Just so you know, I'm not sorry for this...at all

I own nothing, it's just a goofy fanfic that me and Austramae both worked on.

So yeah, major mpregs in this and Kurukero stuff too. If you don't like any of that, then please exit this story.

Ah new years, the time for looking back at the past in fond memories and also look towards the future, promising to make changes that either never happen or procrastinate until either November or December.

The new year can also bring in unplanned changes as well, some that you never can expect. Some changes that literally change you, both as a person and your entire life in general.

This is what happens to two lazy ass keronians, who were both drunk on their asses from the space wine.

"H-hey, Kururu." Keroro hiccuped, leaning on the table.

Kururu took a swing of his wine and glazily looked over to his leader.


Keroro then busted out laughing quite loudly, making the others turn heads.

"I- I just got this thought," He said, hiccuping.
"W-what if we left pekopon and- anndd opened up a store filllled with noting but c-coconuts and eggs!" Keroro cried out before laughing.

Kururu then began to laugh really hard too, pounding his hand on the table.

"C-captain you are a fucking genius! Ku Ku Ku Ku Ku!" He cackled, doubled over.

As the two laughed, the platoon turned their heads away trying to ignore their drunk superiors in both disgust and pity..

As Keroro was finally catching his breath, he looked over to Kururu and something stirred.
Something internally, like a swtich was turned on. He felt drawn to his friend and wanted to do all sorts of things with him, especially screwing his brains out. Keroro wobbled a bit, maybe he should screw him. Like right now.

He crawled over to Kururu and leaned in, smiling with half shut eyes.

"Heeeey, Kuru-*hic*. You wanna...do something... after this? Like I dunno...talk?" He asked seductively, poking his chest.

Kururu stared at him for a bit, thinking it over.
He smiled and giggled.

"Why the hell not Kero? Ku Ku, this party was getting boring as hell anyway." Kururu said, standing up. He stood up too quickly before nearly falling over onto Keroro's lap.

Keroro giggled, man he was cute.

"Gero Gero, you-you gotta be careful Sargent Major, you could get hurt." He cooed as he picked him up all bridal style and led him out of the room.

Giroro looked up and watched as they left the room and groaned.

"What is it Giroro?" Natsumi asked, sipping her drink.

"It's those two drunken idiots, they'd rather drink themselves into a alcohol poisoning pit then work on the invasion" He said, grabbing another drink of wine.

Natsumi looked at the door the two drunk keronians left from and sighed. This was new years, so it wasn't a surprise that the dumb toads would get wasted. Just as long as they didn't do something they'd regret later, which they would.

Kururu was slammed on the bed and kissed violently as they began to make love, Keroro pinning him to the sides of the bed.

The sex, and I won't go into any details on it sorry, was heated and intense as the two stupidly drunk aliens kissed.

Though the sex was awfully enjoyable, something was going on in Kururu's body like something was churning and changing. He tried to ignore it as they continued to fuck until they were exausted.
Kururu panted as he looked over to his leader, who was panting as well.

"H-hey C-captain." He puffed out.

Keroro turned to him, his cheeks flushed both from sexual arousal and from being so drunk.

"Yeahs?" He asked.

Kururu grinned and snuggled up to his leader.

"Can we...do this again sometime? I- *hic* I means you know without us being all drunk and shit, Ku Ku." He giggled out. He looked up at him, gazing into his eyes.

Keroro smiled softly and kissed him.

"Of course, it was so much fun. You were pretty good." He complemented, putting a hand on his cheek with one hand, the other on Kururu's hip.

Kururu was quiet for a moment, swaying slightly.

"Kero, W-when we wake up tommarow we're gonna freak the fuck out over what happened t-that's a gifen that's what dat is but...I feel weird, like something is gonna go wrong this year, Ku Ku. I gotta stop drinking because of all dis...stupid shit." Kururu said.

He felt pathetic, but he couldn't shake this feeling. A shaky, churning feeling in his gut, like something was gonna happen this year, something huge will come out of this one night stand.

Keroro patted his head.

"You need to barf?" He asked.

Kururu playfully hit him over the head, accidently hitting him too hard which received in Keroro letting out a cry of pain.

Kururu laughed and rubbed his head.

