Obviously, I'm not Rick Riordan and I'm sorry about that last chaoter because it wasn't my best work. This might be the last chapter because I feel like it has to end here. At the wedding. Lot's of drama and a surprise.

To GuestyWuesty: It was a mistake. I was rushing. Fuck you. No offense. Please don't murder me.

"I can't do this!" Hazel paced back and fourth. "Yes you can, Hazel! You love him!" She muttered.

Annabeth grabbed Hazel by the shoulders and shook her. "Snap out of it!" She commanded. "You're getting married!"

Hazel shook her head and smiled sheepishly. "You're right! I'm getting married," she stated. "No ifs, buts, or maybes."

Annabeth smiled. "Right." She nodded.

"Now, GET GOING! Frank isn't going to wait forever!" Annabeth smiled and pushed Hazel towards the doors.

If Frank was going to be honest, he wouldn't say Hazel was pretty. No, she was beautiful. Stunning even.

"Good luck, man," Percy patted him on the back. "You'll need it with a girl like her."

Hazel arrived in front of Frank, her father, Pluto-Hades, seperating and sitting next to Percy's dad.

The man who was doing the ceremony, Chiron, one of their old camp directors, was smiling.

(A/N Going to skip the whole in sickness and health stuff because that's all I know xP)

"Frank Zhang, do you take Hazel Levesque to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Chiron grinned.

"I do."

"Hazel Levesque do-" Chiron was cut off by a smiling Hazel.

"I do. I do I do I do."

"Then by the power vested in me, by judge Zeus Grace, by brother, I now pronounce you amn and wife. You may now-"

Frank grabbed Hazel and dipped her before kissing her smack in the lips. A bunch of girls 'awed' and some were even crying.

Piper leaned her head on Jason's shoulder and smiled. "They're perfect together..." she whispered. Jason nodded and looked down at her.

"Gods, I love you." He said and kissed her forehead.

Everyone was dancing and having a good time at the reception. Everyone except Leo and Reyna.

Leo glared at Reyna, who was grinding up against Draco. He just wanted to be the one who was dancing with her.

Reyna was getting really annoyed. She kept stealing glances at Leo, hoping he'd come and whisk her away and kiss her and sayshe was his.

She put her hand on Draco's chest and pulled out some cash from her clutch. "Act's over. Go home," she panted and he smiled. "Nice dong buisness with you, Rey."

She nodded and handed him the money. "You too. Tell Astoria I said hi." she smiled.

Leo looked over at the exiting Draco, who pulled out his phone and stuffed a wad of cash in his suit jacket, then looked up.

"C'mon Valdez," Reyna smirked. "Dance with me."

"But- Draco-? I thought you said-" He was cut off by Reyna pulling him to his feet.

"Forget about it. I want to be with you and only you," She said. "Now, dance with me before I change my mind."

They went over to the dance floor where hords of people were dancing and little kids were twirling. Hazel was even dancing with the ring bearer- a little boy named Justin.

Reyna rested her head on Leo's shoulder, despite the weird glances and the type of music playing. "Call Me Maybe" was blaring and everyone was singing.

"I love you," Reyna raked her fingers through Leo's messy, brown curls and kissed his neck. "I love you and only you and I don't care who knows it."

Leo groaned. "Rey, you're killing me," He whispered as she ground her hips on his. "Bathroom?"

She smirked. "Bathroom."

Jason and Piper swayed to the slow song. Hazel and Frank's wedding song.

Jason burried his nose in Piper's waves, inhaling her scent. "Piper, I love you." He said.

"I love you too." She yawned. Everyone looked tired and just about ready to pass out. Hades, even the four-year-olds who were pumping with energy were just lazily swaying onto their parents' legs.

Suddenly, there was a tapping noise from the speakers. And there Percy and Annabeth stood. "We'd like for the bridesmaids and groomsmen to say a few words," Percy said. "We'd like if Jason and Piper would start."

Piper was shocked. She hadn't prepared anything. Jason grabbed her hand and led her upstage, past the crowd of cheering guests.

Jason smiled and looked at Piper. "First off, I'd like to say how happy I am for Hazel and Frank!" He grinned. "How about three cheers for the hapoy couple? Hip Hip-"


"Hip Hip-"


"Hip Hip-"

"HOOOORRRAYYYYYY!" everyone cheered and Hazel and Frank blushed.

"Second, I want to congragulate Frazel on being the first one's married!" Jason said and everyone clapped and "Whooed". "I don't mean to make this speech about Piper and I, but..." He kneeled down at Piper's feet, producing a small, velvet box from his jacket pocket.

"Piper McClean, I love you and I can't live without you, so will you marry me?" He asked.

Piper began tearing up. She grinned and nodded maniacally. "Yes yes yes!"

Everyone clapped and "awed", and if Piper wasn't the one being engaged, she would've done the same.

EPILOGUE- Eight months later

Piper grinned up at the small house, Jason appearing at her side. They were getting married in a month, and they'd just moved into their new house: a wedding gift from Zeus.

"I can' believe it!" Piper said. "It's ours'."

"Well, I can," Jason kissed her. "Because you're amazing and perfect and I can't wait until you become Piper Grace."

"So... I'm changing my last name?" Piper smirked. Jason shrugged.

"If you want to, of course." He said. Piper lay her head on his shoulder.

"Oh," She whispered, bringing her face to his lips. "I want to."