A/N: A new story. Hope you enjoy. Thank you for all who reviewed and read my previous story.

Disclaimer: I do not own splatalot or the defenders


Gildar was enjoying his sleep, when he felt someone shaking him quite viciously.

"Gildar, it's my birthday, wake up." Kook shouted.

"Whhaats happening?" Gildar asked.

"It's my birthday!" Kook shouted again.

"That's nice now let's go back to sleep." Gildar said lying back down.

"No, we have to get up. Come on." Kook said trying to drag the Viking out of bed.

After being dragged out of his bed and falling on the fall, Gildar decided to get up and followed a very excited Kookaburra down stairs into the living room. There lying on the floor were 15 presents.

"Are they all for me?" Kook asked.

"I guess." The tired Viking replied.

Kook kneeled down next to the presents and started reading the labels.

"Mum, Dad, Granny, Thorne, Knightriss, you." He said, "What do you think is in this present."

Kook through a present over to Gildar and the Viking shook it.

"I have no idea, just be careful with it." He said.

"I'm hungry. Can you make me a birthday breakfast?" He asked innocently.

"Fine, just don't except anything to exotic." He replied.

Kook and Gildar walked into the kitchen and saw Shaiden munching through a piece of toast.

"Happy Birthday Kook." She said smiling at him.

"Thank you, Gildar's making me breakfast." He said.

"Really, are you sure it's not for himself?" Shaiden asked.

"No, I am not eating pancakes and bird seed." Gildar replied.

"Happy birthday Kook." Ballista said walking in.

"Thanks, Gildar's making me breakfast." He told her.

"Really, are you sure it's not for himself." She asked.

"Seriously, why does everything think that?" Gildar asked.

"Happy birthday, Kook my dear." Knightriss said walking in.

"Thanks Knightriss, Gildar's making me breakfast." He said.

"Do you want to broadcast that, and before you ask no it's not for me." He said.

"Hey." Thorne said.

The defenders looked at him waiting for him to say happy birthday.

"I am not saying happy birthday, there's nothing happy about it. Each year you get closer to dying." Thorne said.

"Thanks for that." Kook said.

8:30 am.

Kook had finished his unlimited supply of pancakes and everyone was up wishing him a happy birthday. When everyone had finished their breakfast and gotten dressed, Kook decided to open his presents.

"Right, first I'll open Mum and Dad's present." He said.

Kook ripped off the wrapping paper, chucking it everywhere, when he got through the masses amount of wrapping paper, in his hands was a micro phone.

"Great, no I can sing without having to shout." He said.

All of the defenders gave each other worrying looks. Kook began opening his next present from his granny.

"It's a jumper." He said.

Ballista's eyes nearly popped out when she saw the jumper and swallowed hard.

"Kook, never wear that out." She commanded.

Kook opened various other family members' presents and the defenders presents. Gildar got Kook a hoodie which said best bird on it, Knightriss got him a new sling-shot, and Tinkor made him a new weapon, which sprayed laughing gas out. Knightriss threatened him if he ever used that in the castle he would be put in the dungeon. The other defenders just got him bits and bobs. Kook got a day off defending the castle. He was going through his presents seeing closely what each thing does as he really didn't have a chance earlier as he was too excited and wanted to open each present to see what it was.

Gildar, Skabb and Shaiden were on the moat while Crocness, Thorne and Knightriss were on ditch the dungeon. Kook went to see Tinkor who was inventing something. Kook put on his new green hoodie; he went and spoke to Ballista who was making lunch.

"Hey Ballista." He said.

"He Kook, how's your birthday so far?" She asked.

"It's okay, Gildar's defending the moat so I don't have anyone to talk to properly." He explained.

"What about us?" She asked.

"It's not the same; Gildar gets my pranks except when I do it to him." Kook explained.

Kook turned around and noticed the Saxon slave and his acquaintance cleaning the table.

"Are you alright?" Kook asked.

"Yeah, we are fine, just cleaning." The Saxon replied.

"It can be hard." The acquaintance said.

"Sorry, I don't think I caught your names." Kook said.

"I'm Alwin and this is Banan." The slave said.

"Ok, nice meeting you." Kook said leaving.