"Ku Ku, no you adorable little bitch." Kururu cooed, kissing him again.

Keroro giggled and kissed back.

"Happy New Year, Kururu."

"Ku Ku Ku, Happy New Year, Keroro."

They both fell asleep in each other's arms, listening to each other breath.

The dawn of a new year began and Keroro rolled out of bed and fell flat on his face. He groaned and groggily sat up.

His head pounded and he felt freaking awful.
He rubbed his eyes and quickly shut his eyes, the light blinding him.
Damn freaking hangovers, what did he do last night?

He vaugely remember carrying Kururu into his room, then it got really hot, and then they were both talking about something afterwards. Hmmm maybe he'll ask Kururu later today, that is if he remembers anything either.

Keroro yawned and looked over to get back into bed for a little bit before he saw a huge lump on something in his bed. He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion as he lifted the blanket slightly.

He saw Kururu, fast asleep and drooling on his bed. His bed...OH SHIT!

Keroro quickly back away to the wall. his heart began to pound and he began to breath heavily. Oh no, did he have sex with him? Is that why the room got so hot? Oh no If Kururu remembers any of that, he's done for!

Keroro shook as he began to sneak out of his room but he heard stirring coming from his bed. Kururu sat up and looked around the room. His eyes landed on Keroro, halfway out the door. He raised a eyebrow as he rose out of bed and went over to him.

"Ku Ku, Captain, what are you doing?" He asked.

Keroro began to sweat as he looked around the room.

"Uh- just you know uh going to go make my gundams and suchs you know!" Keroro stuttered, taking his eyes away from Kururu's laser like eyes.

Kururu yawned and walked past him.

"Whatever, I gotta get some curry. My head hurts." He grumbled.

Keroro sighed, thank god he doesn't remember anything.

"Oh and Captain?" Kururu said, poking his head in.

"You were wonderful last night, we should do it again sometime. Ku Ku Ku Ku." He miceviously giggled before leaving the basement.

Keroro sat there, frozen. Oh god he does remember.

"Toad! It's time to go to the shrine!" Natsumi called from upstairs.

"Hold on Natsumi, he's probably hung over from the party can't we go with him tommarow when he's feeling better?" Fuyuki asked, getting his coat.

Natsumi sighed.

"I guess, he better not sleep through it again." She grumbled, grabbing her coat.

"Never mind! Stay in best and rest up before you do your chores!" Natsumi called, but Keroro was already in bed, freaking out over the fact that he had sex with THE SARGENT MAJOR! KURURU OF ALL PEOPLE!

The worst part is that Kururu remembers the sex, oh god Keroro was gonna have his ass for this! Keroro kept rolling all over his bed, crying and freaking out.

Kururu, meanwhile, was a little bit less freaked and more felt embarrassed if anything. To have sex with that idiot, his reputation would be fucked if anyone found out. Kururu took a bite of curry and sighed. What should he do? He could torture Keroro with this and have a ton of fun but why did he feel that this incident wasn't really going to be done with yet?

Kururu shrugged, took another bite of curry ,and laughed.

Keroro gulped down some soda as he looked over at Kururu, who flashed him a seductive smile.
Kururu has been awfully...weird towards him the past few weeks. Acting all sweet and giggly around him and asking him to hang out. A lot. He's also been very clingy to him and very physical. This began to scare Keroro a lot.

"Keroro!" Giroro yelled, making the green leader jump in his chair.

"What the hell kind of invasion plan is that?! Did getting drunk off your ass make you even dumber than you already are!?" He asked, steam coming from his head. M-Metaphorically of course.

"No! No of course not! This plan will work Giroro just you wait!" Keroro proclaimed.

"Whatever! I can't sit here and be a part of your idiotic plans!" Giroro yelled, walking out of the door.

"Fine then! I don't care! Be that way, I can do this invasion without you!" Keroro called out, sitting back in his chair and pouted.

The room got quiet.

As Keroro grumbled, Tamama began to chomp on his potato chips. Kururu stared longingly at his leader, while Mois offered Keroro to get him some star fruits and another can of soda. Which made the tadpole heat up with anger and jealousy.
As soon as Mois left the room, Tamama angrily slammed his head on the table. Keroro looked over to Kururu, who smiled again happy that Keroro noticed him. Keroro gulped and shivered at that smile.
Then, Kururu's smile dropped. What the hell was up with his stomach? It felt like something was churning and rise up-

"Oh god." He choked out before rushing out of the room and to the restroom, hand over his mouth.

