A.N./ So as much as I wish I did, I sadly don't own anything to do with Harry Potter. L

A.N/ So this was supposed to be a Valentine's Day oneshot and I wrote it all yesterday but I didn't get a chance to post it until just now.

Draco did not love Luna. No, he could never love someone like her; someone so oddly looked upon, queer, and who was able to remain completely honest and open yet still be of the highest complexity.

Draco did not like Luna. No, he would never be able to like her. She infuriated him with her insistent imagination and her ever present optimism; both were things that Draco had been brought up learning how to hate.

Draco did not tolerate Luna. No, he could never bring himself to tolerate her consistent whispers and comments. Her airy voice always seemed to seek out Draco's ears and swim, curling through the air until her susurration was unveiled to him.

No, Draco Malfoy did not love, like, or even tolerate Luna Lovegood; that much was clear to everyone.

What was not so lucid was the fact that Draco needed Luna.

Draco needed someone to be themselves and not seek approval. He needed to recognize someone transparent with no secrets and who put everything out on the line. Draco needed to be in the audience when someone wafted off onto the middle of a tightrope with no net beneath, because she knew that if she happened to fall, her thought bubbles would float her back up to the top again.

Draco needed someone like Luna Lovegood, but the thing about people like Luna is that the world can only ever handle one of them at a time. The thing about people like Luna is that only one of them exists.

Draco did not just need Luna, he was addicted to her, he was dependent on her to even live his life day by day. He antagonized over whether or not she would cease to appear in the room of requirement ever night at 9:30.

He obsessed over and anticipated what bond would be fashioned between them.

He craved her soft lips, finally silent and done verbalizing her opinion, for once free of facts, speculations, and gossip on creatures only she believed was true. He craved them finally, mercifully silent and placed where they belonged, upon his own.

He craved the way that she always tasted like the muggle candy floss lip gloss she always used and had charmed to taste like the delicacy and not just share a scent. He loved the way that her lips were always baby smooth, never dry and cracked, even in the dead of winter.

He needed her lips, warm and soft, to slowly lower themselves on his neck and sweetly and gently and delicately capture the cool pale skin in a caress, expressing words neither of them would say.

Draco needed to return the favour by taking his own regal, swift, strong hands and slowly brushing her pale, even paler than his own, blond hair from around the curve of her neck and move it over to her other shoulder. He yearned to then slowly lower his head and brush the nape of her neck with his nose before gently peppering soft kisses up and down her neck.

Draco wanted to see her wide innocent, pale blue eyes flutter close to shutting but not yet there. He needed to become entranced by the way her soft eye lashes, of immense length fluttered such as the wings of butterfly, preparing to take off, preparing to its leave, leaving the viewer left standing, watching, tantalized by their beauty; much like Draco was by Luna.

He often saw the comparison between the daydreamer and the curious creature. Each was peaceful and sound and only appeared to be of the purest and most innocent intentions. Each was and delicate, they left you wondering where they wandered off to and why they deserted. Each was beautiful, each was curious by nature and by intent, and each exposed it's adamant admiration towards puzzles and complexity in characters.

And Draco wanted neither.

Draco had no time to go gallivanting off chasing creatures always out of his reach; but he did so anyway.

He did not want to do so but felt compelled to and it happened to be the only aspect of his life where he listened to his heart. He wanted to believe that he held proudly, a head that was screwd on tightly. However, whenever he saw such an exquisite creature his prejudiced mind seemed to float up, high above the clouds as if following the creatures assent, leaving him stranded with only a heart to lead the way.

His family and his duties and his expectations and his reputations formed a steel mold that in captured him. In captured him in the role of the perfect son, in the role of the perfect slytherin, in the role of the perfect pureblood, in the role of the perfect him. And every night he got the chance to be free.

Fate worked in tricky ways and had allocated Luna keeper of his key. She kept it hidden underneath her scintillate charisma. She kept it on a chain, lying next to her heart. Every night when he encountered and invaded her mind she would relent and set him free. For the allotted amount of time, his chains would disperse, allowing him to float and fly and soar on the high hidden sensation of ecstasy.

He did not want her to set him free, he needed her to. He needed her to remind him that it was possible to be someone other than who they want and tell you to be.

He needed her to tell him that they could top being Draco Malfoy and Luna Lovegood and just be Draco and Luna.

No Draco did not love Luna, like Luna, or could even bring himself to tolerate Luna. And Draco most certainly did not want Luna. But there is a big difference between want and need. Or that's what he told himself because Draco Malfoy needed Luna Lovegood.

Please review, I don't care if you decide not the favourite but I really need feedback!