continues. I sigh and jump down from the tree before noticing Joey. This wouldn't have been that unusual except for the fact that he was holding a watch.

"Joey's late. He's late! Joey's very very late! No time to stay and punch, or kick! Joey's late he's late he's late!"

I decide to follow the strange kangaroo. He slips into a small hole in the ground. Shrugging, I follow him.

Before I know it, I'm falling down a very deep hole. Strangely, there are decorations and furniture on the walls! How queer! As I fall, I ponder the mysteries of the universe. Such as do otters beside Marlene eat popcorn?

"Do otters eat popcorn? Do otters eat popcorn? Doooooes popcorn eat otters?" For, as I had no way of answering these questions, it didn't really matter which way I put it.

After waking up, as I had fallen asleep, I found myself in a small room. After growing and shrinking and all sorts of things I found myself in a forest, with Zoë the ferret sitting in a tree above me with a huge grin on her face.

"Will you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"

"That depends on where you want to go."

I ponder this before replying.

"It doesn't really matter-"

"Then it doesn't matter where you go."

I'm getting a little annoyed at this point.

"As long as I get SOMEwhere."

"Oh, you're sure to do that," Zoë chuckled, "as long as you walk far enough,"

At this point I'm getting ticked off.

"Umm... What sort of people live around here?"

"In that direction is a Mad Dancer. And in that direction is a Maurician Lemur. Visit either. They're both mad."

"But I don't want to go among mad people."

"Oh, you can't help that. I'm mad. You're mad."

"How do you know that I'm mad?"

"You're a penguin that thinks he's a commando."

Growling, I move on. I'll visit the Dancer.

"Dance with my JJ! Shake my booty!"

I continue toward the Mad Dancer's house, getting seriously annoyed and wondering where I am.

"Oh, hello grumpy penguin!"

"Julien?" What is the ringtail doing here? Is this a dream?

Maurice sat next to the ringtail. He must be the Maurician Lemur. And Mort sits in a teapot. The doormouse, says some sort of voice in my brain. Weird. This seems a lot like Alice in Wonderland...

Mort starts singing some weird song.

"Twinkle twinkle little feet,

Cheesy Bits I love to eat,

Up below the sea of dreams,

Exit all reality,

Twinkle twinkle little feet,

Cheesy Bits are good to eat."

Okay, now I'm really confused. Julien leans down close to me.

"Why is my booty like heaven?" I groan and leave. If this is a dream, I really want to wake up!

Eventually I make it to some sort of palace. Dr. Blowhole sits on a throne, Private kneeling at his feet.

"Off with his head!" And Private is thrown into a cage with Rico and Marlene. I leap in, save the day and am dipping Marlene down for a kiss when...

"Skippa? What are you doing?" I wake up to find me dipping Private. I let him go and blush.

"Uhhh... Nothing. Go to bed." I climb into bed but am almost scared to dream.

So how'd you like that little slice of randomness? There's more to come, so review and follow for more drabbles and short stories! By the way, I am a Skilene fan. ;)

Riddle of the Day: Dear writers, what story can you never finish?