Keroro and Tamama looked at the door, then to each other.

"What was that all about?" Tamama asked.

Keroro shrugged.

"Maybe he ate something weird?" He suggested.

Tamama nodded.

"Maybe he ate some weird curry, he's always eating that." Tamama giggled.

Keroro chuckled. Maybe he was right.

Kururu's head has been in the toilet for under five minutes. What the hell was going on with him? He vomited yesterday and the day before that, there wasn't a virus and he got over his hangover, so what the hell is going on?! He groaned and threw up again. As he continued to throw up, Fuyuki entered the restroom. His eyes widened at the sight as he kneeled down next to him.

"Kururu are you ok?" Fuyuki asked, rubbing his back.

Kururu raised his head and looked over at him, a bit of vomit on his chin.

"I'm fan-freaking-tastic! Just perfect!" He said before vomiting again.

As he continued to vomit, Fuyuki began to panic.

"Should I go get Sarge?" He asked.

Kururu turned to him, giving him a look that says, 'you gotta be kidding me'.

Fuyuki quickly left the room, already ignoring his request and finding the sarge.

As soon as Kururu was done vomiting, he flushed the toilet and leaving the restroom. He wiped his mouth with a towel and ran into Keroro. He grinned.
"Oh Hiiiii Kerorooo!" He cheerfully said, leaning in on him.

Keroro gulped.

"Hi...Kururu. Um Fuyuki said that you were vomiting and- and as leader I have to see if my subordinates are ok!" Keroro claimed, putting his hands on his hips. When has he done that?

Kururu kept smiling.

"Oh Keroro you are so loyal and kind! Ku Ku I just can't resist you!" He said, grabbing Keroro's hands, making his leader shiver on cue.

Keroro gulped and faked a smile.

"So uh how are you feeling?" He asked.

Kururu's smile dropped.

"I feel like shit, that's how I feel." He complained.

"Maybe you should lay down for a while, you could be getting sick." Keroro said, feeling his forehead. He wasn't running a fever.

Kururu felt a faint blush creeping its way onto his cheeks. His leader's concern for him stuck something. The Sergeant Major looked away, dropping Keroro's hands. He didn't have any energy, taking the Sergeant's advice was the best option for him.

"How cute, you're worried about me, but I'll be fine… kuku…" Kururu gave Keroro one of his signature smirks.

"Kururu please, you're not well." Kururu waved him off as he walked away.

"You're not the boss of me, kuukuku…"

But Kururu did end up taking a nap, he had planned too when Keroro had told him to do so, but he wouldn't give him the satisfaction of coming off as obedient.
When Kururu awoke from his nap, he felt slightly better at first, but then as soon as he got up he ran to the nearest toilet and hurled up whatever contents were left in his stomach to heave up.
He groaned, going to the sink and rinsing the taste out of his mouth with a lot of minty toothpaste and mouthwash.

"What's wrong with me..?" Kururu winced when he caught a glimpse of his reflection. He looked like hell.

Paranoia got the best of him, after a warm shower he went to his lab to run some tests on himself. He drew his blood and put it under analysis; he waited anxiously near his computer for the results.
The upload was nearly complete when the door to his lab opened and a cheery voice echoed off the walls.

"Kururu! I brought you something!" Keroro walked in, carrying a package of saltine crackers and a bottle of ginger ale.

Kururu looked offended as Keroro held out his offerings to him; he hesitated as he took them from his platoon leader.

"You seem so worried about me, Sergeant… don't tell me you've fallen in love, kukuku.." Kururu grinned deviously at the reaction he provoked. Keroro jumped, Kururu could see the visible shiver that ran through the Sergeant's body.

"I AM JUST DOING THE RIGHT THING! I would do the same for anyone else in my platoon if they were sick!" Keroro stamped his foot, blushing furiously as he turned his back to the yellow Keronian.

Kururu ku'ed softly; he found Keroro to be very amusing, and at times even cute.
Hearing a chime from his computer meant the data he had been waiting for had finally finished downloading. Kururu turned to his screen and looked over the results. His smile faded and one of his glasses lenses cracked.