The two Saxons noticed what a mess Kook had made. They sighed as they had to clear up after the birthday boy. Suddenly their cleaning was interrupted by shouting form the defenders.

"We could have stopped her, if you were concentrating on defending the castle." Thorne shouted.

"I was concentrating." Gildar shouted back.

"Well clearly not hard enough." Skabb shouted.

"Guys please; it wasn't Gildar's fault if he finds looking in his mirror more important than defending the castle." Shaiden said.

"Why do you think the worst of me?" Gildar asked stomping up the castle's stairs.

Kook and Ballista heard the entire shouting match and were very angry with the 5 defenders.

"Why did you have to wreck my birthday?" Kook said running up the stairs.

"Gildar isn't that vain." Ballista said following Kook.

Ballista caught up with Kook and stood outside Gildar's bedroom while Kook knocked.

"Gildar buddy are you alright?" He asked.

There was no reply.

"Gildar come on, don't wreck Kooks birthday even more." Ballista pleaded.

Gildar sighed and opened his door then lied on his bed, looking up at his mirror. He heard Kook and Ballista walk in and stand by his bed. Gildar through his mirror across the room, Ballista sat on the side of his bed while Kook picked up his mirror. The trio sat in silence for a while.

"So what are we doing?" Gildar asked.

"How about we have lunch." Ballista suggested.

Gildar looked a bit unsure of this suggestion but agreed because it was Kook's birthday.

"So Kook, what are we eating?" He asked.

"Ummm I'm not sure." Kook replied.

The three defenders came down stairs and headed straight for the Kitchen, Kook saw Banan clearing up the kitchen.

"You can go and have a rest, we will make lunch." Kook told Banan.

"Thank you." Banan replied.

The three defenders started making lunch. They made a variety of sandwiches, a bowl of crisps and birthday cake for afters. The defenders were looking very pleased with themselves. Ballista shouted that lunch was ready; everyone came in all at once. No body spoke to each other. The 5 defenders were still angry with Gildar for getting distracted. It wasn't his fault. The attacker shouted that he had something in his hair so he checked, the next thing he know the attacker was climbing up the wall.

The afternoon whizzed by. Gildar and Kook were discussing who Kook should play a prank on. Shaiden was nowhere, Ballista was doing her nails, Thorne was making slime, Crocness was reading, Knightriss was watching TV, Skabb was training and Tinkor was inventing. Soon night came; one by one the defenders went to bed. Gildar went to bed earlier than normal.

Kook looked at his clock 3 am, he got out of bed and saw a light was on downstairs. It was too early for any defender to be up so Kook went to investigate. Downstairs in the kitchen, Gildar had his face on the table.

"Gildar, are you alright?" Kook asked.

"Yep fine." He replied.

"If you're not you can tell me." Kook said.

"I'm fine; I am just going for a walk." He said.

"At this time?" Kook said quite shocked.

"I need to clear my head." Gildar told him then left.

Kook decided to go back to bed. He woke up around 8. He found Thorne, Shaiden, Knightriss, Crocness and Ballista already up, having Breakfast. Kook decided to get himself a bowl full of bird seed and started eating. All the defenders went to do their own thing except Ballista.

"Kook, where's Gildar?" She asked.

"Sleeping." He replied.

"Right." She said unconvinced.

"I'm sure he's fine." Kook reassured her.


Kook was getting worried and so was Ballista, the two had gone upstairs and had found that Gildar wasn't in his room or the training room. Kook remembered that Gildar went for a walk in the middle of the night.

"You just let him go?" She asked him.

"Well, he seemed okay." He replied.

"Right, we are gathering the defenders. We are going to find Gildar now." She told him.

None of the defenders were pleased that they had to stop what they were doing and had to find Gildar. Thorne complained as soon as he hot outside. They decided to check the forest first. The defender decided to split into twos. Kook and Ballista searched in the middle of the forest. So far they had seen nothing.

"Kook, he must of said where he was going." Ballista said.

"I don't know all I can remember id that he went for a walk." Kook said pressured.

They kept moving forwards when they heard Tinkor whistle. The duo ran as fast as they could towards the whistle, they stopped when they saw Tinkor and Shaiden and an unconscious and badly injured Gildar lying on the floor.