A/N: Hey, I'm back from my hiatus and think I wrote something worth sharing. Yay.

Ok, I'm not gonna lie, I never finished tomb raider (anniversary) so if this prologue is wrong...sorry, but most of this is during and pist underworld. Anyway, on with the prologue of lengthyness :3

A doppelgänger is, in folklore, a paranormal double of a living person, usually a sinister version, and harbingers of bad luck as well as omens of death.

A lesser known variant of the doppelgänger is the atlantian double. Created by atlantian gods, their purpose was to guard Atlantis, and later, the remnants. One was once created in the Great Pyramid, to pursue the great archaeologist, Lara Croft, and stop her from reaching Atlantis. However, the doppelgänger was heavily flawed, having no free will of body or mind.

This meant that once Lara Croft encountered it, it had no choice but to mirror her movements. If Lara moved to her left, the doppelgänger moved to its right. If Lara jumped, so did it. Even Lara shooting it was mirrored because despite having no physical weapons, it still used fire balls to hurt her.

Lara used this to her advantage, climbing up onto a stone pillar and jumping to the next, noticing that across the room, the second pillar was a vat of molten rock and that was what awaited the doppelgänger which was crude in appearance due to having no clothes nor skin for that matter. When it jumped, it would land straight in the lava and burn a fiery, painful death.

Lara then continued her path to Atlantis and soon confronted Jacqueline Natla, the atlantian goddess who created the doppelgänger. After a combination of dodges and attacks (more of the former on Lara's part) Lara believed Natla fell into the lake of magma at the bottom of the chamber they were in and had died but Natla, having large, black, bat-like wings flew to safety.

Around 10 years after this event, Natla teamed up with Amanda Evert, Lara's best friend turned enemy after Amanda believed Lara and their other friends gave up too easily on her when she became trapped in a flooding tomb in Paraiso, Peru. Amanda despised Lara most, thinking she left her to die owing her survival to the shadow demon, of whom she harnessed the power of.

A further 2 years after this, Natla created another doppelgänger, but this one was far superior to the last.

To be continued...

Reviews are appreciated :)