Wahhh...it's been a while since I posted a new story xD

It was a perfect day, everythin was perfectly fine until that moment.

I was getting ready for our one year anniversary, I was making a special dinner and I even bought a beautiful dress. Everything was perfect...until that moment.

I was walking to Sasuke's house, I was very excited about our anniversary but Sasuke wouldn't open the door so I lost my patience. I punched the door and while it flew open I saw something I didn't want to see.

There were a bunch of naked girls surrounding Sasuke while he was pounding his dick into some random whore. The minute Sasuke saw me he looked like he didn't really care. He just said something to me that I wish I didn't hear.

"Who are you?"

I stormed out of the house with my beautiful dress and my tears but I accidently bumped into someone.

"Ah...watch it dumba-"

Standing right infront of Sakura was a very handsome looking man. He has blonde hair and deep blue eyes.

Sakura's thoughts~

I'm in love...

"Gomenasai, I didn't mean to run into you."

"It's okay...Wait...are you crying? I didn't mean to hurt you."

"No..I'm not crying because I bumped into you...it's just that...my boyfriend's been cheating on me..."

"Why on earth would he cheat on you? You're so beautiful, it makes me want to kick his ass now."

"That's the first time I've ever heard someone say that..."

"Really? Then I guess you're going to hear it a lot now because you're my girl now, dattebayo!"

The fact that he suddenly just called me his girlfriend pisses me off.


He got a punch right in the face.

"Ah..gomene..I forgot to ask what your name was."

This little bastard...who does he think he is?! Suddenly calling me beautiful and then calling me his girlfriend. Is he a child?!

"Ah~ My name's Haruno Sakura."

"Sakura-chan..that's a beautiful name. My name's Uzumaki Naruto."

"Heh..It's nice to meet you, Naruto."

Naruto grabbed Sakura's hand and dragged her to his place where they learned about each others taste and differences.

Heh..Who knew that I would be this happy when I just got dumped by my boyfriend. I guess this means that I'm leaving my wounded heart for you to fix...Naruto.

Wahhh D: it's bad isn't it...it is...