Keroro blinked and turned around, to see Kururu staring at his screen in horror.

"Kururu, you ok?" He asked, walking over to him but stopped when he heard Kururu's voice.

"Get out." He growled.

Keroro took a step back. His voice was so dark, intense and unnatural.


"Get out. Now." Kururu growled, turning to him looking like he was gonna break down any second.

That was all Keroro needed to hear before darting out of the room, running as fast as his little legs could carry him.

Kururu turned back to the screen and stared at the words.

Analysis: Pregnant.

Kururu's mouth went dry as a sick, cold feeling emerged in his stomach. Speaking of his stomach, he placed a hand on it and shivered. He blinked as he felt tears welling up in his eyes but he quickly wiped them away. He wanted to throw up again, he wanted to cry and break down. He then looked down at his stomach again. Something was growing in there...a child, and it was Keroro's of all things. Kururu gulped as he turned to where Keroro left. Then anger filled his entire being as he wanted to pound the living shit out of him, but deep down he knew he couldn't do that. But damn it would have felt so good, however they both were drunk and stupid so...wait a second...how could they conceived a child if the swtich wasn't turned on? Then Kururu realized...

"Oh Shit." Kururu groaned and slammed a hand over his face, it probably was switched on accidentally somehow and maybe that's how he's pregnant. He sighed again, what is he going to do? What are he and Keroro going to do? It was his child too after all. He began to think up of ideas as to how to tell him.

Kururu grinned, he had the perfect idea.

Keroro gulped as he went back into his room, he avoided Kururu for most of the day considering how hostile he acted towards him.

As Keroro shut the door and turned to find Kururu...in a apron, making his bed.

"K-Kururu?" Keroro asked.

Kururu looked up and grinned. That sent shivers down Keroro's spine.

"Hi honey, Ku Ku, welcome home!" He said, walking up to him.

"K-Kururu, why are you-"

Kururu wrapped his arms around Keroro's hips and snuggled into his chest.

"I missed you today, it was kinda lonely without you here." Kururu cooed.

Keroro began to blush as he tried to get Kururu off of him, which made Kururu cling to him more. Kururu looked up to him, smiling.

"Oh Hon, and you wouldn't believe what junior did today," Kururu said softly.


Keroro looked around. Where was the cameras? Where was the typical Kururu prankster props? Why was Kururu acting like a typical housewife and talking about their imaginary son?

"He said his first word, Ku Ku, and you wanna know what it was?" Kururu said, his voice filled with a fake sweetness.

Keroro gulped.

"Wh-what?" He asked.

Kururu's sweet smile turned into a evil grin.

"He said, ' congratulations Keroro, you knocked Kururu up and you're gonna be a daddy.' " Kururu sneered, his eyes set on Keroro's face.

Keroro's face was blank for a bit before he began to sob from confusion. Kururu blinked, was that the reaction he thought he would see?

"Kururu, what's going ooooon?!" He choked out. He grabbed onto Kururu and sobbed onto his shoulder.

"Ugh." Kururu grumbled, man he was a idiot.

"Jeez Keroro, how dense are you?! Freaking Tamama could figure this out faster then you!" Kururu thought as Keroro kept sobbing.

"Keroro, stop crying. You're drenching my shoulder." Kururu grumbled.

Keroro hiccuped and wiped his eyes. He sniffled as he let go of Kururu.

"I'm sorry, I just have no idea what's going on." Keroro said, feeling embarrassed that he cried on Kururu like he did.

Kururu glared at him, making the leader jump back a bit.

"You don't get it do you? I even said it right in front of you, Ku Ku Ku man Captain you're even dumber than I thought." Kururu scoffed, shaking his head.

"What? What did you say?" Keroro asked.

Kururu glared at him even more. Then he sighed, rubbing his temples.

"Ok Keroro, I'm gonna say it to you flat out. You knocked me up. I'm pregnant." Kururu stated.

Keroro's eyes widened. Then during the moment of silence he screamed out, "WHAT HAVE I DONE?!"

Yes Keroro, what have you done?

Anywho I hope you actually like this fic

and I'm sorry if the characters are all OOC and shit but I haven't done this in a while.